
"I never knew how much pain I was in, until I started taking these pills"

Monday, June 23, 2014 8:29 AM
I was doing some roxis with the usual suspect this past weekend. I had introduced her to roxis, as she had been somewhat against/fearful of heroin-like drugs prior. In a shocking moment of candor, she looked at me, then picked up a roxi 30mg and started seemingly inspecting the blue pill. She said - in slurred words, half nod; "I never knew how much pain I was in until I started taking these pills."


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I haven't been keeping up with the latest drugs. What's a "roxi"? Sounds like some anti-anxiety thing.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Roxicodone 30mg immediate release. Its a very strong opiate pain killer. Pretty much medical heroin.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Oxycodine for Scooby Doo no doubt...
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    You are more entertaining when you stick to stripper sex. I don't get the obsession with drugs. Get your high from sex with cute naked young girls.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Don't listen LMN dude. You just keep being you. The strippers, the drugs, the villa you enjoy photographing while hang gliding... It is all a part of you. Be true to yourself!
  • sailmd
    10 years ago
    In one thread we mourn the loss of a dancer to heroin. In this thread we give ole LMN a pat on the back for his antics. Surely I too am entertained by his stories but keep the drugs to yourself dude. This opioid addiction problem is way huge in young people from all backgrounds and levels of society. I see how it ruins them and their families. We just lost a beautiful young dancer at a local club to an overdose. Such a waste. And they get started on oxy cause some guy who can afford them gets them trying, then hooked. The girl in the story above will be too. Then they have to switch to heroin cause it is so much cheaper. Then the HIV and Hep C take their tole. So Fuck all you want, pretend you are so much better than them. Keep trying to kill yourself, BUT KEEP YOUR DRUGS TO YOUR DISPICABLE SELF.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    erowid is a good site for drug stories, er education. All kinds of exotic stuff there and combinations of exotic stuff.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    @sailmd Give me a break. These are hookers who happen to work in strip clubs. Its not like I'm shattering their innocence by doing drugs with them. If you make the choice to fuck for money you should be also be responsible for your decision to do addictive drugs. No one puts a gun to their heads. I'm always nauseated by the white knight "hobbyists" who seem to think strippers aren't responsible for their choices. Also, to note, you're generally wrong about the cost of heroin - at least down here in South FL. While a bag of heroin may be cheaper by pure volume, the actual percentage of heroin vs cut is pretty bad. South FL is not a port city for heroin, and not particularly close to one so by the time it gets to us it's very very low quality, and often difficult to obtain outside Liberty City and Overtown. Its far cheaper to go to a pill mill, complain of chronic pain and walk out with a scrip for 240 30mg roxicodone IR's.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Sailmd A question for you: if "some guy who can afford them" didn't convince the young, innocent strippers to try roxicodone, do you think they would spend their disposable income on college tuition?
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