
avatar for skibum609
After old age obesity seems to be the largest risk factor in getting seriously ill from Covid-19, especially among the young. Will this cause you to change your lifestyle?


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avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
I've never had any trouble with obesity. I'm out cycling every day more to keep my sanity. With the gyms closed the cycling stores are booming out here and you wait in long lines for service.

I've read that moderate exercise increases your immune system -- but that overdoing it does just the opposite. So exercise in moderation.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Read the same article. Makes sense. We lift 3x a week, hike twice and do yardwork when weather permits.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Still swim every day weather permitting averaging 4-5 days a week between 1-2 hours per session
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
We won't even take the cover off the pool for a month. Water bowl we leave for the animals is frozen.
avatar for K
5 years ago
The risk of heart disease, higher risk of cancers, excessive tiredness, risk of impotence. and dozens of other reasons to lose weight have not stopped people from over eating and sitting on their asses. Adding one more will cause a short lived up tick in people trying. Everyone is looking forward to getting out and eating at restaurants and getting wasted in bars.

I know a dancer that is exercising a few hours a day with her sister. Boredom is driving them to do it more than the desire to stay fit. They will go back to normal eating and exercising after this is over.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I’m not changing out of concern over the virus. My changes are to keep my sanity while being at home. I walk more each day, I lift weights and do other exercises while at home. I’ve lost weight since being home.

But, I’ve heard from others that they are eating more and putting on weight. So, I think this may end up with more folks becoming sedentary and becoming less active. Being forced to stay at home gives folks an excuse - and that’s all some folks need.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Medical fears are a great driver of change. I have struggled with weight my whole life; hitting my fattest ever last memorial day, then following it up by getting fatter, having the worst physical ever in my life and having to go on metformin and getting blood pressure meds increase. One week later in intensive care for anaphylaxis when my tongue swelled to three times it's normal size blocking my airways I decided I was all done being fat and on meds. Five months later I have lost 6" off my waist through this bullshit and the holidays and my blood pressure averages 118/74 with a 63 resting heart rate. I am not on meds. I thinknk people will try to be thinner. I know I am. Strange thing is that it happened again in January so it wasn't my meds at all as I was on none. Not genetic, allergic, lymphoma or leukemia either according to tests. Ideopathic. Still done being fat and on meds. Never knew how badly meds were affecting my hard on.
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
i been eating alot too since the lock down began.......... stuck at home.......
avatar for orionsmith
5 years ago
I've been losing weight. I think I've been working too hard and not drinking as much eating at home more often. I'm often skipping breakfast on weekends and I heard that can lead to additional weight loss. However I'm ok with losing weight. If I wasn't eating pizza 2 to 3 times a week, I'd probably have a severe weight drop. I'm not usually very hungry in the morning after eating pizza so another reason to skip breakfast or add leftover pizza. Might be walking 5 miles a day while doing work too on my time off on weekends. I need new shoes. Hopefully shoe stores open back up soon.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
losing weight and getting in shape is a big big challenge to me. it fucking sucks getting old.
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
Does a big fat cock count as obesity?
avatar for bkkruined
5 years ago
Eating "a lot" for 4 weeks probably isn't going to suddenly make you obese.
You might gain a few pounds. But I don't think this is suddenly going to start cause inflammation in your joints because of the additional stress of that weight.
And, where the fuck are you guys getting all this food from? I'm avoiding the grocery store at all costs, ordering online and making the few trips I have made fast. No more impulse buying a couple cans of pringles and 5 pounds of hershery's cause it's dirt cheap on 2/15.... If anything, what's left in the kitchen is all the healthy shit I thought would be good for me, but never actually wanted to eat, now I have to.
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
I have lost weight since covid - mainly depression, worry, negative outlook. It’s a time to take stock of sc activities which may put one at risk and make changes.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
I've never been obese, but my BMI hit a new high around Thanksgiving. I'm losing weight over the quarantine due to getting plenty of exercise and going out to eat less.
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
I'm a little bit of a gym rat, but my gut is the virus is going to make people workout less and not more. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc require personal accountability which most find as a challenge. Deaths caused by viruses, gun violence, etc are easier for people to look at because it means you can point your finger at someone else. I cant wait for the people who say "I bought an exercise bike and will walk more" due to corona knowing the bike will sit in the corner collecting dust
avatar for Musterd21
5 years ago
I am in better shape than when I was in high school. Ok you got me I was not in good shape then either.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I'm ~5'10" and been stuck at 195-lbs for a good # of years - I"m not obese but given my build (being small-boned w/ small-hands and feet) I should be @ 175-lbs - I don't mind my weight b/c growing up I was always really skinny and I HATED it - I was 130-lbs at most entering my junior year in high school (and I was already pretty-much my full height) - I started putting on weight in my junior year once I got diagnosed w/ a thyroid condition (quickly went up to about 155 and stayed there for a couple of years and then was about 175 lbs in my 20s) - now that I've been at 195 for a good # of years, I've been thinking for a while that I should be somewhere around 175 to 180-max to be healthier - problem is that w/ my small-boned build, I tend to look skinny at 175 (by nature I have slender legs and arms) and I've always hated looking skinny - I don't look obese at 195 but unfortunately I've always had a protruding stomach even as a skinny kid (I don't necessarily have a stomach that hangs over my pants, but more that the upper part of my stomach just below my chest has always stuck out) - if it wasn't for my high-stomach issue I think I'd look ok @ 195-lbs - having said all this I think these days at 50 I rather be @ 175 to 180-max to be in the best health possible - being single I rarely cook and eat out a lot so I think I'd have to start cooking most of my meals so I could eat healthier and maybe drops the 15 or 20 lbs I need - I go to the gym about 3x/wk but have always hated cardio and don't like to do it; maybe I need to start riding my bicycle more often since I *do* like that (regular bike, not a stationary bike).
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"And, where the fuck are you guys getting all this food from? I'm avoiding the grocery store at all costs, ordering online and making the few trips I have made fast. "

The grocery store. I show up around closing time, get what I need and leave. I grocery shop the way I club.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I go to the grocery store three times a week. No desire to live in fear.
avatar for bkkruined
5 years ago
You can desire not to live in fear all you want...
But you should be smart enough to know by now, people can be carriers of the virus and spreading it without being aware of this. (or do you think this is a hoax?)
So, ya, you could be the guy running around killing people, cause you don't want to stay home. Hope that feels good.
Oh, and those masks, that you refuse to "hide behind", they protect others from you more than anything. They are really only marginally effective at protecting the people wearing them from inhaling particles with the virus, that can also get into your eyes... But, if the sick person wears it, their cough is caught, mostly contained, and "biggly" effective on that side.
So, ya, you're just running around putting everyone else at risk. I'm sure you can just blame the Chinese when grandma (or whoever else you infect) dies.
Like someone once said, with freedom comes responsibility... But apparently we have too many dumb twats running around these day.
avatar for Dominic77
5 years ago
Definitely! I'm changing a lot due to COVID-19. Lots of thing WRT to virus transmission and how we approach it will no longer be the same. I'm with you mainly on the whole being-cavalier-about-it. The next generation will likely be called Generation C, and for good reason.

I just wish I could get some damn free weights! With all the gyms closed, I can't lift anymore. So I'd like to buy some once places start stocking weights again. I have been doing Gov. Schwarzenegger's fitness program (without equipment): https://www.reddit.com/user/Go…
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
I'm not fat but as I consider the whole thing ridiculous hysteria I have no intention of changing my lifestyle in any way.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I'm careful by my standards, so I wear a mask to protect the weak and fearful. I'm not afraid to get sick and I like fresh food. I go to the Post office instead of having my work mail forwarded. If being in the hospital listening to two doctors discuss a tracheostomy and my chances of dying didn't upset me, why would this. I haven't changed since November.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
I decided to lose 10 pounds when the lockdown started. I'm doing good. I only have 14 to go.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
^ lmao.
avatar for wildbourbon
5 years ago
I wasn't happy with my weight so 2 years ago I decided I was going to start dieting and working out and I lost 40 lbs over the course of the first year. I hit my goal weight, so the second year I focused on maintaining my weight while not restricting my diet anymore.

I have been able to maintain my weight loss but this coronavirus shutdown has really hurt since the gym has been closed for over a month now. I 'm the same weight but my muscle tone has decreased. I still work 9-10 hours per day but this week the weather is finally nice enough for me to start exercising outside.

My sex drive and sex life have been the biggest benefactors, so I would definitely recommend starting a workout program! The key for me was to have one big goal (lose 40 lbs) and step on the scale every morning before showering. I then set short-term weight loss goals (i.e. started at 235, so my first goal 225, then 215, 210, 205, 200, 195) and this helped me see progress and keep me motivated.
avatar for Goodclubrep
5 years ago
All your success stories are very encouraging. I've lost 50 lb. in the last 7 months simply using portion control and a little walking. Since the shutdowns have closed all the favorite after work places drinking beer has also been reduced. The goal of loosing another 50 lbs. seems within reach.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Caution is good but overreacting isn't. How many changed their lives coz of aids? If anything society needs to work on sepsis awareness.
avatar for wildbourbon
5 years ago
Nice job @goodclubrep!
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Portion control is the key and unfortunately accepting the idea there are going to be a lot of times you're just going to be hungry.
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
i am cutting down the calories too
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
One of the benefits of losing weight at this time in history, especially for the older among us, is that obesity is the #2 cause of death for this overblown virus, after old age. Weight is controllable and despite the bullshit your read, is a matter of willpower. Tweny years ago my brother told me that he had made the deicions to be thin, I had made the one to be fat. Until November 2019 I thought he was full of shit, but losing so much size during the holidays and lockdown proved him right. Been up working since 5 and have had 3 eggs fried in pam. Next meal is chicken and sald at 6. Not being on meds any longer makes hunger a confirmation I am doing it right.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Good for you skibum not needing the meds is the first step to health and enjoying the things will make you feel well, I have had weight issues much of my adult life, I made the decision to get fit and healthy it takes work, but the rewards are so worth it.
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
ski......good advice..... i talk to people that tell me the lost 100 lbs or more with out surgery
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Losing the blood pressure meds were the single best thing to happen to my sex life since women started taking the pill. Without meds my average blood pressure has been 119/73, with a 63 resting heart rate.
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
i think when you cure high blood pressure it adds years to your life
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
This is good advice. It requires a commitment - and skibum609 is right - you need to understand there will be hunger. But feeling hungry at times is better than medications and possible heart disease or worse.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Diets where one goes hungry often doesn't work - there are other things that are often recommended such as eating healthy and eating super-foods - one still needs nutrients to stay healthy - for me "dieting" would be more about eating healthy and not overeating, vs going hungry to lose weight.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
We're not dieting. There isn't one food we cut out. We cut out about 95% of processed food; except for beans nothing canned; bread/pasta a treat, not in the regular rotation; 50% overall cut in meat; 80% cut in red meat; for wife she cut out candy (since her worke went remote from the candy machine she has lost 7 pounds) and I cut my food consumption by about half; 5 times a week I try to go at least 15 hours from my last meal of the day before to my first meal of the next day. Restricted eating is huge. Cut alcohol by 70%. Lastly? No more sleep apnea or snoring.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
"... I try to go at least 15 hours from my last meal of the day before to my first meal of the next day. Restricted eating is huge."

The popular term is Intermittent Fasting. I will never not recommend it to someone that wants to change their weight or change their lifestyle.
If you're used to eating during all hours of the day and suddenly restrict your eating hours, your body will acknowledge that it it hasn't had any food in a minute (especially if your diet tends to be carb heavy.). Usually between 5 to 8 hours is when your glycogen reserve starts to drop and that's what your body is using for energy. The longer the fast, the closer and deeper into ketosis.

Starvation is not imminent. Not even close. Fasting is an excellent reset button for cell growth and a healthy digestive system overtime, but of course it'll depend on your self control to stick to however many hours you pick.
avatar for SteveSutton
5 years ago
Good question. It absolutely should. Not just to reduce a COVID risk factor, but so many other risks (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) Not to mention being more fit just makes me feel better and that is good for using SA and even in stripclubs.

Unfortunately, reality is I've gone from ~155 pounds 3 years ago to ~195 pounds today. BMI says I'm overweight, but only 6 pounds from Obese. I don't fit in 90% of my clothes. It's very frustrating. Hate looking at the mirror. Changing to a much more stressful job and more work from home has been the main culprit, just too easy to snack and too hard to abstain. Writing this is somewhat of a reality check. I need to start losing weight tomorrow.
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