
Comments by LMN (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Most Improbable Text from a Stripper
    Stripper sent me a text casually saying "we should just go get her a new car" and she'd repay me "however I saw fit" (like a blowjob pays for a new audi, which is what she specifically suggested). Lol.
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    10 years ago
    stripper drug of choice
    Dougster It surprises me that strippers in particular use so much cocaine because of its cost. Most of them don't really make that much money and consistent cocaine use is around $20-$40/hour here or $40-$80/hour further north. One adderall 30mg IR will keep you geeked for a good 6-8 hours and increase sex drive a lot and cost about $5-$10 in street cost. 6 hours of cocaine doing half a gram every hour would cost roughly $180-$300. Also I doubt MDMa will see decriminalization any time soon. Its already reached the social stigma of being a "hard" drug and has proven neurotoxicity issues.
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    10 years ago
    stripper drug of choice
    Mikeya02 I notice you are most prolific with your posting during the average "lunch break" hour. Is it safe to assume you are an hourly wage employee in a large mail room?
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    10 years ago
    stripper drug of choice
    Yeah I forgot about adderall. That's probably my guess as to the most common. One adderall 30mg IR lasts exponentially longer than white and is way cheaper. Also pretty easy to get a legal rx.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I never knew how much pain I was in, until I started taking these pills"
    Sailmd A question for you: if "some guy who can afford them" didn't convince the young, innocent strippers to try roxicodone, do you think they would spend their disposable income on college tuition?
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    10 years ago
    "I never knew how much pain I was in, until I started taking these pills"
    @sailmd Give me a break. These are hookers who happen to work in strip clubs. Its not like I'm shattering their innocence by doing drugs with them. If you make the choice to fuck for money you should be also be responsible for your decision to do addictive drugs. No one puts a gun to their heads. I'm always nauseated by the white knight "hobbyists" who seem to think strippers aren't responsible for their choices. Also, to note, you're generally wrong about the cost of heroin - at least down here in South FL. While a bag of heroin may be cheaper by pure volume, the actual percentage of heroin vs cut is pretty bad. South FL is not a port city for heroin, and not particularly close to one so by the time it gets to us it's very very low quality, and often difficult to obtain outside Liberty City and Overtown. Its far cheaper to go to a pill mill, complain of chronic pain and walk out with a scrip for 240 30mg roxicodone IR's.
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    10 years ago
    fun otc times
    @vin66 So you pay for her dinner, drinks and then pay her to have sex with you...how exactly is that NOT paying her to spend time with you? Friends for pay aren't real friends so it's puzzling to me you choose to spend your time with a sex worker being dragged into a nail salon. And no, I don't particularly enjoy hanging out with low class hookers who work in strip clubs. I enjoy fucking them, that's about it. Don't get blinded by the illusion that she's anything other than a prostitute hanging out with you for money. Remember that next time she wants to do some inane bullshit errands.
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    10 years ago
    fun otc times
    What the fuck? You pay strippers to go out with you to force you to do uncomfortable, boring errands? You're doing it wrong Vin66.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    LMN dude... was this you?
    It doesn't matter how high I am, I will always be cognizant of the fact that plymouth prowlers are for white trash.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Looking to find a hot date to go grinding on the dance floor in West Palm South
    Sorry scotthall, as I responded to your PM, I am in Miami Beach not west palm and am not familiar with any strippers up there. Why not just go to a strip club with a large wad of cash?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    would you be worried if you were me/STD testing?
    In a state of severe intoxication, I fucked a stripper raw (and came in her). I was 99 percent sure this would lead to an std. Surprisingly, it didn't. Anyway, chances are if you did have sex she put a condom on you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucking heroin, part duh
    Mikeya02 I'm not trying to be funny. If anything, I find it a bit sobering that an uneducated, lower middle class "hobbyist" is obsessed with me over posts I've made on an internet forum. Shouldn't you get back to your shift sorting mail so you can make the rent payments on your run down shanty?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "I never knew how much pain I was in, until I started taking these pills"
    Roxicodone 30mg immediate release. Its a very strong opiate pain killer. Pretty much medical heroin.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    weekend recap
    Slickspic She told me that it was from him punching her. She went into extensive detail cataloging each of her injuries to me. Though I felt bad, I was more interested in groping her tits. If you're going for sympathy, don't wear a dress that your boobs are spilling out of - makes it hard to focus.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucking heroin, part duh
    Mikeya02 Clearly I still own space in your mind. I've repeatedly stated one of my closest friends is a very wealthy gay man. He circulates in the PNP world though has miraculously not contracted HIV (yet). Regardless, your posts ring with the general heir of mail room employee/part time cashier. I would highly encourage you to obtain a degree of higher education.
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    10 years ago
    Mini Skirts-Panties or No Panties
    Most women's thongs barely cover anything anyway. Underwear I've seen strippers wear often cover even less and may as well be dental floss. Thus, makes no difference. Never seen the whole allure of "not wearing panties" as the average woman's underwear is a tiny piece of cloth over their ass crack.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucking heroin, part duh
    Mikeya02 clearly does not understand the difference between HIV and AIDS. More proof he lacks a formal education, and most certainly grosses less than 50k annually.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucking heroin, part duh
    Dougster That is why no one really gets AIDS wasting any more except meth users. The old class of protease inhibitors caused wasting but with the new HAART drugs, it really doesn't happen. However once people start using meth, it basically negates the entire process and they begin wasting and are thus prescribed medications like serostim which costs insurance close to $10,500/month.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucking heroin, part duh
    Rick I would venture to say that the average junkie is "safer" than an IV coke or meth user with regards to sexual intercourse and just general association. IV coke users bang their veins MANY more times a day than a junkie due to the much shorter half life of cocaine than heroin. Furthermore, you'll find cokeheads and meth heads have much more unprotected sex than junkies. "Party and play" aka PNP is one of the leading causes of AIDS and it's centered around meth.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucking heroin, part duh
    The issue isn't the drug so much as the route of administration and the correspondent HIV/AIDS risk. Plenty of people bang coke, as well. Same issue.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    im back - LMN
    Jackslash No maserati but I love the newer edition gran turismos. Great looking car but underwhelming performance numbers. Pseudo sports 4+4, Imo but killer looks. Mikeya02 Yes, I thought it was cool to get two thousand dollars in ones at a strip club. Actually, it was cool.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    im back - LMN
    @papi_chulo I don't mind. Can't take an anonymous internet forum too seriously. Which is also why I understand some people thinking my posts are false. @gawker The first day of the coke binge she tells me "you know, I'm severely bipolar and spent most of my teenage years in juvie for assault charges." That should have been foreshadowing as to what would happen after 2 days without sleep and tons of drugs would cause.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripper asking for a car
    Lambos constantly have issues with the clutch. Prepare to need a new clutch after maybe 8k miles if you're lucky. Anyway I don't see a lotus as anywhere in the same league as a ferrari. They are fast as they are so light but they still aren't doing 0-60 in 4 seconds or less. Also, I could never own one. I'm 6 ft 2 and I can barely fit in one. I don't like the new line of ferrari. With the exception of the new 458 I find them extremely underwhelming. The FF which is amazing vehicle looks like shit IMO. They are leasing that new pussy ferrari, the California, for 2-3k/month and everyone around here has one. Hate that car. I love the previous generation ferrari though. As far as looks I do think lambos look the best but everyone I know whose ever owned a lamborghini was deeply in debt and living on minimum payments. Also most idiots get the gallardo which doesn't even have the classic vertical doors.
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    10 years ago
    stripper asking for a car
    @rockstar666 Lamborghini are cars for people with lots of credit card debt.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strippers and Expensive/High-End Alcohol
    @tiredtraveler Neither of these events happened at strip clubs. One happened at Mokai and another at LIV. Both nightclubs on Miami Beach (not strip clubs).I was there with strippers, though for OTC.