stripper drug of choice

avatar for LMN
What do you find, in your respective locales, to be the drug of choice for strippers?

I often hear cocaine, which generally surprises me. Its definitely cocaine around here - but I live on Miami Beach where cocaine is plentiful and much cheaper than anywhere else in the US (on average a decent quality 3.5 grams will run $80-$125 vs potentially upward to $250 in other areas). Even then, it's roughly a $20-$40/hour habit and im usually surprised that strippers can afford that.

Obviously confounding variables are: boyfriend is a drug dealer so drugs are free, she fucks the drug dealer for the drugs, her clients buy the drugs.

Still, id also in other parts of the area cheaper longer lasting stimulants like meth would be more popular.

Thoughts? Experiences?

Also - goes without saying almost all strippers smoke pot most of the day. I'm referring to "harder" drugs.


last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
avatar for samsung1
11 years ago
In Appalachia pain pills are the drug of choice.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Used to be coke around Chicagoland; now I see mostly pills like klonopin or adderal. And of course pot.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago
Yeah I forgot about adderall. That's probably my guess as to the most common. One adderall 30mg IR lasts exponentially longer than white and is way cheaper. Also pretty easy to get a legal rx.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Cocaine? So 80's. Some still do it, but it's not the most popular. Around here it seems to be painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs (benzos), and meth seems to be surprisingly popular.

MJ is now legal in WA state, so doesn't count. I'm sure just about every girls smokes it, though. Probably even a good number of the customers now as well.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Have you watched these movies, LMN? Great movies with cocaine in them.

Pulp Fiction
Boogie Nights
Cocaine Cowboys(documentary)
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

I notice you are most prolific with your posting during the average "lunch break" hour.

Is it safe to assume you are an hourly wage employee in a large mail room?
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@LMN: Why would cocaine surprise you? It's always been considered an elitist/wealthy person's drug, AFAIK. Actually what surprises me is that it's not more popular around here where there is a decent amount of wealth (we're not NYC, but still doing alright).

avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
MDMA/Molly is also still popular with raver/strippers. Speaking of which, I'm not sure how long it will be before the decriminalize another sched I drug, but, when it happens, I bet it will be MDMA.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

It surprises me that strippers in particular use so much cocaine because of its cost. Most of them don't really make that much money and consistent cocaine use is around $20-$40/hour here or $40-$80/hour further north. One adderall 30mg IR will keep you geeked for a good 6-8 hours and increase sex drive a lot and cost about $5-$10 in street cost. 6 hours of cocaine doing half a gram every hour would cost roughly $180-$300.

Also I doubt MDMa will see decriminalization any time soon. Its already reached the social stigma of being a "hard" drug and has proven neurotoxicity issues.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
LMN, all of your stats aside, lots of strippers make money and they rarely pay for cocaine. Hell, civi girls rarely pay for it.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
"Less than Zero" is another good coke movie. You have to like that one.

Oh, I'm on the west coast. Could have figured that out if you were a paid member.
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
"It surprises me that strippers in particular use so much cocaine because of its cost. Most of them don't really make that much money"

Most of them don't make that much money? Really? I disagree with that.

Not saying you're wrong, because it's all a matter of what your definition of "much money" is.

But I'd be willing to be that many strippers are making more money than most Americans who have regular jobs, ESPECIALLY in a place like Miami where you live at LMN
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
Molly by far. Cocaine is big too
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

What do you think the average stripper makes?

Without sucking and fucking, I assume they make less than the median income. With "extras" perhaps a bit over but with little income stability and generally very poor spending habits that leads them to net zero anyway.
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
Yeah, but see I'm not factoring in their poor money management. That doesn't count. This is all about how much they make, not what they decide to do with it AFTER the money has been made.

To answer your question, it's hard to say because of many different factors. Some strippers work 2 nights a week, some work 5. Also, location is going to obviously play a big part in it as well.

But I can tell you this, I definitely believe most are making more than the median income in America. If I'm not mistaken, the median income in America is only around 30K per year (I'm not 100 positive on this, but I think its accurate).

You're telling me most strippers aren't making more than that? They probably are. If I had to put a figure on it, I'd say most are making around 50K. Regardless, you saying they don't make that much is even more surprising considering you're in Miami- a place where I think its safe to assume strippers make A LOT
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^My fave makes 600 to 1000 a week, working two days a week. Mostly from regulars. No sucking and fucking or hand jobs. Club policy. Some girls make 1000 a night. In all candor you assume wrong a lot.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago
Lol @ mikeya02 believing what a stripper tells him she makes. I guess when you are a mail room employee $600-$1000 per week sounds like a lot.


$50k/year is NOT enough money to be able to pay for rent, car, utilities, basic living expenses and have money left over to afford cocaine.

A casual coke weekend coke habit (and trust me on this lol) runs $200-$500/weekend. That's already $800-$2,000 per month. A daily coke user will be blowing through much higher numbers.

50k/year is barely enough to live, let alone use one of the most expensive and shortest acting drugs.

Honestly, I have no idea how someone can live on less than 10k or so per month with a home, car, etc.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
I have always been curious about strippers' earnings. The single time when I saw real proof of what strippers might earn was when Toronto sweetie was trying to entice me into investing in her dream retail fashion store. She showed me current statements in her name showing various investments and savings totaling almost $500K.

I was gobsmacked to see that. Granted, Toronto sweetie is an older (now 43, I think) dancer who put in at least 15 years as a stripper willing to do extras. Alcohol was the only drug that Toronto sweetie ever consumed in my presence.

I didn't give her business dreams any prospect of success and didn't give her a nickel of my money for her cockamamie scheme.

Toronto sweetie has dumped me.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

I'm sure there are strippers with savings who make decent $ but they are they are not the majority.

FYI - 500k over 15 years with no interest earnings is about $600 under the max monthly premium on a 2.5mil cash value of life insurance investment. A decent savings but for someone without any dependents, no mortgage and little living expenses, setting aside $2700/month isn't exactly indicative of a large income.

avatar for LMN
11 years ago
Also to note

Its not like these girls pay taxes on their earnings which make their true post tax earnings A LOT less.
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
lol, LMN, you're either use to having A WHOLE LOT of money, or you're living on a different planet than the rest of us.

Dude, 50K is PLENTY to fulfill all those things you listed. We're talking about ONE person living off 50K a year, not 3 or 4 people living off 50K a year.

LMN, I actually like your posts. They're kinda interesting. But some of the things you say are way off base. ----example below

"50k IS barely enough to live" LOL, WHAT?

Dude, MOST people in this country (regardless of whatever type of education they have) aren't making salaries that are 70,80, or 90K and above per year. The percentage of people in this country who make that kind of money is low.

avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
$50k/y sounds about right from what I've gathered talking to them. Most I heard of a non-extras stripper making was $75k. I don't think many of them pay their taxes like they should or even keep records, so I'm sure few themselves have an idea. (Some, OTOH, keep very detailed records. One even recorded thing like what she was wearing, so she could detailed analysis.)

$1000/night was certainly possible for a girl who was doing extras when very few others girl were. I would doubt that is possible, on average, anymore.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Strippers having anything saved after the end of it all is pretty rare. But some do and have enough to start business or buy decent houses. I'm sure former member Stilleto was such a girl.

One stripper I knew worked during a couple of booms - internet and subprime when the money was flowing like it was nothing. She told me that she was sure she had made over $1 million during that time (and given what her breasts were like, I believe her). Had a couple of different regulars she claimed had spent over $200k each on her. One she thought was a total loser, the other she seems to have actually liked.

At the end of it - she barely had enough to make it through school to get a work certificate for her subsequent job.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago

Remember the made for TV movie in the early 80's that starred Dennis Weaver as a real estate agent who got addicted to cocaine. I don't know why I remember it. I guess if stood out because he was just an average middle class Joe that succumb to the drug.

Weaver helped "Duel" and instant classic. Great career on TV.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

Theres a lot of poverty in this country and a lot of deadbeats that make the national median income very low.

I guess 50k/year is enough to live off if you have no interest in ever retiring, having a savings, or doing anything fun on the weekends or driving even a remotely new car, owning a home bigger than a studio apartment, etc

And it's a sad reality that people with higher post grad degrees are taking home less than 100k annually nowadays. Its entirely because of oversaturation of degrees due to student loans. IMO, eliminate student loans and only allow scholarships and paid in full tuitions and people will go back to making a real living after earning it in school.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
@motor - Chester was a druggie?!
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
LMN-She never told me. Everytime I see her she has 3 or 4 VIP regulars besides me. Sorry you assumed wrong again.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

You're out of your league in this conversation. Grown men are discussing finances.

You do have my permission, though, to chime in with your expertise on the next thread regarding mail sorting and minimum wage.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
@Motor, I kinda remember, but I was snorting a lot of 90% pure Peruvian flake, and smoking a lot of Hawaiian Kona butter buds to really remember it at the all candor
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
Lol, LMN you are something else. It's obvious your Playboy lifestyle has blinded you from the realities of the world. Any reasonable human being with any type of money management skills can retire comfortably and still have nice things if they're making 50K a year and only supporting themselves.

Other than bragging about money all the time, I actually like your posts. But I can tell you're all about talking about how much money you supposedly make.

I'm done with this---feel like I've been getting trolled in this thread.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

I'm not trying to troll you or brag about how much money I make (in fact I regularly state I'm a trust fund baby which isn't particularly impressive).

It would be difficult to live a fun lifestyle and retire comfortably on 50k/year. You cannot deny that.

Lets say you own a (meager) home and finance a car. With 50k/year net income chances are you didn't make a big down payment on your home and have a 30 year fixed interest mortgage to the tune of maybe 1.2k/month. Lets say you got a mid level japanese 4 door car your financing over 3 years with moderate interest to the tune of $300ish/month.

Now were already at $1.5k leaving $2.5k left for daily expenses, groceries, gas, etc. If you live very frugally let's say you spend an average of $300/week on ALL other expenses. Now were about 2.7k cost and 1.3k remaining. Obviously you need to have some free cash available for emergencies - hell, most banks charge you fees for having less than 1k in your checking! So exactly how much are you investing monthly for retirement? Five hundred bucks? Lol. Whats that going to do for your lifestyle in retirement? Barely getting by? And that's assuming you NEVER go out on the weekends, get drinks, NEVER drive a nice car, never go to strip clubs etc.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I have always assumed at my favorite club that if they weren't a pothead, meth was the drug of choice. I do specifically remember a dancer there who got busted for meth possession.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
More bullshit from a guy who spends his time trying to convince strangers on the internet he's got more than he actually does. Are you and Dugly related?
avatar for THE CHAINDOG
11 years ago
Commonwealth of Mass clubs are all under the scurge of painkillers and heroin.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
TUSCL is under the scurge of LMN's fake pic and bloody nose posts.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Most strippers that I’ve met seem to be addicted to money.

I’ve never taken drugs so IDK much about the subject - but cocaine does seem to be a 70s/80s drug – but I also would hear of it being referred to as a “party drug” so maybe it’s still in vogue w/ those that like to party?

And what a dancer makes is not necessarily a direct correlation to what drugs she will consume – drug users seem to do all kinds of shit to still get their drugs – and being a young hot chick in the party scene probably significantly raises their ability to get their drugs – many of those young hot chicks are probably well connected in certain circles.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Just remember Jestie the Jealous Janitor (I'm going to call you Triple-J from now on, unless you'd prefer J-Cube) I have a proposed a very specific way we can put your theories to the test. You just let me know if the day ever arrives when you are not TOO SCARED to find out your wrong. Until then, keep running like the scared, little girl that you are. I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to grow a pair.

Way too funny!
avatar for LMN
11 years ago
I will also add, regarding strippers who use cocaine...the ones who get it for free because they are blowing the dealer, get shit product.

Every time I've ran out of blow and had a stripper make an emergency run for me to her dealer, the stuff i got was 75% cut shit that belongs in Liberty City.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
@ LMN:

This is a national and even international board – I would think most people will not get your “Liberty City” reference (or maybe they would?).
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Thanks for making me laugh LMN. Now Mr. "High Class" is telling us he relys on strippers to score him shit coke. Nice act.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@LMN: Do you any trading yourself on the exchanges? If you do it's pretty easy to design a protocol that takes advantage of the anonymity of the exchanges combined with some random input from a skeptic like J-Cube to show that you are able to push around moderate to decent amounts of money.

If J-Cube ever grows a pair and is up for the challenge, I know we'll see at least one of the three of us is backed into a corner - and I know it won't me.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

Still toiling at work in the mail room for minimum wage?

When you blow through 8balls in a night with no problem, like I often do, you sometimes find yourself in a predicament where you need an immediate cocaine hookup and you'd rather not drive all the way to Coral Gables at 4am to get it. This is when a stripper can come in handy.

I understand I own space in your mind, but I am concerned that your growing obsession with me may be detracting from your mail sorting and your employment could be threatened.


Fair enough. For those who don't understand my reference, replace "Liberty City" with "shit ghetto"
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

I've always had better returns with managed funds. One of my closest friends is a full time day trader and I do not envy the lifestyle it dictates.

Honestly, I just try to ignore the obvious low income idiots such as Jester and Mikey. Its pretty obvious that they work dead end hourly pay W2 jobs and save up for weeks on end to pay an ugly hooker $300 to blow them half heartedly. That is why it bothers them so much when people like you and I post. It makes them come to terms with their own failures and the cognitive dissonance yields a lashing out effect.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Already told ya Dugly, wouldn't convince me of shit. History on this site doesn't mesh with claims. Until the day we take a trip to the IRS field office for a certified copy of your tax records and prove me wrong, I'll know I'm right.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

yes, because high net worth individuals disclose their exact net incomes on tax returns (sarcasm).

You clearly know nothing about making any real amount of money.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Why would I pay $300 for an ugly hooker? Dugly gets 9's and 10's for $150 (sarcasm).

Yes, I get very upset by the fiction you post. It makes me want to give up my white-collar job and start mainlining like the character in your story (more sarcasm).

But hey, we're in total agreement on why someone else should manage your money. Though I do know a couple day traders who make it work vis-a-vis having a life.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
If you can't look at someone's tax returns who claims to be earning 300K+ a year and figure out whether or not they're full of shit, then you're illiterate or they're doing some really shady stuff.

You clearly know very little about anything. Stick to writing ficiton.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
And why won't the online test no prove it, jestie? Just won't? :-)

All it would take is about 15 minutes to do the test, jestie. Let me know when you are tired of running.

avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@J-Cube: Oops, back to calling you jestie already. Sorry about that, J-Cube.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
LMN, please. You realize I don't believe a word you say about yourself. Your fake car pic was pretty much the clincher.
avatar for Tyres
11 years ago
It's funny when drug-addled party boys who have been given everything in life (or fry cooks posing as such) complain about others being "deadbeats"
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

im sorry that you dont know what an actual ferrari 612 scagletti looks like. The fact that you are unable to comprehend what a real image of the logo on the back of a 612 looks like shows:

1) you've never seen a ferrari in real life before
2) you work in a mail room

You can address me directly when you earn a degree of higher education and clear six figures net annually.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
You sound like you're 17. And you posted a fake pic. Your full of holes stories are kinda funny tho. See ya around.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

I'm in my mid twenties, so probably closer to 17 than your age.

Regardless, you keep proving you don't know what a ferrari looks like. I'm actually embarrassed and ashamed for you.
avatar for Tyres
11 years ago
Who, in their mid-twenties, says they're in their "mid-twenties," and not just say the actual age? Too much personal info already given to make me think it is to help conceal an identity from rich parents, etc. Odd.
avatar for ime
11 years ago
just another part of his character Tyres. If he really needed to hide is who he is in the other thread he wouldn't have posted all the car and models and material stuff he spends money on. If someone actually "wanted" to figure out who he was or knew him that would give it away. He isn't hiding his identity from anyone. I just want to see where this character ends up, so lets let him keep it up.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago
What am I hiding? I've offered to meet people who live in Miami. I even offered to fly out some stripper who posts here.

Its not like my family are celebrities or something. I doubt anyone even knows who they are. They are wealthy because of a patent on something in the medical field my grandfather had. My father built his wealth to a much bigger degree.
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
@LMN... You comments on putting away $500 a month investing isn't worth crap in your future... YOU SIR ARE AN IDIOT AND OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY.

Lets just say at age 20 you put away $5000 a year into a Roth IRA gaining 5% so this is meager and on par with todays market. You will make by age 65 about $845,000. Now if you live 15 years longer (which is longer than the national average). You would be living on $56,000 a year. Which isn't much but you won't have health insurance bills (medicare), you shouldn't have a house payment, among other expenses. So making $50,000 a year while working plus putting $5000 away a year can give you a comfortable retirement. Not lavish but comfort able.

So please anyone looking at this just try to put something away and it will show you how it will multiply.

Now if a stripper did this at age 20-35 (15 years of stripping)...she will have $113,000 into a "savings" or retirement account she can't touch until 65. Again nothing great but something to fall back on.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

Chances are if one qualifies for a Roth IRA, he/she isn't going to have a good future anyway.

Regardless, my whole point was living on 50k/year is peanuts and relatively impossible if you want to have an enjoyable life.

I'd rather shoot myself in the head then work to age 65 just to live off 50k per year until I die of old age.
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Also you saying about not living on $50K a year.... Again you are out of touch with reality.

Here is an example for me.

House payment (i live in a brand new 3 bed 2 bath townhome) $900
Fee's for town home (maintenance) $150
Truck Payment (2013 F150 Crew Cab) $350
Food expense for a month $250
Cable, Utilties, Cell phone $500
Health Insurance $400
Auto/home insurance $150
Total $2700

That is a total of $32,400 for bill to live on. So with net after taxes that rough gives someone $17,000 in fun money. So if you take $5000 a year in money for clothes... That still leaves $12,000 for fun. Also all of my expenses estimates are rounded up to the nearest $50 mark... Like my expenses for townhome fees is really $120. Also insurances for town home and auto are like $120 a month as well. So lets just say I am over by about $200 on my monthly estimates as a "slush fund" type thing for emergency.

Now out of the $12,000 lets invest $2000 of that into an Roth IRA...since I mentioned that above. again using age 20-65 you will have roughly $325,000 sitting in a fund for you along with a "slush fund" of $100,000 if you didn't have to dip too much into it. Then using my example of my expenses have a town home paid off so with depreciation and values... roughly $60,000 in a townhome that is 45 years old. So a total retirement if you liquidated home, IRA, Savings of about $500,000. So then you live to be 80 which is the national average now. You will have $33,000 to live off of. Now you will say that is nothing... but now your lifestyle will still be the same. You won't have health insurance to pay for so that $4800 will be saved. No fees for townhome so that is another $1800 you will save. So you will be living about the exact same lifestyle you are now. If you are happy with that.

Now I know you will say inflation and other bullshit. Which is true yet ...but the rates could climb to 7% or higher on your IRA too. Also think if after you pay off a car you will have a year or two possible with no auto loan. Also insurance rates drop on older auto's. So again those things can combat inflation with my example.

So again come back to reality and realize that $50,000 you can live on.
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Roth IRA.... you need to make less than $115,000 a year as a single person. So qualifications are about 80% of the nation.
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Again get back intouch with reality and quit being a troll
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Back on topic... The drug of choice for the strippers in my area other than pot is... pills and H. Which the two are very directly linked.
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
"'m done with this---feel like I've been getting trolled in this thread."

LOL, so you mean to say you actually believe the BS?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago

"Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right,"
avatar for ujay
11 years ago
In my opinion, the average stripper in NJ clubs make around $150/day without "extras". She typically works 5 days a week or $750/week or $3000/month.

The girls that do "extra" may make up to a $100K/month, provided she is beautiful and sexy. You, however, can not see what they do with their money. Their lives always appear to revolve from one crises to another---car notes, rent, child care, the list goes on.
avatar for ime
11 years ago
did you mean 10k a month?

An Extras would have to suck a lot of cock to make 100K a month.
avatar for LMN
11 years ago

"The girls that do "extra" may make up to $100k/month, provided she is beautiful and sexy."

You are absolutely delusional if you think a stripper is pulling in 7 figures annually by sucking dicks.

Back to the original topic of this thread, I think the "drug of choice" of most strippers is "whatever they can get." I know one that got popped for coke possession so shes getting drug tested regularly and is desperately taking every possible drug they dont test for. She is chugging bottles of cough syrup before work, etc.

avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@LMN: Do you watch the series "Drug, Inc." on National Geographic at all? (Think you can also get older season on Netflix.) They had a couple of good episodes last night about the drug scenes in Seattle and over in Montana.

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