I tend to like a club not completely full. A dancer commented on all the guys standing up at a club last night. While it's fun to see lots of dancers , it's not fun when you end up waiting to park, waiting at the restroom, and looking for a seat or staying put so no one takes it. the beach was crowded a couple of weeks ago but the strip clubs had plenty of room. the local strip club seems to get packed more often now. granted the beach clubs are much larger so they have more space. I think for example if Derrières could suddenly teleport to Greenville, business would explode. I really enjoyed all the space available at the beach clubs.
We like a lot of dancers and customers but not packed to the point of standing room only. If there's half a dozen strippers and half a dozen customers all just sitting around looking at each other it's boring. We like it when it's a party atmosphere and the place is hopping. Either way no one ever approaches us but when it's empty you can see all the strippers staring at us probably wondering what the hell to do with a couple.
Well, I'm a known dead-time hound -- I seek out the slowest times (1pm-4pm, 7pm-11pm), and if I can, do them on the slowest shifts. It is not uncommon for there to be between 0-3 other customers in the club, besides myself and my buddies. This is what I love, the slowest hustle, dancers thrilled we're there and spending, and as a result my $ stretches for miles. And hours.
Obviously, there are always tradeoffs. The downsides include far fewer girls, and general lower quality versus the busier times. But really, it is a truism that it only takes one girl to make my trip. And the upsides are awesome. The girls hang with us for hours, they give us far more mileage for the $, and I just fucking love it when the 3 of us (me and my two buddies) have like 6 beautiful girls at our table for HOURS -- without having to spend much $ for it besides keeping them in drinks. The managers and bouncers give us a huge break in the VIP, barely even checking.
The key for slow times like this is: have your girls lined up already. We all text our girls, "hey, we're coming in Tuesday at 7pm", and our girls make sure to make it in on time instead of strolling in at 11pm. So we know we're walking into a killer fun time with smoking hot girls, even if the rest of the lineup is meh and there are no other customers in the place.
I prefer visiting during slower times. I go to my favorite club when they open at 11 am. I enjoy seeing how the girls look coming in. Also, I can usually get some dances from my favorite girls before their other regulars arrive. I hate crowds so this works for me. I usually leave mid afternoon when more customers arrive. My favorite girls have their regulars they dance for. So, It makes sense to visit with less competition for my favorite dancers time. I rarely go at night. I hate drunk patrons and the rudeness of the evening girls. If my favorite girls get busy, I rarely stay. It isn't much fun sitting alone.
I like something in between. I don't like it when it's too crowded (I don't get any attention), but I don't like being one of the only guys in the place either. If I'm there to see one of my faves then it doesn't matter because I know I'll get taken care of when she comes over.
If I know a girl already, I will let her know that I will come to the club at X time(usually some time around noon where few customers are there) and she knows she will have $ if she come early at that time. But don't come too early if you are only exploring, you are mostly gonna get meh girls at that time.
I like it busy enough to put the dancers in a good mood and give the place a fun feel. But not too crowded so that it's uncomfortable or the dancers have all of the leverage.
I don't like standing room only at all, but at the same time I don't want to be the only customer in there. If I go on a weekend night, it will usually be between 9pm-11pm. After 11 it starts really getting crowded.
I like to when club s are slower. The small town club I go to had a schedule and I get it sent me by my ATF. So I am well informed when the good ones work and when to avoid the club
@shadowcat, On a day shift? You lie. How do they make any money? Even for $10 dances. There can't even be enough people for that. Unless all the retirees in Atlanta are at follies everyday.
Yes chessmaster it really does be that many people at Follies during the daytime. By 4:00 it can be standing room only. That is why Follies is #1 in Atlanta.
crowds mean no fun and no special treatment. An empty bar means huge expectations I'm not willing to satisfy. Being one of the few patrons in the building, women EXPECT that I give them money since I'm practically the only one here. I guess a FEW empty tables is fine for me. No more, no less.
The reason I almost always do early afternoon or right after work is because they usually aren't that busy, in many cases here half the guys are at the bar and not even paying attention to the dancers so it usually works well. Hate packed clubs
I like visiting clubs when they are slower as well. However with all the clubs around an hour or so away from me, I end up mainly visiting on weekends. I guess the Greenville SC situation will be more crowded than normal until Platinum or another club opens up. I still got attention from many dancers probably because almost everyone recognizes me. I actually confused 2 new dancers last night with 2 ordinary girls visiting the club. I was wondering why they wanted to sit on both sides of me. lol. I thought they just wanted to sit down.
I much prefer busy clubs, they have a better vibe and atmosphere. Rhino in LV on a Friday/Saturday night is great, come to think of it every night is great in that club.
Honest question for the many of you guys who "don't want to be the only customer in there". Why? I'm guessing it's because you feel awkward and as if you're under tons of pressure? I absolutely love being the only customer -- I feel like a king, the girls and bouncers very clearly show me favoritism. I think this is simply a matter of mindset -- the pressure you're feeling is pressure you're putting on yourself. Think of yourself as predator instead of prey, and it's pretty awesome to be the only one there (or one of few)
When I was younger and a less experienced SCer; I liked the vibe and energy of a busy SC night.
As I became more dedicated to the hobby; I must say the visits that stand out the most in the last 2 or 3 years have been pretty much off-peak visits (early-week nightshifts or late-afternoon dayshifts).
I go to the SC for the dancer interaction (primarily to get dances) and IME it's def better when there are few custies – IME I def get much better treatment (sorta greatest thing since sliced bread thing) when the club is slow.
I usually only don't like a slow club when I'm not in the mood to spend much b/c all the dancers are looking at you so they can get a little something something – I prefer a busier club when I just wanna chill and blend in the background and I don't wanna spend a lot of dough – but if I'm in the mood to spend and get a lot of dancer attention; I def shoot for off-peak times.
^but does the extra attention make up for the lack of hot dancers. Its common knowledge the hottest dancers usually work the prime time shift, i.e. weekend shifts and after 9 or 10.
Extra attention and plenty of extras from 6-8's can more than make up for a hit or miss from a nighttime stable of 8's & 9's in my book. And don't forget that there are often some real lookers working days in some clubs, so it's the best of all worlds.
^^^ Agree with everything lopaw just said. The extra attention is nice, and at most clubs, it's not the case that there's NO hot girls, just fewer. And in many clubs, even fairly hot girls have to work dayshifts for a while.
On top of that, as I said in my original post: if you meet a super hot stripper on ANY shift, well, you get her phone number, and arrange to have her come in on a nice slow Tuesday afternoon. I guess that wouldn't work with the guys who don't like having ATFs, but that's been my model for years -- find a hot chick, try to arrange appointments with her on slow shifts. And if she doesn't show, see lopaw's points again
“... but does the extra attention make up for the lack of hot dancers. Its common knowledge the hottest dancers usually work the prime time shift ...”
For the most part; that is probably true; but as the saying goes; “the devil is in the details”.
There are def some clubs that are not worth visiting in off-peak times (dayshift; early-week nightshift) either b/c they are too slow or not enough talent.
As has been commented in other threads; upscale clubs in particular have standards for dancers and this often means one can still find good looking dancers dayshift just not as in large a #s (but the lower custy #s sorta evens out the smaller dancer #s for a club w/ a good dayshift).
Then there are clubs that buck the trend and actually have a better dayshift than nightshift – e.g. Follies; etc. In some of the black dives I go to down here in Miami I actually often find better talent on dayshift – I was not sure why but in speaking with some of the dancers they tell me it's just too ghetto an night and filled with young punks and wanna-be-ballers that want the dancer's time but don't expect/want to spend a damn dollar for it – so these dancers say they actually do better on dayshift w/ the older custies than the broke-ass thugs at night.
There is also the quality issue – for many, including me, dancer effort (mileage; attention) is more desired than off the charts looks and no effort – i.e. many enjoy high-mileage from a 6 than barely being knowledged by a 9 even when you are paying her.
There are a lot of SC heavy hitters that prefer and primarily choose dayshift – if it was not good; then they wold not be visiting as often nor spending the kind of $$$ they do.
So it's club dependent (as to whether a club has a decent dayshift) and PL dependent (as if a PL wants/needs to see a stable of 9s).
As w/ anything else; it's a matter of preference – one needs to try out non-peak visits to certain clubs and see if that works better for them or not – but it's probably a mistake to assume it's only worth going during peak-times.
To continue to belabor the point: it is standard operating procedure for me not to do my first dance with a stripper, until we're about 60+ minutes in (about 90 is probably my standard). The chance of a stripper hanging out and drinking with me for well over an hour, before we even bother with our first dance, on a timeperiod where dancers don't outnumber customers? Pretty close to zero. But I do this every trip, trip after trip, with beautiful strippers who I either find as a hot dayshifter (or a nightshiter who bothers to show up during the slow 7pm-10pm time period), or a hot girl I'd met on another shift and simply arranged to meet on a slow shift.
I realize, again, that many of you guys couldn't care less about hanging out with the girls, would rather find a hot girl to do extras and then go home. But if you like hanging out without hemorrhaging money, slowshift isn't just the best answer, it's the only answer
I am not fond of the empty club scenario. That's why I gave up on my old favorite club. It would have been all right if they had hot dancers, but most of them anymore were mediocre at best. OTOH, my current favorite club is better empty, partly because their dancers are hot and partly because they seem to try harder then.
I don't like being the only PL in the club. I also like having plenty of places to sit.
I prefer a ratio closer to 1 to 1 for dancers and customers, which most dancers would call "slow". I want the girls thirsty but not frustrated and cranky.
Of course if my CF is working it doesn't matter much. Slow is better only so she doesn't get tied up.
" I am not fond of the empty club scenario. That's why I gave up on my old favorite club. It would have been all right if they had hot dancers, but most of them anymore were mediocre at best. OTOH, my current favorite club is better empty, partly because their dancers are hot and partly because they seem to try harder then."
You're talking as if the lineup is something that happens to you, rather than something that you can make happen. At a club I'm not a regular at, that's pretty true. But a club where I have an ATF? All it takes to get a smoking hot chick on the lineup, is for me to text her to add that shift on. You can do that too -- unless you're not an ATF guy but a variety guy, then I agree you're stuck.
One of the local clubs here has a pretty nice rule: ALL new girls have to work 6 saturday dayshifts during their first 3 months. So saturday dayshifts are a great time to meet girls who are really smokin' hot weekend-nightshift dancers, but "doing their (mandatory) shifts". It's a great rule for the PLs, Saturday dayshifters get to see a lot of talent rotate through, in an environment with only few customers
I'm with jamesSD on the 1 to 1 ratio being the best. Of course in my own fantasy strip club there would be 80 white strippers and myself and female customers only.
@Subraman- I suppose I am a variety guy, but there will always be some dancers who rise above others. Not to the degree johnsmith's DS rises above all others for him, but there's always somebody. It would have also been nice if some of the old faces at my former favorite club hadn't disappeared from the strip club scene altogether. I want to believe there's someone there who's worth it, but that person wasn't there any of my last 3 trips. That's quite similar to how one of my previous favorite clubs ended up going downhill.
One other thing is that my employer threw the all-time curve ball earlier this year and said they're closing up where I work and that whole thing makes me question everything, including strip clubs.
For me, less customers and more dancers = a better time. However, in most of the clubs I frequent, the day shift talent is not good. I can't club much, if at all, during the day anyway, but I've caught the tail ends of enough day shifts to know that I'm not missing much.
I find that Sunday through Tuesday nights work out best for me. The clubs are slow, but there is still enough talent to make it worthwhile. The hotter girls working earlier in the week, even though they know it will be slow, are often there because they really need the cash, which is a nice set of conditions for a guy seeking OTC services.
last commentObviously, there are always tradeoffs. The downsides include far fewer girls, and general lower quality versus the busier times. But really, it is a truism that it only takes one girl to make my trip. And the upsides are awesome. The girls hang with us for hours, they give us far more mileage for the $, and I just fucking love it when the 3 of us (me and my two buddies) have like 6 beautiful girls at our table for HOURS -- without having to spend much $ for it besides keeping them in drinks. The managers and bouncers give us a huge break in the VIP, barely even checking.
The key for slow times like this is: have your girls lined up already. We all text our girls, "hey, we're coming in Tuesday at 7pm", and our girls make sure to make it in on time instead of strolling in at 11pm. So we know we're walking into a killer fun time with smoking hot girls, even if the rest of the lineup is meh and there are no other customers in the place.
they open at 11 am. I enjoy seeing how the girls look coming in.
Also, I can usually get some dances from my favorite girls before their other
regulars arrive. I hate crowds so this works for me. I usually leave mid afternoon when
more customers arrive. My favorite girls have their regulars they dance for. So,
It makes sense to visit with less competition for my favorite dancers time.
I rarely go at night. I hate drunk patrons and the rudeness of the evening girls.
If my favorite girls get busy, I rarely stay. It isn't much fun sitting alone.
On a day shift? You lie. How do they make any money? Even for $10 dances. There can't even be enough people for that. Unless all the retirees in Atlanta are at follies everyday.
As I became more dedicated to the hobby; I must say the visits that stand out the most in the last 2 or 3 years have been pretty much off-peak visits (early-week nightshifts or late-afternoon dayshifts).
I go to the SC for the dancer interaction (primarily to get dances) and IME it's def better when there are few custies – IME I def get much better treatment (sorta greatest thing since sliced bread thing) when the club is slow.
I usually only don't like a slow club when I'm not in the mood to spend much b/c all the dancers are looking at you so they can get a little something something – I prefer a busier club when I just wanna chill and blend in the background and I don't wanna spend a lot of dough – but if I'm in the mood to spend and get a lot of dancer attention; I def shoot for off-peak times.
On top of that, as I said in my original post: if you meet a super hot stripper on ANY shift, well, you get her phone number, and arrange to have her come in on a nice slow Tuesday afternoon. I guess that wouldn't work with the guys who don't like having ATFs, but that's been my model for years -- find a hot chick, try to arrange appointments with her on slow shifts. And if she doesn't show, see lopaw's points again
For the most part; that is probably true; but as the saying goes; “the devil is in the details”.
There are def some clubs that are not worth visiting in off-peak times (dayshift; early-week nightshift) either b/c they are too slow or not enough talent.
As has been commented in other threads; upscale clubs in particular have standards for dancers and this often means one can still find good looking dancers dayshift just not as in large a #s (but the lower custy #s sorta evens out the smaller dancer #s for a club w/ a good dayshift).
Then there are clubs that buck the trend and actually have a better dayshift than nightshift – e.g. Follies; etc. In some of the black dives I go to down here in Miami I actually often find better talent on dayshift – I was not sure why but in speaking with some of the dancers they tell me it's just too ghetto an night and filled with young punks and wanna-be-ballers that want the dancer's time but don't expect/want to spend a damn dollar for it – so these dancers say they actually do better on dayshift w/ the older custies than the broke-ass thugs at night.
There is also the quality issue – for many, including me, dancer effort (mileage; attention) is more desired than off the charts looks and no effort – i.e. many enjoy high-mileage from a 6 than barely being knowledged by a 9 even when you are paying her.
There are a lot of SC heavy hitters that prefer and primarily choose dayshift – if it was not good; then they wold not be visiting as often nor spending the kind of $$$ they do.
So it's club dependent (as to whether a club has a decent dayshift) and PL dependent (as if a PL wants/needs to see a stable of 9s).
I realize, again, that many of you guys couldn't care less about hanging out with the girls, would rather find a hot girl to do extras and then go home. But if you like hanging out without hemorrhaging money, slowshift isn't just the best answer, it's the only answer
I prefer a ratio closer to 1 to 1 for dancers and customers, which most dancers would call "slow". I want the girls thirsty but not frustrated and cranky.
Of course if my CF is working it doesn't matter much. Slow is better only so she doesn't get tied up.
You're talking as if the lineup is something that happens to you, rather than something that you can make happen. At a club I'm not a regular at, that's pretty true. But a club where I have an ATF? All it takes to get a smoking hot chick on the lineup, is for me to text her to add that shift on. You can do that too -- unless you're not an ATF guy but a variety guy, then I agree you're stuck.
One of the local clubs here has a pretty nice rule: ALL new girls have to work 6 saturday dayshifts during their first 3 months. So saturday dayshifts are a great time to meet girls who are really smokin' hot weekend-nightshift dancers, but "doing their (mandatory) shifts". It's a great rule for the PLs, Saturday dayshifters get to see a lot of talent rotate through, in an environment with only few customers
I suppose I am a variety guy, but there will always be some dancers who rise above others. Not to the degree johnsmith's DS rises above all others for him, but there's always somebody. It would have also been nice if some of the old faces at my former favorite club hadn't disappeared from the strip club scene altogether. I want to believe there's someone there who's worth it, but that person wasn't there any of my last 3 trips. That's quite similar to how one of my previous favorite clubs ended up going downhill.
One other thing is that my employer threw the all-time curve ball earlier this year and said they're closing up where I work and that whole thing makes me question everything, including strip clubs.
I find that Sunday through Tuesday nights work out best for me. The clubs are slow, but there is still enough talent to make it worthwhile. The hotter girls working earlier in the week, even though they know it will be slow, are often there because they really need the cash, which is a nice set of conditions for a guy seeking OTC services.