fun otc times

avatar for Vin66

I've met some crazy girls and had all kinds of fun. Not always the "extras" that get talked about. My last favorite dancer was a lot of fun. One time we were going to dinner. We stopped at a strip mall to do an errand. Then she goes "hey there's a nail place, I need my nails done." So we go in. She says "oh they have hot stone messages with their pedis, I'm gonna get one" OK I say. She goes " are you getting hot stone?" I looked at her like she was crazy. She goes "I'm not gonna sit by myself, you come sit and hold my hand, you're gonna get one right?" So I got a...pedi. Hot stone message. We sat and held hands, it was kinda nice. The ladies at the shop were very amused, I looked pretty lost. I'm gonna predict its the only nail work I'll ever get, but I had fun. Fortunately I was toasted and had great company.

For the record we had extras later.

Any of you have any adventures with nice young ladies?


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avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

My SB and I went to a spa and got a "couples massage" once. I'm talking a real spa, not the happy ending kind, lol. Scented oils, incense, New Age music, deep muscle massage, hot stones, mineral water & fruit afterwards, the whole deal. Very soothing & relaxing and quite a lot of fun.

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

What the fuck?

You pay strippers to go out with you to force you to do uncomfortable, boring errands?

You're doing it wrong Vin66.

avatar for Vin66
10 yrs ago

I dont think you read the story. We were going out to dinner and stopped to pick something up. I never paid her for anything but extras. I never have paid a dancer to go out to dinner, but I pay for dinner and drinks if we go out. It might scare you but sometimes we'd hang out wout extras. Like I'd go to her place and we'd get high and watch a movie. Had a lot of fun with her.

I'm sure your stories are 100% accurate but some people may actually enjoy the company of dancers they hang out with.

avatar for Vin66
10 yrs ago

@Steve229 sounds like a nice time. I've never done something like that but hey its always good to have something to look forward to. I've recently met someone new, so maybe we'll try something like that.

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago


So you pay for her dinner, drinks and then pay her to have sex with exactly is that NOT paying her to spend time with you?

Friends for pay aren't real friends so it's puzzling to me you choose to spend your time with a sex worker being dragged into a nail salon.

And no, I don't particularly enjoy hanging out with low class hookers who work in strip clubs. I enjoy fucking them, that's about it.

Don't get blinded by the illusion that she's anything other than a prostitute hanging out with you for money. Remember that next time she wants to do some inane bullshit errands.

avatar for lopaw
10 yrs ago

I've done the lunch or dinner, movie, or shopping thing many times. One of my favorite times was taking a super hot CF to the smut shop so that she could get a new vibrator. Seems she wears them out often. What I couldn't understand was why a woman who was that smoking hot had to resort to self pleasuring when there was literally an army of men & women who would have been more than happy to help her out. Turns out that vibrators & dildos were the only way that she could come. Human touch didn't do it for her. Damn she was fine. I lost track of her a couple of years ago. I wonder which smut shop she is shopping in these days.

avatar for alabegonz
10 yrs ago

Sounds like you had a ton of fun.

She definitely wanted to spend some time with you, women appreciate that.

avatar for AnonymousJim
10 yrs ago

lopaw: That's a fairly common tale about women, their vibes and orgasms.

See, I love the female orgasm. Love it, love it, love it. Have done a lot of reading about how it happens for different women. Very unafraid to get a vibe involved if that helps, or fingers, or tongues, or whatever. Giving is just as, if not more important than, receiving to me.

If a woman gives me a chance, she's usually not disappointed. You can't just go to a bar and advocate that you have studied how to give females orgasms, though, and the women will generally pick based on factors I don't have, notably height, muscularity and God-given looks. Most women don't give me the chance.

... and this is why I club.

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