Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Comments by reverendhornibastard (page 16)
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
A wise move.
You wouldn’t buy a pair of shoes without trying them on first and seeing how good or bad they feel when you are am using them as intended.
You should be at least as picky when choosing a bed-mate.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I lived in Indonesia for many years.
I met Mrs. Hornibastard #3 when we were both living in Jakarta.
Getting to Madiun and Pupus isn’t that hard but it can be expensive depending on where you begin and end your journey.
We always fly to Solo (also called “Surakarta”) then drive to Pupus or Madiun.
Having a foreign boyfriend or husband is definitely a status symbol for Indonesian women. It’s not all about the money. Some of the Indonesian women I dated came from families that had more money than God and Davy Crockett combined.
Mrs. Hornibastard #3 did not come from a rich family. Although she never admitted it, I believe she did her share of bragging among her friends in the early days of our relationship.
I don’t think she bragged about the money. That he never been a big deal to her. But she showed an early exhibitionist and voyeuristic streak. She invited her girlfriends to skinny dip in our pool and often eager for me to join in.
Some of her friends became regulars in our pool parties or other sexual hijinks.
Read my prior post about spicing up my sex life using an egg timer.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Gawker,I’d love to return to those magical years!
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I’ve strayed from the straight and narrow more often than I can remember.
I might have strayed again in Yuni’s case but she was too close for comfort. She and my wife have been friends since childhood.
Yuni would have been a disastrous choice for a secret dalliance.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
You should have just let loose and given them a mighty Crappuccino all over their Starbuck’s floor.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I get mine at Custom Ink.
They’re not cheap but they are unique.
(You design them yourself on line.)
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
“Good thinking on your feet ... buy something to be able to use the restroom.”
It was either that or drop my load of feces all over the diner’s tacky linoleum floor.
All Beef Pattie would have been upset because she would have to mop it up but the flies would have loved it!
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5 years ago
from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
It’s been so long I almost forgot about this.
I had a date (non-paying OTC encounter) with a stripper a long time ago. At the end of our evening we enjoyed a wild fuck at my place.
About a month later she claims she is pregnant and insisted I was the father.
I had serious doubts about both elements of her story.
Despite my doubts, I paid for an abortion.
I don’t recall how much the abortion cost but I remember being surprised how affordable it was.
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5 years ago
I partially agree with Papi. It’s the vaginal contact that counts most.
But sustained eye contact during vaginal penetration is always a plus.
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5 years ago
I don’t have an ATF stripper. I never have and probably never will.
The whole point of mongering for me is VARIETY. I try to avoid repeated sessions with any stripper.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Better be careful.
If they get wet it voids the warranty.
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5 years ago
Despite the vapidity of many younger strippers, I subscribe to the Groucho Marx philosophy: “A man is only as old as the woman he feels.”
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I get down on my knees each and every night to thank god that I am such a perfect paragon of male virility that I can afford to turn my nose up at dim-witted, inarticulate women with big feet, thick ankles, tattoos and bad breath.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Some of the turn offs mentioned by others are not quite disqualifiers for me. I prefer women with some color but girls with glow in the dark white butts are not automatically disqualified. I am not fond of body piercings but I can look past them if they are not too numerous and are not on her face.
I failed to mention freckles.
I don’t do freckles.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
It occurred to me that I might seem unreasonably squeamish with my list of turn offs.
I am willing to occasionally compromise on some of my criteria when it comes to strippers precisely because I DON’T intend to have a lasting relationship with any of them.
While I’m at it, I will confess that I also occasionally relieve myself in public urinals.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
“You do know that there are ways to summarize your points, no?”
Thanks, Rick! Valid criticism!
I was in a hurry. If I’d had more time I would have composed a pithier post!
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5 years ago
>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Eloquent but a bit vague.
Keep taking your meds!
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5 years ago
Adventures of Assjobman
I whole-heartedly agree!
It’s great to have the discussion page all to ourselves ... just us perverts!
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5 years ago
Still learning to proofread
I’m up and down on this all the time (pun intended).
Sometimes I would go to the strip clubs 4 or 5 times a week. But eventually I would get burned out and/or tired of seeing the same girls all the time and my visits would trail off.
I’ve hardly been lately - because my kids are off from school.
My twins are still young (10 years old). They still think Daddy is a god and want to spend as much time with me as possible. I’m taking advantage of it because in a few short years they will realize that I am not god and probably come to believe that I am actually the ambassador from Planet Dork. After that, they will probably refuse to be been seen with me in public anymore until they are in their 20s.
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5 years ago
Cute, non-smoker, no tattoos, intelligent and fond of sodomy.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
As horrible as the sweatshops in third world countries are, they are a step up for most of the people who work in them.
This is astounding and wholly unexpected viewpoint not my opinion. I’ve never had to work in a “sweat shop.” This is the view expressed to me by people who have actually worked in sweatshops.
I would favor doing away with sweatshops if we could improve the lives of the people who work in them. But closing down the sweatshops will not improve their lives. Better social programs and less corruption in their home countries would improve their lives (eventually).
Before you try to lecture me about these issues, be forewarned that my role as a lawyer in third world countries gave me an excellent personal view of the horrors the people you pretend to understand and with whom you pretend to commiserate must really endure.
I am on a first name basis with plenty of them.
I done a lot more for poor people in some third world countries than strike a few sensitive poses and drop a few quotes from books I’ve read.
Until you’ve had your boots on the ground, rolled your sleeves up and got your hands dirty, just shut up rather than expose your ignorance.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
“Behind every great fortune is an equally great crime” ~ Balzac
How seriously can you take a guy named “Ball Sack?”
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Great response!
I’m jealous of your wit!
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Thanks. I realize that too.
When I didn’t have what I have now I was jealous too.
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5 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
No one I know personally has ever said, “You’ve got to try Hooters! Their food is fantastic!” Nor has anyone I know personally ever said anything comparable to me about Twin Peaks.
I’m a grown man. I’m not going to pick my restaurant based upon the quality of the cleavage on display.
If I’m looking for a meal, a haircut, a massage or even a colonoscopy with a happy ending, I know where to go.