
Another sign of the Apocalypse

Thursday, November 18, 2021 1:50 PM
Beginning this week, a new city law goes into effect in Los Angeles forbidding restaurants with 26 or more employees from handing out ketchup and mustard packets without the customer first requesting them. Come April 2022, it will apply to all restaurants. The intent of the new ordinance—which also restricts the distribution of other single-use items like napkins and utensils—is to prevent waste and combat climate change, according to its authors. Because climate change is the most urgent problem facing Los Angelese.


  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Oregon has already done that with straws. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And they don’t even give allowance for 26 and less employees. If having to remember to ask for stuff is the apocalypse, then so far the 4 horsemen seems like a pretty chill group of dudes.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Man those paper straws suck.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Ugh yeah I don’t like those either. My favorite alternative so far is the strawless sippy cups
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    With 50,000 homeless people in LA, projected to reach 75,000 by 2023, I don’t think ketchup packets are the most urgent environmental issue.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Progressive believers are a combination of Josef Stalin and Adolph Hitler.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Right I forgot my good conservative guidance ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise are essential to good governance !
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Homeless people would on average have a lower carbon footprint than most. Mostly thanks to not using fossil fuel vehicles and tents not consuming non-renewable energy. Not saying homelessness is a good thing (it’s not imo) just that it’s a completely separate thing than worrying about the environment. Hey, I can get down with mocking Californians. But once I hear the word “apocalypse” that’s like troll catnip for me 🤣
  • rockie
    3 years ago
    Ski: I'm not sure they know who Stalin and Hitler were!
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    What’s funny is that a lot of fast food restaurants around me have been doing that for years to save $$$.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    It makes sense to conserve where possible. I agree this isn’t the most important issue facing the country - or California - but I guess they have different priorities out there. Homeless likely have a lower carbon footprint. But, we must consider the effect of their unsanitary living on the local environment as well. They use the street and sidewalks as toilets. Many with drug addictions don’t think twice about leaving used syringes littering playgrounds. I laugh - as it’s not worth crying - when I see a tent with a solar panel above it. An environmentally conscious homeless drug addict!? Ya don’t say! Probably a vegan too! Lol! Just what I need - a homeless guy wearing his underpants over his actual pants - lecturing me about my carbon footprint!
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    ypu know who the ketchup law is going to piss off? the european tourists. whenever i used to go to a mcdonalds i'd see them grabbing taking 20-30 packets and stuff them into their paper bags. one day i asked one of them why they did this and the response was that ketchup in europe is expensive. so whenever in america they stockpile the ketchup as much as poosible. i wonder how the airport officials react whenever they do a luggage check and see all these ketchup packets.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    The environmental issue with the homeless isn’t carbon footprint, it’s shitting on the sidewalk. Let’s fix that first.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    I thought you lived in Arizona? Why are “we” going to fix this? The cheapest area to get a 1 bedroom apartment in the Bay Area is the Oakland area at $1684. Somebody working 40 hours a week need to be making equivalent $31/hr. Fine for tech workers, less fine for the jobs that were acknowledged to be essential during the pandemic. I am not going to campaign for anybody’s rights. But I personally don’t blame people who say “fuck it” and drop out of society—since from my vantage point that is a pretty rational thing to do. Either home prices/rent has to drop OR wages have to increase OR just let the homeless do whatever they please and mind yer businesses. Maybe some type of super developed Roomba can get deployed to sweep up the streets of poop. But hey, at least the conversation has shifted over (from my viewpoint anyways) to something that’s a bigger deal than ketchup packets and napkins.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    How is that a problem? Fast food places have done that for a long time. And paper straws have been around for years. If this bothers you so much you're kinda sick in the head. And the same morons hitching about the homeless problem are the same ones who will call approaches to tackling the problem "socialist " And European ketchup isn't as sweet as the American one. Most Europeans find the sweetness of American foods disgusting
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    So if the first 3 horsemen of the apocalypse are paper straws, ketchup packs, and mustard packs, who’s is the fourth?
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Mayonnaise
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    ^ Rick from the young ones?
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    plastic bags
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    You can get plastic bags. But they're reusable. Which is better. You have to be a weirdo to complain about stuff that's better for everyone.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Helping the environment is communist? So communism is good right
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Communism is attractive to interiors.
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    Im in NYC but I'm neither for nor against it. Why can't employees simply ask if the customers want condiments. And I'm not against the idea of bringing my own straw or if it's on the go, forgoing any napkins or utensils. Matter fact, I'm gonna start making paper utensils fit for take out and sell them en mass.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    People don’t choose to be homeless because of high rents. Drugs. Mental health. Those are the root causes for the vast majority on the streets. There are already safety nets for people who are struggling financially but have a sober and sound mind. Section 8 housing. Medicaid. Food stamps. Shelters. You can argue whether that’s enough, but there are programs to keep them off the streets. There used to be enough mental health facilities to treat and house those unable to fend for themselves. There is a role for government at alll levels in funding those facilities adequately.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    Question for Mr. Mark: why do you have such a hard on for unsolicited ketchup and mustard packets? Remember you can still ask for ketchup and/or mustard. And you don’t even need to tell them why you want it. So if you’re thinking “I DON’T WANT TO ADMIT THAT I LIKE TO USE MUSTARD AS LUBE” just remember that you don’t have to do so. In fact, I’m confident that the waitress doesn’t want that information. Now that I’ve resolved this issue all that is left is a hearty YOU’RE WELCOME
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Ca legislators got too much time on their hands. Btw - I like ketchup with my fries but the packets suck. I’m all balls - I need a small cup or a puddle of ketchup on my plate to deeply dip my fries in. Spurting a little on them with those packets is JV.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Check out Michael Schellenberger’s book San Fransicko or listen to him on a podcast like Joe Rogan’s he does a good job of explaining the homelessness problem in California today and how doing nothing the the left does is just not the answer.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    ^ okay I downloaded it. Will play it next long drive I have
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    A lot of the homeless refuse help/assistance bc for many programs you have to be clean (not using drugs) and many don't wanna stop so they prefer to stay on the streets so they can keep using. As @Mark94 mentioned; for many of these folks being homeless is not the problem but the symptom of a different problem and giving them a home doesn't really solve much (during Corona when they put up homeless in hotels they often tore up the rooms and became drug dens).
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    w.r.t. the single-serve ketchup, Chik-Fil-A has the best ones that one can actually dip their fries in.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    A lot of people forget California used to be the Texas of back in the day. Ronald Reagan’s California was probably peak America. There’s something odd about humans where it can never get too good, it’s like some sort of fail safe where they just start spitting out radical ideas to fuck it all up. A lot like after Giuliani and Bloomberg in New York things were getting too good so it was time to get woke with DeBlasio and he did the best job you could to ruin it. And it has to get bad enough where you then see people get conservative again to fix it. Much like going from Dinkins to Giuliani. Back in California though Liberals took total and complete control of the state and took about two decades to destroy it. Physically I’m in love with the place but it’s just run by assholes and I’m not sure if there’s any hope for the future. Anybody with half a brain gets the fuck out of there. But I hope that cycle I mentioned can save it but these wokesters are something else, it’s like some sort of mental illness where they are unable to recognize how shitty things are getting or just out right dangerous. Living in complete denial.
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    Bunch of sick fuck wackos in Cali. Worried about ketchup. What's next, reusable TP?
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    The most concerning thing about California is that progressives want the U.S. to follow suit - for progressives California is the model to follow for the U.S. not one to avoid nor change.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    It might be more COVID hysteria. We had all those kinds of restrictions here during the depths of the COVID response. SJG
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    California has a 31b budget surplus. And it was Reagan who gutted the social safety nets ie mental health veteran benefits etc and caused a homeless epidemic. As CA governor he also caused the watts riots when he opposed integration snd the Civil rights act.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    LOL Icee Ronald Reagan wasn't even Governor in '65 yet for the Watts Riots. And the ACLU created the homelessness mess. As far money, nobody has a bigger shovel than California. Home of the Tech industry, no question. But middle class taxpayers are wondering where is ROI for a state with so much wealth? The answer is it's being squandered by corrupt, inept and quite frankly mentally ill elected officials. Icee when you finally get a job and maybe even one day run a business maybe you will finally see the light. But for those who don't pay taxes and contribute well I guess who cares right? Fuck it!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Muddy stick to writing about sex tourism and misogyny Get so horny you have to pay a hooker lately?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    They've always asked what condiments you need and how many for the longest time. It's not a big deal. Like paper or reusable plastic bags paper straws. Sustainable packaging. How can anyone be upset by it
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    ^ Well, Mr. Icee, Mr. Mark can be upset. This thread is a perfect illustration of why it is fun to fuck with the “politically engaged” TUSCLers. It starts by calling a perfectly reasonable attempt to reduce trash by mandating that restaurants not give you shit you’re going to throw away and freaks out over it. Then it swerves into homelessness. Mr. Mark actually made a good point about the homeless but then the tread turns into a bitch fest about how horrible dem librulz iz. Here’s a Phil phact(tm) that I’m going to let you in on. Rich, well-educated liberals - the kind of folks who spend $1.2M for an 800 sq ft condo in San Francisco because the like living in San Francisco - don’t like homelessness. They’d love to solve it. But they’re also hypocrites who don’t want to put any real effort or money into solving the issue. Plus, it’s hard to solve. So, they make sure the homeless have the opportunity to get a slice of turkey on Thanksgiving and a ham sandwich on Christmas and figure the rest will work itself out. But you’re also fucking hypocrites. You bitch and bitch and bitch about homelessness in California. I’m sure that means the good conservatives have wiped out homelessness in the states they control. Yep, I’m sure there are no homeless in Texas or in Dugan’s utopia. Didn’t Jesus say some shit about dealing with the beam in your own eye before fucking with the mote in your brother’s eye? Maybe you folks should consider that Jesus shit. Some folks say he was wise. Of course, a lot of those folks believe that two of every species on the planet fit in a single boat, so I guess a lot of those folks are morons. But the beams and motes and eyes shit is still pretty wise. You should try to live by that one. You’re welcome.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Don't get butt hurt Icee, defeat the argument. It's all good Icee we're gonna bring you up in this game. When you have a job, your a tax payer, you see innocents get hurt due to stupid policies, you start to see the light. We need to get you started on reading Milton Friedman's "Free to Choose" throw out Communist Maniefesto trash that your middle school teachers gave you. You gonna be alright.
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    Speaking of ketchup and mustard packages what they should’ve done is outlaw 1oz packets and enact a law for them to be 2oz or up. I don’t know about y’all but I like Ketchup (Heinz please get that Hunts bullshit away from me). Hate it when I order a burger and fries then gotta open like ten sorry 1 oz ketchup packets to get a good pool to dip in.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Who gets hurt by having to ask for condiments? You're a fucking lowlife sex tourist
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    ^The decent hardworking people employed by the companies that make the packages for one. #2 the server that tries for a bigger tip by proactively giving a shit #3 productivity suffers as the business turns one to two less tables a day #4 mental health disorders go up because that stressed person on his or her lunch break now loses 45 seconds of relaxation per day, which seems little but adds up over time. Etc.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    "You're a fucking lowlife sex tourist" 100% true, couldn't of described me better myself. But I do get off my ass everyday and go to WORK and contribute to this country. Give it a try sometime.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    You contribute to crime
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    ^Says guy admitting to stealing from grocery store
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    And another bitch on here just to troll
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Ketchup. Vaccines. Masks. The common theme is expressed by asking the question “ What is the proper role of government ?” 1. Is it to micro manage every aspect of our lives to force people to live in a manner approved by government bureaucrats ? 2. Or, is it organize a society where people have the freedom to make their own choices ? And, it’s worth pointing out that every dictator, tyrant, and fascist in world history believes number 1 is the correct answer.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    It’s also worth pointing out that ketchup, vaccines, and masks, don’t lead to a visit from the four horsemen of the apocalypse
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Mark do you oppose private companies making those rules as well? You have every right to make the choice to move to Texas or florida
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    And another bitch on here just to troll - Pistola 37 Reviews, one profile handle Icey 2 Reviews, 4-5?+/- profile name changes SCORECARD BITCH. WHO IS DA TROLL
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Private companies, like individuals can do whatever they want. If they choose poorly, they might go out of business. But, unlike governments, they can’t force people to comply.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    They can force people to comply. Like they can refuse to let you take all the condiments you want or refuse to let you in without a.mask or vaccine certificate.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    You may need a refresher course on how private enterprise works. Yes, a company establishes rules for doing business but they can’t keep you from doing business with another business with different rules. Government makes rules that force compliance without the option of going somewhere else.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    So instead of batching move to a place with different rules so you can patronize businesses there. That's your logic
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    First they came for the ketchup packets ........
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    “First they came for the ketchup packets ...…” Exactly! That’s what the progressive left doesn’t seem to understand. Today ketchup packets, tomorrow unlimited bread sticks, and Monday strip clubs Presumably we all go to clubs. (I think ???). Someday something will be taken away you do care about
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The apocalypse is simply the implosion of capitalism. Once we move to full social democracy and let people benefit from our technological accomplishments, we will have a paradise on earth. SJG TJ Street [view link]
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    But if a private company skimps on condiments to save money its okay. Its only bad if it's coz of a policy to save the environment
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^^ a very good insight! SJG
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Some apocalypse . .
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    There should be millions of automated drones, laden with ketchup and mustard, waiting suspended by helium balloons. You call in a condiment strike with your smartphone, the drone is activated, temporarily detaches from the balloon, caries out the sortie. Saves the little plastic packet wastage. Patent pending, so don't even try to steal this idea.
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    I farted
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    And everyone already seeking an excuse to be outraged decided this was it...
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