I have a theory

Sniffing out fake strippers, nationwide
That all the "dancers" on here are really just fat men in thier mothers basement partaking in an online fantasy
Fancy that
I'm on to you. Don't trip up now.
last commentTo add to your theory - the customers posting here are fat men their mothers basement partaking in an online fantasy too!
You two have discovered the essence of the internet.
My Organization will not be like this, because we will only invite people we know F2F, and the primary activity will be fucking our women. The internet will only serve as a secondary communications convenience.
Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good & Rehab - 2008 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG2JKQPcTwE
^ Oh yes - and here’s the one member not sitting in his mothers basement. He’s sitting in the SanJose library.
^^ I remember you telling us and Dougster on this site that your organization wasn’t a sex cult. Your comment above appears to contradict that, when you say your primary objective is to fuck women.
How many members do you have at this point, and haven’t you been saying for 8 years you’re growing your organization? I doubt you could bal it on covid, considering that was only 1-2 years in that timeframe. Either you’re full of shit or that organization isn’t going to build itself. Either way, your organization has as strong of a chance of surviving as Putin does of being a sane rational person.
So you’re saying every time I fantasize about taking Nicespice out to Olive Garden for dinner, I’m really fantasizing about taking out the fat guy who lives down the street with his mom? I’m not sure he can fit into a booth at Olive Garden let alone Nicespices thong she mailed to me!
That's why they like liver and onions
I never said it wasn't a sex cult. I mean that is not all it is.
Shaiynn, I have always said that you should only engage with women when your first knowledge of them is from F2F first meeting.
SJG "I never said it wasn't a sex cult. I mean that is not all it is."
As it entirely resides in SJG's addled mind, it can be anything from minute to minute.
But always creepy as fuck!
CMI, my organization is small but real. But it is not creepy at all because no one like you is in it.
If those are moobs in nicepice's avatar Ima just goin' bi.
DetectiveDugan, have you noticed what I have, that some of those members who are the most adamant about how they are big movers and shakers, are the same people who seem to have lots and lots of time on their hands for senseless online bickering. I'm not saying that they are fat guys living in their mother's basements, but it just seems like they must be bored off their asses and that they have nothing to do.
The women on the other hand, to me they seem to be the way they represent themselves.
'that some of those members who are the most adamant about how they are big movers and shakers, are the same people who seem to have lots and lots of time on their hands for senseless online bickering.'
Wow creep, of course you're too mentally ill and oblivious to see it but you just described yourself!
From your imaginary non existent organization to telling guys they're chumps if they don't pursue things exactly as you say, your know it all claims about everything, and the fact that you're here continuous hours on end 6 days a week, that just happen to coincide with your local library hours, you described yourself to a T!
Of course you'll do what is expected from a mentally ill creepozoid, deny and or deflect when the facts are put in front of you.
Now we know that TheeOSU is just a creepy old fuck with nothing to do. So no surprise that he can make negative meta posts all day long.
But there are others who claim to be major movers and shakers.
Deflecting just like I said, thanks for proving my point.
And VIVA Chavez!
^^ asshole sewn shut!
Deflecting just like I said, thanks for proving my point.
And VIVA Chavez!
SJg, Thats a horrific punishment! Glad mine isn’t sewn shut.
Fawning over anyone online who says they're a hot chick is so 1999.
You're all old fat men until proven otherwise.
What if everone else here are the repressed, disassociated identities of Founder, and he's the fat old man in the basement?
I’m an old man but I’m not so far, and my moms been gone for a long time so I don’t live in her basement
I like how the guy who spends the most time here of anyone (when he can get internet access) has talked about starting an organization for a decade is calling out other guys that have too much time on their hands.
That’s some funny stuff!!!!
Shailynn you have to be careful SJG has already sewn shut the asshole of a few people previously. Out of anyone on this site, hes the last person you want to go against
If hes former military/special forces, he likely has the resources to track you down.
Its not yet proven that hes in the library, its just a rumor apparently
Exactly. Here is what is really going on
We should join da lezbo chat roomz
First off not a fat old man! Second off I’m a prior dancer and prior military!!! Third I am a real woman not a man. And it says don’t post something you wouldn’t say face to face well fuck y’all and I would say it to your face if all you think are on this site is perverted old me let me know so I can prove you wrong dumb fuck! Oh and I just so happened to find this site by looking at reviews of the old club I worked at and I’m still friends with the owner! Fuck y’all have a nice day!
Hold on there Shailynn!
I’ve got a date with My dream girl - Nicespice - at the local Red Lobster!
The thong she mailed to me has a certain scent of man-ass - so maybe this Detective Dugan is on to something?
Hi Bailey! Welcome to TUSCL!
I don’t know where you got the idea we are perverted old men?
We mostly discuss current events and give workout tips here.
^ I have a theory, too, and Cashman I'm on to you
Hi Bailey, if you stick around you will learn that a reasonable percentage of the posts here are taking the piss out of another poster here. Not to say that there are not some interesting and thoughtful posts as well. I hope you don’t give up and stay. Your perspective can teach us all something.
Bailey your post seems to have a funny smell. Like you just scratched you 70-year-old balls before you typed it.
Mr. FishHawk says the truth Ms. Bailey. Do not take the detective’s words seriously. The good detective is only attempting to satirize a certain poster known as “THE DUGAN”
What you have to understand is that “The Dugan” is kind of a know-it-all. He freaks out when contradicted by a dancer and insults them by alleging that they are fat guys living in their mother’s basement. Now, I’m sure that the Dugan is correct about this some of the time. After all, a broken clock is right twice a day. But the Dugan makes this allegation whenever he is contradicted.
The Dugan has other hits. He is constantly talking about a fictional wife and kids. He talked a lot of smack about this one guy who then said he was going to Dugan’s home town to kick the Dugan’s ass. At that point the Dugan said he couldn’t come out to fight because his fictional wife left him and he was now sole caregiver for his fictional children.
And then there was the recently bumped Dugan thread from years gone by in which he described some poor girl with a heroin addiction due to back problem. His big hope: she would backslide and need money for hero. Why did he hope this? Because he thought it would make her a more affordable prostitute.
Just remember this: most of us aren’t Dugans
You’re welcome!
Also, DetectiveDugan, all I can say is: BRAVO, THIS IS SOME GOOD SATIRE!
Keep up the good work. Maybe you can figure out where the fictional Mrs. Dugan went. You might want to check the UFOs because it seems to me that Mr. Dugan is such a great guy that it would take an alien abduction to get her to leave her husband.
Thou doth protest too much. 😉
This whole post is so meta
DetectiveDugan, I'm sure in your work you've had to track down strippers and sometimes approach them.
In earlier decades I'm sure you know that the standard practice was to call escort ads. And so a common practice to call escort ads. But since you'd never met the girl you were not sure what to expect. So one would wait in the hotel lobby to see what she looked like and who she was with.
So a monger would sit there, often pretending to read a news paper.
I'm sure you've had lot of experiences sitting in hotel lobbies, pretending to read a news paper.
But of course this was eons ago, because the now have The System (tm)
X - Burning House of Love (Live at Farm Aid 1985) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kbDuaiocQE
^ so how do you kidnap strippers and put them in your cardboard box behind the library?
"The Dugan" is now a thing? LOL
Does SJG believe Detective Dugan is an actual detective?
^ Ohhh… Ohhh… I can answer that. Yes. Yes he does.
$5 says that The Dugan is LE irl.
It doesn't take a seasoned detective to smell some of the BS floating around this place. 😉
If someone doesn't want an account questioned, then be better than that. If you're a shut-in and the highlight of your day is your Meals on Wheels delivery, maybe think twice about trying to impersonate an active industry participant in a place like this.
This reminds me of when a "dancer" on the pink site polled the gals to understand how common it was to have a hysterectomy as a form of birth control. Seriously. That procedure is almost the equivalent of castration for a male and rarely something ever done voluntarily, yet this person thought that it was a perfectly natural option. At that point it was clear that the poster was not only anything but female, but likely had very little experience with females in general. LOL.
rickdugan, pretending to fight stupid lies about hysterectomies with other stupid lies about hysterectomies.
Maybe that dancer went to Florida school, that DeSantis forbade to teach anything about gender-specific anatomy or the history of racism in the US.
Detective Dugan, often there in the hotel lobby, pretending to read a newspaper, and getting the information which lets him cut through so much bullshit.
Tinker https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=10006
^ oh wow looks like that 7 year old got off the computer at the library - now San Jose Guy gets a turn!!!!!! Yay!!!!!
Don't mind Shailynn, he has been wearing a Kelvar and Vulcanized Rubber jock strap for years now. It keeps his voice from changing so he can keep singing with the West Texas Christian Glee Club.
SJG how did you know he’s wearing all that! Crazy! Your military intelligence is on a whole other level.
Shailynn's world is completely controlled by his mother. She used to keep him locked in the attic.
As opposed to you being locked in the basement with your stuffed goat toys.
^ asshole sewn shut. So that alarm clock means that for the next twelve hours TheeOSU has to stop ingesting and only do purging.
Yeah we all know about your creepy 'stranger's ass to your mouth' fetish but are you ever going to address it?
And while you're at it, what's the deal with your Cesar Chavez's feet fetish?
If you have the time and patience, there is nothing you can't learn by sitting in hotel lobbies and pretending to read a newspaper.
Lol, time is the only thing that you have, now as for hotel lobbies, they're the patient ones whenever they let you sit with that imaginary newspaper that you can't afford to buy.
Post was for the creep.
Every guy I have met from here was not fat except the one who had no intentions of dancing with me. 👍🏼
^ I think you only met 2 so that’s not a very big pool to sample from lol
No, I met 6 + the other guy
Monitoring RickDugan,
have to do this, because he continues to exceed all expectations.
He is going way beyond what you can glean from sitting in hotel lobbies pretending to read a newspaper.
In My Dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-55rKa7fZTo&t=510s
Sorry PSD, you have my fat love, whether you want it or not. But I'll just act like you already got the restraining order, to save you the trouble of getting one.
"I never said it wasn't a sex cult. I mean that is not all it is."
A new TUSCL tagline?
"...my organization is small but real."
That's what she said lol
"But it is not creepy at all because no one like you is in it."
If you have to tell people it's not creepy...
RickDugan is the absolute master of strip clubs.
Sitting there in hotel lobbies pretending the read a newspaper, he has learned everything.
RickDugan has evolved way beyond the pretending to read a newspaper in the hotel lobby stage. His wisdom and insight continue to dazzle me.
Continuing to exceed all expectations, breaking out of the box of sitting in the lobby pretending to read a newspaper.
RickDugan, breaking past all previous limits. https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=80801
Chicago School of Rock - Houses of the Holy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLgg051-fXk