Good article, Feminists overreach with equal pay for equal work day

avatar for sharkhunter

What it comes down to is when you compare equal pay for equal work and hours worked, type of job, education level, etc. the pay is pretty much equal.
Feminists want extra rights to sue and get advantages men will not have. I think they want government provided day care that all single men will have to pay for in a new tax. I do not think this is fair.


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avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
While much research has been done on this subject, I believe the best and most cogent is "Why Men Earn More" by Warren Farrell, PHD. Farrell is no troglodyte. He is the only man to have been elected to the board of NOW three times. He wrote the book for his daughters. His findings confirm that men receive a premium for being willing to work in uncomfortable or unsafe conditions (telephone linemen, lumberjacks, etc.) while women get paid less by choosing to work in comfort (air-conditioned offices, retail stores, etc.) or choosing education in low-paying fields (social work, child care, etc.) When all the variables are considered, as Farrell does here, there is no appreciable wage disparity for men v. women.
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
While much research has been done on this subject, I believe the best and most cogent is "Why Men Earn More" by Warren Farrell, PHD. Farrell is no troglodyte. He is the only man to have been elected to the board of NOW three times. He wrote the book for his daughters. His findings confirm that men receive a premium for being willing to work in uncomfortable or unsafe conditions (telephone linemen, lumberjacks, etc.) while women get paid less by choosing to work in comfort (air-conditioned offices, retail stores, etc.) or choosing education in low-paying fields (social work, child care, etc.) v. (engineering or technology for men.) When all the variables are considered, as Farrell does here, there is no appreciable wage disparity for men v. women.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
So what's "fair"? We all pay taxes now for god knows what. There will always be issues that will favor one group over another. The solution is to make everything equal and fair to everyone. Seems simple enough but leave it to politicians to fuck stuff up for everybody.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
There is a slight pay gap for equal work I'd like to see closed. The good stats are somewhere between 94 to 97 cents on the dollar. It's worse in some industries than others. There are a lot of industries with zero pay gap.

As a liberal who is good at math I cringe when that awful "77 cents to the dollar" Stat is thrown around.

I've watched a lot of my female friends pull back from their careers when they have kids. It's mostly a pressure that comes from other women.

The main group I do think gets screwed is child free women in their 30s. Potential employers will say "that bitch is going to have kids and quit on us". For those with no interest in breeding there has to be at least some silent and unfair effects.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I did read a suggestion or maybe it was a study that suggested a poosible small percentage difference in salary due to some men negotiating a better starting salary with women tending to be less aggressive. Overall I have read when you compare similar jobs and include experience, education, hours worked and performance, there is equal pay for equal work. I believe with Hillary running,there will be a big push to put extra taxes on everyone if it helps women with kids. That is women would get special benefits, like free child care for several kids, everyone else pays via higher government taxes. socialism if the people think that works. If the government is baby sitting kids, I can just imagine the quality going downhill. Imagine Obamacare for kids, mandatory extra taxes for all. I think feminists want things like that.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
I agree up to a point. It's yet another case of stupid abuse of statistics, to average all men's and all women's pay and compare the two averages.

The biggest clear problem I see is that it's really hard for a chick in tech or a high-skill/pay blue-collar job. Her male co-workers generally dog her mercilessly, in one way or another, even if it's just mega-creepy hitting on her. Sadly, being very ugly is the best way for a chick to escape this. And bosses today are just like "oh the two of you should compromise and work things out" they avoid facing up to it when they need to get in someone's face and tell them to cut it the fuck out. It's true bosses in the past tended to be too jerky, but at least they had spines.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
As a well paid female engineer, I have never personally run into any pay disparity between myself and my predominantly male coworkers. But I tend to kick ass and take names, and would never tolerate any bullshit from anybody......but I think you guys would realize that based on my postings here at this fine institution that we call TUSCL.

sharkhunter...c'mon please stop your whining. Women have systematically been handed down shit for millenniums and ALL OF US having to pay extra for some bullshit tax that we don't agree with is just life. You can always drop out of society and go live in the mountains with the anti-govt people. Believe me - if we could all pick and choose what taxes we wanted to pay for and support, even less would get done than gets done now. I am childless by choice, so do you think that I give a shit or want to pay for other people's rugrats?? Fuck no.

And godfuckingdammit stop lumping all feminists into one overreaching basket!!!
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
Studies have shown that attractive men and taller men earn more than average looking and shorter men. Yeah, it's discrimination, but life isn't fair.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I just wanted to raise awareness what I think might be coming if enough people vote for Hillary. I get tired of hearing, oh all the poor women only make 77% of what men make. That's a stupid statistic comparing oranges to apples. I could compare an average workers pay to a CEO as well and say it isn't fair but some people keep saying the same thing over and over as if they want to pass special laws and rights. That's the way I perceive the feminists in the US. I wouldn't even say anything except about half the US population seems to believe everything they hear if they hear it often enough.
avatar for former_stripper
10 years ago
There is still discrimination but many times it has to do with some women complaining because they took off years in the workplace then are paid less. Of course these women should be, their fault. Yes childfree women get the brunt because many employers think they will work until they have kids. It also hurts women who have no intention of quitting if they have kids. I feel sorry for anyone truly a victim, I don't feel sorry for those who make less for this reason.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Hilary is going to do just as much for women as Obama did for blacks. --Feels like they shoot'n niggas now more than ever.

Goodluck ladies :)
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
Anything a Progressive, liberal or democrat says has only a 99.65% chance of being a lie. Women get equal pay for equal work, they just don't get equal pay to an Accountant for running a cash register at Walmart and that is sexism lol. Liberals are mega-retards.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
If there is any way for the Democrats to lose the next election Hilary will find it. And she's off to a good start with that too.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Hillary is a mediocre candidate, but the electoral map is a nightmare for whichever mediocre candidate gets to try to beat her.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
@Sharky say a prayer for all those Women having "extra" kids. Their Social Security taxes might be what keeps your Social Security check from being cut way back when your retired.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
There are no real engineers south of Santa Cruz.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Dem's fightin' woids, ilbbaicnl.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Congrats on your huge success with myspace down there.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
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