
Comments by bkkruined (page 17)

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    4 years ago
    In the wind
    John Bolton rats out Trump
    Trump had 304 electoral votes vs Hillary's 227. So, 40 votes would've swung it. Pennsylvania has 20. Results for that state were Hillary 2,926,441 (47.46%) Trump 2,970,733 (48.18%) and Jill Stein 49,941. Wisconsin has 10. Results Hillary 1,382,536 (46.45%) Trump 1,405,284 (47.22%) and Jill Stein 31,072. Michigan has 16. Hillary 2,268,839 (47.27%) Trump 2,279,543 (47.50%) and Jill Stein 51,463. So, in Pennsylvania out of 5,897,174 cast he won by 44,292. In Wisconsin, 22,748 votes out of 2,787,820 and in Michigan 10,704 out of 4,548,382 Less than 1% in each state. Total of less than 100,000 people out of 12 million (and only 1/2 plus 1 need to change their mind). Not only did he tell Michigan they can go fuck themselves last month when their Governor complained about lack of federal assistance for the pandemic (6000 dead, top 5 impacted states). BUT, each of these states was won by a margin less than Jill Stein's vote total. And I haven't seen Russian state media pushing any 3rd party greeny spoilers yet this year on RT (Russia Today's English cable news) and sputnik.com (because ya, those photos of Mike Flynn at the dinner table with Putin for RT's anniversary party, that was Jill Stein sitting on the other side of Putin)... So, I think Trump's going to have a greater challenge this year, and there's not much of a margin for him to loose any support he had last time. (oh, and this year, Bernie looks like he's on board with campaigning for Biden)
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    4 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Bartender importance to your Strip Club Experience
    Was in Baltimore along the block one night and the bartender was this awesome little cutey. I couldn't get over it. A couple nights later I went back and she was on stage. So I bought her a drink and took her upstairs. Usually I could care less, especially if they are guys. Actually, if they are guys, and pushing ugly girls (happened a few places in Baltimore) I'm bailing.
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    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    With the states that reopened having a spike strip clubs are dead for 2020
    I keep hearing people trying to explain it away as a Democrat hoax to steal the election by destroying Trump's economy... But, I work for a foreign company. They announced a a freeze on business travel, and let us know no one could visit HQ could they wouldn't be allowed in the country. That was at least a week before any states in the US implemented a lock down. I still see all the messages to all employees about staying home and distancing and mask requirements if they have to visit the office. They are in a country that has political leadership very friendly with the GOP. Just not friendly enough to let their own people die over this. But some people think going to the bar is more important. And think not wearing a mask is somehow going to save the economy.
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    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    With the states that reopened having a spike strip clubs are dead for 2020
    Either it's going to slowly spread to the point that everyone in those states either knows someone personally getting sick or is getting sick themselves for to finally accept this is a real and dangerous thing... OR, somehow that doesn't happen, or they really are too dumb to acknowledge once they see impacts in person (en masses). And, every model developed by them damned "elites" shows it's going to spread and infect, as well as full on give it a try in Sweden... I'm glad I live in a state with a seemingly top notch bunch of public health experts and leadership that trusts them.
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    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Business Travel: V, Fish Hook, Other Recovery ?
    I have always been able to do my job entirely remotely. But it's just easier to interact with customer in person, better communication, etc. So, I traveled. Every other week for several years. Until March. Been home, work from home, since. Haven't been home this long in a while. The planes don't bother me as much as the airports. I know how much modern planes cycle air in and out. Probably safer than a trip to the grocery store. But once I get somewhere, WTF do I eat!!! I guess take out is, and always was, available. But I almost always avoided that, every time I get back to my room it seemed like I missed take a fork, ketchup, something... And then the room would smell like greasy shit for the rest of the night. I'll probably loose all the frequent customer status I had, and re evaluate that. Was constantly using an airline that I knew had second best service in my home city because of "status" built up years ago flying multiple trips to a far off small city only they had decent service to, and I haven't been to since 2018... Similar thing with hotels... And assume my Hertz presidents club is worthless now. All my travel was expensed, and company policy was cheap. But regularly got complementary upgrades. Getting back to it, I'm thinking that's going to be thin and traveling going to return to the standard regular coach seat and compact car suckage that was when I started this job. Not looking forward to that. Big picture, I know a lot of people who traveled like I did. Whole company is still expected to minimize travel, comply with any local restrictions. And I know it's not just my company, customers that I talk to have travel freezes in place, friends in other industries also. When I did travel, I averaged about $1500 a week expenses. Air, hotel, car, meals, gas.... All not my money. Money I spent having an economic impact on those industries that's just missing now. I'm still work from home, making same as always. Saving more, not paying for any pussy (that came outa my own pocket). Internationally... Pfft... Is that country open, what are there restrictions... I work for a foreign country, travel is banned to HQ, county is sealed. Other countries, well, not only comply with their requirement but just not wanted to be stuck if our dear leader actually does decide to ban travel, in a real and effective manner to stop a pandemic, not just some racists anti chinese shit, avoiding the chaos of him miscommunicating a total ban, that actually doesn't apply to US citizens... It's starting into a nice time of the year to just stay home. I always miss being home when the wild berries are ripe.
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    4 years ago
    protesting... not right... but i get it
    "because a bad cop in Minneapolis murdered someone?" How many other cops stood around and watched, doing nothing. How many times has this same story played out over and over in the last 4, 10, 20, 50 years? How many times did this cop abuse people that was ignored because he didn't actually go as far as to kill them, or get caught on video. And how many other officers stood by and watched. They were protesting peacefully. They were ignored.
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    4 years ago
    Ké lo ké?!?!?!!
    Vegas re-opening
    I was in Vegas last Sept to work for a week. (actual work, in an office, not a conference). Had a different date from SA every night except one when I decided to try Chica Bonita. Some were good, some were just OK. All wanted less than I spent in 2 hours at Chica Bonita. Stayed just off the strip at a holiday inn, not a great place be easy to get in and out, no 5 mile hike to parking. Met all the girls restaurant just off strip (forget the name, huge outdoor mall, tap house, game room, guitar center are there, just past the Vegas sign by the back of the airport) within a 3 minutes drive back to the hotel. Strip clubs there are geared to customers who never go to strip clubs, except when in Vegas... Like everything else in that town they make there money getting you all excited about something that's not going to happen.
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    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “This f-ing country is hopeless. The political divisions in the US are almost as
    And hydroxychloroquine... OK, some doctor in NY treated a bunch of his patients and they all recovered. That's great, maybe, just maybe, there's hope? While we can disagree about how to publicize this and whether the president should be on TV telling people to try it... It's getting studied. And the results aren't good. Apparently a few people had some complications. But more importantly, on average, no one taking it recovered faster than people who didn't. So, it's just not effective. That doctor in NY, who had all his patients taking it recover, has no evidence they wouldn't all have recovered just as fast without it. But, instead of just looking at test results, it's become political.
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    4 years ago
    Trump tells an Asian American journalist to "ask China."
    Sorry, but it's more being appalled by his stupidity and dumbfounded by his popularity that actually hating him. Sure, she asked him a bullshit question, how's she expect him to respond. Like an 8 year old bully, and he did. So now everyone's arguing about him being a racists? I don't get any of it.
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    4 years ago
    Trump tells an Asian American journalist to "ask China."
    "You've said many times that the US is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing," she said. He responded by saying "Yes." She followed up: "Why does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives, and we're still seeing more cases every day?" Why the fuck would anyone in China know why he keeps comparing us to other countries instead of simply whether of not we're doing the best we can?
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    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “This f-ing country is hopeless. The political divisions in the US are almost as
    "Its probably not a hoax but the left made it a political issue." Governing is, and always has been a political process. At least in a democracy. How could it not be? The virus exists. It is spreading, making people sick and killing some. Government's response is a political issue. The virus is NOT. Claiming the virus is a hoax is beyond political, it's an absurd deviation from reality. Claiming the virus a "hoax" is just a straight up LIE. And the political divisions have gone way beyond politics and into creating a separate world were a birth certificate isn't real, photographs of crowds show more people that are in the picture and now, apparently, a virus doesn't really exist? (just for a few standouts) There's always been some level of promises never made that were never meant to be kept and offering only partial views of complicated subjects to support a point that could often be considered dishonest. But some of the shit I read these days is wholly divorced from any evidence and apparently widely believed is frightening (this whole conspiracy of a 'cabal' of pedophiles operating out of a pizza parlor basement? seriously. WTF?).
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    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Biden Is A Perv That's Likes To Sniff Children's Hair
    "all politicians are scum bags and scoundrels" But Trump's just om such a different level of incompetence and stupidity it's remarkable. Any other president has been able stick with a story for an least a day or two, this guy's not even a good liar.
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    4 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Best website for a hooker ?
    https://escortbabylon.net/ You said cheap, right? You'll get what you pay for...
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    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Banging Strippers On Camera
    I wish!!! Apparently I'm just too ugly. The couple times they did allow me to use a camera, I found the POV style thing a distraction holding the camera, and set it down someplace still pointed at us. As long as my face isn't in it, I could care less what she does with it, as long as I get a copy too!!!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Sunlight destroys the coronavirus quickly
    Of course, UV kills it. The right band of UV kills everything if used in proper amounts, including us. And it destroys all sorts of other things, plastic, wood, cloth. So, how much UV, in what bands of wavelength, for how long? And how harmful is that to, um, everything else? (Cure is probably worse than the disease.) I'm sure napalm also destroys coronavirus, hopefully we don't see a people start hoarding that too.
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    4 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Poll: Would you go to a club if everyone was required to wear a mask
    How's that gonna work, will her mask have a condom sewn into it? Or, are BJ's out, PIV only?
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    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    How many older members are willing to die for the economy??
    Naw, like everyone else here, I'M INVINCIBLE!!!! Even if I did get it, I'd for sure be one of them with no symptoms, or light symptoms. At worse, a bad fever for 2-3 weeks? But, I live 2 doors down the street from and see my very senior mom every day, almost, for one thing or another. And I don't want to be the irresponsible jackass that leads to her getting sick and dying. And, she's staying home, seriously, not going anywhere, no other visitors. So, no one else is around to be the irresponsible ass to get rid of her, so I gotta stay home too... Because it's not just me living and dying, it's getting other people sick and likely dead over something entirely avoidable. (cause I'm full time work from home).
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    4 years ago
    I see many people wanting to open it up that frame getting the virus as a pretty black and white issue. Either you're fine, or one of the small percentage that die. There's a lot of grey area in between. 3-4 weeks of being sick, very sick from the stories I've read, bad chills, hallucinations, no strength, etc. That's probably 50% or more of the people that are "infected". And then there's the 20% that are living through it, with scarring in there lungs and lasting impacts of decreased physical ability. So, if 60% of get infected.... 30% or use are out of work for 3 weeks cause we can't get out of bed (ignoring the part about being contagious) and probably 10% of us end up with scarred lungs that leave us unable to walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for air. And maybe we've reached the "herd immunity" state that drastically slows the spread. But it's still there, occasionally infecting a person here or there, maybe wiping out an assisted living facility every now and then. With people less likely to get a vaccine when it is available that'd be needed to total wipe it out.
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    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Kim Jong Un Was in Critical Condition After Surgery, U.S. Official Says
    I've developed a bit of a thing for Korean girls, with the whole Kgirl thing out on the west coast... (see https://www.peach.cafe/listings/l/united%20states/california/san%20jose/ for examples). But she's just not it. I dunno if it's the plain style, or knowing what a brutal piece of shit she is... Though if I ever did have the chance I sure as hell would grab a handful of hair and shove it in her ass anyways.
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    4 years ago
    @bdirect "Taiwan got the best CDC in the world...... only 80 miles from china" You might want to researcher the history and current relationships between Taiwan and China. It might be only 80 miles (close enough for artillery, at low tide, which the Chinese used to regularly fire as a reminder, might still do so), and almost everyone in Taiwan is ethnically Chinese, and from China... But, I'm not sure they allow direct flights. Or even allow each other's citizens to visit AT ALL? Not a lot of trust there...
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    4 years ago
    @bdirect "not a divided country like usa" Not just "divided". Substantial percentage distrust the government and think, to be brief, that the government is for some reason out to get them. (i.e. the deep state). Similar sized percentage thinks the head of the government is just stupid and corrupt, and will only act in his own self interest. Differences aside, no one trusts it.
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    4 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Trumps chances of re-election
    Trump wins. Too many Americans are just stoopeed. The number of people I saw in TV interviews 4 years ago say they voted for Trump cause they just wanted to rage against the machine was remarkable. Now that he's broken everything nice, I wonder how they still feel about that. Probably still don't get how fucked we are now. Combined with enough rich fuckers who just wanted their tax cut to go buy back some stocks... (good job balancing the budget, eh?) Unfortunately I think Biden's best chance it to die before the election. Maybe enough of these idiots will think it's funny to still vote for him we can get rid of Trump?
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    4 years ago
    In the wind
    1918 ‘Spanish’ flu outbreak is playing out just like ‘reopen’ protesters in 2020
    Though the Spanish Flu and Coronavirus may be very different. It does sound an awful lot like people's response and the politics surrounding them are remarkably the same.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    In the wind
    The Reopen America Now Protestors Should Carry This CARD
    Once infected, people are contagious. But usually don't show symptoms for 24 or 48 hours, or possibly never get sick at all. And they are still infecting others. Some of whom will get sick and die. It's not just all about them. It's the people they will hurt along the way via stupidity and irresponsibility. If they don't care about getting sick, good for them. I wonder how they feel about getting grandma sick?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    You can desire not to live in fear all you want... But you should be smart enough to know by now, people can be carriers of the virus and spreading it without being aware of this. (or do you think this is a hoax?) So, ya, you could be the guy running around killing people, cause you don't want to stay home. Hope that feels good. Oh, and those masks, that you refuse to "hide behind", they protect others from you more than anything. They are really only marginally effective at protecting the people wearing them from inhaling particles with the virus, that can also get into your eyes... But, if the sick person wears it, their cough is caught, mostly contained, and "biggly" effective on that side. So, ya, you're just running around putting everyone else at risk. I'm sure you can just blame the Chinese when grandma (or whoever else you infect) dies. Like someone once said, with freedom comes responsibility... But apparently we have too many dumb twats running around these day.