
Comments by bkkruined (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Another sign of the Apocalypse
    And everyone already seeking an excuse to be outraged decided this was it...
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    3 years ago
    AJs Secaucus Busted
    OK, so the lady with three counts of engaging in prostitution.... The police don't have to show up in court and admit to getting each others sloppy seconds?
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    3 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    What's your dream car??
    oh, and electronic ignition. Not in the Tesla, but pretty hot shit stuff in the '80's that goes underappreciated until you own a car without it. (when's the last time you set points?)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    What's your dream car??
    oh, another SJG resurrection... Am I the only one that's actually really ignoring him? would you guys quit replying to him? I keep seeing it and can't put it in context until I see the library references... Anyways, back on subject... '64 Shelby Cobra. The AC roadster version, not one of the mustangs. But really, these days I'm getting too damned old and like my comforts. So I think I just need to get a Tesla and be done. Heated seats, traction control, and auto pilot. and porn on the big screen built into the dash. Do you guys remember that A/C (i.e. air conditioning, not the british car company being the aluminum cobra bodies) wasn't available in most cars until like 1980 or so? Ya, they started air conditioning the cars and everyone stopped liking them? Tesla's faster than the Shelby anyways, in just about every way...
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    3 years ago
    AJs Secaucus Busted
    "Maylin Hechavarria, 30, of Newark, who was charged with engaging in prostitution and promoting prostitution;" What use is this whole news story if they don't include her number??? Oh, and Carlos, come on, did they actually buy that last name? News left out the age on him... Wondering if he made bail and disappeared after using that alias. Also wondering how you get "four counts of cocaine distribution, four counts of drug possession and four counts of conspiracy to distribute cocaine" on a single search?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Gynecology student
    Most Gross
    This one time in Bangkok.... (no Donkey's were fucked in the making of this story). So, ya, there are (or were at least until 15 year back) some of these "pussy show" kinda places in the upper floors of the building along patpong street (small street lined with gogo bars). Most are reputed to be just rip off joints. And, these girls are putting on the pussy shows because they can't get work at the gogo bars on the first floor, so, ya, there's a heavy extra tipping kinda element at play that would probably seem threatening at times. I talked a girl I knew from a more standard gogo type club to go check them out with me, and she asked around with some of the touts about which were OK... And, mostly they just stuffed random shit in their twat. Scarfs, spoons, etc.. a few stuffed paper clip chains in it, I don't understand not getting poked but those, but, whatever. A couple stuffed eggs, I think one or two actually cracked the eggs when done. Oh, and ping pong balls. It was mostly the highlight of some of the girls, shooting ping pong balls 10, 15 feet across the room (duck!!!). One blew out candles on a birthday cake (not a real cake). A couple had a straw they shot darts out of (I don't recall an actually dart game but they really should have...). The longer this goes on the more I wondering why I'm watching this and who the fuck gets turned on by this shit. I mean, if you've NEVER seen a pussy before, well, ok, but the downstairs bars selling it are much cheaper and the dancer, while not putting on much of a show, are still more erotic than this. But I guess my friend, and I, are finding some amusement. She seems to be wondering how they do some of that. While I was also kinda interested, when it was time to go I was more interested in just sticking my dick in her again rather than seeing where we could buy fucking ping pong balls.... But, all this just sets the scenes for the bananas. Yes, they stuck freaking bananas inside themselves, and did their best to shoot them across the room. Now, in Thailand, bananas are typically 1/2 the size we get in the US (and taste far better). So, ya, honestly I forget if they were really actually shooting the bananas out of it, or just doing a quit penetration and then throwing them into the crowd (ok, it was really just the two of us and this group of like 5 german guys on the other side of the stage, who might have been French, or Polish, I dunno). But, ya, all the bananas were getting tossed to those guys, who were throwing money on stage for them... And then eating them... I mean, sure, those girls probably hadn't been just fucked. And did pretty much just wipe themselves out with a scarf... I guess? probably much lower mileage than the girls downstairs at the gogo... but still.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    What's the extraest extra?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Do I go to far?
    I remember this one dancer that started talking with me... Seemed like a super GPS type from the offset... But she sat down and decided to initiate a conversation... I mentioned something about OTC, maybe going back to her place.. Started telling me about living in an RV on her mom's driveway... I was good with that.... But we'd apparently have to not rock the RV, so go inside her mom's house... OK, no problem. As long as she's not going to watch. But really, I'm fine if she does..... She goes off on how sick I am bringing her mother into this. I'm really pretty sure by now, she's really just pissed she spent 5 minutes sitting and talking with some asshole who's not buying dances. And in the middle of her outrage, points out how I'm not buying dances from her (and takes a moment to call the girl that I pointed out I did just buy some dances a slut for doing whatever it was we did that she wouldn't do...), and then stops to offer some again before storming off angry. Ya, I guess I went too far...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Gynecology student
    Most Gross
    Sometimes wonder, when a guy and a dancer go back to the lapdance area for a longish period of time, and leaving he heads straight for the men's room... Usually she's doing the same, sometimes not... Of course, I can only assume. There was this one girl I met, saw her several times, and she would get moist. First time with her, got up and wondering why the front of my pants were damp, but was ready to leave and didn't really worry about it. Second time, she was called on stage before we were done, I went back to my seat and watched her on stage, when another girl came and sat on my lap, and gave me kinda a strange look... Another girl once thought she's help me clean up and before I realized it pulled the condom straight up and off... Dumping everything in it... On my shirt... Standing there at the ATM right next to the DJ booth with her waiting next to me... What the hell, give her a big hug.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    *After 3 minutes of fucking* "I need you to cum for me now"
    And I see from the last update time San_jose_guy has replied, but since I'm ignoring him can only assume he stating that he always cums on command immediately when she tells him his time's up... two pump chump like.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Tesla Stock ?
    "Huge play in batteries and solar" They were early to the party and innovative. But now that industrial giants are entering the market they won't have much of a future there. Those Tesla roofs look cool, tesla wall sounds cool. But try and order one... Even with the astronomical price tag, good luck getting it delivered. Their cars are great. Read about there assembly issues. The process is so poorly engineered they've got employees claiming workplace injuries from repetitive tasks in awkward positions. This is not high tech robotic manufacturing that all their competitors are experts in. Every time they announce something, there's a huge waiting list of people signing up to get it in like 2 years. That's a good thing for them, mostly, but really, ford announced the e mustang and was delivering them in months... The excitement creates speculation which pumps there stock which makes a bunch of gamblers money. It could do the same for you. Maybe? As opposed to say Amazon, everything thinks is a retail company, tuesday they announced a cloud service interruption and look at the news of all the shit that was down, and those are just the very public facing internet services, never mind all the internal company application outages disrupting productivity all over the country. Microsoft is becoming (if not already is) as large a cloud compute provider. And Google's a strong contender. Along with all the other shit these companies do. For the resources it takes to make solar and batteries better than what they are now. I don't see much of a chance for Tesla against industrial giants like Siemens and Samsung, who are investing heavily. But, hey, their cars are still pretty fashionable, at least on the West Coast. I'm having a hard time imagining them doing much in the Chinese market anymore.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    *After 3 minutes of fucking* "I need you to cum for me now"
    When has anyone ever cum faster cause they were being hurried?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    I think it was first Plato who once pinioned that arguing on the Internet is like racing in the special olympics. It really doesn't matter who wins, and in the end you're both still retarded.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    Just like 208 infrastructure weeks in a row with nothing done.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    "Before anyone says "Trump wouldn't have done it any better," that's an unprovable hypothetical." Rump spent 4 years promising and accomplished nothing. PROOF.
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    3 years ago
    Remember Afghanistan ?
    Ya, I remember Afghanistan. I remember why we invaded. I remember a different president who promised to end the occupation. I remember he failed. Didn't get done in the first year as promised, wasn't done the second, third, or fourth either. I'm sure you remember that too, but don't want anyone else too. But are too stupid to just let that slide into obscurity... And keep wanting to throw around your ultra partisan pro fascism rants against Mr Biden for the hardships those poor Afghani's that you couldn't actually give a fuck about are facing.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    Sometimes dancers are just lazy. Sure, she could work the room and make more. But maybe her bills are paid that month, or whatever, she has to show up as scheduled and just wants to get through the night and go home. That "regular" it the most comfortable place to hang without getting in trouble for spending too much time in the dressing room (cause that's a thing at some clubs). Or, you're just too damned ugly. Whatever, get over it. She's probably just going to lay there with her head turned away and eyes closed wishing she was somewhere else even if she does put out.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Seeking and whats your price both suck
    Full of scammers, but in some places that 4.9% of "escorts" was the best thing the town had. (ever been to Manhattan, KS?)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever paid for OTC services with other than cash?
    Had someone from SA once tell me (via messaging) "Cash is for hookers". I mentioned that to another girl I met from there who was wondering WTF she thought SA was for?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Tallest dancer you ever got a dance from
    about 6'. I think she actually stood taller than me in heels. (It's amusing how many of these girls don't realize how tall I am when they have 6" heels until they take the shoes off). Tall, thin and gorgeous, with a very natural beauty and quirkiness that was irresistible.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    If you had 5-10k and could go to any club in the country, where would you go?
    Blowing that kinda money on booty, I'd go overseas for sure. London, Frankfurt, Bangkok, Macau, Manila, Rio... What kinda women you like and buy a ticket there.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Gang bangs
    I could probably get into being one of 3 or 4 guys with the right girl... But it's not something I'm going to pay for. These gang bangs I see on escort sites, I'm too cheap mostly, don't care if they were less expensive than one on one with the same girl, not interested enough to pay for it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    If you are considering moving overseas for retirement, the only thing I really see Mexico has going for it is proximity to the US. If you're not worried about travel time and costs I gotta believe there are much better options (i.e. Thailand or Philippines, or pretty much anywhere in SE Asia). Not sure about the economics of living in Greece, Italy, Spain or Portugal, but I sure rather be there than Mexico too.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    One rule they are missing... Always wash you're hands with soap and water for a solid 30 seconds between fingering different dancers. The whole shower and hygiene before showing up doesn't preclude you from getting a little something on your finger and putting it somewhere else...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Rules (reversed)
    @Subraman, yes, I'll agree that sometimes an empty club works. But, the point is, ever been to one of those nearly dead almost empty clubs where all the dancers are bored and pissed off it's nearly dead and almost empty... And decided to take out there frustration on the few guys who are there, because they aren't tipping enough? counterproductive and doesn't solve anything for them if the guys just leave. I realize it's probably more of a ploy to get them to start tipping rather than leave, I guess, from the times I've been there I wasn't too sure the dancer was really thinking anything more than she's angry she's not getting paid... Flipping it around, being the only guy just because it's early, or a new club or something, and the dancers are all ornery about there being only one guy, and they are engaging and I do feel like spending money on them, it can be a great time. But this is all about THEM.