Comments by san_jose_guy (page 43)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    General Motors I wish they still made front engine Corvettes. And the mid engine ones, they don't even give you a spare time. People will sell you one, but even with two trunks there is not room for it. And you couldn't even think about getting one of the regular wheels into a trunk. But what I like about this is flat crank V8, like Ferrari, fires alternating bank, no chortling, a V8 that actually works corretly. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Chrysler, Vintage and Modern
    I am not a fan of SUV's, crossover or otherwise. But if they can make this, they can make a 4 door sedan version and a 2 door coupe version. Low roof and floor, FWD only better. Have to be able to sell enough copies to keep the name plate alive. And hybrid drive is the way of the future, unless you go all electric. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    I like the women who do sex work because they are all go, and they understand slut uniforms and paint ups. But this does not mean that I just want to buy sex from them. Not at all. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Where do you take OTC dates besides a hotel?
    Seems like it needs to be home, hotel, motel, recreational vehicle, boat, or some play space which you have somewhere. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Dodge discontinuing charger & challenger in favor of electric "muscle car"
    The LH or cab forward platform were much nicer than those RWD retros. Developed as a joint AMC and Renault project, then bought by Chrysler when it bought AMC in 1987. Intended as V6, and they still use those V6's, though the power is higher. And then 4 speed automatics, now they could be 8 or 9 speeds. Much lighter, more space efficient, and more aerodynamic than those retro RWD. American cars similar to a Citroen. But MBZ dumped Cab Forward because it did not want to have to compete with them on the world market. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Sniffing out fake strippers, nationwide
    I have a theory
    RickDugan is the absolute master of strip clubs. Sitting there in hotel lobbies pretending the read a newspaper, he has learned everything. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Trans insanity: Doctors claim children know they're trans practically from womb
    No, we can't allow anyone to do sexual alteration surgery on minors, and if this has been going on, we cannot allow it to go unpunished. If this is going on I would like to read more about it. Or I should say, I would like to see more articles. It is not the kind of thing I really look foward to reading about, but it is incumbent on all of use to put a stop to it and to make sure the perpetrators are made into public examples. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Dodge discontinuing charger & challenger in favor of electric "muscle car"
    Electric muscle cars accelerate faster than the retro Chryslers. Electrics drive with all wheels and the accelerate that the very limit of tire friction. The only place combustion can still have an advantage is in top speed, range, towing, and hauling. Those Chrysler Muscle cars, Charger, Challenge, 300, Magnum, were dumb ideas. They are made out of an MBZ E-class. They have nothing to do with the original cars. MBZ E-class fastest used to be AMG E63. Power in the high 500 hp, and at 6.3L Chrysler could have done the same, but they have not. Now MBZ AMG E63 has over 600hp, and only 4 liters. And they do the same with their engines in Aston Martin. It means lots of power, but less gas at stop lights. Chrysler could have kept up, but they have not. I think Ford Mustang Gt is better. 5.2L 460 hp. So you get more power per liter, and the car is also smaller for less air drag. All the Chrysler retros and the MBZ class only go up to 245mm tires. Mustang goes wider. Really, these combustion muscle cars are stupid. Plug in Electric and Electric Hybrid is the future. With combustion you are braking via friction or the clutch to down shift. But with electric you brake with the traction motor and recharging the battery. BMW has made great strides with its X-Drive. And Chrysler (Now Stellantis) is doing the same with its Dodge Hornet hybrid cross over SUV for 2023. SJG B
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Stripper(s) vs Sugar Baby vs Escort: Which would you prefer?
    Well, where ever you find her, you Keep Her. You make her into your Mistress. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California to make mentally ill homeless accept treatment
    Shonique Williams, organizing to oppose Care Courts ^ above video is most compelling. Dignity and Power Now SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California to make mentally ill homeless accept treatment
    LA Progressive No Care Courts video SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California to make mentally ill homeless accept treatment
    ACLU California Action WE NEED HOUSING, NOT COURTS Oppose SB 1338 (Care Courts) Person being handcuffed and strapped hospital bed " We have a housing crisis in the state. But instead of creating permanent and supportive housing, Governor Newsom and state legislators are exploiting this emergency to strip away the rights of anyone suspected of having a serious mental health condition. " Ocean Beach Rag (today) " But while these have been dominating headlines, we’re lost sight of the single most dangerous one yet: the plan touted by state and local Democrats to create a separate legal system through what are perversely called “CARE Courts.” An acronym for Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment, Senate Bill 1338 proposes a raft of policy and legislative changes allegedly to assist people living with mental health and substance abuse challenges. Championed by Governor Newsom and currently set for approval by the Legislature this week, if passed it will almost certainly be signed into law. It involves an initial $65M for set-up costs and $49M each year after for enforcement, but $0 to address the already chronic shortage of therapists or suitable housing. (As it is, 57% of Californians are unable to access the behavioral health care they need, and California comes in 34th in state rankings on access to care.) And it allows anyone from family members to first responders — including private “homeless outreach workers” — to petition for a court order. Disability Rights California correctly points out several flaws with SB 1338. It does not mandate housing be provided, and would perpetuate institutional racism and widen health disparities. And the language of the statute is sloppy and imprecise, using terms not defined in the bill itself or in California law. The American Civil Liberties Union has also joined in condemning SB 1338, as it will once again allow people to be medicated and institutionalized against their will, endangering the civil liberties of Californians living with disabilities, caught up in the criminal legal system, and/or experiencing houselessness. In short, creating a different legal track for certain people by definition creates second-class citizens with diminished rights and protections relative to others. One might think that these criticisms are based in the Law of Unintended Consequences. But taken together, it’s difficult if not impossible to see them as absolutely intentional. Our problems with mental and physical disabilities and homelessness are the direct result of our electeds refusing to redress the lack of accessible health care and housing for everyone. And now they want to wash their hands of it by being allowed to replace our society of common weal with a polity of the competent, in which autonomy is tied to financial capacity — and devil take the hindmost. " SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Dodge discontinuing charger & challenger in favor of electric "muscle car"
    The MBZ Chryslers are not the real thing. The real ones in the 60's and 70's had torsion bar front suspension. And the left side lug nuts were left hand threaded. What MBZ killed to make those were some very advanced cars. Today, a dual motor Tesla Series 3 or a Porsche Taycan will accelerate much faster than those combustion pigs. If you want the old cars do like Jay Leno, get the real ones. Comfortably exceeds 200mph, on Chrysler B-platform. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Western PA
    Instant Turn Offs - Things Dancers do to try to look sexy that turn you OFF!
    I like all the adornments! SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Men Only TUSCL?
    We have a Verified Room and a VIP Room. That should be enough. Women get special treatment in stirp clubs, and they they get special treatment here too. Has to be that way if you expect to keep them in high heels and makeup. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Dodge discontinuing charger & challenger in favor of electric "muscle car"
    You'll get one more year of Charger and Challenger, priced high for collectors. Then no more. Chrysler is the worst of the American firms with poor fuel economy. They will have to pay $500 Meg in fines if they don't clean up. Those cars were stupid, made on an MBZ E-class platform. The LH Platform or Cab Forward was much better. I think MBZ was afraid of having to complete with those on the world market. Most advance American cars ever made, closest to Citroen. So MBZ killed them. Everyone is going to super low fuel use, and especially Chrysler ( now Stellantis) Look forward to big new things coming. And an electric muscle care will have vastly greater acceleration than those RWD combustion pigs. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Where do you take OTC dates besides a hotel?
    Small motorhome in parking lot SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Mathematics
    ^ THis stuff looks simple, but it isn't. This is way over my head. To really understand all the authors are saying I will be reading and working through about 20 more books. Both authors at University of Maryland Dynamics Group at the University of Maryland Brin is an editor of Forum Mathematicum Garrett Stuck was professor mathematics at University of Maryland. Wrote "The Mathematica Primer (1998) He is also founder of Chalkfree Inc, a software company. I see one thing which I do understand. These dynamic systems are deterninistic. Often there is confusion coming from the popularity of chaos theory, thinking that chaotic behavior comes from noise, round off error, or from the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. It does not, it is simply the product of multiple non-linearities interacting. And then when it comes to observing real systems, the issue is that you never do have an accurate enough mathematical model, and because you can never know the starting conditions to enough accuracy. I have much to learn here I can see. SJG Vanilla Fudge - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Where do you take OTC dates besides a hotel?
    Should be your own home I say. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How big should the who-haw buffer zone be?
    Some places are strict no touching, like our above ground local clubs. But those are places to avoid. Pick the one you want, generosity and charm, FRMOS, then you invite her to the back room, then take her home with you. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you expect lower prices and any other extras the more you buy?
    BTE, you meet women in the strip club and what happens happens. But then you get them outside. That way you get lots of time with them to put them through their paces and to talk with them at length. You can't try to make it all happen ITC SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Western PA
    Is the club bartender closer to being a civvie or a stripper?
    Jimmy, this bar tender, she knows you go after the strippers. I think to engage with women, you have to listen to the little devil who is standing on your left shoulder and speaking into your left ear. "You are king of the world and all women are here for your sexual pleasure." You have to think that way to be able to move on them, instead of waiting for them to initiate. I mean really, she is there all dolled up for you and you are not moving on her? In My Organization the women will be instructed, trained, and initiated to be sex slaves. They will know that it is their job to make you understand, "You are king of the world and all women are here for your sexual pleasure." SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California to make mentally ill homeless accept treatment
    We don't need any new laws to subject the unhoused to involuntary psychiatric procedures, or to subject them to Thomas Insel's auditing center. To do something about homelessness we need to intercede before someone becomes unhoused. The way we do this is by making laws to protect people like the 13yo daughter of Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, and like the aunt of CA State Senator Susan Eggman. The mental health system encourages child abuse. It lets a parent win a dispute just by dialing 911 and making one into the family scapegoat. Darrell Steinberg tracked his daughter into the mental health system at the age of 13. Today at age 27 she still believes that she has a bad brain. And Steinberg has built his entire political career on mental health. And he needs this to have objective reality because this fiction is what exonerates him. Susan Eggman's family tracked Susan's aunt Barbara into the mental health system. Eggman says that mental health issues “drove her onto the street.” And Eggman laments that she “refused all of their efforts when they tried to help,” trying to legitimate forced treatment. Eggman has built her entire adult life out of targeting family scapegoats, via mental health, working in a mental hospital, and via euthanasia. Steinberg and Eggman need the mental health system because it affirms for them that their family member was indeed the locus of original sin. And so this is the point where we need to have already intervened, to give someone an alternate basis for their identity, and to open up other life options. We need the law to be able to come in and to make it clear that the family is wrong. SJG
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    2 years ago
    Going to a club while neurodivergent
    ^ and also clearly in opposition to the Autism - Aspergers - Neurodivergence Hoax. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Going to a club while neurodivergent
    Living with intensity : understanding the sensitivity, excitability, and emotional development of gifted children, adolescents, and adults / Susan Daniels and Michael M. Piechowski, editors. Scottsdale, AZ : Great Potential Press, c2009. More about Dabrowski from the people who follow him, and really suprising because it is so against "Mental Health" SJG