Black Women In America

avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
I had nothing to do at work one day so I start digging around for something to read. I found one of my female, late-50's, African-American coworker's magazines. It was called Essence. It is basically a lifestyle magazine geared toward African-American women between 18 and 49.

One of the main articles in this issue was an author angrily ranting about how black men rather be in relationships with white women and Hispanic women rather than black women. She was angry how African-American women weathered through slavery and civil rights with African-American men, and now black men (especially athletes, professionals, actors, etc) don't want to be with black women. See this link:

This got me to thinking about an article I read online a few months ago. The author, a black guy, cites pretty descriptively why he will not date black women with 5 main points. It is a well-written article with some very good points.…

My question to you guys:
Do you agree with the five points raised by Donovan Sharpe about African-American women?
I'd especially like to hear from the other black guys on the forum as to whether you agree with the five reasons not to date black women. Also do you prefer black women or women from another race?


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avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
best quote of the article:

"I’d love to slay hot black ass on the regular but it’s slim pickings out there. The sisters out there that do pass the boner test have way too much baggage to consider even putting them in fuck buddy status."

I think Paipi wrote that article, if he didn't he at least contributed with the statement above!
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

I like black girls. (I'm a white guy).

I also like Latinas, Asians, Arabs, Etc, etc.

I'm an equal opportunity fucker. :)
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
sinclair, i'm a black male in my 20's and my own dad told me not to get involved with black women. i, personally, don't have anything against black women. i'll date a girl of any color. however, like anyone else, i do have my preferences. as you guys already know, i love hispanic women. that's what i prefer

out of his 5 points, the one that surprised me the most is is number 4--- he said "black chicks are the undisputed queens of slutdom and its not even close"

now i'm in no way claiming he's wrong, but i always thought white girls were more slutty. once again, i'm not claiming this to be fact, that's just the impression i've always had.

last but not least-- watch this clip--- it one of my favorite scenes of this movie and it relates to this thread…

avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I'm not sure I agree that black women have the highest obesity rste. Go to any Wal-Mart in the suburbs and you'll see a whole lot of fat white women - and I do mean fat.

The black dancers in "white clubs" that I see are mostly in pretty good shape. But I know Papi has mentioned those in black dives are strong, big-boned women.

I see a lot of Hispanics in my area. Not fat per se, but a huge percentage of the 30 plus age group are overweight (thick).
avatar for IHearVoices
10 years ago
I don't have a preference, although I've never dated anyone who's not black. I've tried, but none have been equally interested. One thing I have noticed, though; is that my preferences seem to be steering away from black women. Most of the women I've had sex with since the end of my last relationship have been white, and non-black women tend to catch my eye more. I haven't made any conscious decision to not date black women, though: it wouldn't ever get that far. The last woman I was somewhat on a relationship path with is black. I just happen to see more white women in my daily life (this would be different if I went out more).

Speaking more "locally", I do notice that I don't get dances from black strippers at non-black clubs. My "logic" is that if I want a black dancer, I'll go to a black club where I have more options. That said, I really don't even go to black clubs as much as I used to. The dances just aren't as good for mer as they are at other places (comparing a Playpen to a 2001 in Tampa or a Mint Lounge to a Tootsies in Miami). I like going where I can get the best dances: the details don't matter...and yes, I can get more out of one dance at Tootsies than five at Mint.

I guess the other part of this is that non-black women are more attracted to me than black women are. Most black women I know want guys who are over six feet tall, have beards, and are slightly overweight. I fit none of those.

Speaking to the Sharpe article a bit: for me, #5 (infatuation with name brands) doesn't bother me at all. Only one of my exes cared about name brands. They're not slutty enough to/for me (#4), probably because of the stuff in the above paragraph. I don't know if just about all of them have kids (#3): I know plenty who don't. Number two (obesity) is nothing but the truth. You know how hard it is to find a black woman under 150 pounds? It's gotten so bad that being under 200 is unpopular - and if you're under 200 as a black man, you may as well not even exist. As far as them not acting feminine, eh...just don't disagree with me all the time for the sake of doing so.

Honestly, it's all really simple. In or out of the club: if black women were more attracted to me, I'd be more attracted to them. I don't have time to chase or convince them.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
I thought it was ridiculous. He obviously only bangs low class (ratchet) black bitches because that's all he could get his hands on -- as he was an admitted SIMP bitch himself, and then want to paint all the other black women in America with the same brush...nope not cool.

It isn't about race. It's about class and the culture of class. I'm in the South. I have never routinely dated black women until I got here. I find there are a few black women of class and traditions (and no babies ) out here more so than in LA. Besides classy black LA and San Diego girls only date white men (JamesSD back me up on that, yo) so good luck running up in those "sluts".

No offense but every lady in the South seems to have a baby or three, before the age of 21 and trust me that disease is color Fckn blind. Never seen so many unwed white mothers in my life. Point is that article was written by a low-life-slumming-ass-piece of shit.

The only real thing was the Fckn fighting (daily shit testing), I've seen black girls from the upper side of life do this and I'm dumbfounded. And yes black women will spend a shit ton on their Fckn hair. The brand names is only for the most ghetto (which yes the team are many) poor black bitches.

That's said I grew up preferring dating white women because yes they are extremely compassionate and freaky.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Poor women are fat period. ok, I'll give you that black women have a higher permissible BMI than other races, but how else can you stuff junk in a trunk.

But really for me the article was insulting. I've fcked a lot of white trash in my day, might as well have been Fckn a black woman, got all the same traits, except they are coll with shopping at Walmart (not sure that's a good thing )
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
10 years ago
Well, I'm also a young black man in my 20's born and raised in the crime-infested ghetto. Since I've been around black women for most of my life, I know from first-hand observations of how they are. There is some validity in his points, such as the kids out of wedlock, the sluttiness, and the "strong black female" phenomenon, but there are just as many white and Latina women that act exactly the same way. It's more so about social class rather than race. I didn't like the tone of his article though; seemed like he was bitter.

There are plenty of well-educated black women in the U.S. but they are overshadowed by the "bad girls" that the media and reality shows often portrays. I've dated all types of black women, from the hood loud-mouth bitches to the well educated, sophisticated woman. I've also dated a few Asians and a Mexican lady. Although I am attracted to black women the most, I am open to any and all races.
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
White girls are the best!!!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I'm not a black guy (in case anyone was wondering :)).

But for w/e reason the subject of black women interests me ;)

First off – I respect anyone's *honest* opinion; but to me the “author” did not exactly come across as an “intellectual” and seemed for the most part to just wanna emphasize stereotypes which of course do not apply to all black women.

Taking the article as a whole; pretty much the same article could be written about black men – not that it would be right/correct; but it's not as if black men; especially young black men; are seen any higher in society – IMO they are actually seen lower.

As others have mentioned; the socio-economic variable is what is most at play here.

5) “... Their infatuation with name brands ...”

Assuming this is more true of black women; I'd say is equally true about many a black man – e.g. $200 sneakers; bling; rims and paint-jobs worth more than the actual car; etc.

4) “... Their extreme sluttiness ...”

IMO – white girls are probably more slutty and cheat more. IMO; when a black woman is with her guy; often times they'll stick to him and not sleep around as much as white girls – not saying that there are not black women that sleep around behind their man's back; just saying IMO/IME they do tend to be more faithful.

3) “...just about all of them have kids ...”

Again – I think this is more of a socio-economic thing – I'm not sure; but I thought I read once a good while back that white rural Oklahoma has the worst case of out-of-wedlock births.

I would say college educated black women are probably on par with their college educated counterparts.

2) “... Their obesity rate ...”

Perhaps – but they are def plenty of fatass white people and Latinos – and I'm going to go out on a limb here – I would guess many black Americans are bigger b/c only the biggest slaves were brought to America and often times the biggest ones were forced to breed – when I see African people for the most part; and not just tribal African people; they seem slim more often than not.

1) “... They’re not feminine ...”

IMO – they probably have to be masculine/tough in order to survive – many a black man does not necessarily have a “gentleman's” gentle persona – i.e. many a black women are dogged and beat down by black men – additionally; b/c there are often single mothers; they have to become both the man and the woman of the house.

As others have said; it's more socio-economic - the well-intended but misguided “war on poverty” programs of the 1960s helped in a large part the breakup of the black family by driving the man away from the home in order for the family to get the benefits they needed – thus we have generations of young men and women growing up w/o fathers and in poverty – and nothing good will come out of that – both young boys and young girls need a good man in the home when growing up.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I'm a black guy in my 20's. I don't mind black girls, but in my experience most of them don't look great. The ones that look good tend to be mixed with other races. My favorites are Latinas and mixed race girls/exotic looking. White girls aren't my thing.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I don't know how much of the article is true, but the author is a douche. My experience with black women is limited. I dated a black girl briefly in college, and I've had a few black strippers. I would not be so negative and condescending about any group of women.

avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
i'll be honest guys, i won't sugar-coat it, i agree totally with number 1. generally speaking, black women are not as submissive.

however, his other points don't hold as much weight with me. points 1-4 are a lot more unclear to me
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
points 2-5 are a lot more unclear to what i meant
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
People tend to settle down with someone from a similar background. Although its changing, that still typically means someone of the same race. So inter-racial relationships are much more likely to be flings. I think guys who typically date other races, it's probably because they just want to hit it and quit it with low drama. But guys think they will get more play if they make like they are ready to be serious, so they come up with lame stereotyping to explain their preference for other races.

I can respect guys who say they like a black woman's full lips or a latina's silky black hair. It would be nice if we could be more focused on who people are on the inside, but the world is what it is. If somebody honestly doesn't like black women's typical physical features, nothing you can do about that. But you don't have to talk shit about black women as people just to pretend you are not displaying typical male (human really) shallowness.

Women's mags are fulf of retardedness, and Black Women's mags are full of Black retardedness. But guys, before feeling superior, behold the retardedness of GQ and Men's Health.
avatar for Bigbiznezz
10 years ago
Well, it seems to me if you just put a ________ in front of woman in his article. That this article can be written about black, white, Latina, etc. y'all get what I'm saying. You probably can put two _______'s and use the word man with all of the above for the second blank in this article.

I have dated lots of woman from different cultures and races. And trust me. Everything this man put in this article I have seen it in every race of woman except Indians and phillipain women.
I don't choose a woman by color when it comes to dating, now if she is everything like the man in this article states, it don't matter what color she is, I might date her because the pussy is good. Or if she's too damn much for me to handle then I wouldn't.

Maybe that's all the black women he know, maybe his mama wasn't shit, but I know more than a handful of black woman who don't fit the description he wrote about. And at the same time I know more than a handful that do fit it. BUT! At the same time I know the same about other races, once again except phillipain and Indian.

Now with that said, when it's time to go to the strip club. I prefer black strip clubs. Now don't get me wrong. I have fun at white or mixed strip clubs. But I get mad everytime I get a lap dance from a white girl or Hispanic girl. Now I have dated white and Hispanic strippers and outside the strip club. They are amazing, but judging on lap dances alone and also talking about mileage, NO BUEANO!!!!!
Maybe I'm going to the wrong strip clubs. But if you guys point me to good white girl strip club where money goes long and they are some fine ass white girls. Then I'll try it out and write on it here. Or one of those Latina strip clubs. And no I don't like strippers with 42 inch asses. That's to much ass for me. I like a nice juicy ass but not that big. To be more specific. I like an ass like j- lo. To around Nikki Minaj ass. I even like an ass like sandra bullock or Jennifer Anderson. And Pamela Anderson. An ass bigger than Nikki Minaj too me is just out of shape to me. And yes I'm black.
avatar for rh48hr
10 years ago
As a black man I haven't dated a lot of black women, but there have been reasons for it. 1) I live in an area with not a lot of black women. 2) In college I don't think I was"black enough"for some of them. I don't sound or act like a sterotypical black man. 3) I'm an equal opportunity dater. I don't discriminate if I find someone attractive.
I am also finding that I've been leaning towards black women in the club since I've returned to the hobby.
But in terms of the article I think he's a little bitter. three of my good friends are married to black women. two black guys and one white guy. Two of the women are not fat but my one friend likes women who are bigger. Two of them did not have kids before dating my friends and I find all three women nice to be around. the article generalizes way too much.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I have pretty limited experience with the classy black ladies of San Diego, simply because most aftrican american women aren't my type. I did date one Nerdy Black Girl who broke most of the stereotypes. She was definitely a nerd first who preferred dating nerdy guys regardless of skin color. I also had a black roommate who preferred dating Asian girls, but he was a huge Japanophile.

I do think the original article author sort of missed something about white girls... the white girls who wanted to fuck HIM probably are sluttier than most. Just like the Asian girls who wanted my Big White Cock in University were probably slutty on the Asian scale.

Everyone has their preferences, but people who prefer to date outside their race tend to feel like they have to justify it. A white chick who only bangs white dudes isn't judged, but a white chick who prefers black guys is.
avatar for former_stripper
10 years ago
I happen to know several childless professional thin black women so they are out there. He has the right to date who he chooses but some comments sound like he is trying to justify it. Just date who you choose and don't care what others think.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
#5 name brands: I find this a ridiculous statement. There are women AND men of all races who have this issue. It doesn’t matter what their socio-economic or education background is either. I have seen poor and rich, educated and uneducated, white, black, Hispanic, asian, etc…. who all have “name brand-itis” and will make sure you know what they have is better than yours because of the name printed on it. I believe that comes down to the whole nurture/nature argument. What they are raised around and who they are raised with instills their character. If you’ve seen materialism your whole life and the groups you run with as you grow up are all concerned with image it continues to instill the need to prove yourself better than the rest by chasing the name on the outside of something than the value on the inside. Once you reach adulthood I feel this is name brand obsession is literally branded into your persona and is going to be a hard thing to break free from as you go through life. It has nothing to do with race. The one caveat I will agree to is actually not black women but black men. IME I’ve seen so many young black men who chase a certain image trying to emulate professional athletes or music industry people it’s insane. I used to live in LA and work as a recording engineer so I’ve seen the music industry thing first hand. You’ve got some black guys that are just straight up thugs wanting respect for what they own and then you’ve got some that look like thugs but when they’re behind closed doors in a studio it’s the total opposite and no one would ever believe you if you told them how intelligent and polite they really are. They are materialistic because their public image demands it.

#4 sluttiness: I can’t speak to this with any authority. I’ve only been with 2 black women my entire life and in all honesty they were really white girls at heart. I could turn ANY white girl into a slut (I know mrs sea is reading this but she already knows I used to be a whore). Doesn’t matter if she was rich or poor. The ones who weren’t just straight up ready for sex could be ready once they thought I was interested in more than JUST sex. Might take 30 minutes or it might take a day or two but it happened. Guys just need a warm body. Women usually need a connection and a feeling of intimacy and the feeling like there is something more. A handful of Hispanic girls but really the game was always the same. Didn’t matter what color.

#3 kids: Just from life experience I’m going to agree with this. This may get me in trouble but I really think it’s all down to more kids means more government support. I think it’s a life environment cycle they get caught up in as well. Don’t get me wrong, there are PLENTY of unwed mothers in every race but I see more black men hitting the bricks when there is one in the oven. Case in point, daughter of some older long time friends of mine was in college and doing everything right. Had a boyfriend and they were going to wait until they graduated college to get married and start a family. All of us were happy. Ooops, she turns up pregnant. WTF!!!!! Guess what happened next? Future husband eases himself out of the picture and they break up. If it’s white people they are more than likely to just accept the fact that they get to fuck someone and move all their stuff into the same single wide trailer. They have a great chance of separating at some point but they will give it a try…lol The white girls think if they get pregnant then there’s a very good chance the man will marry her. I don’t think the black women have this same thought process. Hispanic, well; you’ve got a LOT of catholic guilt pressuring them. The ones that do get pregnant and aren’t married will find a husband pretty damn soon.

#2 FATTIES: Uhhhhh, this isn’t just a black thing. Have you seen the white women roaming around walmart? This is just a general downfall of health in America. The whole big is beautiful crap and black guys wanting huge asses I think stems from marketing. If you have a huge ass and no takers what do you do? You sell it like EVERYONE wants that huge ass. This goes back to #1 and brands. If you tell people they like BBW enough then eventually they’ll convince themselves they really do like BBW. You know who likes fatties? Other fatties who can’t get it any other way. OR……..skinny white rednecks in wife beaters with a partial mustache.

#1 feminine: Yeah, I have to agree with this one. Seems black women really like to play up the whole hard ass bitches who don’t need a man or anyone else helping them. But at the same time you always hear how no one wants to stick around and help out. Well no shit. Who would? I don’t really see this kind of attitude with other races. You see it almost 100% of the time with the white girls who like to act all black.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
im into white girls so I have no dog in this fight. But this guy sounds judgmental and condescending. Also why is being a slut a bad thing?
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I see the stereotypes in the article too, but I think it's unfair to really draw any meaningful conclusions from it. I've had "relationships" of various degrees with white, black and Asian girls and the one conclusion I can draw is they all have nothing in common with each other within their race. One of my favorite black girls was a "white hippie" despite the fact she was black. Another black girl was a 'typical ghetto' girl described by the author. Another was a trophy wife to a white Jewish millionaire. There were a few more that were all different as well. Frankly I can't see anything they had in common besides the color of their skin.
avatar for saer
10 years ago
The article is full of broad generalizations (pun intended), but I know a few black women and they all seem to be fixated on name-brand things. One of them is a fuck buddy I hook up with when we're both at the same conference for work; she speaks 4 languages and has a doctorate in electrical engineering. She won't wear or buy anything that doesn't have some sort of designer label. Other than that, I don't see much coherence to the things in the article across the people I know.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
I didn't read the article yet, but ill just tackle one aspect of the article I'm hearing about. Black women are the most downtrodden species on the planet. Farm hens get better treatment. And the shit i read on this site alone, i would expect black women to be "manly". They get no respect so might as well make respect from nothing. Because many men will just fucking them (or consensual rape them) and go. Nothing else matters for the man in regards to the black woman
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
John Lennon wrote, "Woman is the nigger of the world" about women in general. I suppose in this case it's being taken literally?
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
I agree with GACA gewings and ha. This man sounds like a bitter condescending biggot who probably hates all women to some extent, and who hates himself even more. One of the thinnest ladies at the club where I work is black and has no kids, and I carry a few extra pounds and had a child when I was 22. Maybe he got his ass kicked by a "strong black woman" and is still licking his wounds. What a pathetic little man. Not brilliant;)
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
I meant JS not ha
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