
Escort in my 'hood...

Thursday, April 14, 2022 2:35 AM
Fellow TUSCL'ers - Something I've not read much on. Would appreciate your take...

At a civvy bar I sometimes hang (associated with a high-end hotel), escorts show up from time-to-time. I managed to find myself in a brief conversation with one (I think). It's not like they advertise, so did not initially take it for that. However, her enthusiastic reception of our conversation and urgency to get together for lunch or drinks soon (bearing in mind she's a late 20s hottie, talking to an early 60s PL), makes me think she's a professional.

Being a lower-end club VIP guy (think Follies), I am not a high roller, although occasionally look like it.

She wrote to say she'd like to get together soon. Question: How to respond?

1) Tell her I think she's a prostitute, and I'm not a good candidate for what she likely charges.

2) Just meet with her, and see where it goes.

3) Fabricate some lame reason to not meet her, and see if she gives up.

4) Other?

Thanks, guys. I'll report back any findings... 😉


  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Just meet with her and see how it goes. Let her initiate whatever her game is. Just treat her like a regular girl.

    If she initiates work talk. I'd not bother with her. It seems like too elaborate of a scheme 8f she is a hooker. Most are direct. Games are always a bad sign
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    Option two seems like the best bet. Worst case scenario she is a prostitute and out of your price range so you both wasted a little time flirting. Best case scenario she wants to fuck you (without charge) because she has daddy issues or just likes older men for whatever reason.

    Most likely scenario, she is a prostitute like you believe and possibly willing to negotiate to a price point that works for you both.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
    Why not just communicate so no one is upset/mad/disappointed/confused/etc
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    I will play along and comment on your discussion.

    She may be a “freelancer” or “Under The Radar” Sugar Baby.

    Looking to “date” sugar daddies and get cash, gifts, and 5-star hotel stays.

    When you meet her next time just ask her what type of “relationship” would she be interested in.

    Just make sure you can afford her and make it a mutual benefit win win relationship.

    1. We have high end escorts, centerfolds, actresses, models, Strippers ITC/OTC etc that provide PSE/GFE for the sake of pleasure.
    2. Mistresses/Sugar Babies/Sidechicks etc, for the daily needs of our bodies.
    3. Wives and Trophy Wives (with an ironclad prenup) to bear us lawful offspring, and be the faithful guardians of our homes.
    4. Realistic Sex Dolls/Gynoids/Fembot, and Internet Porn and Instagram/Onlyfans “Models”, for kicks-and-giggles”

    Just remember to be careful out there.

    Also Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Ask her if she just wants to be friends or something more. If she says something more, ask her why she wouldn't get a man who's young and hot like she is.

    I've never encountered a P4P chick who works like this. Seems like it could be some sort of long con. Escorts typically quote you a amount of $ for a certain amount of their time. There's nothing illegal about it. But that also can be a con. Ask for a link to her escort website if it turns out she's an escort, and check her out on theeroticreview.net .

    Seems like she could be looking for a sugar daddy.
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    Just go man. Worst case, you had lunch with a gorgeous young woman, and a mild case of blue balls. Life could be worse.

    Kills me to say it, CJKent is right, if for some reason you were radiating wealth, many SBs freestyle ("freestyle" is the term used, CJKent). More likely, it's an escort, but what the hell, only one way to find out
  • bluejacketsguy
    2 years ago
    I think go and see what happens its not like you have anything to lose.
    Kinda reminds of a time I had a girl in vegas say hi as I passed and I'm like um hey and then she said something along the lines of looking to have a good time and in my head was like ohhhh hooker, shortly after I passed I saw security escort her out and was like well must have been one.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Asking her if she's she's hooker will ruin whatever potential there is. But if she is a hooker she's not an efficient one lulz
  • jackslash
    2 years ago
    Meet up, propose, marry her, live happily ever after.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Either #2 or move on if you're not into it.

    Not #1.
  • Lone_Wolf
    2 years ago
    "Hi Bambi! Meeting at the Olive Garden sounds good :-). What would be a good gift$ to bring you?"

    It's definitely some form of p4p. Best to get it in the open promptly.
  • Longball300
    2 years ago
    What Ish and Thee PSD said; if your attracted #2 and after a bit of chit chat just put it out there.
  • WiseToo
    2 years ago
    Choice #2 is the best. Just have her suggest a place and time to meet. Regardless of what she says, tell her you don't like it and suggest a less costly alternative. If she's not agreeable, you've got your answer. You can't afford her.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Besides not a damn think what is the difference between a sugar baby and an escort?
  • iknowbetter
    2 years ago
    Don’t flatter yourself. A 20-something hottie is not interested in a 60+ man without an agenda. I don’t know what OP’s personal situation is (married, business, community standing, etc.), but if he did not initiate it, it is likely to be a trap! OP my find himself being extorted or blackmailed. Yes, these things happen. My advice- let it go. Do not engage. If you have anything at stake that could be compromised by an inappropriate relationship- it’s too risky.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    Does your local strip club offer lunch or a buffet? See if she’d be interested in meeting you at a club. If she says yes you’re heading in a good direction.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    Option 2 with a dash of "be careful of some kind of con."
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    To answer your question:

    Q: She wrote to say she'd like to get together soon. Question: How to respond?

    A: Text her that instead of “lunch or drinks” you want to invite her to dinner.

    A classic candlelight dinner at a fine restaurant (doesn’t have to be the most expensive, but good service and good food are the key).

    Be the gentleman in the relationship and if she agrees take care of the menu in advance and order something special that you know is good.

    Some good food, good wine and a nice atmosphere that makes her feel comfortable, safe, cared for by a man that that could properly provide and protect her is the key to a relationship between a gentleman (potential Sugar Daddy) and a potential (Sugar Baby).

    Behave like a civilian and don’t you bring the issue of money for her time, let her be the one to bring her issues/needs (many sugar babies just want to have a few things they can’t afford, pay some bills and a mentor/father figure to help them)

    If everything is going well during your date, you can suggest a second date in the form of weekend trip so you both will have the opportunity to spend some time the privacy of a nice hotel, get know each other better and get a little closer.

    Hopefully she will realize that better than becoming your Sugar Baby, she might be a good girlfriend on her way to marry and become a good trophy wife, because “Behind every great man is a great woman”

    Good luck on your date with your future wife.

  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    When are you going to write the report on your findings?

  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    Abort about abort. If you want an escort there are plenty of reviewed SW’s to pick from. She may be on the longest most complicated program possible for find a sugar daddy, sure. But she also may be looking to get enough proximity to you to pull some stunt… Rob you, cry foul, “me too”, blackmail, who knows. There is a reason she’s not following the established pathways, and that reason could be very much to your detriment. If it’s too good to be true, it is.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    Haha sorry… meant to type if it SEEMS too good to be true, it is.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Try #2 - if she’s a pro - she won’t let you go on long without discussing a price.

    Based on your description - it’s likely she’s a pro. But, don’t miss out on the opportunity - in case she’s not.
  • Tiburon
    2 years ago
    Give her my number and tell her I'll give a fine bitch a call.
  • bkkruined
    2 years ago
    Get her number, search escort sites for it...
  • bkkruined
    2 years ago
    "Besides not a damn think what is the difference between a sugar baby and an escort?"

    You often have to buy the sugar baby dinner first, but don't have to pay for her time eating.
  • JeffJefferson
    2 years ago
    Most of us who show up on TUSCL -- guys and the ladies -- are on the lookout for anything that qualifies as "More Than I Was Expecting". Sounds like this is one of those.

    If at all possible, move things to your turf or a different neutral site. She must initiate all conversation about giving and getting; you stay the perfect gentlemen until then, and for a little while beyond.
    The possibilities of scam, con, blackmail, law enforcement, and other "negativities" is very real, so ultra-caution is advised. Enjoy the PG-Rated interactions for what they are, and advance beyond that once you are really really sure it is safe, proper and affordable.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Either she has a grandpa fetish or she wants something from you. I think we all know which is far more likely. 😉

    Hey if you've got the time to kill spinning your wheels then by all means play it out, but if it were me I'd cut her loose. I have neither the time nor the patience to get caught up in go nowhere interactions. Worse though, IME girls who are initially ambiguous about what they want are usually trying to set the table for a bigger ask. Ugh. Idk about you, but I can think of 50 ways I'd rather spend my time and money than playing along with something like this.
  • Rod8432
    2 years ago
    Hey, thanks everyone. Great comments all. As it turned out, I did follow up with her, and then she ghosted me. Radio silence, so I (wisely, I think) decided not to pursue it further. Probably dodged a bullet, so she did me a favor.

    Chapter clothes, and onward to the next PL adventure... 😏
  • Rod8432
    2 years ago
    That is - Chapter closed... Damn Siri!
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> <strong>As it turned out, I did follow up with her</strong>, and then she ghosted me. Radio silence, so I (wisely, I think) decided not to pursue it further. <strong>Probably dodged a bullet</strong>, so she did me a favor.

    Of course you followed up with her, lmao. You probably did it before you even started this thread. As much as your instincts and simple common sense all told you that this didn't smell right, even the remotest hope that this might be a lightening strike was enough to keep you going. 😂

    Man the shit that we do when there is a hot girl involved. Too funny.

  • Rod8432
    2 years ago
    Hey, RD. Re: Man the shit that we do when there is a hot girl involved. Too funny

    I will grant you that. Pretty much every dumb decision in my life has involved a hot girl. Probably more to come...
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    at least you gave it a shot.
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