I love how sanjoselloyd and Alucard and maybe jestrite??? , like to pretend they are not paying for sex when in fact it is exactly what they do, even if they try to pretend it is something else.
i think i see the problem. here, i want you to write this down and try it on your next visit. pants come off in the front room, save the friendliness for to back room.
It is funny. Serious denial. I wonder if it's an ego thing with them. They think they are too good, so refuse to admit they are paying for it. Doctor Phil, care to analyze?
ime I don't pay them for sex, I pay them to leave. Lol
Juice you do what is convent to you because it's easy access.
You know I like to play poker just like you. There's a casino 4 hours from me that I have never lost at, EVER and I've been there several times. I've played in 6 tournaments there and have always placed winning money, 2 I actually won outright. There's a casino 45 minutes from me that I rarely win at, but I still go because I can go there on a whim. I've probably played in 30 tournaments over the past 3 years and have never placed better than 5th, but I still go, merely for the entertainment over winning money.
Just like going to a club for entertainment not expecting sex.
Juice, yes it does sound like that Follies is an awesome place.
The best I have been to has always been our underground Mexican Bar circuit.
That was where I learned. You give the girls money, but you are not trying to buy anything from them. Just enjoy. Of course it depends on the girl and the club, but front room GFE is often not impossible, and that is the best way to line the girl up for FS, where ever it can be.
One of these places it was in the front room, in another it was in a mini-van that the core group of girls brought. And then in most of these dives most of the girls are doing OTC regularly, and they are talking about it continually. They are committed to it.
The more you can get her into a civilianized front room GFE, the better.
Where you live there must be dives. Maybe where you are they are black dives?
Undoubtedly, but some of us have tried to find ways to get out of being a PL. As I stated on my profile when I first joined, my goal is to live like King Herod The Great. And for strip clubs, they are a power trip, See, Want, Get.
And usually that means going beyond the VIP Room, like taking the girl home with you or to a hotel.
And the best seems to be in TJ where you can select her and get into an immediate makeout out session and then walk her right out the door, just as you first found her dressed and painted up, and within easy stripper shoe distance take her to a nice Jacuzzi hotel room and spend the entire night pumping jizm into her 3 openings, only stopping for food and some naping.
So instead talking about lots of silly stuff, we should be figuring out how to get the same thing here!
Well John it's a combination of the long drive, me waiting 3 months and how fun it is with multiple girls.
The first time I visited follies I walked in with $250 and literally went broke in 15 minutes going VIP with dancer number one lol...it was then I realized I just drove four hours and 15 min later I know needed to drive back lol..from that moment forward I said I need to bring more Cash.
The second time I went to Follies it was two months later and I was itching to go plus I was telling myself at $10 a dance on the main floor should last forever with $300 if I just avoid the $200 VIP special. I really should have waited the extra month for more funds but I didn't. Know $300 in just dances lasted me a full shift and I had dances from everyone it felt like but I left the club needed a sweet release and was to broke to purchase one so I had to find a gas station near by to do the infamous PL Jerk of shame.
On trip 3 to follies I had enough money to buy dances all day from everyone $300 plus the VIP special $200 so $500 in full. I had an awesome time...so much fun I had 3 offers for OTC that night if I had a hotel and extra funds. I really wanted extra play time with more privacy and room with one of the girls but did not of the funds ...fuck !
Follies is so fun that between the thoughts of multiple VIP trips or further OTC visits will cost me more cash and it's totally worth it.
Now I plan to hit follies with a nice Roll and to make follies a full 24 hour visit. Drive in early that morning get a room, enjoy the local food..hit a marathon session at follies...OTC at the hotel...sleep it off then a relaxing trip early the next morning back home.
This is why my Follies trip is so expensive and my personal logic behind this.
Now since I wait a full 3-4 months to party down...I'm basically using a once a month cheap visit of $100-$200 at local clubs to fight off the itch and to attempt to satisfy myself OTC but if nothing happens locally then once the funds are their I take a follies run
Now recently I have questioned if my money is large enough to start taking trips to Detroit ? But I assume if Detroit has several clubs and is twice as long to get their..but I really desire to start visiting....so I'm currently trying to figure out a savings plan that would allow me a once or twice a year trip to Detroit to enjoy the clubs for a half a week or a full week stay.
plus Detroit has casinos with poker rooms so I would need enough to roll me in my cash games and tournament 's while I was their
This is similar to my recent research I did for Miami..lots of good clubs with casinos with poker rooms with the exception of not knowing or believing if their is sweet release in Miami as strip clubs is considered..if not it would take less cash for the clubs but would want enough for possible OTC or the massage parlors down their.
It's actually possible I may focus on once a year to Detroit then once a year to Miami with my 4-6 Atlanta trips scattered throughout the year.
Plus it makes since due to most tuscl meetings usually attempt around these locations or at least I might have shots on my own to meet different members on my own when possible.
I've been working hard on my budget to make a lot of this possible.
The largest reason I keep failing at meetings is budget issues and trying to do everything responsible without ever going broke.
It's been a tough challenge but I'm closer than ever on bringing it all together.
The biggest thing slowing me down is my poker hobby and saving up and spending time building a roll for higher stakes.
Long term though my cash games in poker once I'm in $5-$10 fully rolled will more than pay for my strip club Hobby and all these trips...hell might even allow me to make these trips more often but that is speculation and will have to see in my near future.
Until then lots of Overtime at the factory and saving for these trips.
Lots of once a month trips to my local clubs on the cheap
I suppose I could drop the local clubs but the itch, the challenge and the relationship s I've built over the years are just to strong and I'm to week of a PL to give up lol
Hell my ATF game from a local club now shut down that took forever to meet outside but once I achieved it it was some of the best sex, value and time we'll spent I have ever had in the hobby with a provider
That past success unfortunately fuels my future fantasy of repeating it again with a new local Girl
Well, you can find women to pursue, most anywhere.
But in strip clubs you have something unique, hotties dressed and painted up to please, almost impossible not to like some of them, and then you will feel desire, then to a greater or lesser degree, you can satisfy that desire with them, you get them.
So I call it See, Want, Get.
I don't want to be a PL, I want to be King Herod The Great, and that is how it works for him, he sees, he wants, he gets.
So the seeing is the dolled up hotties, often showing their everything. The want is what you feel in your gut. And the get, well in some places it is FS-ITC. In other places it does not go that far, it might be OTC, it might onsite be just talk.
But the ideal is full See Want Get. So as I am reading about in TJ, they have dolled up hotties. You see, you want. Often the girl will just sit on your lap, and with some of them and in some places, she immediately starts ramming her tongue into your mouth. In many of the places this is standard. In others it might take a bit of charm to soften her up, but soon DFKing will usually ensue. And in some places the girls are even more aggressive than that.
Then without her having to change her clothes or take off her stripper shoes, and without the complexity of using a motor vehicle, you just walk her to a hotel room. Not a dance booth, usually not a session room, but a hotel room. They have robes for $1 if this requires walking outside.
And then you can proceed to bury your cock in her, taking breaks for talking, eating, Jacuzzi, and some napping. Toda La Noche is usually available and the cost is reasonable. If you want it, it is available and in some places standard.
See the dolled up hotties in the highest of heels, Want them, Get them.
I don't know of anyplace other than TJ where they have perfected it to this degree.
What greater power trip could there ever be? And far better than calling an escort service.
Now true, you would usually just get it like this with a girl the first time, afterwards seeing her by appointment.
Juice, if you don't live near Follies, sorry. But that should not mean that you need to be a chump and let girls sell you dances.
Front room friendliness, at the raunchiest club near you, and then OTC, and then follow up regular contacts. The girls you meet in these places, OTC, they should be able to do and be everything these follies girls are.
This is an imperfect world we live in, but just to mention that in the organization I am building all these limitations will be transcended. Stripper grade hoties, See, Want, Get, draining you dry 365 days per year and often bedding down with you incase you want more in the middle of the night. :)
Juice, Yes I have been to Follies a couple of times and it is lots of fun. However there is so much more fun available in the dive bars and clubs out away from the strict rules of your area. I am fortunate to live in Ohio where in the small towns many of the clubs and dive bars ignore the strict no touch laws. LE doesn't enforce the laws in many of the small towns and let the strip clubs and dive bars operate freely as long as there are no 2 amers and everybody is safe. The Akron Ohio clubs are known for cheap full service and almost anything goes in a lot of the front room dance areas. They have little closets for FS but it's cheap. Maybe $40-$60-$70 bucks depending on how desperate she is for rent money gets you FS. In the Detroit Clubs I've been to its pretty much the same only a little more money. You don't need to spend a fortune on multiple dances though to have fun. I still go to clubs occasionally but you are better off and will find it more reasonable to set up a relationship with a GFE girl. This is what I do and can get a full day and night of fun for a $200-$300 contribution to their "cookie jar" for expenses. Clothes for the kids, groceries, rent money, a night on the town, are all things I pay for to help them out but I get unlimited "free sex" in the meantime. The girls love it because they look at you as an out of town boyfriend, long distance relationship and they don't feel like a whore turning tricks. Tomorrow I will spend all day fucking and sucking, going out to lunch, dinner and a movie just outside Detroit for only a $200 contribution to a 21 year old hot single mom who just loves sex and sucking cock. So look around this may be available at a club near you. You just have to ask around.
last commentJuice you do what is convent to you because it's easy access.
You know I like to play poker just like you. There's a casino 4 hours from me that I have never lost at, EVER and I've been there several times. I've played in 6 tournaments there and have always placed winning money, 2 I actually won outright. There's a casino 45 minutes from me that I rarely win at, but I still go because I can go there on a whim. I've probably played in 30 tournaments over the past 3 years and have never placed better than 5th, but I still go, merely for the entertainment over winning money.
Just like going to a club for entertainment not expecting sex.
Thats scripture from SJG so just got to keep at it Juice.
The best I have been to has always been our underground Mexican Bar circuit.
That was where I learned. You give the girls money, but you are not trying to buy anything from them. Just enjoy. Of course it depends on the girl and the club, but front room GFE is often not impossible, and that is the best way to line the girl up for FS, where ever it can be.
One of these places it was in the front room, in another it was in a mini-van that the core group of girls brought. And then in most of these dives most of the girls are doing OTC regularly, and they are talking about it continually. They are committed to it.
The more you can get her into a civilianized front room GFE, the better.
Where you live there must be dives. Maybe where you are they are black dives?
What shailynn said, convenience and the only game in town so a chump makes do
Where I live, I believe that many Mexican bars have such shows. And today I would look first to Salinas, Watsonville, and Salinas.
But most of these Mexican Bars will have at least one hooker. Usually they are nice looking.
And then some places have Asian hostess bars.
See what else is in the area Juice is in.
And usually that means going beyond the VIP Room, like taking the girl home with you or to a hotel.
And the best seems to be in TJ where you can select her and get into an immediate makeout out session and then walk her right out the door, just as you first found her dressed and painted up, and within easy stripper shoe distance take her to a nice Jacuzzi hotel room and spend the entire night pumping jizm into her 3 openings, only stopping for food and some naping.
So instead talking about lots of silly stuff, we should be figuring out how to get the same thing here!
You obviously claim to have gone to strip clubs for reasons other than mine.
The first time I visited follies I walked in with $250 and literally went broke in 15 minutes going VIP with dancer number one lol...it was then I realized I just drove four hours and 15 min later I know needed to drive back lol..from that moment forward I said I need to bring more Cash.
The second time I went to Follies it was two months later and I was itching to go plus I was telling myself at $10 a dance on the main floor should last forever with $300 if I just avoid the $200 VIP special. I really should have waited the extra month for more funds but I didn't. Know $300 in just dances lasted me a full shift and I had dances from everyone it felt like but I left the club needed a sweet release and was to broke to purchase one so I had to find a gas station near by to do the infamous PL Jerk of shame.
On trip 3 to follies I had enough money to buy dances all day from everyone $300 plus the VIP special $200 so $500 in full. I had an awesome time...so much fun I had 3 offers for OTC that night if I had a hotel and extra funds. I really wanted extra play time with more privacy and room with one of the girls but did not of the funds ...fuck !
Follies is so fun that between the thoughts of multiple VIP trips or further OTC visits will cost me more cash and it's totally worth it.
Now I plan to hit follies with a nice Roll and to make follies a full 24 hour visit. Drive in early that morning get a room, enjoy the local food..hit a marathon session at follies...OTC at the hotel...sleep it off then a relaxing trip early the next morning back home.
This is why my Follies trip is so expensive and my personal logic behind this.
Now since I wait a full 3-4 months to party down...I'm basically using a once a month cheap visit of $100-$200 at local clubs to fight off the itch and to attempt to satisfy myself OTC but if nothing happens locally then once the funds are their I take a follies run
Now recently I have questioned if my money is large enough to start taking trips to Detroit ? But I assume if Detroit has several clubs and is twice as long to get their..but I really desire to start visiting....so I'm currently trying to figure out a savings plan that would allow me a once or twice a year trip to Detroit to enjoy the clubs for a half a week or a full week stay.
This is similar to my recent research I did for Miami..lots of good clubs with casinos with poker rooms with the exception of not knowing or believing if their is sweet release in Miami as strip clubs is considered..if not it would take less cash for the clubs but would want enough for possible OTC or the massage parlors down their.
It's actually possible I may focus on once a year to Detroit then once a year to Miami with my 4-6 Atlanta trips scattered throughout the year.
Plus it makes since due to most tuscl meetings usually attempt around these locations or at least I might have shots on my own to meet different members on my own when possible.
I've been working hard on my budget to make a lot of this possible.
The largest reason I keep failing at meetings is budget issues and trying to do everything responsible without ever going broke.
It's been a tough challenge but I'm closer than ever on bringing it all together.
The biggest thing slowing me down is my poker hobby and saving up and spending time building a roll for higher stakes.
Long term though my cash games in poker once I'm in $5-$10 fully rolled will more than pay for my strip club Hobby and all these trips...hell might even allow me to make these trips more often but that is speculation and will have to see in my near future.
Until then lots of Overtime at the factory and saving for these trips.
Lots of once a month trips to my local clubs on the cheap
Hell my ATF game from a local club now shut down that took forever to meet outside but once I achieved it it was some of the best sex, value and time we'll spent I have ever had in the hobby with a provider
That past success unfortunately fuels my future fantasy of repeating it again with a new local Girl
I'm such a PL yes I fully understand this
Well, you can find women to pursue, most anywhere.
But in strip clubs you have something unique, hotties dressed and painted up to please, almost impossible not to like some of them, and then you will feel desire, then to a greater or lesser degree, you can satisfy that desire with them, you get them.
So I call it See, Want, Get.
I don't want to be a PL, I want to be King Herod The Great, and that is how it works for him, he sees, he wants, he gets.
So the seeing is the dolled up hotties, often showing their everything. The want is what you feel in your gut. And the get, well in some places it is FS-ITC. In other places it does not go that far, it might be OTC, it might onsite be just talk.
But the ideal is full See Want Get. So as I am reading about in TJ, they have dolled up hotties. You see, you want. Often the girl will just sit on your lap, and with some of them and in some places, she immediately starts ramming her tongue into your mouth. In many of the places this is standard. In others it might take a bit of charm to soften her up, but soon DFKing will usually ensue. And in some places the girls are even more aggressive than that.
Then without her having to change her clothes or take off her stripper shoes, and without the complexity of using a motor vehicle, you just walk her to a hotel room. Not a dance booth, usually not a session room, but a hotel room. They have robes for $1 if this requires walking outside.
And then you can proceed to bury your cock in her, taking breaks for talking, eating, Jacuzzi, and some napping. Toda La Noche is usually available and the cost is reasonable. If you want it, it is available and in some places standard.
See the dolled up hotties in the highest of heels, Want them, Get them.
I don't know of anyplace other than TJ where they have perfected it to this degree.
What greater power trip could there ever be? And far better than calling an escort service.
Now true, you would usually just get it like this with a girl the first time, afterwards seeing her by appointment.
Juice, if you don't live near Follies, sorry. But that should not mean that you need to be a chump and let girls sell you dances.
Front room friendliness, at the raunchiest club near you, and then OTC, and then follow up regular contacts. The girls you meet in these places, OTC, they should be able to do and be everything these follies girls are.
This is an imperfect world we live in, but just to mention that in the organization I am building all these limitations will be transcended. Stripper grade hoties, See, Want, Get, draining you dry 365 days per year and often bedding down with you incase you want more in the middle of the night. :)
Yes I have been to Follies a couple of times and it is lots of fun. However there is so much more fun available in the dive bars and clubs out away from the strict rules of your area. I am fortunate to live in Ohio where in the small towns many of the clubs and dive bars ignore the strict no touch laws. LE doesn't enforce the laws in many of the small towns and let the strip clubs and dive bars operate freely as long as there are no 2 amers and everybody is safe. The Akron Ohio clubs are known for cheap full service and almost anything goes in a lot of the front room dance areas. They have little closets for FS but it's cheap. Maybe $40-$60-$70 bucks depending on how desperate she is for rent money gets you FS. In the Detroit Clubs I've been to its pretty much the same only a little more money. You don't need to spend a fortune on multiple dances though to have fun. I still go to clubs occasionally but you are better off and will find it more reasonable to set up a relationship with a GFE girl. This is what I do and can get a full day and night of fun for a $200-$300 contribution to their "cookie jar" for expenses. Clothes for the kids, groceries, rent money, a night on the town, are all things I pay for to help them out but I get unlimited "free sex" in the meantime. The girls love it because they look at you as an out of town boyfriend, long distance relationship and they don't feel like a whore turning tricks. Tomorrow I will spend all day fucking and sucking, going out to lunch, dinner and a movie just outside Detroit for only a $200 contribution to a 21 year old hot single mom who just loves sex and sucking cock. So look around this may be available at a club near you. You just have to ask around.
I think I'm about to have a break through