i think he will win agian,,,,, he like to be the alpha male, so he is a fighter.......he is fighting the virus the best he can , consider the the western world could go into a deep 1929 depression
Given the right will stick with Trump, and liberals with go with Biden, the questions are: 1. where's the center going, 2. is the far left energized to come out for Biden? I have no idea about #2, other than to note that there are rumblings among progressives to "punish" the Democrats for not going with Bernie, by not coming out. But the center -- particularly women -- may end up the real question. My gut feel is that the center, including the parts that went with Trump last election, is going Biden unless he implodes due to his own bumbling, the sexual assault charges have legs, etc. His to lose.
Sorry -- to add in to londonguy's direct question, his handling of coronavirus, especially the skepticism on the front end and the inability to accelerate testing in the thick of it, will become issues. If he pulls the economy out somewhat before Nov, he might be able to minimize those issues.
My guess is Trump will win again. I see Biden as Hillary 2.0. Like Hillary, I have no idea what his platform is, besides platitudes, even though I watched several debates.
I don't think his handling of Corona has helped him - I still think he'll win in 2020 b/c it seems the best Biden has to offer is that he's not Trump and it seems that voting for someone b/c he's not the other guy is usually not enough (as opposed to voting for someone b/c the voter really believes in that person).
I don't think most voters are gonna blame him if the economy is not doing well by the end of the year (most people will blame the virus) - plus the economy was breaking records pre-Corona (he'll probably get credit for that) and there's a chance the economy can come back strong if we can get Corona behind us sooner than later.
The uncertainty around Coronavirus leads to people wanting certainty, which is why he will likely be re-elected. Independents will pick the devil they know instead of the unknown.
I think his handling of the Covid-19 crisis has been abysmal with buck passing strategies and blame shifting galore, you can’t go by the people on this board there’s a core group that think he’s the second coming, but that’s his superpower I hope enough people are fed up with this constant chaos to be rid of him OTOH Biden has some baggage but he’s more likable than Hillary, I think Biden wins a tight race with minority and women voters making the difference
There is a 100% chances of Trump “being re-elected” because we don’t elect the president directly, the electoral college does “selects” the POTUS puppet/jester of the 1% in America.
The Electoral College Is a “deliberative body” drawn from the privileged 1%.
How has his handling of Coronavirus affected his chances of winning a second term?
His handling of Coronavirus has not affected his chances at all.
Frankly, after his consistently abysmal performance during COVID, his kleptocratic appointments of friends and family, his major lying about easily checkable facts, his constant ignoring of medical experts followed by firing anyone who disagrees with him, etc., I don't think he could be elected dogcatcher in November
Biden's main attraction may be that he isn't Trump, and frankly, that's good enough for me.
How can they have conventions - or an election - given the current lock downs?
I don’t know how the public views the handling of this virus, and how Trump will fare.
My thought is - Trump is not the cause of the virus - that’s all on China. But if he acted a little sooner - and got testing implemented on a wider scale - we might be in better shape.
This could be very positive for Dems - unless someone comes up with a way to cure this virus. If a cure is developed while Trump is in office - he will take full credit - and he will reopen the country immediately - and he will probably be re-elected.
He’s an idiot. Incompetent. Amoral. Not a leader. But he was all of those things in 2016 and he got elected. I don’t understand why anyone voted for him. I literally mean I don’t understand it but it happened so there must be reasons. Many hated Hilary or Obama. Maybe that drove some to him. Certainly, it caused some people to stay home. Also, his election is driving up voter interest on both sides. Is it enough to swing it? Who TF knows.
He's been a successful con man his whole life, that's why people voted for him in 2016, I think there's a core group that thinks they are too smart to fall for a con merchant, those are the ones that will vote for him again.
Biden is a very weak candidate. So Trump needs to concentrate on getting us thru this Corona mess. And do it quickly. If he does that, then he wins in a landslide in November. If he doesn't then it doesn't really matter. The world economy is going to collapse.
25, everybody succumbs to a certain injustice in life, nobody is immune to it. Therefore if there was another president in place of the current one whom didn’t align with your bias, you’d be bashing that one just as much as Trump. The pandemic is a worldwide injustice affecting some more than others. Sure is fun seeing people’s confirmation bias, another thing we aren’t immune to.
Biden is like Hillary without a vagina and decades of baggage, so he will do much better with working class whites in swing States.
Trump won't be able to campaign on the economy. A lot of social safety nets the Democrats like probably are up in popularity. The Republicans wanted to solve this crisis with their answer to everything: tax cuts for corporations.
But really? It's crazy. This is unprecedented. Trump could win with 60 percent of the popular vote. He could lose by the same margin. This will not be a remotely normal election.
Last election I voted AGAINST Hillary because of her many bad qualities. This time I was leaning toward voting against Trump because he acts like a 12 year old much of the time. After watching all of the debates, I am not at all sure about Biden. It looks to me like he is “losing it” very quickly. If he stumbles badly in the debates with Trump, I don’t think he can win. His choice for VP will be very important. I think many will vote for Biden assuming he will step down shortly after being elected, if he wins.
If the Dems had a stronger candidate I might be worried. But Creepy Joe Biden? Good Lord. I think he is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's and with that sexual attack charge hanging over his head, he's not looking too great right now. I can't wait to see what he looks like in head to head debates with Trump.
Some think this chinese virus crap will hurt him. That is true only as far as the voters believe the main stream media, Of course they are all time, all in, against President Trump. They didn't believe it in '16, so we shall see.
Trump lost the popular vote by about 3 million votes. He won the Electoral College by winning 3 winner-take-all swing states by about 75,000 votes in all three states all together. A 30,000 vote switch is all it takes and Trump is polling really bad in these States. Voters vote with wallets in mind, and incumbent Presidents lose in bad economic times and only a quick recovery leaves the only path back for Trump
It depends on how good the Biden's campaign, and the Democratic PAC's are getting their message out. Trump's own mouth has given plenty of ammunition, however the Democrats have yet to use any of it.
It’s tough I think people slept on Trump last time, not this time they’re gonna be ready. I’m not a big Trump fan but I just could never vote for democrat, too much wasteful spending, too much regulation, too much government. I will say this, those debates between Biden and Trump are gonna be great theater.
I think he has a good chance of being reelected because people are stupid.
His botched response to the crisis shoukd be used against him to the fullest degree and should be enough to keep him out if office. But.... People are stupid.
Generally people vote their wallets. Trump somewhat benefits from this being a situation that can be blamed on something other than his economic policies. If Dems slow play and politicize reopening Trump wins easy. If they give the appearance of working to get things going Biden has shot because if Trump cannot portray himself as fighting the swamp his base is not as energized.
I will write in myself simply because living in the people's republic of massachusetts my vote doesn't matter. If Trump had a chance here I'd hold my nose and vote for the moron, but I don't consider Democrats to be Americans any longer so I cannot vote for them. Looking at Michigan and the idea the scumbag Governor there is a moderate makes me very well aware that a vote for the Democrats at any level is a vote to enslave yourself in the future.
In 2016, dems underestimated the hate for Hilary. It was SUBSTANTIAL. If you look at the numbers voting for Bernie in the 2020 primaries, overall voters went up but votes for Bernie did not go up proportionally. My theory is that much of Bernie’s 2016 support was guided by Hilary hate. Once presented with a more moderate option in Biden, the Hilary hate votes left Bernie.
Now there is Trump hate on the dems’ side. Those Hilary haters won’t sit out the election. Biden is milquetoast but that works to his benefit. He should just shut up until November and it will give him his best chance to win.
It's too close to call and it will boil down to a few battleground states. Trump's approval rating is basically the same as it's been the last two years. He has a cult-of-personality grip on his base and his incompetence doesn't matter.
New Gallup poll on how Americans rate Trump’s performance as president:
whites w/out college degrees: 61% approve 37% disapprove
If the vitriol I see coming from the left doesn't scale back, they'll lose again. The stupid fucks just can't resist demonizing anyone who doesn't agree with them 110%.
Biden has a sexual harassment charge. Doesn't the king have a similar history? Why doesn't the moral judgement apply equally to both?
The king is a master debater? He can barely pronounce two-syllable words.
The arrogance of insisting his name and signature be put on the stimulus checks. Congress created and passed the stimulus bills. The stimulus checks should be the size of the giant contest winner checks with the name of every congress person who voted for the stimulus listed.
He is indeed what the country needed...to prove that a neophyte business person is a terrible choice for high office.
Just to be clear, some of his policies are on point. The problems are: Lack of constancy, abandoning allies, lying when he doesn't have to, self-promoting at the expense of the taxpayers, to name a few. He makes lemons out of lemonade.
Randommember said "It's too close to call and it will boil down to a few battleground states. Trump's approval rating is basically the same as it's been the last two years. He has a cult-of-personality grip on his base and his incompetence doesn't matter.
New Gallup poll on how Americans rate Trump’s performance as president:
whites w/out college degrees: 61% approve 37% disapprove
everyone else: 31% approve 64% disapprove"
Your welcome Random. Thanks to the snot nosed class you belong to and your running down blue collar workers, you made Trump's winning like taking candy from a baby.
Honestly there's still a chance a lot of Trump voters will die from covid. It may accelerate the flip of Texas to purple. When that happens the electoral map starts becoming a disaster for Republicans.
Long term the map sucks for Republicans. The country is becoming less white and Trump cut off the the neocon plan of building a coalition with socially conservative Latino voters.
Basically if y'all win in 2020 enjoy. Probably will be the last Republican president anyone over 50 sees in his life.
Rasmussen polling caters to the GOP base and they're always quoted by Trump supportrs. You can see the recent trend of falling approval by Trump's base:
The only thing worse that another Trump presidency would be a Biden one. The only thing worse than either would be a Clinton one.
If anybody thinks either the democrats or the republicans has any interest in doing anything "for the good of the people", they're high. On acid and meth at the same time.
How the fuck is Trump just what the country needed? This pandemic would not have been so bad if Trump had not repealed the Obamacare provision to deal with pandemicis
Like several others on this board, I am not a Trump fan. He IS an asshole, but has done some things I like (most notably standing up to and killing the terrorist leader). I was not planning to vote for him, but if Biden continues to stumble, I might do it. Trump’s reelection will depend on how the 20% in the middle (like me) decide to cast their vote. Most of us don’t like a lot of what he does (tariffs, demeaning a lot of people, etc) but we also don’t like the pitiful candidates the Dems. seem to wind up with. Someone like Amy K. or even Bloomberg would have been much more appealing to the independent voters who will decide this election.
One thing stands out to me. The "supporting cast" in a Biden administration is a lot more likely to be populated by knowledgeable people rather than the collection of incompetent family and other sycophants that Trump has surrounded himself with.
All those " incompetent family and other sycophants" you mention have done what obama said could not be done with out his BS. Remember his words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
Yeah, too early to make a reasonable guess. With a volatile voting public, events between now and Nov 3rd will heavily influence outcome. coronavirus outcomes by then scandals? October Surprises? Economy etc
===> "IDK if Biden inspires enough confidence to make independents take a chance on him (unless he got a kickass VP that people really liked)"
I'm not even sure if a kickass VP would help. That VP candidate is not going to be the one on the stage debating Trump in September and October. I am genuinely concerned that Biden's mental faculties are shot. I'm also worried about how far left Biden's policy positions have swung in the last several months.
He lost before COVID. He won in 2016 with the votes of fucked over ex factory workers in places like Michigan, who never got their Hope and Change. He didn't do shit for them, they probably won't bother to vote for anybody.
It doesn't really matter who the dem nominee is a far as new laws. They'll be few if the Republicans keep the Senate. But even if they don't, the purple dems will ultimately decide what laws pass, just like they did in 2008/9. Biden's got good foreign policy cred. He warned Obama against the failed surged in Afghanistan, urged him to fight there like the successful strategy against ISIS in Syria. Biden's got all the Black bigwigs behind him. He should promise to make Anita Gupta Attorney General to reassure Black voters who remember he didn't always have their back. Women voters are stuck with him since Trump is clearly the bigger rapist and sexual harasser.
Biden is in great shape. He ( now ) has the right progressive policies. He’s lining up all the Democrat interest groups. He’s got the press on his side. He’s squashed that pesky rape allegation. The press is ignoring the billion dollars that he got China to pay his son.
The only minor thing left to do is convince the American voters that having dementia is a good thing for a President. It makes him all the more lovable !
^ everything you said about Joe Biden could a should be said about Donald Trump Rape Allegations ☑️ Dementia☑️ Billion dollars to His Daughter from China☑️ Dementia☑️ Good post Mark
Yeah Trump raped a staff member while in the Senate and it took the fake news NYT 19 days to publish a story, which they then changed when Biden's camp got made. Left win news is pablum for the feeble minded and the frightened.
Ivanka should get billions because she is way hotter and smarter than drugged up Hunter. But even drugged up, Hunter is easier to understand than pervert Dad.
Trump wins. Too many Americans are just stoopeed. The number of people I saw in TV interviews 4 years ago say they voted for Trump cause they just wanted to rage against the machine was remarkable. Now that he's broken everything nice, I wonder how they still feel about that. Probably still don't get how fucked we are now. Combined with enough rich fuckers who just wanted their tax cut to go buy back some stocks... (good job balancing the budget, eh?) Unfortunately I think Biden's best chance it to die before the election. Maybe enough of these idiots will think it's funny to still vote for him we can get rid of Trump?
last commentI don't think most voters are gonna blame him if the economy is not doing well by the end of the year (most people will blame the virus) - plus the economy was breaking records pre-Corona (he'll probably get credit for that) and there's a chance the economy can come back strong if we can get Corona behind us sooner than later.
I hope enough people are fed up with this constant chaos to be rid of him
OTOH Biden has some baggage but he’s more likable than Hillary, I think Biden wins a tight race with minority and women voters making the difference
To answer your questions:
Trumps Chances Of Re-Election
There is a 100% chances of Trump “being re-elected” because we don’t elect the president directly, the electoral college does “selects” the POTUS puppet/jester of the 1% in America.
The Electoral College Is a “deliberative body” drawn from the privileged 1%.
How has his handling of Coronavirus affected his chances of winning a second term?
His handling of Coronavirus has not affected his chances at all.
Biden's main attraction may be that he isn't Trump, and frankly, that's good enough for me.
I don’t know how the public views the handling of this virus, and how Trump will fare.
My thought is - Trump is not the cause of the virus - that’s all on China. But if he acted a little sooner - and got testing implemented on a wider scale - we might be in better shape.
This could be very positive for Dems - unless someone comes up with a way to cure this virus. If a cure is developed while Trump is in office - he will take full credit - and he will reopen the country immediately - and he will probably be re-elected.
I think his election spoke more to how many feel feel about typical politicians
Trump won't be able to campaign on the economy. A lot of social safety nets the Democrats like probably are up in popularity. The Republicans wanted to solve this crisis with their answer to everything: tax cuts for corporations.
But really? It's crazy. This is unprecedented. Trump could win with 60 percent of the popular vote. He could lose by the same margin. This will not be a remotely normal election.
After watching all of the debates, I am not at all sure about Biden. It looks to me like he is “losing it” very quickly. If he stumbles badly in the debates with Trump, I don’t think he can win. His choice for VP will be very important. I think many will vote for Biden assuming he will step down shortly after being elected, if he wins.
Relaxing Jazz Music - Background Chill Out Music
... For the electoral college. We may not see another Republican win the popular vote
His botched response to the crisis shoukd be used against him to the fullest degree and should be enough to keep him out if office. But.... People are stupid.
Biden will lose because he's a babbling idiot.
Now there is Trump hate on the dems’ side. Those Hilary haters won’t sit out the election. Biden is milquetoast but that works to his benefit. He should just shut up until November and it will give him his best chance to win.
New Gallup poll on how Americans rate Trump’s performance as president:
whites w/out college degrees:
61% approve
37% disapprove
everyone else:
31% approve
64% disapprove
He's harsh, he's brash, he's an asshole
Yeap - if the Dems' platform is gonna be to mainly talk about how much Trump sucks, that will likely be s prescription for losing.
The king is a master debater? He can barely pronounce two-syllable words.
The arrogance of insisting his name and signature be put on the stimulus checks. Congress created and passed the stimulus bills. The stimulus checks should be the size of the giant contest winner checks with the name of every congress person who voted for the stimulus listed.
He is indeed what the country needed...to prove that a neophyte business person is a terrible choice for high office.
Just to be clear, some of his policies are on point. The problems are: Lack of constancy, abandoning allies, lying when he doesn't have to, self-promoting at the expense of the taxpayers, to name a few. He makes lemons out of lemonade.
i’m not sure yet if I’m going to vote for him again. i’ll consider him if there’s really no other good choice
New Gallup poll on how Americans rate Trump’s performance as president:
whites w/out college degrees:
61% approve
37% disapprove
everyone else:
31% approve
64% disapprove"
Your welcome Random. Thanks to the snot nosed class you belong to and your running down blue collar workers, you made Trump's winning like taking candy from a baby.
Long term the map sucks for Republicans. The country is becoming less white and Trump cut off the the neocon plan of building a coalition with socially conservative Latino voters.
Basically if y'all win in 2020 enjoy. Probably will be the last Republican president anyone over 50 sees in his life.
If that’s a negative - then most likely 95% of the folks in the Oval Office are in that group.
Don’t tell me Obama or Hillary - or W - weren’t arrogant.
If anybody thinks either the democrats or the republicans has any interest in doing anything "for the good of the people", they're high. On acid and meth at the same time.
"He's harsh, he's brash, he's an asshole"
"But he's just what the country needed."
Some truth there, but only a fool can argue the results, especially if you factor in the lame stream media bias.
Trump’s reelection will depend on how the 20% in the middle (like me) decide to cast their vote. Most of us don’t like a lot of what he does (tariffs, demeaning a lot of people, etc) but we also don’t like the pitiful candidates the Dems. seem to wind up with. Someone like Amy K. or even Bloomberg would have been much more appealing to the independent voters who will decide this election.
All those " incompetent family and other sycophants" you mention have done what obama said could not be done with out his BS. Remember his words:
President Trump DIDN'T follow obama's blueprint!
With a volatile voting public, events between now and Nov 3rd will heavily influence outcome.
coronavirus outcomes by then
October Surprises?
I'm not even sure if a kickass VP would help. That VP candidate is not going to be the one on the stage debating Trump in September and October. I am genuinely concerned that Biden's mental faculties are shot. I'm also worried about how far left Biden's policy positions have swung in the last several months.
^ exactly, I remember when the Carolina Panthers won the Superbowl
The only minor thing left to do is convince the American voters that having dementia is a good thing for a President. It makes him all the more lovable !
Rape Allegations ☑️
Billion dollars to His Daughter from China☑️
Good post Mark
Strong argument !
Too many Americans are just stoopeed.
The number of people I saw in TV interviews 4 years ago say they voted for Trump cause they just wanted to rage against the machine was remarkable. Now that he's broken everything nice, I wonder how they still feel about that. Probably still don't get how fucked we are now.
Combined with enough rich fuckers who just wanted their tax cut to go buy back some stocks... (good job balancing the budget, eh?)
Unfortunately I think Biden's best chance it to die before the election. Maybe enough of these idiots will think it's funny to still vote for him we can get rid of Trump?