
Is Not Being Pregnant a Bona Fide Occupational Qualification for Exotic Dancers?

Detroit strip clubs

A stripper named Amanda Berry is suing a Georgia club because they fired her when she became pregnant. The most interesting thing about this story for me is that I used to know a stripper named Amanda Berry, who danced in the Detroit area under the name Tara. I wonder if it's her? The story does not have a photo, which I could use to determine if it's her.


  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I have known dancers that danced until they were very pregnant
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Not only is being pregnant a BFOQ and dancer also need to get back in shape after having that baby. My favorite club denied a stripper from returning to work recently until she lost more of her baby fat. They finally let her come back 2 weeks ago and she looked like shit. I didn't see her on my last 2 visits. So I am not sure if she voluntarily stopped again or whether the club stopped her again.

    Clubs also face a liability problem if a pregnant stripper should take a fall and injures herself or the unborn child.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Amanda Berry also happened to be the name of one of the three girls who were abducted and held captive for over a decade by that piece of shit in Cleveland. She's the one who gave birth.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I think this doesn't apply just to a stripper. I have heard of other employers (mostly restaurants or bars where the employee relies a good deal on "tips") fire their employees when pregnant because the employer doesn't have a maternity leave policy in place or simply doesn't want to pay for one.
    In most cases the employee sues and what I have witnessed in the past, the employee doesn't get much (if anything at all) other than being allowed to come back to work. Really who wants to go back to work for someone after you've sued them...
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    I'd tend to agree with the court's initial position, its not the status of being pregnant/not pregnant but rather the absence/presence of sex appeal. The thing is, that's gotta be a bitch to argue either way. We've had countless threads on here about what's hot and what not and the obvious conclusion is that tastes vary.

    In the end, I hope the courts decide "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and in this case the club's hiring manager is the beholder. It would be a real fucking buzkill for me if strip clubs had to start hiring/retaining fat/pregnant/old/ugly dancers for fear of lawsuits.

    My personal opinion, sex appeal aside, pregnant women have no fucking business in smoke filled strip clubs. Chances are the poor kids gonna have it rough enough with a stripper mom and likely loser BF dad, piling the health issues on top is just fucking cruel.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Dolfan has a valid point about health, but I think it should go further. "...stripper mom and likely loser BF dad..." should be banned! They have no business bringing a child into this world and no excuse to even conceive one!
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    Maybe we need a conception Nazi? No kid for you, NEXT!
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    Dancing is like acting... you get hired (or fired) based on your looks. If your looks change, so does your employ-ability.

    Of course, it seems like a problem that is self solving. Her looks go to hell, customers spend less on her. She leaves because there's no money in it anymore.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @mjx01 I usually leave a club that let's a Narwhal dance on the stage or be seen by patrons. It's a complete fckn turn off. It's like trying to eat at a restaurant and the obesity crew walks in aND starts to eat their food on front of you. I'll admit it, I loose my appetite each and every time.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    I worked at a club in north jersey many years ago, and there was a very pregnant dancer there. She was as cute as can be given her situation, and only did private dances for her regulars. Seemed like a good compromise to me. I sold movie tickets when I was pregnant and they let me sit on a stool while others doing the same job had to stand. I thought that was classy of them:)
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    I can't imagine pregnancy is a turn on to most customers. Perhaps if she was hot or there were pregnancy fetishists but not otherwise. I worked at one club with a pregnancies dancer and she had to go on leave once she was showing. Stripping is supposed to be about hotness, not equal opportunity.
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