Work affair.

avatar for Timex345
I just learned yesterday of two people on the same shift in different departments hooking up at my job.
The man is a manager of the other department. The woman works in my department on a different shift.
I am not sure if it is still going on. They are currently both married. She is originally from South America.
I think her husband is an older, sugar daddy type. The manager and her are close in age. They are in their mid to
late 20s. She actually wanted to switch departments to his department for obvious reasons. I thought something was up
when I constantly saw them together at work. She really has no professional reason to even communicate
with him. It all made sense when I asked another coworker. They would not let her transfer because of the "alleged" affair.
That is why I like my company. People, especially the temps, think they are being smart and getting away with something.
But, usually, their poor choices end up hurting them in the future. I guess she was receiving special treatment for
obvious reasons. I learned a valuable lesson yesterday. Never date a coworker. Especially if they are already married.
Too much drama involved. I don't care who sleeps with who at my job. The woman is petite and beautiful.
I have always had a crush on her. She is very friendly towards men. Anyways, that is probably what led to the affair.
Anyways, I am glad that I learned of this so I can move on and realize that my crush is better left as a crush.
Besides, she has always been married since I have been working with her. I guess a number of my coworkers have
hooked up. They usually get transferred if the hook up is noticed by management. I was surprised these two did not get fired.
I guess HR would need documented proof. But, really, what happens off business property, is not their concern.
So much goes on around me that I don't notice. Ignorance is bliss.


last comment
So you found out the girl you wanted to hook up with and didn't think you could because she was married was actually in fact hooking up with someone else and you're okay with it because you wouldn't do it because she was married. I call bullshit. You just learned a valuable lesson, married women fuck too.

avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
10 years ago
I have a real problem with male managers hooking up with female non managers. My current job has had a never ending string of affairs. The one ex stripper I work with is obviously a poor worker and yet she continues on. I complain about her all the time and I'm not the only one. It often seems like they have a list of protected employees, all of whom invariably suck.
"whom invariably suck". Sounds to me like your job performance questions have been answered!
This discussion is just rude!
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
10 years ago
I was hoping someone would see that. Someone at work called up the company ethics line once and it appeared the only result of it was management talking down to us for daring to call it. I had thought about leaving, but my company is closing up my branch of the company, so I figure on taking the severance when it comes.
avatar for Timex345
10 years ago
You can be fired for having an affair at work. It really depends on the
company. Workplace romances are too risky. The risk of losing your job,
gossip among coworkers, loss of respect, and whiffs of favoritism are factors.
I never really cared for that supervisor. He always struck me as a real type A
jerk. She essentially slept her way out of South America to marry an older man in
the US. The only justice I see is that she was not able to transfer to his department.
I am glad to know of the affair so I can avoid them both now at work.
I thought something was up. Now I know I am not crazy and my powers of observation were correct. I was always attracted to that girl. But, now I see how it would
not have been worth it. In the future, I don't even speak to women at work
unless it is work related, let alone fantasize about them. I value my job and
emotional well being too much.
avatar for Viriato
10 years ago
Affairs with co-workers can be hot. Hey, don't judge me, I've always had a fetish for nailing a hot secretary. Unfortunately I haven't had many hot co-workers or chances to indulge in such activities much myself. I had no-strings-attached sex with a female manager once when I as younger, but she eventually had a kid and transferred out, and I had a fling with a co-worker who sort of looked like Judy Greer, but she left the country before anything more seriously could develop. I also slept with one of my ex's co-workers, who was even married at at the time, which made it all sorts of wrong fun.

If I ever get a chance I'd still be happy to nail a secretary some time though. Hell I'd even hire some hot goth chick to be my personal secretary if I thought I could get her ass out of it. Well... and if I thought I could get away without any consequences I guess. But mainly I just want the sex.
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