
Comments by former_stripper (page 10)

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    9 years ago
    OT: Golden Age of TV
    Most of the best shows apparently are on cable but don't watch a lot if television. I did like Mad Men, I just finished Orange Is The New Black (Season 3)and absolutely love the Goldberg's (underrated in my opinion but am glad it's doing well). I mostly watch Simpsons reruns at night (I still watch Simpsons and South Park but aren't as fantastic as they were). I just got Netflix for Orange so will check out some shows that are supposed to be good. If not watching Simpsons am watching Antenna TV or Me-TV.
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    9 years ago
    Plus Size (BBW) Strip Club
    There are quite a few BBW camgirls on SW so you might want to hire them, assuming you'll pay to party. I know some guys like this but not sure if there's enough of them to be successful. There was a club 30 minutes from me that specialized in this but they're not around now.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Waitresses say strip club squeezed them on overtime, tips
    Don't know about this case but waitresses are often screwed out of money, not just strip clubs. Several clubs I worked at listed waitresses as independent contractors and they weren't paid. Don't know how legal that is. I've been a waitress at restaurants (not strip clubs)and we usually had to tip out people like bartenders.
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    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Black Women In America
    I happen to know several childless professional thin black women so they are out there. He has the right to date who he chooses but some comments sound like he is trying to justify it. Just date who you choose and don't care what others think.
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    9 years ago
    StripperWeb validates what I've been saying the last two years.
    People always forget there have always been dirty clubs with hooker dancers. What has changed is that technology has evolved and we now live in a society that not only accepts that culture but promotes it as the right one. There are dancers today that never would have been hired back then except for the dirty clubs. With today's hookup culture why would a guy go to a clean strip club to see dancing when he can often see that dancing anywhere? Not to mention if he wants a hookup he can find someone online instead of a club. I don't think it's so much the music as the other things but ghetto music does tend to attract a lower class crowd. It's why many clubs have tradionally banned it.
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Big Poppas: The Athletes With the Most Children by the Most Women
    Unfortunately this is a status thing in the hood and most of these athletes are from the hood. Many look at sports as a way to get out of the hood, which it is but others bring the impregnate anything with a vagina mentality. If the athlete can support the kid and acknowledges him/her that's one thing but that's not usually the case. Someone mentioned dancers and this is a problem with many dancers as well. Makes one wonder why these men don't wear condoms or have a vasectomy to make sure this is less likely.
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    9 years ago
    Good article, Feminists overreach with equal pay for equal work day
    There is still discrimination but many times it has to do with some women complaining because they took off years in the workplace then are paid less. Of course these women should be, their fault. Yes childfree women get the brunt because many employers think they will work until they have kids. It also hurts women who have no intention of quitting if they have kids. I feel sorry for anyone truly a victim, I don't feel sorry for those who make less for this reason.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who's into on line dating?
    Online has many freaks. That's why people need to use common sense and not meet them at their house.
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    9 years ago
    Stupid things Dj's say
    Strip club DJ'S are basically not talented enough to be a regular DJ and use it for an excuse to get a hot woman they normally wouldn't be able to. A talented DJ is so important but so rare. Because most are lacking they say and do so many stupid things.
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    9 years ago
    Stripperweb banning the religious
    The entitlement there is thick. Between the people cheating the government such as taxes or welfare and the better than thou attitude there are a bunch of bitches who think because they are attractive (though in reality many aren't) they are great.
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    9 years ago
    Stripperweb banning the religious
    Lopaw, so true. There was too many threads in stripping general that were vicious towards each other and customers. That is when they aren't lying.
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    9 years ago
    Stripperweb banning the religious
    Too bad several sections are ladies only, those are fascinating reads.
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    9 years ago
    Stripperweb banning the religious
    It's not even so much the religious versus non religious but rather that the self righteous mods play favorites. It's like they want the most insane brain dead who claim to be so clean but really aren't. I know why people attack, so that those they hate are banned. Very juvenile. I don't think I've ever worked a club where religion came up, it isn't the place.
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    9 years ago
    Stripperweb banning the religious
    There have been a few funny threads there lately. This one poster claimed to be a man because she felt like one. She didn't look like a man, nor was she going through the transformation. She felt she was a man because she didn't like many female things.
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    9 years ago
    Churh of TUSCL
    Anyone can start a church so why not?
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    9 years ago
    Stripperweb banning the religious
    That's what most are, ho's. I guess it shouldn't bug me but the hypocrisy does because all these nuts claim to be so pure then they admit that while they technically aren't escorts they have sex with men they date. The mods are mostly ugly and can't make much dancing or think they are hot stuff with women.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Is Not Being Pregnant a Bona Fide Occupational Qualification for Exotic Dancers?
    I can't imagine pregnancy is a turn on to most customers. Perhaps if she was hot or there were pregnancy fetishists but not otherwise. I worked at one club with a pregnancies dancer and she had to go on leave once she was showing. Stripping is supposed to be about hotness, not equal opportunity.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strippers turning into porn stars
    I danced with two who went onto porn. One still does porn, not sure about the other. Apparently at one club one of the dancers had been a porn star many years ago but quit just to dance.
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    10 years ago
    OT: study shows men prefer a body like Taylor Swift's over KIm Kardashian's body
    I think Kim Kardashian is gross and never understood her appeal. I think her butt is too large. I kind of fall in between her and Taylor Swift because I'm taller and thinner than Kim but shorter and heavier than Taylor. I think she is probably smarter than Kim K. Kim always comes up in threads at Stripper Web and so many of the dancers there think she is hot, great body and a role model. Never understood any of that because I see nothing good about her. Not a fan of Swift either but she was never about her looks or sex tapes.
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    10 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Money For Nothing Censorship
    No, I don't believe this song should be censored but the political correctness crowd (aka the thought police)does. I think political correctness has run amok where everything one says can offend people, and it seems online these people tend to try to moderate everything. I agree that it seems to be liberals who do this more often than conservatives online. Second, with this song I was told by someone who this song refers to and the person in question is not gay. The person in question is still a member a band that was very popular back then and the rumor is that someone in Dire Straits had met this guy while doing a concert and the other person was rude. I believe it because I have met the person in question and if it is based on him I can see this because he is an exceptionally rude jerk. Censorship is wrong and 30 years later is asinine.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I probably shouldn't ask but...
    A previous post hit it on the head and that is most men don't want stripper girlfriends. They want to take them to bed but to mother? nope. Many strippers are nice normal girls but many more are trainwrecks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Charlotte, NC
    Do Strippers Vote?
    I voted before I danced, when dancing and after. Voting is essential to a democracy but I did know many strippers who didn't vote.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Republicans gain control of Senate
    The problem is that neither party has a solution to anything. In two years either the senate or house will revert back to the Democrats after the Republicans fail and then they will fail and so on and so on. I am not against fiscal conservative Republicans but the religious nuts who have taken over the party are really scary. Not that the left wing Democrats are any better, both extremes push their agenda without consideration for anyone else.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why are a large portion of TV and Cable shows devoted to queers
    Barney Fife was gay. I know he was doing it with Gomer. This thread is just plain silly.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Moderation on Stripperweb
    Well, many strippers really hate the business. Many hate the customers. There were regulars I had that tipped well but I thought they were horrible people.