
Comments by bkkruined (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Q: What can't you get in Mexico that you can get in the US? A: Clean drinking water, straight out of the faucet.
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    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why Tampa has so many strip clubs.
    I think the question we should be asking is not why Tampa has so many, but why everywhere else doesn't have as many. But really, looking at the club listings I count 26 in Hillsborough County. In Multnomah County, Oregon (i.e. Portland area) that are pretty close to 40 +/- a few listed as "lingerie modeling studios" (i.e. lapdance only).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Rules (reversed)
    "Do you see a lot of empty tables?" When a guy comes into a bar and IT'S EMPTY, first response it to LEAVE!!!! How the fuck do strippers not understand this? If it's empty enough she knows a guys not tipping / getting dances from anyone, it's because she's got nothing better to so than watch them because it's dead. Kick them all out and it's empty, and the first thing the guy with $200 to spend is going to do when he walks in is leave. It's fucking awkward being the only guy in a strip club. I'm sure many of us have been there, done that, gotten over it. How often did it not suck? Most guys, especially in groups, are going to turn around and leave.
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    3 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    >if you can't afford to spend at least $ 200, you shouldn't be going to the club. we are not dancing for free. it is rude to sit around and enjoy a "free" show. I've been flipped that attitude in clubs before, but the dumb bitch doesn't realize that I just don't want to pay HER. Usually it's a case of waiting to see if there's better available, but once I get that attitude, nope. Sometimes I will just sit and watch hoping for a unicorn among the herd of cows. They really should be glad about that, no one likes an empty strip club. Really, if there's seating for 100 and 5 guys are there, yep, looks better empty, eh? (I never go on weekends). Because I do always walk in with at least $200 and even if I can't find that unicorn, I'll spend at least that on someone who seems nice. And haggling? I always accept or decline the offer. Sometimes, when I decline, they counter... So, who the fuck is haggling now? and what really pisses them off is when I just keep turning them down once this starts. $60 a dance, no thank you, then $40, then $30, $20, once she's down to a totally average normal price for the place, or even less, I'm still saying no on that principal of "her worth" that she just lowered on her own. This really pisses them off, but you know once she starts at $60 and ends at $20, the dance is going to suck anyways... And the club's set price? OK, I will accept that if she NEVER GOES OVER IT. (so the club set's "your worth" eh?, ya...)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Standard TUSCL Cover Story
    finsub group therapy?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Standard TUSCL Cover Story
    Met on stripperweb.com trying to find out how to give dancers more money.
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    3 years ago
    Song suggestions
    And watch out with the deer antler headband... Hunting accidents happen. Not a joke... I've know people who've had to paint horses orange, while inside a fenced pasture.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Song suggestions
    NICKELBACK!!!! Figured You Out "I like your pants around your feet...." "I like the white stains on your dress...." Something In Your Mouth "Got to meet the hottie with the million dollar body They say it's over budget, but you'd pay her just to touch it, come on! "
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    OT: Your Entrance Music
    Stone Cold Crazy!!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    ^^ ya, so why's the defense lying about it? Either they don't want to jury to see up close in a video, or they want a jury to not believe what they are seeing? And the judge is going for it.. Judge sounds more and more like he's got a good old fashion case of "not wanting to ruin the life of a nice white boy"...
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    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    https://www.engadget.com/kyle-rittenhouse-ipad-pinch-to-zoom-lawyers-claim-142110207.html the defense just straight up lies in court, Judge goes along with it. Give prosecution 15 minutes to find an expert? WTF?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OT: New Jersey toll roads --- anybody in NJ?
    Put it in google and set "avoid tolls" on the options. Last time I was in the area, getting from JFK to Connecticut, there was a route to avoid tolls, it was estimated to take 14 hours. From Connecticut to Staten Island, fagetaboutit. And, I mostly didn't see any tolls booths to pay cash at in NY, but saw signs noting the road was tolled. I did see cash booths in NJ, but was just on the turnpike from GW bridge to Goethals bridge, and that shit's been tolled since before database were invented, probably tolled horses on it before there were cars. But traveling for work, I just expensed it all anyways, and paying cash at the booth would've created the receipt issue that the rental company so kindly solved for me. Of course, they just gave me a total with no itemized list, so who the fuck knows, really? And, despite most of those tolls being for personal entertainment I couldn't itemize them and expensed the whole thing. I've never thought about getting a pass and using it in a rental before. You obviously don't want to forget that when you turn it in, and don't try and register the car's plate number... But, assuming those electronic passes work reliably enough, it might be cheapest just to get one. Too bad google won't list toll prices on different routes...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Music: Bring Back The Dead
    freddie mercury
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Seattle: a new club is opening in the old Dancing Bare space
    Frank was the former owner of Rick's, Sugars, Honeys and fox's. Shell company was something at least very similar to talents west (maybe talent northwest). After years of issues with law enforcement (not all issues regarding these clubs) they shut them down and auctioned them off. Ricks and Fox's remain. When Kittens first opened I saw some rumor about it being run by a former manager or dancer from ricks, and they hired Frank's son as a "consultant". Talent West, I'm sure as a legal entity, is a "new company". But probably same faces from the old company and a very similar name. Part of the legal issues that shut them down was illegal campaign contributions. Found someone tied to Frank's businesses repaying their employees to make campaign contributions to city council members. At the time city council had a ban on new clubs until they could complete a zoning study, which they never funded the study for like 20 years, effectively banning new clubs. Which gave Frank's clubs no competition and apparently he was trying to keep that going. City was sued, lost, finally had to create a zoning plan to allow new clubs, but it's pretty damned restrictive. The only two that opened so far under that was Pandora's and kittens (maybe the VU by stadiums, that might have been somehow grandfathered prior zoning, not sure). There was one other, forget it's name (I never went, reviews all said it really sucked), actually opened by the guy that kept suing the city over zoning (made more money suing the city than running clubs, apparently), and I was always kinda confused if it was a strip club or comedy club, apparently it switched back and forth (Giggles maybe?)... But the old clubs have grandfathered zoning use. So, easier to buy / remodel an old club than start a new one, I guess. Old Sugars was on aurora, kinda northish, can't remember if in Seattle or Shoreline or farther... Far enough that, from Seattle, I'd either stop at Rick's or continue on to Honeys. Was just never impressed with the old Sugars.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    Manager Admits to Reading a Review Site, then Fired a Dancer
    If the manager finds credible evidence that such activity is going in inside the club he is responsible for managing and does nothing about it, I assume he's opening himself up for being legally liable for operating a brothel, or enabling prostitution, or whatever the law / charges would be. The managers that allow this to happen are hopefully smart enough to never find evidence of it. But if they are firing someone over one review is pretty equally stupid. People make shit up. Especially about what happened in the VIP.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    "I would call them fucktards." Everyone involved, including the white wing hero. None of them should have been doing what they did. But that doesn't excuse someone for murdering them. "He shouldn't have been there? We have a constitutional right to freedom of travel, so if the Judge allowed that, its reversable error." Kenosha officials imposed an 8 p.m. curfew the night of the shootings. It was illegal for him to be there when he was. And he is charged with violating this and on trial it also, I assume he's plead innocent, assuming the jury will sway the same way on everything, can't imagine how anyone thinks he wasn't violating the curfew (or being a minor in possession of a firearm). And yes, they were all violating the curfew. Which doesn't excuse one for killing a bunch of the others.
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    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    "the idea that people aren't prosecuted despite the prosecutor knowing they are not guilty is beyond fucked up." Fully aware this happens. Remember a case of self defense, kid pulled a knife and stabs another if I remember. Was tried for assault. Jury looked at evidence of him getting beat up and a history of harassment before finally pulling the knife and determine he was innocent, with prejudice. Of course, that defendant was an Asian university student getting bullied by a bunch of frat boys. Makes you wonder how he ended up on trial? I doubt that happens here. Maybe he'll be found innocent. What I haven't heard through all this "serious legal analyst" is whether or not the judge is allowing prosecution to argue he never should have been there, and was asking for trouble being there. Already decided they can't call the dead guys victims.
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    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    "You seem to think this means the facts and the law don't matter." Facts and law have been decided, he's on trial because a prosecutor decided their was evidence he broke the law, and the judge didn't disagree. If you don't understand those are serious decisions made by serious people well versed in the law of that state, well... "Hopefully this encourages more people to act in lawful self-defense against the violent left." You vehemently want to assign political points to the actions of a group of people fed up with the way they are treated. They aren't out there because of any one single action of the police that you want to argue about. It's a broader issue of the overall attitude of the police towards them, this just brought it to a reaction. The only thing political about it is picking sides and jumping on social media to support one side or the other... And, you seem to want this to happen more. Which really sounds a lot more like the good old keep them in their place attitude. And then cry about being called a racists. "If I were in Rittenhouse's situation, I'd have done much the same. And I think you would have too." I'd never put myself in that situation. I know people who do, but they not only have training, but also follow orders. Anyone decided to just go do this on their own, well, jury determines their fate.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    "Show me one serious legal analyst"... You've never actually been on a jury, have you? It's on trial. The jury is going to decide. Doesn't take much "serious legal analyst" to understand that. In fact, if the "serious legal analyst" were so damned sure he was innocent and correct about that, he wouldn't be on trial. But he is. Jurors aren't "serious legal analyst" or pundits and supposedly not activists (the whole group of them aren't going to be on the same side for sure). And, they are going to decide.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    You can carry on about "the law", but the jury's going to decide this. And they probably aren't a bunch of right wing zealots who want to teach them BLM'er and antifa a lesson. And however wrong it might be, if he's acquitted, there'll be another protest, and there's a good chance the "self defense" won't be cheered on by the MAGA crowd this time.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    Here's a Wisconsin lawyer on the matter. www.nglawyers.com "If an argument escalates to violence, it may not be clear who started the fight. If you initiated or escalated the violence, then you may lose your right to self-defense." Where does it say it's "False" that you can engage in illegal activity and claim the people you killed as a result was self defense?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
    "He had no business being there." If someone breaks into my house, they don't get to claim self defense if they shoot first. If it can be proven he was breaking other laws being there with the firearm, anyone killed as a circumstance of him breaking other laws becomes a murder charge. You loose your right to self defense when you start committing crimes. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'm upset, offended and quite frankly hurt that I'm judged based on what I drive
    Guy's who buy flashy cars, I assume, like to throw money around in clubs to attract attention... it's flashy. Doesn't matter they have more or less money than the dude with the astro van. They are willing to throw it around for flash. For strippers, that's easy money. Dude with the Astro van is going to make them grind for it. It might be more money, but it's more work.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Advice on getting laid free game
    How do you get them to leave when you're done?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    FKK Advice
    My only experience was around Munich in one of the smaller clubs. The women apparently are mostly not German, I was approached by more than one that initiated conversation in German but as soon I mentioned English told me there English was much better than German... I visited during a 10-12 hour layover, and probably spent 6-8 hours at the club. Got a quick run down from the reception, took a showers got cleaned up and went in. Wandered a bit looking at all the ladies, decided which I was most interested in and made a deal. Fucked her, paid, took another shower to clean up again, went back inside and though, now what??? Maybe bring a book or something if you expect to stay there all day? I explored the club a bit, got something to eat, laid out in the sun (summer), got board and started deciding which I was most interested in again. Expect some ladies to come and go, or I guess you can cum and go but that kinda seems defeat the whole atmosphere and purpose for the entrance price (brothels are legal there also). But after number two I still had a couple hours to kill before I needed to get back to the airport. It was the only time in the last 10 years I managed 3 times in a day... But the sitting around between was kinda, like, WTF do I do? I'm not a big sauna guy, just like to fuck...