Whats up with all the jerks on here?

avatar for poledancer83
I was asked by a couple of people on here to share some pics and after I did I received a shit ton of nasty comments from the people on here. I understand some people may not think im attractive and that's their opinion but no need to be a dick about it. And to all the people that wanna run their mouths saying I posted pics of different people and im a fake I can assure you i'm not. just my thoughts but for all the people with positive comments thanks I appreciate it.


last comment
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I'm SHOCKED that manners are in such short supply in TSUCL...! ;)

I for one always appreciate women sending intimate pics of themselves, and making negative comments just discourages that practice. I for one enjoyed what you posted!
avatar for poledancer83
10 years ago
Well thanks and I figured manners wouldn't be in use but I also figured people wouldn't make nasty comments either say something nice or just don't say anything at all lol
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
There are more misogynists on this site then there are gentlemen. Thanks for the pics .Haters will hate.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

Skim over he negative comments and don't let them get to you.

I think most of us on here appreciate a woman's body and pictures of naked women.

I mean, after all, it is a strip club website.
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
I agree with all of the above! You were being brilliant! They we're being bozos! Just be brilliant and ignore the bozos! ;)
avatar for Rabbit21
10 years ago
Agreed, most of us thought it was great and really appreciated it. However, the Internet being what it is..... too many people feel a license to say things they never would normally without worries of repercussions.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
The ignore feature works well, poledancer. :)

No need to subject yourself to them. Most people who disparage others like that have a self-esteem problem anyway. Do you really care about people who can't even like themselves? :)
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I liked your pictures. I'm sorry that jerks made nasty comments.
avatar for crsm27
10 years ago
Pole... I agree with what others said. With the internet people are 10 feet tall and bullet proof behind the key board and are very insensitive.

I tried to open up the links to your pictures but they say 0 images are now in the folders. Wish I would have gotten a chance to see them.

Anyways I hope you still contribute to the site and try to ignore the negative comments.
avatar for deogol
10 years ago
Me too.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Welcome to the internet?
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
I didn't see the downstairs pics but I would kill to have your boobs 83:) don't let those idiots get to you
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
10 years ago
People, regardless of age, will say what they want to say behind the safety and comfort of a computer screen or mobile device. I just simply ignore them.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
My opinion won't change. There is the ol' kitchen quote. I'll tell you why I said what I said. Many on here just likely aren't what are who they say they are. Some just joke around.

Now, if you are real, I would say you are foolish to think everything would be all rosy on here.

avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Haters gonna hate, just ignore them.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Fuck them punk ass bitches. You are brave to even post those pics. You go girl!
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
The title of your thread is pretty apt and classic
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
There's never been a moderator on ths site so some people feel free to put others down with no consequences. I think some even enjoy it.
Thanks for posting the pics. I thought you looked good. Of course the haters will never post pics of themselves and be subject to how they treat others.
Almost everyone here uses the ignore feature to block annoying trolls to avoid reading comments from those that are considered a waste of time to read.
Many of the Long time posters here have had disagreements with others.
I think it's sad that some seem to enjoy chasing off female posters. It's not as bad as it once was though. I guess strippers run into these same people in strip clubs but maybe there they don't talk as much.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
I love how others seem to have the opinion that only THEIR thoughts are correct, that only THEIR thoughts matter, that only THEIR thoughts are relevant, and only THEIR thoughts should see the light of day!

Sort of the definition of a liberal.
avatar for Timex345
10 years ago
I agree. I posted a discussion and was attacked immediately.
It sucked.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
There actually aren't that many jerks on here. It's mostly there is one big one - RickyBoy - and he posts under dozens of multiple aliases. So it seems like there are more than there really are.
avatar for Josh43
10 years ago
" I love how others seem to have the opinion that only THEIR thoughts are correct, that only THEIR thoughts matter... "
@Clubber: Thanks for another wonderful sermon, but you should know that your opinions here are protected by the TUSCL Religious Freedom Restoration Act, an executive action signed into law by Founder. We value your ideas no matter how archaic or aberrant.

In the real world, your "thoughts" begin to "matter" when your net worth reaches $10B. Even Romney is too poor to have thoughts that matter in modern America. You can thank the Supreme Court.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Only you would equate TUSCL with Romney. Interesting how many wished they had voted for him rather than the idiot now in "charge"!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
What would you expect from a bunch of guys on an internet forum about strip clubs. It would be like being in the locker room of a sports team and not expect to hear any cussing.

Women are often just treated as sexual objects in our society and obviously even more so w.r.t. strip clubs – if you are a PL’s type; then you are a goddess – if you are not a PL’s type; then you are trash – not the way it should be but often the way it is; sometimes consciously; and sometimes subconsciously.

I liked your pics and appreciated you sharing your nude body for me to get a hard-on from :)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
PD sorry about the jerks. Just try to remember most of us love ya.
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
I never saw them sweetheart, by the time I got there you had taken them down. Can you PM them to me sweetie .........Pretty Please ....please
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
I was one of the Negative Nancys on the bottom shots. The tits were great and consistent. The bottom shots looked like they were screen cap from a Tumbler blog.

Definitely looked like two different people. It would have been more convincing if the bottom shots had a wider view so we could see your tits. That would have ended any skepticism before it began.

Nice tits btw, but I already paid that compliment in the original post:

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