
The ultimate pity hustle

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Two minutes into my conversation with a dancer last night, she started to tear up when she told me that she wouldn't be able to have the birthday party for her 6 year old today. Apparently she was having a horrible night and things were shitty for her all week, so she was broke. The melodrama continued with her sobbing and asking how would she be able to break this to her kid, who was supposedly very excited about her upcoming party. No consolation that I offered made her feel better, including telling her that she still had 2 1/2 hours in the night, that the important thing is that the kid had food in her belly and a roof over her head or that kids are resilient and a decent excuse can hold her off for a while.

So, seeing that she was inconsolable, I did what any good guy would do. I offered her an earning opportunity. ;)

A short while later, she experienced another bout of anguish over the fact that she was going to have to fuck a stranger to earn money for her kid's birthday. I became a little irritated and told her to forget it, giving her a consolation $20 for her time. She immediately did a 180 and made sure I knew that she really wanted to do it and then put a smile on her face, though you could see that she was a little torn. I was still a little irked and made it clear that I had no interest in a reluctant partner and she continued to assure me of her willingness to do the deed.

Well, she certainly did do the deed and quite well I might add. Thank goodness she wasn't crying during the event, lol. After the fact, she seemed to be very concerned about what I thought of her. I made sure to let her know that I respected her for doing what was necessary to help her kid and that she's a good mother. I have a little "you were a lioness for your child" spiel that I trot out for these occasions and it often seems to make them feel better. :)

I expect to see her again. Hopefully things will start off more pleasant the next time.


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Helping single moms out is a very important ministry of the church of the strip club gods. You shall be rewarded.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Holy shit shadow. That song was both funny as hell and a bit disturbing, lol.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I have to admit that I just don't get rickdugan! He seems to take a strange glee in degrading strippers! What's up with that?

    Case in point:

    "A short while later, she experienced another bout of anguish over the fact that she was going to have to fuck a stranger to earn money for her kid's birthday. I became a little irritated and told her to forget it, giving her a consolation $20 for her time. She immediately did a 180 and made sure I knew that she really wanted to do it and then put a smile on her face, though you could see that she was a little torn."

    WTF? I suspect she probably fucks strangers all the time and was just a little turned of by the guy fantasizing about popping her "OTC cherry"!

    "I made sure to let her know that I respected her for doing what was necessary to help her kid and that she's a good mother. I have a little "you were a lioness for your child" spiel that I trot out for these occasions and it often seems to make them feel better. :)"

    Does anybody else find this a bit creepy?

    I'm a pretty positive guy and I don't like to judge but there is something about how rickdugan seems to focus on the icky aspects of sex with strangers for money that makes me view him as a d-bag!

    If he had just told a story about meeting a girl that seemed reluctant but came through and gave him a good time that would be brilliant! But this? Not brilliant :(
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    The brilliant part is that she was probably thinking "what a d-bag" during the "lioness for her child" spiel!
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @4got2think: I made the mistake of looking back at this thread before logging in, so I saw your comments and, against my better judgment...

    Anything is possible, but if she was acting then she deserves an Oscar. This was one of my regular clubs and, until last night, she was always adamant that she did not take money for sex. I'll readily admit that I was happy that her misfortune opened up an opportunity and if that makes me a D-bag then so be it. I had a great time with her - GFE all the way. Now I have no idea if and how much she has fucked for money before, but her issues seemed genuine and it was a very different experience than the type I normally get with girls who I know do it routinely.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    ^^^4got2think... fuck you Ricklady
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Rick thinks he got the ultimate pitty hustle so he is throwing the ultimate pity party
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    The true odds are the pity hustle was in full swing, and you got snookered my poor clueless friend.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    ^ You got it. I got "snookered" into taking her to a hotel and fucking her at the going market rate. I can only hope that this predatory hot stripper will trick this poor clueless dog into doing that again. ;)
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    But don't you get tired of the hustle, I mean if you just want to get laid and you are willing to pay doesn't the drama irritate you I know it annoys the heck out of me
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Did The System protect you from this hustle, RickyBoy?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @25. RBD will tell you that the annoying hustle 9f getting laid by a stripper is still far better than the dangers of a backpage escort...
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    ^ Just getting laid is not really why most strip club hounds frequent strip clubs. it is about the whole experience. Silly hustles are just one element and anyone who has been clubbing for a long time generally learns not to get sucked into or worked up over them.

    Besides, in my experience, most escort sex sucks anyway. Sex with strippers is often very different, especially when you find one who does not market herself elsewhere as an escort and is eager for repeat visits.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    And yes GACA, BP is full of scam artists and false advertising, along with the occasional LE participation. And if you are lucky enough to find a girl who is not running a scam, actually looks like her pictures, and does not have some type of drug and/or hygiene problem, then at best you can likely expect mediocre sex. I've been there and done that. No thanks.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    ^^^ what a homo!
  • alldaylong
    9 years ago
    I'd rather have a girl willing than a girl desperate. The pity story is a total turn off, no matter how hot. Each guy makes his own determination though. Good luck.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    To date every pity hustle I've been hit with I've replied with "That's really a shame. I'm sure things will turn around/your night will get better".

    Day girls don't seem to try the pity hustle like night girls do. Probably because they're higher mileage so they're more willing to just go directly for the sex hustle.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    SS at its best. These girls have real acting ability!
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Speaking of pity hustle, I received a call today from a stripper, who told me her aunt had just died of cancer and her mom had lost her job. What am I? A therapist? She did not ask me for any money, but how else can I help her?
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    One dancer in Indy tried pulling that shit with me a few years ago. Everything leading up to VIP hinted at extras -- tip the bartender so he doesn't bother us, I'll take good care of you, there are no rules, etc., etc. Well, it had to be one of THE most boring times in VIP I've ever had. What was worse, twenty minutes into the dance-that-just-would-not-end, she pulled the "my kid's birthday is tomorrow but I don't have enough money for a party" -- after talking about the new piercing in her nethers and a couple other needless, self-indulgent treats. She also tried to tell me that she was voted the hottest girl at the club (she was cute, no argument there, but not hot, not in my book) and that I was the first guy to see her breasts that night (11pm? And she's just taking her top off now?). Buy, did I feel privileged.

    She tried hitting me up for a $200 tip -- with absolutely zero action. I told her no. She kept nagging and haggling and lowering it. I kept telling her no. It got to the point where I just told her, "That's it. We're done."

    She effected the big pout, borderline tears. "Is it because I won't have sex with you?"

    "No." I dropped her a $20 pity tip, then left the club. And I will never go back there.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I too got the pity hustle from a hot blonde. She didn't want to work anymore and said she likes to be spoiled before asking me how we should leave the club together. I eventually found out there was a tattoo she was needing to pay for that costs $300.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I would have cut ties with her altogether for not only bitching about her unwillingness but to add insult to injury by the 180. Not effort to to anything reduces the size of this jimmy
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    A girl unwilling to do anything completely turns me off. And a begger immediately turns me away. Your a better man than me?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    A lot of these dancers have no shame – wtf – doesn't the kid have a baby-daddy; grandparents; ants/uncles; that can help with a simple fucking b-day party; for a 6 y/o (it's not as if this should take 100s of dollars).

    It's just a hustle as most of us know – and they pull it b/c a lot of part-time SCers that don't know the game/hustle will fall for the “damsel in distress” act.

    Strippers are to be trusted as much as one would trust a used car salesman in a car dealership.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Papi: " a used car salesman"

    Used car salesman? You mean like our very own Leisure Suit RickyBoy?
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    She tossed out the SS bait and you bought it hook, line and sinker. Perhaps she wasn't expecting to have to go all the way to OTC to get her payday but I doubt it was her first trip.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    That could all be true jester. But if I got what I was looking for with a very attractive girl at a fair market price anyway, then no harm, no foul. It's exactly why I offer earning opportunities to attractive pity hustle girls - it puts the ball in their court. The unattractive and/or uninteresting ones I just send away.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ di you ever get bouncer shit?
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    The pity hustle ruins a visit for me. Showclubs are my escape.
    I walk away from dancers who try the routine on me. If you can't feed them,
    don't breed them. I have been burned before and learned my lesson.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "@4got2think: I made the mistake of looking back at this thread before logging in, so I saw your comments and, against my better judgment..."

    And this is is the sort of thing that makes me think you're trolling us! "I just happened to be looking at this thread without logging in..." If you really don't want to engage me (or anybody else) then don't engage! Don't complain about "trolls", make a big deal about not "feeding trolls", and then engage with somebody you consider to be a troll!

    "I'll readily admit that I was happy that her misfortune opened up an opportunity and if that makes me a D-bag then so be it. I had a great time with her - GFE all the way. Now I have no idea if and how much she has fucked for money before, but her issues seemed genuine and it was a very different experience than the type I normally get with girls who I know do it routinely.'

    This sort of crapola is why I call you a d-bag! It isn't that you "lucked out" to get some good sex for pay ("at the going market rate") it's that you take glee in this being hard for her and have some d-bag "lioness" speech for strippers like her! To be fair, it is probably hard for her to fuck you, because you're such a d-bag!

    So, rickdugan, if you happen to "accidentally" read this without logging on and want to actually discuss my point please do! I'll be expecting the exact same sort of non-brilliant answer I got here! :(
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Fuck that faggot RickyBoy!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... She tossed out the SS bait and you bought it hook, line and sinker …”

    I don’t see how Dugan bought it – I think he said/was-aware of it being a hustle and it seems he sorta just played along and used her hustle/SS to get what he wanted
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    RickyBoy spent 10 years mastering the art of arranging OTC wig stripperes desperate for money while dodging their never end pity scams. It's all too easy for him now. Triumphant in our capitalist system once again. Gordon Gekko could learn a lesson or two from RickyBoy.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago

    stfu zipperhead
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I guess that kind of makes sense Ricky boy. Though my real wonder is, how many times have they had a serious crisis and tried to pity people out of money? A lot I bet, then why are they still suprised and depressed when a john decides to use this opportunity for sex? I mean, any girl who think of themselves as attractive in this day and age can tell many men would pay to have sex with them. No way you proposing what everyone else did should have been unassumed or repulsive.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    So, I'm confused by some of the reactions. A girl complains about her financial situation, and Rick offers her some money, to all appearances so far, a reasonable amount, to fuck him. She fucks him, and he gives her the money.

    Some of the obvious players in this discussion appear to have a problem with this, as if he'd paid too much, or shouldn't have paid at all. Is that it, or am I missing something? It is it simple jealousy over the fact that Rick actually went out and *did* what he talks about, instead of just talking about it, or lecturing others on the "right" way to do it?
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @esta and gmd: Honestly I don't understand some of these reactions either. An attractive girl ran a pity hustle and I countered with an OTC earning opportunity. I was very much in the market for OTC that night, so there was no downside for me either way. Either she said yes (as she did) for a fair market price and I have fun or she says no and I send her away and wait for the next contestant. Simple.

    Maybe the problem is that some of the guys in this thread are ultra humane types who get messed up by sob stories. Not me, at least not anymore. I've been way too many pity hustles tried on me over the years to view them as anything but an opportunity. The ones who are just running a con usually take off quickly when hit with the OTC counter and the ones who really need the cash (and who I want to fuck) get a way to earn some. Some of my best OTC adventures have come from pity hustle girls.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Most "pity hustles" are SS anyway.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Everyone's different Rick. You come across as a hard boiled, no nonsense guy like Mike Hammer. No big deal
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I think RickyBoy comes across as... a homo!
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    fuck what zipman68 (aka 4got2wipe) says. who does he think he is? Dougster?!?
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Rick why don't you tell us all the probable complete bullshit you heard the last time you bought a car? It would be just as noteworthy. Maybe there was some truth to her story. But both sex workers and PLs need to get real and accept that the sex does not make us anything more than acquaintances. Non-commercial sex can sometimes lead to an emotional bond, but commercial sex does not. The real test of whether a sex worker and a PL are friends is if they stay in touch after the business relationship ends.

    That said, I have loaned small amounts of money to favs on occasion. But I see it as similar to how credit is sometimes extended in long-term business relationships.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    well OK then. hibachi has opined and now we can all return to our bedrooms for some self reflection
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @ibb: I found how far she went with it interesting enough to post. Feel free to disagree.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @ilbbaicnl: "Non-commercial sex can sometimes lead to an emotional bond, but commercial sex does not."

    I believe your statement to be incorrect. Even aside from my own case, this board is replete with examples. It might not be a *healthy* bond, but it is a bond.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    @papi, Rick seems to believe her. I'd say he bought into her bullshit.

    That's not to say it was a bad deal or anyone got conned, but I stick with what I said.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    @gmd - maybe. Often PLs have the fantasy of a bond. Dancers will often say that's part of the service, and it's not their fault if a dumbass PL thinks its real. I would again say, the bond is very dubious until it's seen to survive the end of cash changing hands.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @ilbbaicnl: Absolutely. Like I said, it might not be a healthy bond.

    However, I'm reasonably sure that in at least one case, there is a two way bond. She calls me at least as much as I call her, and she has yet to ask me for money since she left town.

    And one example is all I need to prove that your absolute statement is incorrect. :)))))
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @jester: There is some fairness to your comment. One of the reasons I posted this is because it was one of the best pity hustles I've ever seen. She even kept going after she agreed to the OTC, no doubt hoping to get me to feel sorry for her and offer her cash without the trip. Her tears were certainly real enough, so there was *something* going on. But she could very well have been lying about the cause of her crying - I have no way of knowing.

    But at the end of the day, whether I believed her or not doesn't matter. I dealt with it the same way I always do with pity hustles and got what I wanted without giving her charity cash.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    @gmd I'll agree up to the point that stripping brings people together who otherwise would not get to know each other. But I think, if the connection is real, it would have formed had the two gotten to know each other, say, by working together instead.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @ilbbaicnl: While not completely dismissing your point, with which I provisionally agree, I believe that the inclusion of sex in the relationship is a *huge* factor. There is a very real correlation between sex and love, for both genders, in that having sex tends to engender affection, i.e. if you have enough sex with someone (other factors being conducive), you will eventually feel some degree of affection.

    Human emotions being what they are, there's obviously not an absolute cause and effect between them, but the correlation is there.

    Anecdotally, my relationship with my ATF was the longest one I've had with *any* woman except my wife. However, my wife and I had only dated for two years before we got married; my ATF and I were having sex for almost half again as long as that before I admitted to myself what was going on.

    Bottom line, without the sex, I don't think it would have happened, even had we been together on a daily basis for an extended period of time.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Rick why don't you tell us all the probable complete bullshit you heard the last time you bought a car? It would be just as noteworthy."

    Brilliant point!

    "Maybe there was some truth to her story."

    I suspect there was! He kid probably did have a birthday coming up and she probably wanted more money (whether or not said money was for her kid's birthday)!

    But the bigger point is that rickdugan seems to get off on her reluctance to have sex, possibly more than he gets off on the sex itself! As I see it there are two possibilities! She could be exaggerating her reluctance to get more money out of rickdugan (likely) or she could really be bothered by the thought of having sex for money (less likely).

    If it's the first its no harm no foul but rickdugan was being a bit of a fool! If its the latter then prolonging the interaction with the lioness story isn't going to make her feel better! Why would it? Some d-bag you didn't want to fuck tells you that you were a "brave little soldier" for fucking him! Why would that be comforting? So either rickdugan doesn't realize how normal people react to things or he was intentionally being cruel!

    Hence my judgement of rickdugan = non-brilliant! = d-bag
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Her kid..." (non-brilliant typo)
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Rick's no rapist or anything. But what's up for feeling so self-satisfied because somebody has to do something for you they really hate because they're that broke. He's like that frat boy in Animal House whose girlfriend gives him handjobs while wearing a rubber glove.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    @GMD My guess is she was playing as normal at the beginning, but it was one of those very rare cases when she softened up eventually. The exception that proves the rule. Notice it only happened to you once.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Yes, it only happened once. I think the key factors are the length of time, the sex and the fact that we're both decent people. Absent even one of those, I suspect it wouldn't have happened at all.
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