Dancer response to my question about champagne court

Darkblue999Somewhere in the club
She is 9.5
I had 3 couch room lap dances after having 15 minutes of conversation
She allowed slight touching of her upper body
Then I took a break.After 30 mins or also I was standing at the bar she came to me and started conversation. She asked if we can go to 30 min Champagne room. I asked her what can I get there.Reply was it depends how long we will be in Champagne room.Then I told her if you give better dances than before i will take dances.I took her to regular couch room for 3 lap dances.She allowed more touching upper body.
I can't figure out what she will do in Champagne room.
last commentWhat do you want to have happen with her?
She gave you a vague reply. That usually means don't expect much.
Don't ask her what she does or doesn't do, tell her what you want and let her say yes or no
I think you need some black and white answers here. If a girl won't tell you exactly what she plans to do I don't accept her invitation. I just tell her: tell me what I get or I move on.
Engage the girl in a makeout session, front room. Then when a back room is needed, you invite her.
Papi is right, most of the time I can be straight forward and ask specific questions, on the rare occasion I am so infatuated with the dancer I cannot bring myself to be a complete PL and say something along the lines of "will you give me a BJ?"
First off do you know what other dancers will do at that club? Take what most the average dancers do, then step it down a notch since this one is a 9.5, she probably doesn't have to be as dirty as the 6s and 7s in the club. For your sake hopefully she is though.
I laugh cause Scarlett form PP was telling me how she tells girls "Hey, bitch you need to leave so I can make some money." LOL
If in doubt, ask. "Would you be willing to blow me?" Or "will I need a condom?" will clear the air quickly
I usually ask, "Do you spit or swallow?"
Are you and her still at the club? Seems like you posted this while there. Anyway, I concur with others on just ask. I was opposed to outright asking, but surprisingly now I've saved myself some money and regret. If she's willing to allow this or that she'll say so explicitly or answer your questions as so. As someone earlier mentioned, her being vague or not 100℅ clear typically means it may not be too much to expect.
Three dances allowing a slight touching of upper body should put her on your no dance list. We call that a no contact dance here.
It's a no extras club. Even touching the dancers is up to the dancer. Few dancers allow and few would not because bouncer always come into couch room and yells 'hands off' if somebody touching the dancer. Still many dancers allow it . It depends.
I have never asked a dancer what I want because I assumed they will reject it right away. I have never taken any extras other than tit sucking if one consider it as an extra.
Few fellow patrons mentioned they got extras in champagne room at this club.
Tonight I'm gonna try, "Would you like to negotiate your tip ahead of time?" as a not too perverted PL way of opening up the extras conversation when conversation turns to the VIP/Champagne. I think this will turn the tables a bit it so she is in the position to try and sell me rather than the other way around. We'll see how it works.
Unless I was buying extras, in which case I ask directly, I don't think I've ever asked a girl "what do I get in the VIP/champagne room". I take her for a test drive first.. if she was great on the test drive, there's no need to ask what I'll get. If she was strategically positioning herself with the goods out of reach, moving my hands away, etc., then what kind of retard would I be to even want to take her to the next-level room, much less ask her and give her a chance to lie to me and rip me off AGAIN??? The whole thing makes little sense to me.
Well, I guess the exception is when I know I want something specific -- a blowjob in an extras club, to play with her pussy in a non-extras club, maybe. Then I can see going the Papi route and asking for that specific thing. Otherwise, no reason to ask a girl who just blew you away in the VIP, what you'll get in the champagne room -- it will obviously be more awesome-er than the VIP. And never any reason to ask a girl who was StripperWeb-style in the VIP what she'll do in the champagne room -- first, the SW style girls feel it's actually a good deed to lie to the customer (it's something you high-five your stripper best-frenemies about later in the lockerroom), second, she HATES that question, third, if she gets annoyed she might break your nose, this is a common occurrence.
More seriously though, I don't buy into that whole pattern of interaction
Thanks all. I told her will take her to champagne room next time. Will give it a shot. It's just $160 for 30 minutes.I will see if she allows tit sucking and DFK.
^ Ask her b/f you take her; don't pay hoping to get-it - I doubt she'll DKF but titty-sucking maybe (being the type of club you described) - but even if she does not do this you may still enjoy the dances - $160 for 30-minutes is not bad if you enjoy her dances (assuming $160 is the total-cost)
Front room GFE!
Of playboy club in Tijuana, they are saying that pretty girls come up behind a seated guy and using both hands grab hold of his head and ram their tongue into his mouth, and holding it for about a full minute.
Russian Election Hacking?
I had a girl one time that danced under "Cricket" at Brads Brass in Indianapolis take me to the dance room.......she ripped the shirt right off my back.......started sucking my tits........then planted a DFK on me until I almost passed out.
More than 1 dance ? Certainly ! Go straight to VIP !!!