Yeah, you seem to post whenever you generally need to know about any good clubs in a certain area. They post a QUALITY review of a club you've been to, or pony up the like $6 or so for membership. Then you can get all that info you're resorting to the forum for.
I think its actually a SJG alias. He just stole the paperboys money from his delivery bike (capitalist pig) and now has the means to go to a strip club for some DFK.
last commentEmail - he loves to have women touch his ding dong. If you’re extra nice he’ll bring you some chicken too.
Look at the reviews. Your question is the basis of this site's existence
Two ideas - get a VIP membership to this site. Founder enjoys it when folks join.
Or - you can message SJG directly. He’s somewhere out there (way out there) - and he knows a lot about DeJaVu and other area clubs.
Yeah, you seem to post whenever you generally need to know about any good clubs in a certain area. They post a QUALITY review of a club you've been to, or pony up the like $6 or so for membership. Then you can get all that info you're resorting to the forum for.
I think its actually a SJG alias. He just stole the paperboys money from his delivery bike (capitalist pig) and now has the means to go to a strip club for some DFK.
Thank you for asking.
SJG can answer all of your questions.