would you be worried if you were me/STD testing?

pretty upscale place, big metro city. went in alone took a cab, buddy meeting me there bailed. had a few drinks and all of a sudden and hour and half later and i was wasted. remember a long dance and then after it was over next thing i remember is being passed out on my couch. receipt from cab said i left the place at close at 2am. a good 45 minutes i don't remember anything, and i had taken out 220 before the long dance plus was buying drinks. hoping i just gave the stripper the rest of the money for my long dance (however long dance was, felt like 30 minutes even drunk), then sat down at the bar and dozed off until close.
my anxiety though is getting the best of me and i'm worried i got some sexual favor or had unprotected sex with a stripper and now going to get an std. would you be worried and go get an std test if you were me? although i'm sure drunk i was acting into the girls, i'm not the guy that seeks out that kind of stuff and am quite naive and didn't even know sex in a strip club was possible until i started doing google searches and that just made me more anxious.
my anxiety though is getting the best of me and i'm worried i got some sexual favor or had unprotected sex with a stripper and now going to get an std. would you be worried and go get an std test if you were me? although i'm sure drunk i was acting into the girls, i'm not the guy that seeks out that kind of stuff and am quite naive and didn't even know sex in a strip club was possible until i started doing google searches and that just made me more anxious.
Dancers want your $$$ - and if they can get it w/o having sex w/ you – that’s usually what they prefer – i.e. she probably just took your $$$ and at best maybe pretended to have sex w/ you (since you were so out of it).
In any case – it does not hurt to get tested anytime there may be an indiscretion.
I was 99 percent sure this would lead to an std. Surprisingly, it didn't.
Anyway, chances are if you did have sex she put a condom on you.
Never get fucked up in a strip club dude. In some clubs they will rob you blind.
If you're that concerned, that's why free clinics were invented. Get checked out anonymously, no permanent records to follow you around.
Don't expect valid and reliable medical info on this site just as you wouldn't expect good strip club info on Web MD.
Google, Bing, or any other search engine ISN'T your friend in this case. You find a lot of misinformed opinion and myths.
Go here for reliable and trustworthy info on STDs:
• The American Sexual Health Association is a trusted source of reliable information on sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases/infections.
• Med-Help Doctors’ Forums [make sure you use Doctors' Forum and select STDs in list]
All questions will be answered by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D. or Edward W Hook, MD. both of whom not only actively treat STIs / HIV AIDS but are epidemiologists = a branch of medical science that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population. Therefore, both are well versed in not only CAN you acquire an STI/HIV by certain sex practices but also HOW LIKELY you are to get it, i.e., the RISK [ e.g., low, high, 1 in 50, once in a 1000 ] for this particular form of sexual activity.
H. Hunter Handsfield,MD is also the author of the Color Atlas & Synopsis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Third Edition, 2011. He is Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington Center for AIDS and STD.
And testing to soon for some STDs is useless; read up first. Invariably, many guys post questions related to strip club activity multiple times a week. You'll also find that anxiety will cause you to become aware of normal genital area sensations or changes in appearance that will increase your fears. Some answers on the forum contain info on testing.
And Gelman, take mikey's advice on caps and punctuation.
Good luck.
If one episode of bareback freaks you out I wonder about your commitment to the program really is. Lately, a HW whore off a SD site has offered it to me bareback. I have been resisting it but the thought of it keeps recurring.....I want that bitch without rubbers.