With the stripper(s), dances stay in the club but they're to your satisfaction. Attire is all specified to the club expectations. You can afford that VIP and what goes on in the club STAYS in the club. Your not confined to one stripper, your just confined to keep all activities in the club. NO OTC.
Escort, you do escort things with ONE person of your choosing, no budget. You do with escorts as you expect. You can even throw in GFE if you so choose whatever that entails for you.
Sugar Baby is everything you expect. Pretty much is what it is as far as I've read on this site.
I prefer strippers. You get a chance to "window shop" and "test drive" (as cringe as that sounds right now) in a way that simply isn't possible with other sex workers. You can watch them work, talk to them, get a feel for their personalities, how they feel about the whole thing, and maybe even get a taste of their charms, all for the price of admission, maybe a drink or two, and some lap dances or a VIP.
With escorts, with few exceptions, you never really know whether or not the woman in the ad is the one who is going to show up or answer the door, or if you're going to be met by a pimp with a baseball bat. Or even, as has happened here more and more over the last couple of years, the "escort" herself with a gun. Local boards such as TER, USASG and others can mitigate some of these risks, but not eliminate them entirely. Escorts have almost universally been the least interesting fucks I've ever had. There's a reason for that; some of them fuck 10 guys in a day. Hard not to have a "just get it over with" attitude, I'd guess.
Sugar babies have some of the same problems as escorts, <b>and</b> it can take a fair bit of time and effort to weed out the real ones from the flakes.
In my experience, and from my perspective, a stripper turned sugar baby is about the best possible outcome. It's worked out quite well for me four times now. The current one even feeds me from time to time.
I'm on Seeking.com. All three will have profiles on that site. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish between them. Escorts and strippers are pros. They are more of a sure thing. They know why they are there. Much few games. More get to business approach. But that is the joy of a sugar baby. You have an innocence of a young girl. They get attached to you much like a girlfriend. They are less interested in the money and more interested in if they are having a good time. You also have the downsides of a girlfriend. They get a little more emotional when things turn out badly. And they all eventually do.
For starters your efforts to set conditions that don't exist in the real world make this just theoretical anyway, which is the type of things I hate answering because it will never come to pass in just that way.
I generally don't want girls who fuck and suck ITC because I don't want to be x of y served in a day. I don't like seeing escorts for the same reason. But a strip club without the possibility of something fun on the tail end is a much less enticing place to me.
I'm coming to learn that SBs are a pain in the ass. I've dipped my toes in it recently and I don't like the scheduling or the overall time commitment necessary to make it work.
The theoretical budget manipulations are irrelevant in the case of many on here. Anyone who can afford OTC with hot strippers can afford escorts and SBs. I'm not sure what made you think that controlling this variable was important in pushing people to your desired answer, but it isn't.
If this combination of criteria and limitations existed in real life, I'd be much less happy with my side fun than I currently am. Last minute UTR OTC fun with a few stripper "friends" is one of my great pleasures in life.
I've never gone the escort or sugar baby route. I'm old and spend a lot of time at home alone. So I would rather get out of the house and take my chances at a strip club. I'm open to VIP at the club if the right girl happens to be available but if not I'm still happy with getting out of the house. Some times I get to know some dancers so well that I trust them to meet OTC at my house or at a hotel if I am out of town.
Strippers are the most versatile because they can most easily fill any of those roles, and I like having options. Obviously the OP took a more narrow approach for the sake of conversation, but even in those artificial terms I'd pick a stripper to start with.
leave it to ricky boy to be a party pooper. You don't HAVE to have sex with a stripper if you don't want to you know. It's totally optional. And the money is limitless here so what manipulations are you talking about?
If your attitude about any of these sorts of entertainment is so negative, why even bother even going to adult entertainment? Just stick with your wife and be happy with that.
@GMD just did a search and wowzers holy moley. Well I'm just looking for fun interesting answers, not trying make an informed decision
I'd most likely choose the strippers since there's multiple woman and there's a bit of party vibe where it's ok to get a bit sloshed and shoot the crap with people while hanging with hot chicks that will dance if requested.
I think when it works good I'll take the sugar baby. But the sugar baby/escort world that line gets a little blurry. At the end of the day I think some of us just want something a little less cold and professional. What a turn off.
So do you have to show your face pic for the sugar daddy sites? I guess she will want one anyway so scratch that. I'd go with Stripper then escorts. AMP would be a distant 3rd but I read around here guys are getting tongues in asses all the time and I'm not sure about that
===> "If your attitude about any of these sorts of entertainment is so negative, why even bother even going to adult entertainment?"
Overall I enjoy strip clubs, as I've discussed countless times on here. My attitude about your artificial elimination of OTC options is what's most negative here. While not the sole source of club-related enjoyment, it is an integral part of the experience for me. You created the incongruence with your BS hypotheticals, not me.
Next time don't ASSume. It makes an ass out of you and...well...you.
I am actually with Icee on this one. They are all whores. Many girls move from one to the other and don't change that much. I don't think that is negative, just being a realist.
Just an observation. I spent a good amount of time looking at escorts on Tryst today for cities I'm likely traveling to this year. So, I'm confident I can find a very good looking dancer for 500 for OTC. But very often in that range looking at escorts on Tryst there are a few things to keep in mind.
1. Most require verification. Strippers usually only require a wallet.
2. Many escorts in that range on Tryst are downright fat. Or not very attractive. Not all. Perhaps not most. But many. And having done escorts before, what you see in the ad and what you see at the door can be different by a few years or more.
3. I feel like it's too easy. The conquest is exhilarating. Strippers can say no but most escorts obviously do not.
While there is an ease of a quick fix with escorts, I feel like for me they are an "add on" to my overall sex pursuit. Strippers are central to it
@rickdugan I think you been at this game so long you forget what's average and what's rare. Just because a bunch of dudes talk about OTC on TUSCL doesn't mean it's happening to everyone. Not even ITC is that common amongst the majority of strip club patrons. You're a special breed of customer bro. Your not average.
@jimmybigtits oh man, I've looked at tryst just to see what going on on that site. I felt like it was one step up from now defunct BP. Very underwhelming to what I was expecting. i've seen on twitter some of these escort girls's photos and some super escorts be going on dates and all that. But judging by the photos it's not Olive Garden they'll be accepting service for.
Sugar babies are amazing if you can somehow meet them in civilian life and not on S.A. I had one, a college student, who I met in a group setting and I made her laugh and treated her respectfully. Another who was introduced to me as a referral from a friend's sugar baby who "wanted to try it". They liked being treated well, eating at fancy restaurants, traveling to places they'd only seen on postcards. They appreciated financial support but hadn't developed a well-oiled hustle. Need to be careful to set expectations and boundaries or the emotions can be dangerous (both ways).
Second best is finding a baby stripper who you can entice into being a sugar baby. They're eager to impress and these relationships can be great, but seem to be short-lived, as the women get comfortable and decide to grow their business. These women also get lots and lots of "advice" working at the club that ultimately works against you.
As was mentioned, escorts rarely live up to their billing unless you're paying for really high-end (more likely on Twitter than on Eros or Tryst).
Straight-up strippers are fun for the window shopping, then chase, then negotiation, then seeing where it leads. But, for me, has been more expensive and all the money going to a middle-man kills me. And, I have to actively erase from my mind the 8 previous guys she had in VIP before me.
SB = awesome fun, but with a lot more commitment (e.g., see each other weekly, communicate regularly, gifts, etc). That's either good or bad depending on what you're looking for
OTC = awesome fun, low commitment. That's either good or bad depending on what you're looking for
Stripper OTC w/ SB-like dynamic = double awesome or double terrible depending on the stripper. Has been incredibly fun for me
If I had to pick from your list with your conditions, Sugar Baby is what I'd pick.
In reality, things aren't so simple and I'm not limited to the definitions you mentioned. I'm not really interested in a true sugar baby and not at all interested in an escort. I usually end up with a hybrid of a sugar baby and a stripper and often have more than one ongoing relationship at a time. And I go to a strip club from time to time to see strippers there.
" I usually end up with a hybrid of a sugar baby and a stripper and often have more than one ongoing relationship at a time."
Right, that's one of the nice parts about sugar with a stripper -- they're willing to color outside the lines as far as what's expected, what you have to commit to, etc.
===> "Just because a bunch of dudes talk about OTC on TUSCL doesn't mean it's happening to everyone. Not even ITC is that common amongst the majority of strip club patrons. You're a special breed of customer bro."
I'm not as remotely special as you seem to believe. OTC is actually <strong>more</strong> common than ITC p4p. On any given night there are plenty of cars with strippers from clubs spread around the country heading to places <strong>other</strong> than home. It happens all the time and is a natural outcropping of the industry - where there are girls willing to get naked and close for money and guys willing to pay for it, there will be plenty on both sides willing to go one step further.
Sugarbaby seems hard to manage cause it seems like its a temporary, paid relationship. Its not as easy as an otc stripper or escort where you can dip in and out as you want.
I’m looking for convenience and morals above all else. Some strippers have to be gamed to get OTC from them it’s not as simple as you ask if they offer otc and they say yes or no.
If you’re looking for variety, you’d want to be doing both strippers and escorts. I haven’t seen strippers posting on the escort sites here. Sugaring is more if you want a temporary girlfriend. If you just want some validation and sex you don’t want to be sugaring.
Why do some of you guys have issue with escorts? If you’re doing OTC with strippers who said yes to it the first time you asked, they might be operating just like an escort and fucking many guys. If you spent a lot of time before a dancer agreed to OTC the problem is how much time and money did you spend on her before she agreed to OTC.
I don’t agree with the chasing women or conquest thing. Especially if there’s money involved, especially with money like in this industry the women should be chasing after you. Like at a strip club women approach you and try to sell dances. There’s escorts who i havent even met in person who text me back instantly whenever I text them. Some are semi famous pornstars with 200k IG followers who also are super available. I wouldn’t want to be spending money on someone and also chasing after them.
The main problem with escorts is many ask for verification. Potential catfishing. Risk of meeting someone you only know online. With strippers they may not check your ID, and you can meet in the club and get to know them.
“ I generally don't want girls who fuck and suck ITC because I don't want to be x of y served in a day. I don't like seeing escorts for the same reason. But a strip club without the possibility of something fun on the tail end is a much less enticing place to me.”
How do you know the OTC strippers youre with arent operating like escorts? Are you gaming those women, is there context that tells you you’re the only guy they’re banging OTC or something?
The escorts on eros and tryst seem to be hotter than dancers from what ive seen. These are the escorts in the $400+ per hour range.
I mostly would look at the price and hotness level. If there was some sort of assurance that a woman was clean and safe to enter raw, then that could change things. If condom is needed then just price and hotness.
You can get lapdances from escorts too, with guaranteed LDKs and fingering, so guaranteed high mileage dances. I don’t go to the club unless there’s new girls.
"Why do some of you guys have issue with escorts?"
I don't have an "issue" with escorts. But the experience with an escort is completely different than the experience OTC w/ a stripper, so it's pretty natural to prefer one to the other. If your escort and OTC experiences are similar, that tells me you're seeing escort-like strippers -- worst of all worlds.
"The escorts on eros and tryst seem to be hotter than dancers from what ive seen. These are the escorts in the $400+ per hour range. "
True story! I brought a buddy of mine who is an escort hound, to the strip club with the hottest girls in this area, Gold Club. He couldn't believe how hot the strippers were. I told him the same thing you're saying now: "Dude, I've seen those escort ads on eros, they're just as hot as these strippers". His response was, escorts don't look nearly as good as their pics, and those $400 escorts aren't as hot as a great stripper lineup. Or to put it another way: on an average Saturday night at Gold Club, there's 25 girls who are hotter than any escort he's ever seen. Not to say there aren't incredibly beautiful escorts, but not they're not charging $400
===> "But the experience with an escort is completely different than the experience OTC w/ a stripper, so it's pretty natural to prefer one to the other."
This IME. Now sure some girls pivot between the two professions, but I don't think that's as common as some people believe. A lot of strippers choose clubs over other SW options, in part, because they don't want their mugs on any public forum anywhere. They want to be able to pivot from stripping to the vanilla world and back without any friction or potential future exposure.
So what you often find in OTC situations are girls who are doing it opportunistically. Now I've only had one successful SA meetup so far, but if I had to guess, I'd say that OTC with strippers is closer to experiences found in SA encounters than with full time escorts. Just a much more natural experience.
I guess I’ve been acquainted with different escorts than how they are being generalized on here. Seeing an escort is a very viable option in terms of looks, pricing and enthusiasm with some research ahead of time, IME and IMO. Each of the modalities has its pros and cons but I would characterize the escort experience more favorably than some on here have.
" A lot of strippers choose clubs over other SW options, in part, because they don't want their mugs on any public forum anywhere. "
And because they don't want to be, or are incapable of, running their own business. Especially if that business includes being rock solid on time to the minute multiple times per day, sex with multiple guys per day (vs a non-extras club), handling logistics and overhead like hotel room or apartment, ads and all marketing outreach, all safety and verification. It's a completely different level of commitment, time-wise, safety-wise, emotionally, and sexually. Versus just go to the club (in most cases, stroll in late, little to no problem), wiggle around on guys' laps, have sex only with hand-picked customers OTC (where THEY are the one who handle and take the financial risk with logistics like hotel room)
SB seems like having a girlfriend but with more financial support given to her. If I wanted that, I'd just date someone.
Escorts... there's a lot of downsides versus a stripper. First, the real risk of being caught in a sting, which is not an issue with a stripper if you arrange OTC (I can't think a vice squad would set up a sting with a dancer hoping to catch some PL asking for OTC; that's a low-yield operation), and very very low risk ITC (if the club gets raided for drugs or something, perhaps). Then, there's the moral issue of "is she being trafficked?" Not that there's NOT that potential issue in a SC, but strippers for the most part seem to be more independent contractors, and if you go to a SC and see the same dancer a couple of times, it's likely that she treats this as her job and isn't being forced. With escorts, you get photos to select from (photoshopped, old photos from good angles and with perfect lighting), while with a stripper you get to meet her in person first. Finally, escorts generally do some vetting of their clients; I don't want to give my personal information out like that. A stripper just cares that the cash is green.
The only upside with an escort, that I can think of, is that since it's her job, she's slightly less likely to be flaky and will actually show up where and when you arrange, unlike a stripper who may or may not.
===> "Finally, escorts generally do some vetting of their clients; I don't want to give my personal information out like that. A stripper just cares that the cash is green."
I was with you right up to this point. I think that strippers are, on the whole, actually more careful in many ways. Unlike escorts, they meet and interact with customers in person before they decide whether or not to pull the trigger on OTC. To me that gives them a lot more information about the guy than some impersonal screening and there are plenty of escorts who don't even do that much.
@Rickdugan, I agree with you in that meeting and interacting with a customer in a SC is definitely a form of vetting, so in that sense my statement was a bit misleading. I'm sure there's plenty of strippers out there who've gotten a bad vibe about a customer and refused them for that reason.
My thought on escort vetting: I just don't want to hand over my DL#, address, email address, social media, or whatever else an escort vetting service asks for (and, in fairness, I've never hired an escort, so I don't know exactly what they'd be looking for and what they'd use to find it -- best guess would be doing a basic background check for violent crimes, plus probably a database of bad clients, so a scan of a driver's license would probably suffice). Much better to meet ITC, hit it off, "yes I'm a perv but I'm an ethical perv," and go from there. The only information a stripper needs from me is a Google Voice number.
I like seeing the same female over a long period of time. I would get a girlfriend, but my experience has been they want to move in with me and I don't want that much female company. It has been stated on here before by guys with sugar baby experience that those relationships don't last a long time. That would also be outside the price range of what I want to spend. Escorts would probably be in the same category.
So, for me, stripper regulars are best. I've had a lot of strippers tell me I'm their longest regular. It doesn't appear there are a lot of undemanding guys who don't expect sex and visit the same stripper for years. I've not had the girls tell me they have a lot of guys madly in love with them who shower them with money for long periods of time. Most long-term regulars like me seem to be aware this is primarily just a business transaction.
Q: Stripper(s) vs Sugar Baby vs Escort: Which would you prefer? A: I Prefer dimes regardless of the “job title”, everyone has her time and her place
Different jobs/positions in the “adult industry” in various forms is nothing new in the world or the western culture...
I would refer you to Demosthenes (384 – 12 October 322 BC) Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens.
1. We have courtesans for the sake of pleasure. 2. Concubines for the daily health of our bodies, and 3. Wives to bear us lawful offspring and be the faithful guardians of our homes
In this list is the Greek view of woman in the classic age.
And in all ages and times.
All men want that, but only some can afford it...
In today’s world the rich can say:
1. We have high end escorts, centerfolds, actresses, models, Strippers (ITC OTC) etc that provide PSE/GFE for the sake of pleasure. 2. Mistresses/Sugar Babies/; etc, for the daily needs of our bodies. 3. Trophy Wives to bear us lawful offspring, and be the faithful guardians of our homes. 4. Realistic Sex Dolls/Gynoids/Fembot, and Internet Porn and Instagram/Onlyfans “Models”, for kicks-and-giggles”
“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”
~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface.
@TallmanFL: "Finally, escorts generally do some vetting of their clients;"
That might be true of higher end ones, but by no means all. <em>Should</em> they? Absolutely. <em>Do</em> they? Sometimes.
"A stripper just cares that the cash is green."
While true, most strippers aren't at all shy about taking your money and varying a <b>lot</b> the service they provide. I'm not gonna claim I get the <em>best</em> service, because enough money speaks very loudly indeed, but I've watched girls disallow liberties they allow me, and have heard more than one complaint from a customer about how a dancer wouldn't do something that same dancer has done for me. Were some of them lying? Almost certainly. But sometimes you can hear the frustration in their voice. 😂
"The only upside with an escort, that I can think of, is that since it's her job, she's slightly less likely to be flaky and will actually show up where and when you arrange"
Uh, no. Even a brief perusal of various internet boards will belie that statement.
last commentI prefer strippers. You get a chance to "window shop" and "test drive" (as cringe as that sounds right now) in a way that simply isn't possible with other sex workers. You can watch them work, talk to them, get a feel for their personalities, how they feel about the whole thing, and maybe even get a taste of their charms, all for the price of admission, maybe a drink or two, and some lap dances or a VIP.
With escorts, with few exceptions, you never really know whether or not the woman in the ad is the one who is going to show up or answer the door, or if you're going to be met by a pimp with a baseball bat. Or even, as has happened here more and more over the last couple of years, the "escort" herself with a gun. Local boards such as TER, USASG and others can mitigate some of these risks, but not eliminate them entirely. Escorts have almost universally been the least interesting fucks I've ever had. There's a reason for that; some of them fuck 10 guys in a day. Hard not to have a "just get it over with" attitude, I'd guess.
Sugar babies have some of the same problems as escorts, <b>and</b> it can take a fair bit of time and effort to weed out the real ones from the flakes.
In my experience, and from my perspective, a stripper turned sugar baby is about the best possible outcome. It's worked out quite well for me four times now. The current one even feeds me from time to time.
For starters your efforts to set conditions that don't exist in the real world make this just theoretical anyway, which is the type of things I hate answering because it will never come to pass in just that way.
I generally don't want girls who fuck and suck ITC because I don't want to be x of y served in a day. I don't like seeing escorts for the same reason. But a strip club without the possibility of something fun on the tail end is a much less enticing place to me.
I'm coming to learn that SBs are a pain in the ass. I've dipped my toes in it recently and I don't like the scheduling or the overall time commitment necessary to make it work.
The theoretical budget manipulations are irrelevant in the case of many on here. Anyone who can afford OTC with hot strippers can afford escorts and SBs. I'm not sure what made you think that controlling this variable was important in pushing people to your desired answer, but it isn't.
If this combination of criteria and limitations existed in real life, I'd be much less happy with my side fun than I currently am. Last minute UTR OTC fun with a few stripper "friends" is one of my great pleasures in life.
If your attitude about any of these sorts of entertainment is so negative, why even bother even going to adult entertainment? Just stick with your wife and be happy with that.
@GMD just did a search and wowzers holy moley. Well I'm just looking for fun interesting answers, not trying make an informed decision
I'd most likely choose the strippers since there's multiple woman and there's a bit of party vibe where it's ok to get a bit sloshed and shoot the crap with people while hanging with hot chicks that will dance if requested.
Overall I enjoy strip clubs, as I've discussed countless times on here. My attitude about your artificial elimination of OTC options is what's most negative here. While not the sole source of club-related enjoyment, it is an integral part of the experience for me. You created the incongruence with your BS hypotheticals, not me.
Next time don't ASSume. It makes an ass out of you and...well...you.
1. Most require verification. Strippers usually only require a wallet.
2. Many escorts in that range on Tryst are downright fat. Or not very attractive. Not all. Perhaps not most. But many. And having done escorts before, what you see in the ad and what you see at the door can be different by a few years or more.
3. I feel like it's too easy. The conquest is exhilarating. Strippers can say no but most escorts obviously do not.
While there is an ease of a quick fix with escorts, I feel like for me they are an "add on" to my overall sex pursuit. Strippers are central to it
@jimmybigtits oh man, I've looked at tryst just to see what going on on that site. I felt like it was one step up from now defunct BP. Very underwhelming to what I was expecting. i've seen on twitter some of these escort girls's photos and some super escorts be going on dates and all that. But judging by the photos it's not Olive Garden they'll be accepting service for.
Second best is finding a baby stripper who you can entice into being a sugar baby. They're eager to impress and these relationships can be great, but seem to be short-lived, as the women get comfortable and decide to grow their business. These women also get lots and lots of "advice" working at the club that ultimately works against you.
As was mentioned, escorts rarely live up to their billing unless you're paying for really high-end (more likely on Twitter than on Eros or Tryst).
Straight-up strippers are fun for the window shopping, then chase, then negotiation, then seeing where it leads. But, for me, has been more expensive and all the money going to a middle-man kills me. And, I have to actively erase from my mind the 8 previous guys she had in VIP before me.
ITC extras = fun now and then
SB = awesome fun, but with a lot more commitment (e.g., see each other weekly, communicate regularly, gifts, etc). That's either good or bad depending on what you're looking for
OTC = awesome fun, low commitment. That's either good or bad depending on what you're looking for
Stripper OTC w/ SB-like dynamic = double awesome or double terrible depending on the stripper. Has been incredibly fun for me
In reality, things aren't so simple and I'm not limited to the definitions you mentioned. I'm not really interested in a true sugar baby and not at all interested in an escort. I usually end up with a hybrid of a sugar baby and a stripper and often have more than one ongoing relationship at a time. And I go to a strip club from time to time to see strippers there.
Right, that's one of the nice parts about sugar with a stripper -- they're willing to color outside the lines as far as what's expected, what you have to commit to, etc.
I'm not as remotely special as you seem to believe. OTC is actually <strong>more</strong> common than ITC p4p. On any given night there are plenty of cars with strippers from clubs spread around the country heading to places <strong>other</strong> than home. It happens all the time and is a natural outcropping of the industry - where there are girls willing to get naked and close for money and guys willing to pay for it, there will be plenty on both sides willing to go one step further.
I’m looking for convenience and morals above all else. Some strippers have to be gamed to get OTC from them it’s not as simple as you ask if they offer otc and they say yes or no.
If you’re looking for variety, you’d want to be doing both strippers and escorts. I haven’t seen strippers posting on the escort sites here. Sugaring is more if you want a temporary girlfriend. If you just want some validation and sex you don’t want to be sugaring.
Why do some of you guys have issue with escorts? If you’re doing OTC with strippers who said yes to it the first time you asked, they might be operating just like an escort and fucking many guys. If you spent a lot of time before a dancer agreed to OTC the problem is how much time and money did you spend on her before she agreed to OTC.
I don’t agree with the chasing women or conquest thing. Especially if there’s money involved, especially with money like in this industry the women should be chasing after you. Like at a strip club women approach you and try to sell dances. There’s escorts who i havent even met in person who text me back instantly whenever I text them. Some are semi famous pornstars with 200k IG followers who also are super available. I wouldn’t want to be spending money on someone and also chasing after them.
The main problem with escorts is many ask for verification. Potential catfishing. Risk of meeting someone you only know online. With strippers they may not check your ID, and you can meet in the club and get to know them.
I generally don't want girls who fuck and suck ITC because I don't want to be x of y served in a day. I don't like seeing escorts for the same reason. But a strip club without the possibility of something fun on the tail end is a much less enticing place to me.”
How do you know the OTC strippers youre with arent operating like escorts? Are you gaming those women, is there context that tells you you’re the only guy they’re banging OTC or something?
I mostly would look at the price and hotness level. If there was some sort of assurance that a woman was clean and safe to enter raw, then that could change things. If condom is needed then just price and hotness.
You can get lapdances from escorts too, with guaranteed LDKs and fingering, so guaranteed high mileage dances. I don’t go to the club unless there’s new girls.
I don't have an "issue" with escorts. But the experience with an escort is completely different than the experience OTC w/ a stripper, so it's pretty natural to prefer one to the other. If your escort and OTC experiences are similar, that tells me you're seeing escort-like strippers -- worst of all worlds.
"The escorts on eros and tryst seem to be hotter than dancers from what ive seen. These are the escorts in the $400+ per hour range. "
True story! I brought a buddy of mine who is an escort hound, to the strip club with the hottest girls in this area, Gold Club. He couldn't believe how hot the strippers were. I told him the same thing you're saying now: "Dude, I've seen those escort ads on eros, they're just as hot as these strippers". His response was, escorts don't look nearly as good as their pics, and those $400 escorts aren't as hot as a great stripper lineup. Or to put it another way: on an average Saturday night at Gold Club, there's 25 girls who are hotter than any escort he's ever seen. Not to say there aren't incredibly beautiful escorts, but not they're not charging $400
This IME. Now sure some girls pivot between the two professions, but I don't think that's as common as some people believe. A lot of strippers choose clubs over other SW options, in part, because they don't want their mugs on any public forum anywhere. They want to be able to pivot from stripping to the vanilla world and back without any friction or potential future exposure.
So what you often find in OTC situations are girls who are doing it opportunistically. Now I've only had one successful SA meetup so far, but if I had to guess, I'd say that OTC with strippers is closer to experiences found in SA encounters than with full time escorts. Just a much more natural experience.
And because they don't want to be, or are incapable of, running their own business. Especially if that business includes being rock solid on time to the minute multiple times per day, sex with multiple guys per day (vs a non-extras club), handling logistics and overhead like hotel room or apartment, ads and all marketing outreach, all safety and verification. It's a completely different level of commitment, time-wise, safety-wise, emotionally, and sexually. Versus just go to the club (in most cases, stroll in late, little to no problem), wiggle around on guys' laps, have sex only with hand-picked customers OTC (where THEY are the one who handle and take the financial risk with logistics like hotel room)
SB seems like having a girlfriend but with more financial support given to her. If I wanted that, I'd just date someone.
Escorts... there's a lot of downsides versus a stripper. First, the real risk of being caught in a sting, which is not an issue with a stripper if you arrange OTC (I can't think a vice squad would set up a sting with a dancer hoping to catch some PL asking for OTC; that's a low-yield operation), and very very low risk ITC (if the club gets raided for drugs or something, perhaps). Then, there's the moral issue of "is she being trafficked?" Not that there's NOT that potential issue in a SC, but strippers for the most part seem to be more independent contractors, and if you go to a SC and see the same dancer a couple of times, it's likely that she treats this as her job and isn't being forced. With escorts, you get photos to select from (photoshopped, old photos from good angles and with perfect lighting), while with a stripper you get to meet her in person first. Finally, escorts generally do some vetting of their clients; I don't want to give my personal information out like that. A stripper just cares that the cash is green.
The only upside with an escort, that I can think of, is that since it's her job, she's slightly less likely to be flaky and will actually show up where and when you arrange, unlike a stripper who may or may not.
I was with you right up to this point. I think that strippers are, on the whole, actually more careful in many ways. Unlike escorts, they meet and interact with customers in person before they decide whether or not to pull the trigger on OTC. To me that gives them a lot more information about the guy than some impersonal screening and there are plenty of escorts who don't even do that much.
My thought on escort vetting: I just don't want to hand over my DL#, address, email address, social media, or whatever else an escort vetting service asks for (and, in fairness, I've never hired an escort, so I don't know exactly what they'd be looking for and what they'd use to find it -- best guess would be doing a basic background check for violent crimes, plus probably a database of bad clients, so a scan of a driver's license would probably suffice). Much better to meet ITC, hit it off, "yes I'm a perv but I'm an ethical perv," and go from there. The only information a stripper needs from me is a Google Voice number.
So, for me, stripper regulars are best. I've had a lot of strippers tell me I'm their longest regular. It doesn't appear there are a lot of undemanding guys who don't expect sex and visit the same stripper for years. I've not had the girls tell me they have a lot of guys madly in love with them who shower them with money for long periods of time. Most long-term regulars like me seem to be aware this is primarily just a business transaction.
I will play along and answer your question:
Q: Stripper(s) vs Sugar Baby vs Escort: Which would you prefer?
A: I Prefer dimes regardless of the “job title”, everyone has her time and her place
Different jobs/positions in the “adult industry” in various forms is nothing new in the world or the western culture...
I would refer you to Demosthenes (384 – 12 October 322 BC)
Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens.
1. We have courtesans for the sake of pleasure.
2. Concubines for the daily health of our bodies, and
3. Wives to bear us lawful offspring and be the faithful guardians of our homes
In this list is the Greek view of woman in the classic age.
And in all ages and times.
All men want that, but only some can afford it...
In today’s world the rich can say:
1. We have high end escorts, centerfolds, actresses, models, Strippers (ITC OTC) etc that provide PSE/GFE for the sake of pleasure.
2. Mistresses/Sugar Babies/; etc, for the daily needs of our bodies.
3. Trophy Wives to bear us lawful offspring, and be the faithful guardians of our homes.
4. Realistic Sex Dolls/Gynoids/Fembot, and Internet Porn and Instagram/Onlyfans “Models”, for kicks-and-giggles”
“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”
~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface.
That might be true of higher end ones, but by no means all. <em>Should</em> they? Absolutely. <em>Do</em> they? Sometimes.
"A stripper just cares that the cash is green."
While true, most strippers aren't at all shy about taking your money and varying a <b>lot</b> the service they provide. I'm not gonna claim I get the <em>best</em> service, because enough money speaks very loudly indeed, but I've watched girls disallow liberties they allow me, and have heard more than one complaint from a customer about how a dancer wouldn't do something that same dancer has done for me. Were some of them lying? Almost certainly. But sometimes you can hear the frustration in their voice. 😂
"The only upside with an escort, that I can think of, is that since it's her job, she's slightly less likely to be flaky and will actually show up where and when you arrange"
Uh, no. Even a brief perusal of various internet boards will belie that statement.