…What it comes down to is when you compare equal pay for equal work and hours worked, type of job, education level, etc. the pay is pretty much equal.
Feminists want extra rights to sue and get advantages men will not have. I think they want government provided day care that all single men will have to pay for in a new tax. I do not think this is fair.
last commentAs a liberal who is good at math I cringe when that awful "77 cents to the dollar" Stat is thrown around.
I've watched a lot of my female friends pull back from their careers when they have kids. It's mostly a pressure that comes from other women.
The main group I do think gets screwed is child free women in their 30s. Potential employers will say "that bitch is going to have kids and quit on us". For those with no interest in breeding there has to be at least some silent and unfair effects.
The biggest clear problem I see is that it's really hard for a chick in tech or a high-skill/pay blue-collar job. Her male co-workers generally dog her mercilessly, in one way or another, even if it's just mega-creepy hitting on her. Sadly, being very ugly is the best way for a chick to escape this. And bosses today are just like "oh the two of you should compromise and work things out" they avoid facing up to it when they need to get in someone's face and tell them to cut it the fuck out. It's true bosses in the past tended to be too jerky, but at least they had spines.
sharkhunter...c'mon please stop your whining. Women have systematically been handed down shit for millenniums and ALL OF US having to pay extra for some bullshit tax that we don't agree with is just life. You can always drop out of society and go live in the mountains with the anti-govt people. Believe me - if we could all pick and choose what taxes we wanted to pay for and support, even less would get done than gets done now. I am childless by choice, so do you think that I give a shit or want to pay for other people's rugrats?? Fuck no.
And godfuckingdammit stop lumping all feminists into one overreaching basket!!!
Goodluck ladies :)