How do strippers or escort’s SO’s feel about their work?

Some people claim strippers SO’s are actually proud of their jobs and thus like dating them. Supposedly, they see it as bragging rights if so many guys want their girl, yet can only touch their ass and boobs for a fee, whereas the SO gets to have sex with her for free.
Apparently, some escorts SO’s also see it as a boost to the ego that so many guys are paying good money for something they get for free.
Is this true? Do guys who are in LTR’s with strippers or escorts actually feel good about their SO’s jobs? Because they can brag about getting for free what someone else has to pay $400+ for? Or can brag about other guys paying $100+ just to grope their wife’s body while they can get more for free?
Apparently, some escorts SO’s also see it as a boost to the ego that so many guys are paying good money for something they get for free.
Is this true? Do guys who are in LTR’s with strippers or escorts actually feel good about their SO’s jobs? Because they can brag about getting for free what someone else has to pay $400+ for? Or can brag about other guys paying $100+ just to grope their wife’s body while they can get more for free?
last commentWho cares how they feel about anything? I know that I don't.
I dont know, its still a curiosity. You could potentially be getting laughed at, ridiculed, by the SO, for paying for private dances with her. Or paying for otc
who the fuck cares what they think
BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.
But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.
If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.
Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions.
~ Call.Me.Ishmael
~ April 29, 2022
“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."
-- Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
Oops, wrong account .
The real question is what do the SOs of tricks think
Icee you mentioned you like dating strippers cuz it’s dating the girl everyone wants. But that applies to any hot or even reasonably attractive woman. Or to any reasonably successful woman. So you dont need to date a stripper or escort to be dating the woman everyone wants
Is it really an ego stroke to say her clients can only get lapdances and grope while you get to go all the way? Cuz with a non stripper GF, the other guys may not be getting more than a handshake or hug.
In all my years of PLing, I never heard of a sex worker getting pregnant from her customer (unless he first went from customer to her SO). So, even if creating a mini-me is one of your life goals, you can have a sex worker as a SO, and not worry (more than with a non-SW) that you're kid is really a mini-some-rando-guy. It's much easier to be a SW SO if you're not the type that worries much about what rando people think of you. Sure, many SW SOs will throw her job in her face in an ugly argument. But, if they'd do that, they'd just think of some other ugly thing to say if she wasn't a SW. Yes, I've heard a lot about stripper relationship drama. But, until an accurate dram-o-meter is invented, it's not clear to me that they have more on average than people in general.
Ilba, mr Dugan has mentioned. There is only a small line between the full contact lap dances and full on sex. Hence, strippers apparently are more likely to cheat or do otc stuff than non strippers.
But if you look on the stripper subreddit, theres like hundreds of posts of strippers claiming to be fully loyal to their boyfriends and never cheating for money. Its an anonymous forum, so we can assume they’re telling the truth? Or is it some kind of posturing, like people who do OTC whilst having SO’s post anonymously online about how they’d never do otc or cheat?
It is the ones who are trying to keep it within some bounds and are clipping money off of guys without really delivering, they feel like shit and have lots and lots of conflicts.
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Most dancers have SOs. So too do most guys with real money to spend in SCs. Seasoned dancers and salty hounds both know the score and there is an unspoken etiquette in place which makes it NOT OK for a dancer or customer to pry into the relationship status of the other. The last thing either party wants is for the other to be focused on SOs when she's trying to get paid and he's trying to get laid (or whatever he's seeking).
Some people choose to share, but that's different. Some girls will bitch about their SOs, especially once they are comfortable with a guy. Some guys will bitch about their SOs too, usually as some BS rationalization for what they are doing in that club with that girl. But even still prying beyond what is voluntarily shared is still not OK.
When a girl fixates on the fact that I'm married, it's an instant alert that she is: (1) probably a baby stripper; and (2) going to be zero fun to deal with. Similarly, when a girl spends time gushing about her SO and/or conspicuously wearing a wedding ring, IME she is using it to shield herself from all sorts of requests and behaviors. Next...
Mr Dugan, do you avoid paying for dances with strippers who have SOs particularly if they dont offer OTC? Cause then you would be paying for something while another dude is getting more for free!
And then proceeds to post a serious response... to a blatant troll.
And there's no such thing as free. That dude has to be her source of emotional support, deal with whatever issues she has and worry about how she's actually earning that scratch. I just have enjoy whatever we mutually agree upon, with her on her (relative) best behavior, and then go on my way.
Tbh I love being me man - it's like getting to have my cake and eat it to. I planted a beautiful family in a hot young wife who I did NOT have to share with anyone else, yet even now as I'm getting old, I get to relive some of the fun with someone else's hot SO - all for the modest cost of a few easily earned bills. 😊
Mr Dugan does your SO know about all your OTC stuff? If not, it must be exhilarating doing all that cheating and otc, while being married!
Peace lol. ✌
Then the question is do you still get dances from dancers who dont offer OTC/extras. Does it matter if they refuse OTC/extras due to having a SO.
I recently heard a baby stripper in my favorite club (there's a lot of them now) tell a seasoned dancer about dealing with a customer who is married. The seasoned stripper responded, "They're all married."
Obviously that's not universally true, but a good rule of thumb.
The why and how of what each person does, including how that person manages the relationship dynamics at home, is his/her own affair.
Once again (for good lol) - I'm out. ✌
I thought you had openly been discussing your relationship dynamics on other threads, as Icee often referred to you as a cheater or something
Nothing's ever free.
Not only do I not have to care about any of her problems or listen to anything she has to say... But I only see her all made up dressed to impress and in black lights. They don't hang out around the house in that shit... Hook up with a few of them OTC and you're sure to realize some of them are unrecognizable once they get outside.
Besides the basic idea that whole premise is based on the idea that the whole relationship (for him) is based on him having something other guys want. Not things like, oh, I dunno, trust and support...
It's totally understandable that relationships can be built on things other than sex. But finding joy in other guys having to pay cash to get what you're getting, having a hard time seeing that as anything but toxic. And not have doubts about her putting in more effort for some of them, that take a helluva ego.
It's ironic putting them down when you're the ones begging to pay them to fuck
It's only cheating if you are not honest. Many SW SOs just prefer not to hear any specifics. It does happen that strippers mislead their SOs about how far they go, but I think it's a minority.
The ones who try to limit it and are still taking in lots of money, they are very conflicted and frustrated and have problematic relations with SOs.
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The strippers who dont offer otc, and dont offer ITC extras, and make lots of money, have problematic relationships? Why and how? Arent they technically being more “loyal” to their SOs since they arent doing otc and full service like those other dancers
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