Bartender importance to your Strip Club Experience

The mustache makes the man
Unless I am going to a club to meet a specific dancer I find that the bartender is the most important person to my experience.
- They are often dancers who have aged out or still may dance from time to time. They generally still are very sexy women.
- They are often there at the same time each and every week so it is a constant you can count on.
- Once they know you and the women you prefer they can make recommendations or call a certain girl out of the dressing room for you.
- Once they learn your drink preferences they can recommend if a new quality single malt whisky comes in.
- If you tip them well they will often give you a very generous pour of such high end whisky.
- If nothing much is going on they are often good company while you are enjoying your expensive whisky.
What are your thoughts on SC bartenders guys?
last commentI like that in my favorite club the bartender has remembered my preferences even after the club being shut for 2 months during the great panic of 2020. She brings my drink exactly like I would order it without me even asking and lately she doesn't even bother to give me the VIP wristband saying "I trust you, I know you're only going with the same girl". Smart on her part = good tip.
When Scribbles works the bar I have a better time. She's pocket aces and it was nice seeing her yesterday for my "norm" type greeting.
Can definitely impact it. A big deal when I am sitting at the bar and the bartender happens to be attractive and personable... or a total bitch. Flight Club used to have the WORST bartenders on the planet and then changed them out about a year? ago and made for a much better experience.
Same two guys been working the bar at Cheetah's in Windsor forever now and I know them by name. They remember what I drink and I tip them well. I always get fast service and they have gotten me a round, a shot or given the door man the high sign to waive my cover charge on numerous occasions.
Then there was that time at Player's in Detroit when I split a bucket 3/2 of beers with the bartender on her recommendation to save me a few bucks on a slow Sunday night. Smoking hot brunette in a tight leather vest and low cut jeans; said she used to dance. Bartender #2 shows up and I said geez, too bad I can't go VIP with you and she says, "Let's Go" and tells the other girl she'll be on break for 10-15. Got back there and the vest came off, the jeans were unbuttoned and we had a very hot time in the booth.... Yeah, THAT bartender was very important that night.
The things the OP said are things I can agree with, and it does make for a better experience at the bar. But for the subject of "importance" to my strip club experience, it's not something that makes much of a difference in how I club. I rarely sit at the bar, and tip well enough if I have to go to the bar to get something faster that regular bartenders recognize me and make good drinks. In one of the clubs I go to the VIP bartender is also a server, so I do get a few perks with that. But I do see a lot of the regulars hanging out at the bar and are very friendly with the bartenders. Other than the decade when I clubbed regularly with friends, I don't really go to clubs to socialize.
The bartender is of zero importance to me. If my primary goal was to drink, I’d go to an actual bar. The strippers are the only workers at a club that matter to me at all.
Bartender is not that important to me either. I actually rarely even have a drink at a strip club unless it's mandatory. Then I'll order my one beer and suck on that for a while. I'm there for the skin on skin contact.
Na, I don't drink, so I just get my water or whatever. Always tip a little and be friendly, so if anyone asks them about me, they could say I tip a little and am friendly.
I go to the club specifically to drink with the strippers, but after thinking about it a bit, I think I find the bartenders have minor impact on my fun. Yes, once I get to know them, more generous pours, an occasional free round, and someone to talk to between strippers, is definitely fun and a minor benefit. It's definitely nice but not required.
I enjoy talking to the bartenders. Usually a low key way to find out valuable information and sometimes more. Many, many years ago I used to go to a club in Gastonia, NC named Teddy Bears. (The building was bulldozed a few years ago.) I was talking to the bartender and complaining about the lack of dancers. Next thing you know I am in VIP getting FS from perhaps the best looking girl in the joint.
Very. I like my drinks to continue coming with a good pour. I also like attentiveness when I need dancers drinks or decide to order food (only at a few places). These are the very reasons why I always sit at the bar. When these things aren't running smoothly it really disrupts the flow of my clubbing night.
I wouldn’t say necessary, but I think it’s a nice thing to be good with the bartender. When your having a chit chat with a stripper you can always pull her in. I just feel three people talking can really elevate a conversation and get rid of any awkward luls there might be, even better if that third person likes you, they’ll start opening up aswell. If it’s a regular club, I’m also narcissistic enough to think they might be talking about me when I’m not there.
I’m friendly with certain bartenders in each of the clubs I go to regularly, For a decent tip you always get a good pour introduction to gals that match your taste and I don’t remember paying a admission in forever.
i'm a water kinda guy so getting a slightly extra pour from them is of no importance to me. as long as they don't demand that i buy another drink then all is good.
if the stage is not an interesting view and my faves are busy, then i won't mind engaging in convo with the bartender if she initiates. it kills that time until something happens. big plus if we make each other laugh.
monger POV: There's only one club I've been to locally where all it took was one visit for the bartender to remember who I am and what kind of cocktail I like (and how strong I like it). Even if I haven't been over for a year, she'll remember me and give me fantastic service. As hospitable and enjoyable as this feels in the long run, my primary focus going clubbing is to the girls - and unless I'm going to a brand new club, I usually don't need a lot drinks to get myself comfortable and happy with the atmosphere. So if I'm not feeling the vibe from the dancers themselves, regardless if everything else is good, I'll just leave instead of chilling with some drinks for a while. I'll go to a regular bar for that.
dancer POV: Maybe it's because I have to be around them all the time, but there have been a handful of highly reputable bartenders I've worked with and others where I'd rather not have to interact when them at all - even if I'm just asking for a cup of water. The ones I've built a strong relationship with are usually the ones that treat me to a cocktail on the house or an IOU cocktail if I reallly want a drink but can't pay right away, serve me top shelf regardless of cost difference, give me recommendations to mongers and vice versa, and have even stepped in to get some out-of-line custies out of the bar or at least away from me if I'm clearly bothered (not money issues, but some custies are convinced that they can talk to dancers any way they like without repercussions.). So in this case, yes, awesome bartenders can make a work place better.
@ Eve
There's only one club I've been to locally where all it took was one visit for the bartender to remember who I am and what kind of cocktail I like
You are unforgettable I am sure.
I don't drink, so (shrug)...I'll get a bottle of water if it's required, but that's about it. I'd say 3/4 of the time I go to the club I don't even see the bartenders. I'll notice waitresses first.
Ice-breaking does not come easily to me thus I will usually not talk-up/shoot-the-shit with bartenders/staff - I'm also not a big drinker but do purchase liquor at the SCs at times.
IME good SC bartenders are more of the exception - part of the reason I don't talk-up bartenders is bc I know they're often busy - I f'ing hate having to stand at the bar waiting to order bc the bartender is pretend-flirting with some loser that wants her constant attention - in large clubs with multiple bars/bartenders I will often purposely order from a male bartender if I have the option bc IME male-bartenders often provide prompt and proper service - I feel many female bartenders particularly in SCs have poor work-ethic similar to many a dancer and are hired mainly bc of the way they look vs being good at their job (and a good # of female SC-bartenders are probably ex-dancers) - I've had a few female bartenders give me shit or give me the evil-eye bc I had the gaul to interrupt their personal side-conversation so I can order. It's not universal of course since many female bartenders are good at their job and it's nice to be tended-to by a friendly nice-looking female - but for the most-part the bartender does not play much of a role in my SCing and if they do it's often bc of poor-service.
for me the importance is very little. sure, i can see some of the benefits, but its not gonna come close to making or breaking my visit
I generally go in the afternoons and the clubs here are not that busy. I don’t drink very much but I drink quality stuff. It’s rare when I get a 2nd drink. I do find it very useful to have the bartenders on my team. So to speak.
It seems like in a lot of tiny clubs (especially in Oregon) Bartenders are also managers. I have liked the ones I’ve met and I’d consider them professional. And I’m sure many customers did as well because a lot of times they know what the customer will order before he opens his mouth. Probably in those kinds of environments they would be more important, for dancers and customers alike. Otherwise, I barely notice them.
Bartenders are kind of like the other non-dancer staff like the DJ/bouncer/managers where most of them don't make much of a difference, a few really good ones have made a visit better and quite a few have made visits worse.
The only one that really stood out is one that heard me talking to a dancer about going to VIP after her next stage set and pulled me aside when the dancer was on stage to warn me that 2 customers had complained to the manager about her stealing money from their wallets during VIP sessions. She said the manager was reviewing tapes to look for proof to fire her. I thanked her, and tipped her $20, for the heads up and promptly discontinued my conversation with the dancer after her set. About an hour later the bouncer escorted the dancer out of the club and warned her not to come back. Shortly after that the bartended brought over a dancer with a similar look and introduced her and told me that she would be great in VIP and would "do everything "x" promised and more" which turned out to be true. I made sure to stop back by the bar after VIP just to tip her again for the info.
On the opposite end of the spectrum would be most of the bartenders in Kentucky who overly push the "buy the girl a drink?" hustle so they can get their piece of the outrageous dancer drink prices and won't let you get in more than a minute of conversation before they expect you to shell out $20+ for a dancer drink and will run the dancer off if you decline.
I rarely drink anything but a Diet Coke in a club. Bartender is the least important person in the club to me.
I trend toward 2 TL (alcohol serving) clubs in my area, one's a busy club the other not so much.
In the busy club, the bartenders don't impact me other than being hot eye candy because there's frequent turnover and they deal with so many dudes they don't remember me anyway.
In the slower club though there's 2 that improve my experience because they're hot and we flirt and laugh and sometimes I hit their weed vape pen and they slip me drinks they intend to be free but which turn out not free by my choice because I just give it back in cash tips. One of those 2 hotties slipped me her number for OTC which I was planning to do but then she got a different job and then I lost my phone (no, not in the club) and hadn't backed it up and have missed out on the opportunity - Damnit! I may ask a floor manager I'm friendly with for her number though, he probably has it.
"One of those 2 hotties slipped me her number for OTC which I was planning to do but then..."
I'd like to stay I stopped reading right there, but kept on going. sigh.
===> "One of those 2 hotties slipped me her number for OTC which I was planning to do but then she got a different job and then I lost my phone (no, not in the club) and hadn't backed it up and have missed out on the opportunity - Damnit!"
He who hesitates loses. Strippers are transient creatures, so you have to strike while the iron is hot.
A good bartender adds a little. But a bad bartender can really take away a lot. I'd include the cocktail waitress in that too.
I can recall a number of instances when I was going to a SC and purposefully went to another club because of shitty service from a waitress/bartender the last time I was there. I can't recall an instance where I specifically went to a club because of it though. 99% it's about the strippers.
Bartenders don't do much to ruin the experience but they sure can enhance it. Had this bartender at the Cheetah in Atlanta named Jasmine. The drinks kept coming and I barely noticed her when I was talking to the girls, but when I was alone she hung out and flirted...and she was thick, major plus. Other than that one experience, never really noticed the bartenders.
For me the bartenders make a small difference on the margin but they neither save nor ruin the night.
Normally I could care less but there have been 3 who's name I remember because they were so outstanding.
Misty at the Columbia Platinum Plus. Absolutely gorgeous and personable. Her BF was the general manager of the PP chain.
Angie at Follies was everybody's favorite until the tragic accident in the parking lot.
Fire at Follies. Cute, petite, black dancer turned bar tender. Always gave me special attention even though I never sat at the bar. Was on maternity leave just before the virus hit.
Not a big deal for me as I rarely sit at the bar.
Was in Baltimore along the block one night and the bartender was this awesome little cutey. I couldn't get over it.
A couple nights later I went back and she was on stage. So I bought her a drink and took her upstairs.
Usually I could care less, especially if they are guys. Actually, if they are guys, and pushing ugly girls (happened a few places in Baltimore) I'm bailing.
Only bartenders I thought were worth a damn we’re at Cheetah Atlanta. The rest are dumb dumbs and can’t get jobs in restaurants.
I've had great bartenders who were hotties, and great bartenders who were mid 50s plain Janes. I don't go to ogle them, I go to get a good drink and occasionally a nice conversation.
->@bkruined: "Usually I could care less, especially if they are guys."
Strip clubs with male bartenders = epic fail on club's part.
I go to club to see chicks (preferably hot), not dudes. Good club management is having hotness for paying cover, bartending, and of course dancing and grinding (duh).
On the other hand, I've never seen a female floor manager/bouncer, though have seen a female general manager.
Love the bartenders at RIDolls and The Club. Not so much at Foxy Lady Brockton, where they often ignore you or forget your order. The bartender at Lamplighter II I think is the owner's son, and I hate interacting with him. He's always got something stupid on the TV and doesn't seem to think it's his job to pay attention to your drink needs. But mostly I like the bartenders at strip clubs and they generally do enhance my experience.
A good bartender definitely adds to the experience.
Normally they’re nor important but once in a while they are among the better eye candy in the club. I was out west hunting one year and the strippers looked like they could be the starting offensive line for the Denver Broncos. The hot bartender and her low cut leather top saved the day.
Anyone know of clubs where the bartenders also dance? I was able to convince one of them at booby trap in Miami to dance for me but it was expensive. She ended up being a freak tho which was nice.
Since I can't touch/grope a female bartender, then on avg I rather have an efficient male bartender than some airhead that got the job b/c she's cute
Papi, I have known a few bartenders that are happy to let you have a little grope and give you a little flash. It all depends.
I rank the bartender very low on the order of importance. But, I don't frequent the same places often since I mostly club on work trips. The vibe with the girls and the quality of the dance is 95% of the score to me.
Unless they dancing all over my johnson and Johnson, they have no use for me (I actually had a bartender dance all over me a few times. Anything for a tip
I couldn't care less about being friendly with them.
The last time I got bothered about drink minimums was at Scores in Phoenix. That was 2018. It's now Cheetahs, I guess. From my review:
"If I know a club is shaping up to be dud, I’ll do a Drax to try and extend the time before I get hit up for a drink. The waitress spots me and I can see her walking over in the corner of my eye but I don’t turn. She stands there and I keep staring straight ahead. It turned into a reverse staring contest for an awkwardly long time as I avoid eye contact and pretend to be invisible. It worked at Sunny’s Saloon near LA, when I sat at the bar watching the game of the night for a half hour ignoring the bartender. Not here.
Finally she asks me if I want a drink, and I stop screwing around and acknowledge her when she asks again. I ask her if I have to buy a drink. She says it’s a two drink minimum. One drink? Maybe if it’s cheap. Two drinks for a dud club with hardly any strippers in sight? Fuck no. The DJ can do his big time hype all day long and it’s still going to be not enough girls with not enough looks for a room of dudes. Same old Scores. I got up and left, won’t be back, and wouldn’t recommend. "
For the most part bartenders (and waitresses) had little to no impottance to me when I was clubbing.
I remember one bartender who had nice assets and a large following of fans at the club and promoted her IG, everytime i visited and she was working there were at least 10-15 customers just hanging out with her.
I found her attractive and very flirty but not worth paying the entrance fee just to see her.
At another club these two waitress would take turns serving drinks and watching the adult products store.
After a great VIP experience o ordered a drink from one of these waitresses and she sat down and started talking to me, then the other waitress came by and she introduced the waitresses as her sister, though they looked nothing a like.
As the club was dead and about 15 minutes until closing we talked and I ended up visiting that club one more time just to hang out with those waitresses.