StripperWeb validates what I've been saying the last two years.
Any of you familiar with my post know how much I've railed against how ghetto strip clubs have become since rap/hiphop culture has taken over strip clubs. Now the strippers are blaming the decline of strip clubs on everything except the obvious ghetto culture. The economy has been much worse and yet strip clubs trived. It has only been in the past decade when strip clubs offered a product/service that most men don't won't, that has seen the steep decline in strip clubs.
Any of you familiar with my post know how much I've railed against how ghetto strip clubs have become since rap/hiphop culture has taken over strip clubs. Now the strippers are blaming the decline of strip clubs on everything except the obvious ghetto culture. The economy has been much worse and yet strip clubs trived. It has only been in the past decade when strip clubs offered a product/service that most men don't won't, that has seen the steep decline in strip clubs.
Actually, as far as the amount of money the girls are making... I'd have to say the biggest reason for their income going down is because men can no longer use company expense accounts to entertain clients and themselves. And businesses can no longer write off entertainment expenses like they used to be able to in the 90's.
Now a days, guys who visit strip clubs are mostly on their own dime. And when it's your own money and not someone else's money you are spending, the spending tends to be a lot less. ;)
Here's a thought. Instead of spending all your time whining that people won't give you the strip clubs you want, why don't you open your open fucking club and run it any way you see fit.
Blaming hip hop music is stupid. It's Internet porn and hookup culture, and yeah, the death of the strip club business expense. Plus you couldn't get a $200 hookers nearly as easily in the 90s.
It's pretty remarkable how cheap lap dances are compared to food and gas. My understanding is $20 dances have been the norm for decades.
We may be living in the golden age of clubs.
Wait, what?
Today one can get affordable pussy at the click of a mouse – so many PLs may opt to pay for pussy than for mere “entertainment” or a “fantasy” as the SW knuckleheads put it.
Many clubs in many areas are not ITC friendly – and even in extras clubs not every dancer is down and often times it may cost $2x+ compared to a provider/escort.
It’s hard to say if things are down – perhaps when compared to the peak of the late 90s it may be – but that was a never-before-seen historic economic event that many thought was the “new normal” and that the good times were gonna roll forever – people are a bit more careful w/ their $$$ these days.