
Where do you take OTC dates besides a hotel?

Avatar for dogchain

Just like the title implies where do you take OTC dates besides a hotel?


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Avatar for etsutwigg222

I take them on a journey of oral protein shots, leg weakening orgasms, & throat clearing insertions provided by "Little ET " !!!

Avatar for Warrior15

I've taken them home. But I better trust that girl. That is not usually a first time meet thing. I have gone to their home. That was probably pretty stupid for both of us. Thera are websites that will show you area hotels that will rent by the hour. Cuts down on your cost.

Avatar for Electronman

Im not sure if hot tub rental businesses are available in other states, but I know of people who have rented a hot tub for an hour.

Avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned

Yep, her place with several dancers. My home for one dancer. Obviously I’ve known those women a long time and a strong level of mutual trust had developed.

Also, my car on a couple of spontaneous occasions. It’s fun in a one-off situation, but I’m not interested in that venue on a regular basis. It’s been several decades since I was a teenager.

Avatar for shadowcat

If I am in my home city, I always use my house. I am too cheap to spend money on a hotel room when I have a very nice king size bed. Of course the trust has to be there in the first place.

Avatar for Subraman

You mean for sex, or in general? For sex, besides the hotel, I've done my place (if I had an extremely high degree of trust) or her place. In general, usually there's a restaurant, and possibly some bar hopping or strip clubbing together

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

I've seen lots of guys bring hookers to swingers clubs in Vegas.

One time a hooker left a guy to suck my dick for free. Another time a guy brought her in to watch her fuck other guys and he wanted to watch me fuck her.

Avatar for Mate27

^^We all should’ve said yo momma’s house.

Avatar for rickdugan

For sex, always a hotel. I have people at home and I'm getting too old to fuck around in my car. Every once in a while I'll take a girl somewhere else before the main event, like a bar or club, but it always ends up in a hotel.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Hotel, motel. Once in the family restroom of Walmart (she brought a very realistic looking baby doll). With my latest regular, her place most of the time.

Avatar for Warrior15

^ Walmart bathroom ? LOL !!! That actually reminds me of a date with a sugar baby. We had been out for a while drinking. Both of us were pretty tipsy. The bar had unisex bathrooms with a lock on the door. We did it standing doggy over the sink. Problem was a few people saw both of us go in there. So they kept pounding on the door. I gave up after a minute or two. People were laughing as we walked out. Back to the hotel we. went.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@Warrior, yep. It was pretty crazy.

One other occasion, a girl texted me and asked me to come to the restaurant where she worked. She had an ankle monitor and wasn't allowed anywhere but work, home, and the route between. It was a slow night, and we went into the downstairs "party" room that wasn't used for anything but, and used the bathroom that was for that room.

Avatar for psycho_trick

i still like the high-schooly car calls and hourly-rate notels. why spend more or try to impress a temp sexbot.

Avatar for rattdog

college classroom

some stranger's backyard

restroom of a dive bar

Avatar for psycho_trick

neighbor's poolhouse

ywca pool

steak n shake diaper changing table

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@Daily_Grind: "why spend more or try to impress a temp sexbot."

It's not about trying to impress her, but rather about her comfort level. While the local (slightly higher class) hourly no-tell is a pretty decent place (as opposed to the flea and other bug ridden flop house across the river), it has a long, long history of being the go to site for hookers of all types, and many of the girls I want to see aren't comfortable with going to such a place, either because they explicitly don't want to be seen there, or it makes them feel some type of way. So since I want her to be as relaxed as she can be fucking an old, fat, ugly guy a "nice" hotel is the answer.

And like rick, my car play days are looooong behind me. My back will simply not permit it, even if I was tolerant of being caught, which I'm not.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Not hookers but with civvies I've fucked them...

On church steps

Carl's Jr bathroom

King taco bathroom




Dental office

Hospital room

Behind trash cans

Stair wells


Avatar for motorhead

Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn

Avatar for MackTruck

I take my sugar baby to da sleeper on da shit truck 🚛🚛🚒🚒🚛🚛🚒🚒

Avatar for psycho_trick

cemeteries, cornfields, green on the 18th hole.

Avatar for CJKent_band

Dinner at a nice/fancy restaurant before desert; GFE, PSE in a Shagging Wagon Seventies Van, at the beach, in an elevator, on a rooftop swimming-poolside, at a Korean Spa after getting couples massages from two Korean girls, at a mountain hot springs retreat, at the manicured gardens of a Mansion in Beverly Hills, on a plane ✈️ to be part of the high mile club, on a air balloon, on a Harley Chopper at 100mph, etc etc etc

Avatar for rickmacrodong

The car is ideal if they have a nice big suv. There’s lots of space and the seats are comfortable and high quality. There’s no extra costs like in a hotel. I wouldn’t have them at my place.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Georg what do you mean tolerant of being caught. By cops?

Avatar for Jimmybigtits

Hotel or behind the dumpster outside the club.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Icee who did you fuck in a dental office...? A hygienist or receptionist ? Ironically there was a huge reddit thread about dental hygienists smothering clients with their boobs and some hygienists admitted they intentionally do it more to clients they like

Avatar for Champphilly

Risk of being filmed by going to her place? Any thoughts?

Avatar for shadowcat

I've had a couple of strippers suggest that we go to a swingers club or to a sex club and even suggest a 2nd girl join us to keep the gay dudes away. I could deal with the 3 some but I want my sex in a private setting.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

My place, her place, restaurants, thrift store, supermarket to buy tampons and sushi, a strip club where she's not working, parking lot of her day job to put a missing nut on her wheel. My life goal is to get invited to a pajama party in nicespice's car.

Avatar for psycho_trick

"Risk of being filmed by going to her place?"

wherever the encounter i figure it's being filmed, and give my best porn star performance. as for any legal risk the end donation is always prefaced as 'the loan i said i'd help u with'.

Avatar for Dolfan

Mostly home. Occasionally they'll accompany me on a little weekend getaway within the state. Sometimes we'll do some kind of meal and show/movie type thing but that's uncommon. The beach or out on the boat is pretty common, to one of the island or sandbar party type locations around.

I'm not really trying to replicate the date experience. I do like to have a favorite and will see her repeatedly for a while though, so the relationship tends to branch out a bit. That extra stuff beyond just coming back to my place is almost 100% her asking if she can tag along to something I'm gonna do anyway and or bring friends. There's a few instances where I've suggested or initiated date-like activities, but its quite rare.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Also, a buddy's place assuming....

  • Your buddy is away (requirement for me, at least...).

  • He's told up front and given the option to say 'no'.

  • With regards to the woman, there needs to be some history and trust.

  • It's really good buddy, and you'd do the same for him.

Not a reliable Plan B, but it's worked out in the rare pinch. But really, there's nothing wrong with a decent hotel.

Avatar for gammanu95

The only two times I did OTC were when I lived in an apartment. It was a gated community, but all you had to do was follow another car through the gate. But each apartment did have only one exterior door, intrusion alarms, and were well-lit and secure. There were hourly roach motels nearby those clubs, but i would have felt less safe there.

There was one dancer I had negotiated OTC with, but her big, very gangster, "friend", had arrived to pick her up at the club This guy set off every alarm I had. She had to negotiate with him to OTC with me, and thankfully took so long that i bailed. She called my cell to tell me she had gotten permission, but I was no longer open to it. She was fine as hell, but not fine enough that little head would take control.

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "She had to negotiate with him to OTC with me, and thankfully took so long that i bailed. She called my cell to tell me she had gotten permission, but I was no longer open to it. She was fine as hell, but not fine enough that little head would take control."

Tbh I would have bailed the second there was another dude involved in the negotiation. I have zero interest in quasi pimp situations, whatever she might call it.

Avatar for s88

Swingers club, it's like a hotel. Spa Castle (it's a chain) for whore bikini photos.

Avatar for gammanu95

@ RickDugan

Thats exactly the conversation my big head and little head were having.

Big head:"this whole situation is nothing but red flags"

Little head: "Dude, imagine that fine, toned body

Avatar for gammanu95

Doing what she did in the lap dances, but you're both buck-ass naked and in her pussy"

Big head: " if that motherfucker ain't running the gang he rolls with, then I never want to keet that jefe:

Little head: "she's got a Brazilian!"

Big head: " they're not paying attention to me, it's now our never. :

Avatar for Iknowbetter

I know a guy who is in the business of developing and building super high-end condos in Miami. He likes to take his OTC hoes to the furnished model units in the condo after hours.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Ilbba I thought you dont do actual sexual otc with nutting involved? You changed your mind?

Gammanu that sounds risky but what do you think the risks are? Robbery? Did she tell you her price for OTC?

Some of these pimps/hoes have to be insanely greedy or needing money to be robbing people or attacking them over like $300?

How are people doing it in dental offices?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Seems like it needs to be home, hotel, motel, recreational vehicle, boat, or some play space which you have somewhere.


Avatar for MackTruck

I take em to da zoo and we ride lions and zebras

Avatar for san_jose_guy

play space, My Organization's sex temples!

This is how it will be!


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