
Comments by bkkruined (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Financial Advice
    I tried picking stocks when I was younger. Picked a couple big winners, that I really didn't expect much of and was thinking I was stupid at the time to buy (i.e. McDonalds....). And picked a few losers. And realized, I'm not good at that shit, and I don't enjoy it. Can't remember hearing about ibonds until like 6 months ago. And thought I heard they somehow track inflation? if so, that's not a good bet over 20 years, maybe 5 years max (hopefully much less....)... And if it's just following inflation, it's only preventing you from loosing money (or the value of that money), there's no real "growth". My parents were into real estate when I was in high school, college, etc. Made a bunch of money. Bought at the bottom of the market, sold pretty high. Did a shitload of renovation, maintenance, cleaning, painting, clearing snow, cutting grass, cleaning carpets just about everything themselves. Two building, 4 units each, averaged at least 10 hours a week of someone's time... And there's that one time a tenant fell asleep with lit cigarette on the couch... And the time the water heater failed... And the drain clogged... Real estate might seem priced high right now, but so is rent, as long as that tracks it's all good, until there's an eviction ban...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers leaving ones on stage - sign of inflation
    I've seen the $1 play it forward for luck thing before.... But am also aware that $1 stage tips has been cheap for a long, long time now... in some clubs they finish, naked, get on their hands and knees, crawling around trying to collect up money thrown all over the stage... Next girl standing there next to the pole awkwardly waiting for her to finish. In other clubs I've seen the waitresses get up there with brooms and sweep it back stage for her to gather up.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Ex is now an escort. What do I do?
    Do nothing. Just forget it. If you really just can't, let her know who you are, and ask if she'd be willing to? And if she says no, make damned sure you just forget it (at that point, any stalking / harassing, etc., in the recent past or near future, at least, will be assume to be you....)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Financial Advice
    VFINX Vanguard S&P 500 Index fund... It's not going to make you rich, but there's less risk than most other things.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    So, how much money did you bring in?
    It's a pretty commonly discussed idea that you only take with you what your going to spend. And I guess, if she's the only one working that night, she's gonna assume you spend that all on her? I have been to clubs were, especially with the day shift, the expected pattern is pretty much go back for "dances" with one lady, finish with her and leave... and she's just asking how to finish...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: National Lampoon's Vacation
    Back here in reality, now that I am not under 50, I realize how pointless such arguments of my youth really were. I wouldn't be kicking either out of bed. And never actually faced the dilemma of having to choose between them. But now that I am older and wiser (maybe), I do find myself occasionally confronted with agreeing to get dances from a 7 or wait for that 10 to come down off stage and be available? It reminds me how much of youth is wasted on the young...
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Reliable entertainment in Seattle area.
    I don't know how much anyone else tips on dances there... But I usually don't. My understanding it's all take home for them. On the instanced I have tipped, reactions from the ladies leaves me assuming they don't get additional tips often. Regardless of what the occasional dancer that will insist on one tries to make you think.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I’m worried about a Russian retaliation
    @Gamma "Putin never invaded former republics during Republican presidencies" now George Bush was a Democrat too? Jeeze you guys are stupid... And yes, I'll insult Ted Cruz at EVERY opportunity, and if that makes you thing I'm a "leftist", fuck off. And yes, I agree with Trump, his wife is ugly. Shit was different in the '80, maybe my Father's Turkish friend's opinion carrier some weight at that time. But that's history...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I’m worried about a Russian retaliation
    I remember as a kid we lived in the middle east, my dad had a cushy expat gig for a while, back when the USSR was very much alive and a super power. One night our dinner guests included a Turkish coworker who, coming from a different culture that was largely aligned with the West (more so back then than now), but bordered on and well acquainted with the USSR, shared a pretty different opinion then ours. He argued pretty strongly during a conversion after dinner that someone was going to start some proxy war that west would get way too involved in... And the US would initiate a nuclear war in desperation while loosing a conventional conflict on the battle field. Turns out as big and strong as the likes of Ted Cruz thought the Russian army was... his accusations about the weeny woke US military under the likes of Gen Milley failed to understand that overwhelming firepower is really only useful if you can find and target the enemy before they kill you.... And drones do that effectively no matter how many push ups the operator can do... And training matters... Big time... So, turns out our Turkish friend got that wrong, with no one involved fully understanding the technical revolution in targeting weapons that the Russian seem to be way, way, way behind in... You'd think they would have watched Schwartzcopf and Frank's "hail mary" through the Iraqi desert and realized what it would take to win a modern war in the future. Apparently not. It was really no secret the USS New Jersey was using drones to target and correct it's guns way back then, pretty similar to Ukraine mortar teams...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Ukraine has hit list of critics around the world it wants dead
    you french loving woke bitch!!!! All afraid of those tall mean English making fun of shorty little napolean.... Ahh, How cute it that....
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is anybody happy with their local strip clubs?
    Summer's almost here and it's time to start... My other hobbies that get me out of the house long enough to make stopping by convenient. This time last year, club was mostly full of newbies, and I swear on several visits every damned one of them was at least letting me rub a little on the outside, but under the cloth. Most were encouraging Jr. to come out... One has me all up in it for a discounted dance price!!! This year, some of them are still there, some of them are new again. They are on average, a lot more fun to look at. And not as much fun otherwise. Same girls, same club, same day of the week even, different rules. but that place always kinda wavered back and forth like that a little bit... I suspect day shift is about the same, but doesn't fit my schedule. (music's been on the downhill slide for years now... progressively getting worse... Some of the shit I've heard is even bad by rap standards... Guy mumbling about how he get high and fucked a bitch over the same sample track on repeat for 3 minutes.... at least it's not that bad locally but a couple years back visiting Memphis I swear that's what was passing for music.)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Amber Heard - what do you think ?
    Ya, sure I'd fuck her. But with pretty strict boundaries... Like, I'm booking a hotel room cause I don't want her to get my name from them!!! Not something I'd normally worry about, but she has too much money and too many lawyers to go along with the crazy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How do strippers or escort’s SO’s feel about their work?
    "SO gets to have sex with her for free" Nothing's ever free. Not only do I not have to care about any of her problems or listen to anything she has to say... But I only see her all made up dressed to impress and in black lights. They don't hang out around the house in that shit... Hook up with a few of them OTC and you're sure to realize some of them are unrecognizable once they get outside. Besides the basic idea that whole premise is based on the idea that the whole relationship (for him) is based on him having something other guys want. Not things like, oh, I dunno, trust and support... It's totally understandable that relationships can be built on things other than sex. But finding joy in other guys having to pay cash to get what you're getting, having a hard time seeing that as anything but toxic. And not have doubts about her putting in more effort for some of them, that take a helluva ego.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Ukraine has hit list of critics around the world it wants dead
    Hey Skidum, I could really give a fuck less how tall Napolean was... The name of the "complex" ain't gonna change despite you're woke ass progressive objections to it... It don't make Putin not short. Like, a little kid looking up to any other world leader he stands next to. So go fuck yourself. And lemme guess why this touch such a nerve.... 5'5"?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Russian foreign minister Lavrov explains Russia's reasons for war in Ukraine
    I wonder how long before they start trying to just sell their tanks? Put up a while flag with some $$$ signs on it and see if you can get enough to finance a couple months stay in Moldova... It'd be a win / win, Ukraine gets more tanks in reasonable working order for cheap, Russians can get the fuck out of Ukraine!!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Ukraine has hit list of critics around the world it wants dead
    Ever notice how short Putin is? I first noticed seeing him stand next to Erdogan, who is not especially tall himself, but towers over Putin... That whole Napolean complex thing.... Short dumbfucks with attitudes. I'm also guessing Dave is like 5'4" or so? Little guys gotta stick together...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Escort in my 'hood...
    "Besides not a damn think what is the difference between a sugar baby and an escort?" You often have to buy the sugar baby dinner first, but don't have to pay for her time eating.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Escort in my 'hood...
    Get her number, search escort sites for it...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Creeps in Cars
    Probably why so many clubs have valets they try for force you into using.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Russian foreign minister Lavrov explains Russia's reasons for war in Ukraine
    Sergey Lavrov is buying into some totally implausible story that just because Hitler's grandma was fucking around she must've been knocked up by the jewish guy she was a maid for.... Never mind the brothers that were apparently taking turns with her. One of which was clearly documented as being the grandfather of Klara, Adolf Hilter's mom (ya, his parents were more likely than not, cousins... but since his dad was a bastard, it apparently didn't count). The whole Jewish guy theory was brought to us by some hardcore anti-semite who got pissed at the Nazis for loosing.... So, based on the lie that Hitler's mom was fucking some jewish guy (that no one has evidence even existed), Lavrov and Putin are claiming the Nazis were really jews, so Zelenzky must really be a Nazi? While they repeat Hilter's justification to occupy Sudetenland so they can invade that tranny nation part of moldovia. Fucking racists come up with some of the stupidest shit imaginable... There's probably much more too this that makes it all sound 10 times dumber.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Russian foreign minister Lavrov explains Russia's reasons for war in Ukraine
    I don't think Dave has really sat down and listened to Putin though.... See, Putin has explained he NEEDS to do this to DE NAZIFY Ukraine.... Now, the rest of us know this is some dumbass lie he's coming up with to make a land grab and try and leave some kinda remembrance in history of himself akin to Catherine the Great. But the key thing Dave, and the rest of the RW twats supporting Putin is, he's claiming to save Ukraine from NAZIS. That's you Dave, you your bunch of dumbfucking friends (haha, I know you don't really have any friends!!!). Ya, he's really under a delusional belief he's killing NAZIS, and your dumb ass is supporting THAT? BAWHAHAH, you're next.... (oh, and Biden hates your shit too, so no javelin).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Most scenic state in the contiguous U.S.?
    Different people definitely like different shit. The Red Rock formations in Utah, Nevada, wherever else they are... I definitely admire the beauty, but want nothing to do with the heat and dryness. The Mountains along Montana and Wyoming.... Badlands in Dakota... Lake Coeur d'Alene in Idaho... And in Oregon the scenery of the Northern California coast just gets better. But Eastern Oregon, and Washington, is more tumble weed blowing across the plains kinda place... (the only place I've seen 4 foot balls of tumble weed blown down the road...) But a lot of this is in extremely rugged places that's a challenge to live with. And, Oregon? scared of Antifa? You must really watch fox news too much... And have no idea of the level of activity from extreme right wing groups in that state.... (not to mention the whole history with Rajneeshpuram...)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    Getting Hermione‘s Autograph
    Is that 1/2 a face standing right next to her that Weinstein guy?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Russian has already lost
    That 10,000 seems to be not only conservative, but dated information, and only counting the dead. Col. Yury Medvedev has been confirmed to have been injured by what seems to be very legit sources. But, Ukraine's propaganda machine is claiming to have intercepted communication between Russian forces where, apparently one of his junior officers claims to have intentionally run him the fuck over with his own tank for getting all his buddies killed. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-troops-are-now-turning-on-each-other-its-a-shtshow-one-soldier-is-recorded-telling-another So, ya, 10,000, not counting the wounded, which I'm just gonna assume aren't back in a shiny white hospital in Moscow via airlift in less than a day. Probably freezing in a tent until fuck knows when... Many are claiming there are staggering number of reports of frostbite (maybe even just faked or intentional, hoping it'll get them sent home?). And the captured. And last, and certainly not the least, deserters!!!! Media is now starting to claim they've heard of special Russian troops being sent in to hunt down deserters. As much of this might just be propaganda... But, US and UK intelligence pretty much told us all about Russia's plans before they started. The only thing they seemed to have gotten wrong was understanding the Russians inability to move troops more effectively than boy scouts and the Ukrainians willingness and ability to kill them. The seem to not only know exactly what's going on, but have been remarkably open with much of it...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden calling Putin a murderous war criminal
    The problem with Biden and other Western leaders is they expect Putin, as leader of Russia, to be a reasonable person. He's not. Biden saying that no American soldier would be on the ground in Ukraine was a mistake. He should have continually answer "we're still evaluating that". At this point, Putin doesn't care about loosing 20,000 conscripts. Too many Russians actually believe his bullshit that Ukraine is full of Nazi's and he's freeing them. Respect for the Russian military is gone, not coming back if they withdraw. There's just no real personal risk in it for Putin until someone marches into the Kremlin, whether that's Ukraine, NATO or the Russian people. He can't loose an election, WTF does he care how angry the Russian people are? His internal security services are actually bigger than the army that invaded Ukraine, and probably more ruthless...