Trump tells an Asian American journalist to "ask China."

and then he refuse to listen to a CNN reporter after that..... that was last nite in the rose garden
and then he refuse to listen to a CNN reporter after that..... that was last nite in the rose garden
last commenti am surprise he still takes on the reporters, but Trump fights back
^ He isn't fighting back, he's baiting the press corp, to impress his base, I'm surprised that these reporters keep playing along. There was no news disseminated at that conference, if the free press would just walk out on him when he starts lying or baiting them, they would have a much greater impact, instead they keep playing straight man to this idiot.
Just because you're a fucktard liberal Trump gives the same answer on the dirty Chinese, even if their incompetence makes them cry racism. Wah way words.
Like the little bitch that he is, Trump was run out of his press conference by women reporters asking intelligent questions. The racist moron is becoming increasingly unhinged. He's drinking bleach to cure the coronavirus, but it doesn't seem to be a cure for being a retard.
Weak, unprofessional gadflies who prove their incompetence by being unable to take it like an adult. Racism is what stupidity requires the weak to cry. How do you spell loser? P r o g r e s I v e. Look at where the deaths are occuring and be aware that you need to avoid democrat run cities.
@Skibum that makes no sense at all Whatever’s you just want to fight
Talk to the 🖐
There is a HUGE difference between saying this is a problem that started in China and saying that Chinese people are bad. It is the Chinese government that we need to focus are anger at. Not Chinese immigrants and surely not each other. The liberals just need to give it a rest and attach the Chinese government.
This is the fourth or fifth time Jiang has brought up her heritage rather than simply report the news. It's as if CBS hired her because of her heritage and not her ability. Everything is racist to her. If she doesn't like the White House, she should go back to where she came from.
West Virginia.
Question.....Why use Asian American ? I thought we were just Americans. You never hear European Americans !!! Strange don't you think.
Same reason we say African American.
It’s amusing when journalists refer to people of color who live somewhere other than America or Africa. They are so conditioned to saying African American instead of Black, that they don’t know how to refer to someone of African heritage living in, for example, Europe. I’ve actually seen them refer to them as AA.
That reporter is an incredibly thin skinned snowflake. Trump has blamed China a hundred times for the coronvirus, but when he told her to ask China her question, she asked why he said that specifically to her. I was watching live, and it took me a moment to figure out what she was talking about, and then I realized she was Asian, or rather of Asian heritage. Just another race baiting liberal. And her question wasn't really a question, just another stupid attack. There's a lot of stuff Trump does that I don't like, but shutting down the liberal press (really just the DNC's media arm) isn't on of them.
The mainstream media wants to make a big deal about Trump shutting down the reporters trying to attack him at his press conferences, but ignore Chuck Todd's deliberate editing of AG Bob Barr's interview by CBS to try and make it seem like he said the exact opposite of what he really said. Take a look at the Chuck Todd video and then the actual video. This was clearly not "inadvertant" editing error as NBC is now trying to claim. Todd is a disgrace.
the AA lady reporter did not like trumps answer,,,,,,, it shook her up all the news media highlights it to get high ratings......( seems like they dont care about the real issues in america)
i am sure these white house reporter make big bucks and think they are celebrities........ that is why i like it when Trump busts their balls
Meanwhile, the real scandal, Obamagate, is getting no coverage in the mainstream media. Massive amounts of evidence are being declassified and released. Unlike Russiagate, there is actual evidence. We now know that thousands of Americans were illegally spied on for political purposes by our intelligence agencies at the direction of Obama. Then, Russiagate was invented out of whole cloth to justify the spying.
We need to protect Americans from democrats. By the way there are Americans and non-americans. Hyphenated frauds fall into the latter category.
Trump is right, China fucked up in their initial response to this. But then he was like hold my beer and showed us how their response could have been much, much worse. I’m just furious that this could have been so much easier on everybody if we had taken this seriously earlier. Now I feel like we’re stuck with these stupid shelter in place orders trying to make up for shit we didn’t do when we should have. How the fuck does a country like Vietnam (among others) have a better response to this than us?
“ How do you spell loser? P r o g r e s I v e. ”
This is PERFECT.
Just more MSM lies, manipulated media, distortions, gaslighting, and deliberate misinterpretations. All these distractions are being given to viewers while no mention of the REAL NEWS with Flynn being exonerated and massive corruption and abuse of power uncovered in the Obama white house and DOJ. Sadly, it's all business as usual.
What are we asking China?
Are we getting Kung Pow Chicken? Or KFC?
Remember when Trump gave everyone hamburgers?
i luvvvv a good hamburger.
and orange chicken.
Doesn’t make sense to ask China. Everybody’s call center is in India
So how would people react had he said "Ask Transnistria."?
Well... It's been over an hour since the list of Michael Flynn "unmaskers" was released, which happens to include Joe Biden, James Comey, Obama's former Chief of Staff McDonough, and Obama top intelligence chiefs Brennan and Clapper. But CNN has yet to mention it or put it on the "breaking news" section of their website. Why is that? They are busy talking about whether the NBA will resume it's season, when tanning salons will reopen, international news. Oh, and taking a LOT of LONG commercial breaks. Are they scrambling to get their spin story written? I mean, regardless of what side of the issue you're on, this is important and long-awaited news. Why the delay, CNN? As much as I can't stand them, I'm keeping it on just to see how long it takes them to put together their bullshit story.
She asked a question and he responded for her to ask some one else "China" that had more information regarding the subject of her question. When he sees some one else may have more information than he does to answer "real" questions, Trump directs the question to them like the doctors or FEMA. She took off her mask and pointed out she was not American, but Asian.
"You've said many times that the US is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing," she said.
He responded by saying "Yes."
She followed up: "Why does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives, and we're still seeing more cases every day?"
Why the fuck would anyone in China know why he keeps comparing us to other countries instead of simply whether of not we're doing the best we can?
Dredging this up again ? You must really hate Trump. I mean, this wasn’t a big deal when it first came up, let alone reposting it without anything new to add.
Sorry, but it's more being appalled by his stupidity and dumbfounded by his popularity that actually hating him.
Sure, she asked him a bullshit question, how's she expect him to respond. Like an 8 year old bully, and he did.
So now everyone's arguing about him being a racists? I don't get any of it.
Still trying to figure out even what the implication of this alleged "controversy " was supposed to be. I guess I could try to speculate what the media's point was supposed to be but it would take too much mental gymnastics.
I think though its two fold, intimidate people from putting the focus for the virus on the Communist regime in China (which is still legally the same government that murdered at least 25 million of its own people in the 20th century and continues to imprison and execute political dissidents today), and two to try to stir up ethic identity politics and a sense of victimhood among Asian Americans so they will be more likely to vote for the party of victims the Democrats. The Dems need to keep or increase their 70% share of that demographics's vote. As recently as 1996, a majority of Asian Americans voted for the Republican Dole.
What's most perplexing and sad is that we now live in a society where your response to someone is supposed to be different if they are a different ethnic ancestry. A non-Asian American can't have a discussion with an American of Asian racial background about our relations with an Asian country the same way he or she would a Non-Asian American? This is so perverse and racist itself. Thats not even getting into the fact that not all Asian Americans are of Chinese origin or that the Communist Chinese regime is a dictatorship not a race.
I also never heard the media imply it was "racist" to ask an American of European or even specifically Russian ancestry about "Russian collusion."