
She Didn’t Exactly Say She Wanted to Fuck

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
We are visiting the village nestled among the picturesque terraced rice paddies of East Java where my wife grew up. The only thing that separates this sleepy little village from the middle of fucking nowhere is two miles of very bad road.

Almost no one in the village has indoor plumbing. If you take an early morning stroll along the river that passes through the village you will see most of the neighbors bathing in the river.

I discovered this early morning bathing ritual years ago and now avoid walking along the river early in the morning so the locals can have some privacy away from the prying eyes of this ugly American.

Yesterday as I took a LATE morning walk along the river I unexpectedly encountered a young woman who I will call “Yuni” (not her real name). Yuni, a close friend of my wife, was butt naked, bathing in the river.

So you can fully appreciate the scene I should add that Yuni is a true hottie (~880 mh) and that the “river” is really more like a creek. It is barely knee-deep.

I was stuck!

The only sensible path to my destination was along the river. I decided to just keep walking and to pretend I didn’t notice Yuni.

Yuni had her back to me and was initially unaware of my approach. When she eventually heard my footsteps she looked my way and greeted me by name.

We’d met many times before but never under such awkward circumstances.

Turning toward me and giving me a tantalizing full frontal view, she struck up what I thought was an epically weird conversation.

“Mau kemana?” (Where are you going?), Yuni asked me. Her tone was innocent enough even if her nudity seemed otherwise.

“Jalan-jalan saja.” (Just out for a walk) I replied as nonchalantly as I could considering I was having a conversation with a gorgeous young tropical Asian woman who was just a few feet from me, standing knee-deep in a creek wearing nothing but a few soap suds that she was busily rearranging on her sexy body.

“Nanti Mister mau naik gunung?” (Does Mister want to hike on the mountain later?)

For some reason, everyone in the village (other than my wife and kids) calls me “Mister.”

“Mungkin.” (Maybe) I replied.

Those soap suds were mesmerizing!

I was desperate to lick them off her.

“Kalau mau, aku bisa ikut! Boleh?” (If you want, I can accompany you! OK?”

That was the last straw! Why was this gorgeous woman standing naked in front of me, rearranging her soap suds and offering to hike the local mountain with me where I knew damn well we would be all alone?

I smiled and said “Boleh, kalau aku ngak terlalu capek. Masih jet lag.” (OK, if I’m not too tired. Still jet lagged.)

It seemed like a reasonably good excuse that might keep me out of serious trouble.

We exchanged our “sampai nanti”s (until later)s and I trundled onward to the home of my wife’s family, wondering whether I had just been invited to mountainside exchange of bodily fluids.

I wondered what, if anything, to say to my wife. At first, I thought it might be best to say nothing at all. But what if Yuni said something to my wife? My wife might find it suspicious that I’d had a conversation with Yuni (while she was naked, no less) but failed to mention it. She might think I had something to hide.

So I opted to go with full disclosure.

I waited for my wife to ask how my walk had been but she was too busy jabbering away with her friends and family. Eventually, when my wife was alone, I mentioned that I had seen her good pal, Yuni.

“Yeah? Where was she?”

“In the river.”

“Was she washing clothes?”

“No, she was taking a bath.”

My wife seemed unconcerned. The conversation might even already be finished!

I was surprised at my wife’s lack of concern and resolved to better understand her mysterious nonchalance.

“I was surprised that she struck up a conversation with me.”

“Why? You’ve met Yuni before. You know how chatty she can be. That girl just can’t keep her mouth shut! What did she have to say this time?”

“Just chit-chat. She wanted to know if I was going to hike on the mountain. She offered to go with me.”

“Great! That would be lots of fun for you! Yuni knows the mountain well and can show you around. Be sure to take plenty of water.”

This was bewildering! Not at all what I expected. Plus, I really felt that Yuni had offered to show me around her MOUND - NOT the mountain!

I decided to just let it all out.

“I just thought it was so weird for Yuni to strike up a conversation with me while she was naked.”

My wife just looked at me like she didn’t understand my point.

“You know almost no one here has a private bath. Where else would Yuni be bathing?”

“Yeah, I know, but, as much as I hate to admit it, I’m unaccustomed to having a naked woman volunteer to go hike on a mountain where we will be all alone.”

“Did Yuni say she wanted you to fuck her?”

“No.” I mumbled while thinking to myself, “not in so many words.”

My wife just rolled her Asian eyes at me saying, “I keep forgetting how ‘American’ you are in your ways!”

For the record, I’m NOT going to hike on the mountain with Yuni. But if I do end up hiking the mountain and Yuni decides to tag along, I’m taking my kids with me (as character witnesses in case my wife subsequently launches an investigation).

My wife is a petite Asian gal. They might be little but they can be also be mean.

I once saw my wife cutting sugar cane with a machete.

I got the message.


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^ You would like San Francisco AMPs.


    Ray Bradbury
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    Probably would ...

    ... but I lived for many years in SE Asia.

    I suspect the SF AMPs are not as nice and at least 5X as expensive as the places in SE Asia where I learned to be such a pervert.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Chicken buk buk buk 😷
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Do you like girls in high heels, mini-dresses, and makeup? I suspect that SF AMPs are better.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Twentyfive, sounds like you've been getting real comfortable in that Circle Jerk VIP Room.

  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    At first, I thought you were calling Yuni a whore!

    The slang term for “whore” over here is “ayam” (which means “chicken” - as in poultry).
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    I prefer them naked.

    I always got what I wanted at the venues in SE Asia.

    If you live in SE Asia you don’t need TUSCL.

    High mileage venues are EVERYWHERE!

    If there is a heaven, I’m sure it’s in SE Asia.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    It sounds like you might have a discipline problem. I can't say that I might not have the same problem though. I would do everything in my power not to be alone with that woman again.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago


    John Algeo: The Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    I’ve always had a discipline problem. I’ve always been the husband/boyfriend from hell.

    Ask any of my exes.

    But now I have kids (my first as far as I know).

    They are what keeps me in line.
  • dancewdcpa
    5 years ago
    Great story Rev...

    Climb every mountain
    Ford every stream
    Follow every rainbow
    'Till you find your dream!
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @ RevHB I was calling you a chicken lol
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @SJG. Holy shit! I am an AMP lover. If they are anything as good or better than I have become accustomed to in the Midwest, I might have to find me a convention to attend out there. My suspicion is that SF AMPs are to die for since the boat probably drops them off right on spot.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Most nationalities have a more casual attitude toward nudity than Americans.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    “My wife is a petite Asian gal. They might be little but they can be also be mean. “

    Huh. I guess being part white washed out all the meanness from me. 😇
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    You a banana?
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    It’s possible
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    There’s not much I like better than peeling an attractive banana and eating her ...

    ... I mean, eating it!
  • Lone_Wolf
    5 years ago
    Great story. Smart to resist. I would have been unable to. There is a chance your wife doesn't care if you fuck Yuni.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    dang. is yuni comfortably dry by now?
    let’s get on the hike!!!!
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    @Lone Wolf:

    Nice thought about my wife not caring if I fucked Yuni but those days are long gone.

    Once kids got thrown into the mix I guess the stakes got way too high.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I hear ya she did not say she wanted to fuck, did she explicitly say she didn’t wanna fuck, if so you may have an opening there 😋
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Nice story Rev.

    My experience with Asían women is mostly civvies and when it comes to sex, most are are clear and direct.

    So if Yuti said she wanted to join you for a walk, it most likely meant she wanted to join you for a walk only.

    That being said, if I has went with her for the walk, I would have brought condoms and lube.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    You couldn't stop talking with your wife, could you? 😉

    Now I don't blame you for sharing the encounter or what Y said. That's just self-preservation in case someone else ever mentions the encounter to your wife. But going on to speculate as to what Y night have wanted was not smart. Best thing for you to do would have been to leave it at that, NOT go hiking with Y and let it fade away.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    But what I'm wondering now is this. Did you have your phone with your at the time you saw Yuni ? Did you take any pictures ? Did you share those pictures with us ?

    Now I'm thinking I missed something !
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    @Warrior - Not only did I have my cell phone with me, I had my Canon 5D Mark IV DSLR with a telephoto lens! I could have taken a humdinger of a photo of her protected wetlands and her panic button!

    But I didn’t.

    Despite being such a sex-crazed pervert when I’m in the VIP room, I was in my considerate, “gentleman” mode during this riverside encounter with Yuni.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    I think you’re correct. I think my encounter with Yuni was only sexually charged in my mind but not in hers.

    She is accustomed to bathing in the river with the other villagers. It’s true that there is a section of the river reserved for women and children and a section for men, but these two areas are only about 20 yards apart and are in full view of each other.

    When my wife and I lived in the capital city (Jakarta) we had a big house with a very private rear garden & pool. We skinny dipped in our pool all the time and if any of her girlfriends from the village came to visit, they would join us. It wasn’t sexually charged for them (but it was for me).

    This was probably all in my head.

    But now I can’t get it out of my head and, damn right, now I really want to fuck Yuni!
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Yuni pillow?

  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Be careful.

    Somethings are not worth it, this seems to be the case.

    The potential damage seems disproportionately greater than the potential rewards.

    Pull an Al Bundy, buy your SO a Yuni wig/outfit and go to it.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    Roger that!

    She’s hot as hell but it ain’t gonna happen.

    It’s probably ...

    just my imagination 🎶 getting away with me 🎶

    But it sure would be a kick to have a hot young woman like that interested in an old guy like me!
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    Reverend, I’m guessing the best thing is to take Yuni literally with what she actually said and nothing more. And probably not take the hike. She didn’t ask to fuck. Your wife isn’t going to get back channeled info. I think you are fine if you don’t get out over your skis.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Naked, dripping wet from the lake or stream - is a good look. I l-o-v-e seeing women that way. Fucking love it.

    The imagination can get carried away.

    Imagination is fun. Real life suggests leaving this alone though. Take your wife for a hike?
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    The Most Reverend: while I applaud your ability to restrain your inner self, I also wonder if Yuni had indicated a desire to have you explore her nether regions what would the hike ( which probably would have occurred) have been like? It’s not just a perverse curiosity on my part but my need to affirm my actions in the past. Marriage is a wonderful institution; children can be the light of our lives, but eventually erotic opportunities can arise which have made me forget old vows and the pitter patter of little feet. In my experience declining the resulting satisfaction, while having a chance of being a memorable instance, also can add spice by being secretive. “Yuni and I would know but no one else”. It’s like finding a triceratops in the woods; a unicorn on the mountain.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    I’ve strayed from the straight and narrow more often than I can remember.

    I might have strayed again in Yuni’s case but she was too close for comfort. She and my wife have been friends since childhood.

    Yuni would have been a disastrous choice for a secret dalliance.
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