
Comments by bkkruined (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    politics and ethnicity
    She can be born in Russia... And identify as "Russian"... But if she left at three, adopted, I'm guessing she don't speak no Russian, and everyone in Russia would disagree with her on that... How can you really understand and relate to local politics of these countries when you can't even read the language of their local news? Grandma was Irish. Always told me about the IRA. She left Ireland pre independence, before the IRA become became just a thing in the north. Worked with a guy years back who claimed he was Irish, grandparents, great grandparent, whatever immigrated, and his mom dressed him up in Orange for school on St. Patty's day. He didn't didn't get it... All through WW1 England was still conscripting people in Ireland, and even during their was of independence probably has Irish conscripts, maybe even fighting in Ireland. And now, 100 years later, the North is still fighting among themselves and the rest of the world seem to not really care too much, with the rest of the UK and Ireland getting along pretty much as well as anyone else in the EU and UK do as far as I'm aware... Focusing on where you were born, or what language you're grandparents spoke (and you don't), and their political leadership's actions in some war a generation ago, pretty fucking ridiculous way to decide right vs. wrong... And, "poorly educated"? Many people focus on one or two particular issues that are important to THEM. However we might disagree with the importance of that issue, or why they have take the side of that issue they have, whatever... The issues aren't just black or white, none of them, and there's a shit ton of assholes on both sides of all of them with a constant stream of lies (some just to gather attention to their website, which sells advertising...). My biggest gripe is the dumbasses who know they're dumbasses, but can't see the reason for someone smarter than them to make important decisions. Those idiots that don't trust anyone that ain't dumber than them... Let's let that guy rule everything, cause he's too stupid to fool dumb old me attitude....
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    careful out there...
    hmm, bring a gun for protection when you're pretty much expecting to get naked and into bed with someone? I dunno 'bout that...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Russian has already lost
    The Soviets were able to turn the Germans around in WW2 to save themselves from being ruled by a foreign power. Those kinda losses weren't just accepted when they invaded Afghanistan. In Ukraine, shit's backward. Ukrainians are the ones fighting for their freedom. Putin might keep sending Russians in like he's fighting the the Nazi's, Ukraine's gonna keep killing them like they are the Nazis. It's going to be ugly on both sides. But I doubt Ukrainians are ever going to give up, they can't just go home like the Russians... They were part of the Soviet Union 30 years ago and know better than any of us what happens when they quit fighting.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Gen Z and millenials are useles
    https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/lead-gasoline-blunted-iq-half-us-population-study-rcna19028 Consider it proven, you old fuckers are just dumb.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Russian has already lost
    And now they're launching missiles at cities on in Western edges of Ukraine. If / when they start bombing with aircraft it's not going to take much for the Polish to decide to take a shot at them, whether they actually cross into Poland or just come close enough. And then we'll see how well defending every inch of NATO territory stands up to Putin's provocations. But really, while Americans would take one of our planes being shot down so seriously, Turkey shot one down over Syria and Russia is still selling them surface to air missiles...
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    3 years ago
    Russian has already lost
    WW2 was won largely by Russia... Hate to say it, but they took massive losses and just kept taking them to march themselves into Berlin, while Americans, British, French all just kinda stopped stood by after liberating France. The Russian losses were certainly decreases by splitting the German army between fronts and strategic bombing. We'll certainly never know if the Russians would've been able to march in Berlin without that. But, they were the ones that took Berlin. It is also been theorized that Japan only surrendered after Russian declared war on them. Two Atomic bombs and they were ready to keep fighting until that according to some historians. A big factor in that was the US, Britain, France, everyone else cared how many people they killed. Russians didn't. But this was all when "Russia" was the Soviet Union, and included Ukraine (and Georgia, etc...). And now, it's just Russia vs. Ukraine. Present day, nobody's winning. Nato expanded East not because Nato wanted shit, but because Poland, etc. wanted NATO. If Putin wasn't an asshole and Russia behaved like a modern European democracy, Poland, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, many of these former Eastern block countries that didn't want shit to do with the Soviet Union joined (or are asking to join) NATO to keep Putin the fuck out. Apparently being ruled by these assholes is pretty miserable and they're determined to not let that happen again. Fuck knows what Putin thought he'd get out of this. It's unimaginable that he'd expected to pay this much for it when he started. And doubtful he'll get whatever it was he wanted anyways. And Ukraine, they just want Russia to leave them the fuck alone, and now have then of thousands dead, maybe hundreds of thousands before it's over, and millions leaving their homes. You really can't kill enough Russian conscripts to make up for that... Sure, Russia has some support in the East, there's always a few that are just too stupid to realize their just fucking themselves in the ass supporting someone who hates them, like the gay republicans... But they're just loud and stupid or being paid off (or just trolling with shit they don't even believe) and the media is stuck on this journalist idea that they have to present "both sides" to have even coverage and really don't have the resources to fully understand how over representing they are of a handful of jackasses. And the "media"... It's interesting how when CNN, BBC, Deutsche Welle, AP, AFP, Reuters and Al Jazeera all tell about the same general story and a bunch of wack job conspiracy nuts will just on some internet site and try and convince people it all a lie?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Announcer Shuffle
    Never did like Joe Buck. Glad to see him move to ESPN, wouldn't pay for it before, sure not going to now. And there are far more interesting than Aikman. Guy's who really take the time to explain how a guy is playing a certain position, and know because they've done it, always seem much more interesting. But I think the coverage on national broadcasts always seem to leave them out, I assume they want it dummied down more (i.e. Joe Buck level) for a broader audience.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Extras from nicespice
    You want to poke her MAN?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Oliver Stone's movie Ukraine on Fire censored by YouTube, watch it here
    @doctorevil - meddled... ya, sure, OK, sounds so scary... Like Russia "meddled" with the 2016 US election? And do you think Russia did not "meddle" with any election ever held in post Soviet Ukraine? The only "seeds" for this war is Putin wanting to recreate his beloved Soviet empire.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Oliver Stone's movie Ukraine on Fire censored by YouTube, watch it here
    "Ukraine on Fire" (ON, BTW), available on amazon, apple and tubi (free on tubi)... Can't find anyone else claiming it's "banned", unless you think every other fucking movie that the producers created for profit and don't want freely distributed "banned".... Advertise as a bunch of interviews with Putin and his sidekick Yanucovich about Ukraine. Produced by Oliver Stone, the same guy who brought us "The Untold History of the United States" (which is on Youtube), not to mention Platoon, Born on the 4th of July and still working on "Pinkville"... I guess if you want to some anti American propaganda to convince you America is evil and everything bad in the world is caused by us, it's timely? Still kinda surprised he didn't show us how the CIA killed Jim Morison when he made "The Doors"?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many, if any, checks do you write per year?
    property tax and maybe some random shit like a renewing a passport or a parking ticket? 2-3 a year, at most. Think I'm still working off the same book of 50 when I opened the account 10+ years ago.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Aaron Rodgers extension will make QB NFL's highest paid-player
    As much as I keep wanting to hate Brady... (ya, this really is my issue, not him...) He's not "the best". Maybe you could skew how you rate individual QB performance to make him so, but as an individual, nope. If I had unlimited budget and no cap, wouldn't pick him. But, he is good, and obviously understands the benefit of being surrounded by similar talent. And similarly seems interested in winning championships rather than singular goals of being the highest paid. It wasn't just him that showed up in Tampa ready to go for it. Many of these guys get pretty darned excited about having the largest contract, even if it's a loosing year... I guess, they can't all be winners, and someone's gotta sell the home team's jerseys for the economics to all work out?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Weirdest Fetishes
    High heel spike in the scrotum. Based on what she said, I dunno how I'd be able to get up and walk out of the club?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Give Ukraine their no-fly zone!
    Wanna know why Putin didn't invade while Trump was president? For real? Putin was afraid Trump really would be impeached for doing nothing... Going back to 2019 and firing Marie Yovanovitch, it was pretty clear, Trump could really care less about Ukraine. Hell, going further back to the 2016 GOP convention that nominated him and the party platform basically took all mention they had of Ukraine (which they were using at least as an issue against Obama and Hillary) and cut it all out. Trump really only cared about it enough to get Zellensky to accuse Bidens of corruption. And the whole White Wing media jumped on that bandwagon, Bannon, Carlson, etc... Couldn't shut up about Ukraine, and Hunter... Any mention of Russia??? NOPE. Think Putin didn't notice that shit? Isn't he "so smart"? Ukraine was the new GOP punching bag, and he knew it. The party of Reagan and Bush was now bashing Ukraine every chance they had... While Trump, publicly stated how be believed Putin over US intelligence... And whipped his crowds into a frenzy saying he'd stop defending foreign countries. Why should we, what's in it for us? While "suggesting" we disband or just leave NATO!!! Putin wanted him to stay... Couldn't risk him leaving early. Because Putin doesn't care how strong America is. Russia alone would never be as strong, much of the Soviet Union's strength actually came from Ukraine. America's strength only matters to him if it's willing to use it to help it's allies. And while Biden is a bit feckless and timid, Trump was whole sale against it trying to build support to guarantee that was the new standard of US foreign policy. You guy's really think that not how Putin saw this? (but really, Trump didn't want to escalate against IRAN!!! for fucks sake!!!)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Give Ukraine their no-fly zone!
    Ya, gee, let's bring up Iran. Who launch a ballistic missile strike at a US Military base on Jan 8, 2020. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Martyr_Soleimani "largest ballistic missile attack ever against Americans." 60 Minutes And, Trump tried to cover it up... A few guys had headaches... (apparently did a pretty good job of covering that up, actually?)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Give Ukraine their no-fly zone!
    Putin's probably lost more soldiers in two weeks fighting in Ukraine than we lost in 20 years in Afganistan. He doesn't care. And you dumbfucks think impressing him is important?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Give Ukraine their no-fly zone!
    @Mark "do you accept that Afghanistan and Nordstream bungles by Biden caused Putin to view us as weak?" NO Being willing to bomb hopitals and kindergardens doesn't make us "strong".. We spent 20 years trying to 'help' Afghanistan... We lost something like 2,500 Americans in fighting there. And decided it's been enough, done, an entire generation was raised to be adults under that occupation... If they can't get rid of the Taliban, they must not want to... The only other option is to just kill them all. But what's that gonna solve? Obama should have pulled out his first year in office. From Putin's standpoint? HE for sure wanted us TO STAY. Continue with an unpopular occupation with constant insurgent attacks? Yep, he's hugely disappointed we didn't keep wasting resources... Like he's going to be doing soon, and get angry about it and kill old ladies and children out of spite. If Putin thinks that's strength (like apparently some in the GOP must?), fuck him. Making decisions about our actions, morals and values based on impressing an asshole like him is ridiculous.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Gen Z and millenials are useles
    Every time I see some 400 pound monster in one of those store provided electric carts because they don't have the strength or energy to wander through a supermarket to buy themselves more junk food, it ain't some Gen Z or millenial... At least they all have enough pride to get up and walk through the store. And pretty much everyone in junior level ranks of the military, active duty, is either in that age range (or a complete looser, if you aren't an officer or senior enlisted by that age, they really don't want you anymore).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Investors reset
    Before investing in anything in a place ruled by a dictator, remember the only rules that matter is his will. There is no law. Whatever you think the law is can be changed overnight. And in extreme cases, opponents disappear... The economy is run by corruption. It's not an aberration, it is the norm. And I'm not even talking about bribing officials, those officials own the industries!!! 30 years ago there was no private industry in China or the Soviet Union. So, how the fuck do you think all these people got rich? Sure, some Chinese guy's came up with tik tok and found some new thing everyone wanted and it exploded and they got rich!!! But there are too many yachts and not enough tik toks in the rest of the story. Gazprom sure as hell didn't just start overnight, someone in the Russian government, or with friends there, took it over, sold shares in it, got filthy fucking rich from it, spread some bribes around, probably killed a few people here and there if they complained, or at least had them jailed... Sound like a good place for your retirement nest egg to grow? Chinese real estate? These is NO PRIVATE OWNERSHIP of LAND in China!!!! WTF do these people think they are investing in?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Give Ukraine their no-fly zone!
    @ceoaticeesangelsllc "Can you find all those countries on a map?" Ya, there usually labeled and shit too, makes it real easy to find them if you aren't an illiterate dumbfuck.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Give Ukraine their no-fly zone!
    oh really mark? Rafael (Ted) Cruz? The guy who sucked up to Trump after he told everyone his wife was ugly and his father killed JFK? Nevermind his latest grovelling back to Fucker Carlson after calling the Jan 6 a terrorist attack... https://news.yahoo.com/people-think-something-familiar-ted-080503822.html Cruz claimed: “Almost without exception, every time I’m on an airplane, either the captain or a flight attendant will come up to me, will hug me and say, ‘Thank you for fighting for us.’” (I wonder if that was on his flight to cancun?) At least Trump was a capable con artist and could stick with a lie... Cruz is just a smuck..
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Give Ukraine their no-fly zone!
    "deal is on the table is reasonable" About as reasonable as Putin disarming and remaining neutral. and recognizing the autonomy of.... Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnya, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan... Greater Manchuria? Maybe? (not sure where the Chinese stand on this today...) Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Latvia... Belarus, he can go ahead and take that shit over. It'll be an improvement for them...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Give Ukraine their no-fly zone!
    "Long term we need a democratic Russia" Last week David Petraeus was on TV discussing Russia. He stated that their internal security force (i.e. the guys running around beating up and arresting protesters) was larger than that standing army... And there are more people in jail in Russia right now than in any other time in history. Including Stalin's regime. Who's going to suddenly start a campaign against Putin? the last guy was poisoned, almost died, when he finished recovering in Germany and returned put in jail. Sentenced additional time for not showing up for his trial while he was in a coma... The only way this is happening is Putin's own security services turning on him. Which isn't unlikely, really...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Give Ukraine their no-fly zone!
    Another issue barely making the news is who is giving / selling Ukraine drones? And who is actually flying them? US oughta just start kicking out lower end reapers, less sophisticated sensors, more missiles. 10, 20, 100 of them, launched from around Lviv? piloted by "volunteers" (in Nevada). They'd fuck that 40 miles long traffic jam right the fuck up. Talk about some carnage!!! Artillery crews would be terrified of creating any kind of a flash... Screw the no fly zone. Get creative on giving them air assets!!! OR just starting buying the Chinese drones!!! Putin would love it!!! Xi could give two fucks about who his shit kills as long as it's paid for, and it's not going to take a quality product to drop shit load of whoop ass on a highway full of armor just stuck in traffic!!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    These are the people you Russophobes are siding with
    This whole war with Ukraine has all the racists confused. There's their big hero, Putin, strong man, fascist defender of white Christians... Blaming the Nazis to justify his invasion!!!! And a bunch of dumb fucks trying to see the world though their racist ideology can't figure it out.