More and more I'm seeing dancers leave random ones on stage as they get off. They'll grab most of them but leave two or three just laying on the stage. Like it's just not worth the effort to grab them all.
Not a make it rain scenario either. Just fuck it - those last couple aren't worth the effort.
Yes it’s a big thing right now lone wolf you made the thread before me. Some stripper recently at Rhode Island Dolls gave the dollar tip I gave her, made an origami hat out of it and put it on my head. Another dancer at Sapphire slapped my 2 dollars out of my hands in the air. Women straight up don’t respect the dollar right now. Give it 6 months, they will be slurping these singles up off the floor watch. Hell me too
I remember one dancer telling me that it’s essentially a sign of goodwill. Honestly, it’s an annoying custom because sometimes it’s an obvious sign of being courteous and sometimes the other dancer will think you just didn’t notice it and will hand it over as you’re leading the stage. Ugh
The girls at my club will do this for "luck" sometimes and I frankly just don't get it. Every dollar counts if you ask me, but I also don't believe in taking what's not mine, so I just move it to the corner of the stage and leave the luck for the next dancer when they do this. 🤷🏼♀️
At one club I go to, the first dancer on stage is supposed to leave a single single. I stays there dancer after dancer. Never been there at closing time to see what happens to it.
I think some of them leave a few for the next dancer sometimes...if it's someone they get along with. I don't know, maybe they are showing that next dancer they don't even bother with some of the single dollars they get because they get so many.
I've seen dancers do stage sets that get either a dollar or sometimes nothing (usually slow times and/or a newer, kind of shy dancer) while others who are not that much more attractive or even less attractive get lots of tips on stage every time(more outgoing, better at dancing, more well known-knw how to work the crowd etc).
It's disrespectful and offensive to tip a dollar. We put hours of effort in to make ourselves look stage ready and go up on a slippery stage trying not to fall. Maybe do some pole work on a slippery pole. And then you give a whole whopping dollar. Just don't tip at all if you're going to give a lousy dollar.
Also, this thread and some of the replies made it to StripReviewsGoneWild on Instagram. Muddy, being the clueless prince of disrespect and simply not understanding women, had his response featured with username.
I've noticed leaving ones on the stage seems to happen randomly. Someone will leave 1 or 2 and a few girls later one will collect them. It may be luck, donations to dancers not doing well that night, or the luck idea. Ladies, is it easy to keep up with exactly where you dropped your stage tips?
“It's disrespectful and offensive to tip a dollar”
Question - let’s say there are 20 customers around the tip rail and each one tips a dollar. So you leave it all on the floor and walk away because it’s disrespectful?
Not being argumentative, just trying to get a feel for what the acceptable tip rate is given these inflationary times
Can't say I've noticed this in any club - but then again I usually sit away from the stage so perhaps I haven't noticed - but I think I would have noticed if this was a common thing (perhaps it’s more club/area dependent?).
I also agree that tipping a dollar does not fit in today’s environment/economy – I’m an infrequent stage-tipper – when I tip, I tip about 5-singles if my intent is to just let the dancer know my interest for dances – if I’m tipping her on stage b/c I wanna enjoy her attention at the stage, I tip b/w $10 and $20.
The only time I may tip a dollar if it’s a tip-parade-club where I’m tipping her more out of obligation and to get her to keep it moving.
"... Muddy, being the clueless prince of disrespect and simply not understanding women, had his response featured with username ..."
@Muddy has a sarcastic sense of humor and it's not always clear when he's kidding or when he's being serious - I can't tell if he was being serious w.r.t. his comment above of if he was being facetious as he often is or a combo of both.
@BubbleYum: "It's disrespectful and offensive to tip a dollar."
No it's not.
There was a period of time in one of the clubs around here where some of the girls would do this. Especially the girls who made a <em>lot</em> of cash on the stage. They'd leave a few for the next girl. Never asked why, I just assumed they were being nice.
It’s also courteous to leave some singles, like maybe $5 worth or so, if the next person was already called over and they are standing there waiting for you because you’re being extra slow when exiting stage. Kinda a “thanks for being patient” type of thing.
If I’m paying attention to the stage show and the girl is making an attempt to be entertaining not just standing there like a lump and bullshiting through the motions I usually tip a few bucks, if she’s just exuding that attitude that she’s doing me a favor fuc her I won’t bother just like every other tipped person does she deserve a tip, or not? That’s my M. O.
Makes sense about it being a courtesy thing between dancers. If I have agreed to dances from the girl currently on stage,, I have seen dancers leave a few ones for the next dancer. I asked dancers why they do this in the past. The answer is usually they took me away from stage and affected the next dancers stage tips, so they are leaving something as a courtesy.
I think a minimum reasonable tip depends on the club. $1 seems reasonable as a minimum for most clubs. $1 per dancer would typically be $15 - 20 per hour. If a guy earning an average income is to be expected to come in several times a month, and patiently wait to be offered a couch dance, the cost of watching the stage show has to be reasonable.
When watching the stage show, I usually tip $2 if it's a dancer who I'm not a regular of, $5 or more if I'm her regular. I go to buy (lots of) couch dances, not for the stage show. If dancers feel like stage dancing is more trouble than it's worth, I'm fine with getting rid of it if dancers walk the floor in bikinis or lingerie. So dancers shouldn't blame me if the club is making them do something that isn't worth their efforts.
Seems like some PLs forget that a tip is a gift, dancer doesn't even have to say thanks if she doesn't want to. So don't tip so much you'll get upset, if she doesn't respond the way you'd like.
I think it might make more sense for a dancer to pick up all her tips, and then go up and stage tip other dancers. Would encourage PL tipping I'm guessing.
I think it's bad for dancers when they don't have a broom available for collecting tips (or the bouncers do it). The visual of dancers crawling around to collect small bills weakens their bargaining position.
When I go up to tip a girl on stage, the purpose for me is not to use that as a way to give her money really. It's a way for me to tell her I want her to come see me so I can spend some real money on her. The actual amount I give her on stage is kinda immaterial. But I usually give her either two or five, depending on what I have in my wallet. But I'm striking up a conversation and trying to create some connection when I'm tipping her.
Icee tipping $100 is laughable. Why tip? Are you not able to get them to tak to you? I have only been to a couple clubs, but never had an issue getting a dancer without tipping. If the club has an entrance fee, that is your payment for getting to look at dancers. A tip is a gift. Not a requirement. $100 as a tip is a complete waste. They’re not servers doing waiter service.
Clubs are usually getting more money than they deserve to begin with. So a good rule of thumb is to never tip and never buy drinks. Food seems to be more reasonably priced at clubs so you can get a burger or something.
There is no such thing as a “minimum tip” or “minimum reasonable tip”. If thats how you see it then its no longer a tip. Even tipping servers is meant to be optional.
I usually dont watch the stage show. Im either talking to a dancer im going to get a dance with, or on my phone. If its a new dancer i havent seen, ill watch her a bit on stage. But i really need a quick look at the face and body to see if im interested.
These concepts like tipping being a requirement, i would guess were started by some club owner or dancer and with time they were able to brainwash masses of people into believing stuff like tipping being a requirement or expected etc
You don't tip. Don't buy drinks and want girls to spend time 2ith you at the club as a customer.... for free.
I tip coz I'm not cheap. That $100 tip will make her night. I've tipped $800 at the stage before and really made her night. And no I don't expect to grope or fuck her.
They spend some free time talking but im getting a dance of $200+ and i also wait for them to take other customers first. What was your point of tipping $800? Just for fun?
I have wondered whether I should give out more than a buck at a time instead of churning singles out more frequently. This thread gives me more food for thought.
A simp will give her $800 and she'll just try to milk him for all she can.
With pimp shit. It's about the experience and how you make her feel. Leaving her submissive to you and wanting to do stuff for you coz of how special you make her feel. You do that by making it purely about her and making her feel like she's on cloud 9. But you have to have a connection to get there.
The fake pimp is a simp, she tells him what he want's to hear and the fake pimp believes it, the PL doesn't pay any attention to the SS, he's basically in the strip club for a good time once he's had a good time he goes home to his real life, in reality, the PL has an actual life, the fake pimp has a fake life, just like the rest of that persona, the SS is his actual life, isn't that sad, the strippers all think the pimp is a joke, they laugh about him in the dressing room, they laugh and they laugh, just like us PLs on this website, we laugh and laugh too.
There was a period of time in one of the clubs around here where some of the girls would do this. Especially the girls who made a lot of cash on the stage. They'd leave a few for the next girl. Never asked why, I just assumed they were being nice."
As a customer, you don't really have a say in what is and isn't offensive or respectful for dancers. When you put on a lycra two piece and prance around on stage in stilettos, you can have all the day you want in it.
I'm saying, if you get out of your chair to walk over to the stage to tip $1 and walk back to where you're sitting, that's offensive. If you are already sitting at the tip rail, go ahead and tip a dollar, but don't expect much attention.
There are so many reviews where customers are bitching because a dancer didn't go over to them after they gave her a dollar on stage. Tip at least $5 and make it worth our while. Our house fees and tip outs are expensive and rising while clubs are not raising minimum dance prices.
I'm also speaking from experience at a stage rain club and Flight Club. I'm not going to anyone who gives me a dollar at Flight Club. Just don't tip at all if it's going to be a measly ass dollar.
And a lot of Chaldeans and Eastern Indian men believe tipping us on stage is permission for them to be grabby and handsy on stage.
I have never heard of the whole leaving money behind for luck thing. That actually sounds kind of dumb. If someone leaves money behind, I take it. Yes, even if it is a dollar. As someone else said, every dollar adds up. But don't expect much attention if tipping a dollar.
I was at a club where there's lighting above the stage that's recessed into a ledge. There's other nooks and crannies up there as well. Anyway, a dancer came up for her set. She had a drink, a small bag, and a long feather duster that she set down at the back of the stage. It was that last item that I thought was a bit odd.
She did her set (and it was pretty good; I tipped). After the end of her third and last song, she grabbed the long feather duster and swept the ledge and all of the other crevices above the stage. She knocked down more than a few bills, including some $5s and $10s, that had gotten stuck up there (unseen) when customers had previously thrown money up in the air to make it rain for other dancers.
She gathered it all up in a small bucket and strode off stage with the money she earned and a small portion she didn't. Smart woman.
Icee "cares" how they feel or would if anything she said is true. I can't fall for stripper shit and have no interest in anything other than a few beers, sports on tv and maybe some dances. It's a fucking bar where you can buy women, so don't make it out to be real, or part of life, or anything other than what it is.....
I've always thought they were paying it forward. Once you throw the money on the stage, it's their money. If they want to leave it for the next dancer, they can. Or they may be rejecting you and your money.
From reading some of the comments, perhaps leaving a few bucks on stage is a way of encouraging tipping for the next dancer - i.e. if other custies see $$$ on the stage they may feel like tipping themselves - i.e. similar to employees that may put some of their own $$$ in their tip-jar to sorta make it seem like tipping is common/the-norm
Pick the one you want and be generous from the very start.
At one of our clubs for a while dancers were DFKing at stage side. And lots of open kissing works well at stage side often. Pick the one you intend to be waking up with by next morning.
I've seen the $1 play it forward for luck thing before....
But am also aware that $1 stage tips has been cheap for a long, long time now...
in some clubs they finish, naked, get on their hands and knees, crawling around trying to collect up money thrown all over the stage... Next girl standing there next to the pole awkwardly waiting for her to finish. In other clubs I've seen the waitresses get up there with brooms and sweep it back stage for her to gather up.
Never quite been into rain. But one guy, the club manager, had his dancer/ GF on stage, in the corner right next to him, on her back, and rather than throwing it up into the air, he let about $20 in singles dribble down out of his hands on to her, moving his hands to make it cover her.
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Every dollar counts if you ask me, but I also don't believe in taking what's not mine, so I just move it to the corner of the stage and leave the luck for the next dancer when they do this. 🤷🏼♀️
I've seen dancers do stage sets that get either a dollar or sometimes nothing (usually slow times and/or a newer, kind of shy dancer) while others who are not that much more attractive or even less attractive get lots of tips on stage every time(more outgoing, better at dancing, more well known-knw how to work the crowd etc).
Also, this thread and some of the replies made it to StripReviewsGoneWild on Instagram. Muddy, being the clueless prince of disrespect and simply not understanding women, had his response featured with username.
Question - let’s say there are 20 customers around the tip rail and each one tips a dollar. So you leave it all on the floor and walk away because it’s disrespectful?
Not being argumentative, just trying to get a feel for what the acceptable tip rate is given these inflationary times
I also agree that tipping a dollar does not fit in today’s environment/economy – I’m an infrequent stage-tipper – when I tip, I tip about 5-singles if my intent is to just let the dancer know my interest for dances – if I’m tipping her on stage b/c I wanna enjoy her attention at the stage, I tip b/w $10 and $20.
The only time I may tip a dollar if it’s a tip-parade-club where I’m tipping her more out of obligation and to get her to keep it moving.
@Muddy has a sarcastic sense of humor and it's not always clear when he's kidding or when he's being serious - I can't tell if he was being serious w.r.t. his comment above of if he was being facetious as he often is or a combo of both.
No it's not.
There was a period of time in one of the clubs around here where some of the girls would do this. Especially the girls who made a <em>lot</em> of cash on the stage. They'd leave a few for the next girl. Never asked why, I just assumed they were being nice.
That’s my M. O.
If I like how she looks its $20. If I want her to come sit with me and its busy I tip $100 at the stage.
If they cop an attitude like bubbleyum then $0
When watching the stage show, I usually tip $2 if it's a dancer who I'm not a regular of, $5 or more if I'm her regular. I go to buy (lots of) couch dances, not for the stage show. If dancers feel like stage dancing is more trouble than it's worth, I'm fine with getting rid of it if dancers walk the floor in bikinis or lingerie. So dancers shouldn't blame me if the club is making them do something that isn't worth their efforts.
Seems like some PLs forget that a tip is a gift, dancer doesn't even have to say thanks if she doesn't want to. So don't tip so much you'll get upset, if she doesn't respond the way you'd like.
I think it's bad for dancers when they don't have a broom available for collecting tips (or the bouncers do it). The visual of dancers crawling around to collect small bills weakens their bargaining position.
Clubs are usually getting more money than they deserve to begin with. So a good rule of thumb is to never tip and never buy drinks. Food seems to be more reasonably priced at clubs so you can get a burger or something.
I usually dont watch the stage show. Im either talking to a dancer im going to get a dance with, or on my phone. If its a new dancer i havent seen, ill watch her a bit on stage. But i really need a quick look at the face and body to see if im interested.
These concepts like tipping being a requirement, i would guess were started by some club owner or dancer and with time they were able to brainwash masses of people into believing stuff like tipping being a requirement or expected etc
I tip coz I'm not cheap. That $100 tip will make her night. I've tipped $800 at the stage before and really made her night. And no I don't expect to grope or fuck her.
What was your point of tipping $800? Just for fun?
On the flip side. I've had girls act extatic over $50 in dollar bills coz it was from me.
It's not just money it's your vibe.
But strip clubs aren't places to be cheap as customers.
If its girls I know or am seeing. Well get high and she'll get me free drinks. But as a customer don't be cheap
A simp will give her $800 and she'll just try to milk him for all she can.
With pimp shit. It's about the experience and how you make her feel. Leaving her submissive to you and wanting to do stuff for you coz of how special you make her feel. You do that by making it purely about her and making her feel like she's on cloud 9. But you have to have a connection to get there.
Simping would be just getting played.
It's the dynamic that defines it.
And what 25 describes is just being a truck. Pay to get off and leave.
Simping is Pimping, real hos knos
There was a period of time in one of the clubs around here where some of the girls would do this. Especially the girls who made a lot of cash on the stage. They'd leave a few for the next girl. Never asked why, I just assumed they were being nice."
As a customer, you don't really have a say in what is and isn't offensive or respectful for dancers. When you put on a lycra two piece and prance around on stage in stilettos, you can have all the day you want in it.
I'm saying, if you get out of your chair to walk over to the stage to tip $1 and walk back to where you're sitting, that's offensive. If you are already sitting at the tip rail, go ahead and tip a dollar, but don't expect much attention.
There are so many reviews where customers are bitching because a dancer didn't go over to them after they gave her a dollar on stage. Tip at least $5 and make it worth our while. Our house fees and tip outs are expensive and rising while clubs are not raising minimum dance prices.
I'm also speaking from experience at a stage rain club and Flight Club. I'm not going to anyone who gives me a dollar at Flight Club. Just don't tip at all if it's going to be a measly ass dollar.
And a lot of Chaldeans and Eastern Indian men believe tipping us on stage is permission for them to be grabby and handsy on stage.
I have never heard of the whole leaving money behind for luck thing. That actually sounds kind of dumb. If someone leaves money behind, I take it. Yes, even if it is a dollar. As someone else said, every dollar adds up. But don't expect much attention if tipping a dollar.
She did her set (and it was pretty good; I tipped). After the end of her third and last song, she grabbed the long feather duster and swept the ledge and all of the other crevices above the stage. She knocked down more than a few bills, including some $5s and $10s, that had gotten stuck up there (unseen) when customers had previously thrown money up in the air to make it rain for other dancers.
She gathered it all up in a small bucket and strode off stage with the money she earned and a small portion she didn't. Smart woman.
At one of our clubs for a while dancers were DFKing at stage side. And lots of open kissing works well at stage side often. Pick the one you intend to be waking up with by next morning.
But am also aware that $1 stage tips has been cheap for a long, long time now...
in some clubs they finish, naked, get on their hands and knees, crawling around trying to collect up money thrown all over the stage... Next girl standing there next to the pole awkwardly waiting for her to finish. In other clubs I've seen the waitresses get up there with brooms and sweep it back stage for her to gather up.
Looks good to me!
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