
OT: Republicans gain control of Senate

Tuesday, November 4, 2014 10:37 PM
Full disclosure - I'm a mostly a fiscal conservative Republican. But, I haven't heard one of the Repug assholes articulate a plan to fix anything. Only bitching about what the other side is doing. With the religious nut bags apparently controlling the party, I am concerned about where this will go. It is one thing to bitch, a completely different thing to actually have to lead. Obviously this country is much worse economic shape than the stats show to inflict this much change.


  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    I agree, but think back to 2008 and none of the Democratic A-holes offered a plan either. Just telling us how bad things were and we are going to change things. It's s never ending cycle and we keep paying them to do it.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    @Corvus: In 2008 the dems offered the fallacy of healthcare reform. The Republicans aren't offering anything. Now, if they were offering more freedom like ending the winless war on drugs or some other BS I would be all for it, but I have no idea what their plan is.
  • former_stripper
    10 years ago
    The problem is that neither party has a solution to anything. In two years either the senate or house will revert back to the Democrats after the Republicans fail and then they will fail and so on and so on. I am not against fiscal conservative Republicans but the religious nuts who have taken over the party are really scary. Not that the left wing Democrats are any better, both extremes push their agenda without consideration for anyone else.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Perhaps I should add that even if any of them present a plan, they never offer up the actual plan of how they will get there. So just empty promises as far as I'm concerned. Obama promised the moon but never offered a plan on how. One example: Guantanamo Bay
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    When will Obama and the Democrats start getting credit for the economic boom?
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Fuck her in the pussy.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    It's time to make the world a safer, saner place and just can each and every politician.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Does it make any difference to anything whatsoever?
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    ^^^ No it doesn't, Dougster. No it doesn't. For Juice has become the Horseman of Pestilence and the apocalypse is at hand. It is a frickin' #sausage.fingers apocalypse. Actually, it will do one thing...I presume it will make slaux_pas feel better. That dude has been all upset since that time I facefucked his high school sweetheart right in front of him at a Dead show.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Congress has a 10% approval rating and 90% of the incumbents get re-elected. That tells you the intelligence of most Americans when it comes to politics.
  • slaux_pas
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ I heard some people in Chicago are starting to wise up. [view link] [view link] Hey aren’t you from Chicago?
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I live in a suburb about 25 miles from the city.
  • pensionking
    10 years ago
    The only way out of the darkness is to be fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Moderation is the key. We need to stop legislating morality. Just regulate and tax such things. Hell I don't care -- legalize MJ and prostitution for all I care. Use the new taxes to improve our schools and make college cheaper for our youth so the next generation are more employable. Stop spending MY money protecting me from me -- just protect me from you. The hole our communities and our country are in are too large to be solved through cost cutting alone. Eliminate corruption and waste -- absolutely. But the only way out and up is through growth and the only way to have growth is to create a pro-business environment within which profits and jobs stay IN our communities instead of being shipped elsewhere to the lowest common denominator whether it be China, Mexico or Mississippi. Through policy, encourage business creation and innovation. Employment will follow. Competition for committed or talented employees creates wage inflation far better than mandating wage increases. Hey House. Hey Senate. Hey Governors. Let's stop fucking around! Let's go!! USA USA USA !!!!
  • Prim0
    10 years ago
    Both parties are invested in keeping things going with big government....one side does it to help the poor, the other side does it for god. What we really need is a group/party that has no interest in growing government or getting elected and just cuts programs left and right. But that won't happen without some kind of revolution and it would probably be bloody as hell.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I think there is a great deal of wisdom in what @pensionking is saying. But consider that legislating morality is how these Republican and Democratic Assholes are getting themselves elected. So they are not likely to stop. But beyond this, as labor has been in gross surplus for over 150 years, we do need to make major social and economic changes. Modern technology gives us the ability to provide every single person with a high quality life. But instead of letting this happen, we expect everyone to prove that they can "earn a living" or they get cut out and used as an object of pity. We need to stop wasting resources, especially environmentally harmful and non-renewable resources, in trying to enforce social conformity via "earning a living". No one has earned any living in a long long time. It is more just a matter of who is getting a slice of the pie and who is not. Buckminster Fuller [view link] free book download [view link] SJG
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    The problem with the Democrats is every time they raise taxes it's not to pay down debt, but so they can borrow more. The problem with the Republicans is they don't think the government has a vested interest in keeping poor people from starving, and dying in the streets, from lack of food and medical care. These are expenses that must be accepted so as the underclass don't start a revolution.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Seeing the ideas you people put forth make me glad I am older and even gl;adder I will die before America becomes a third world country. Spend more on education? We spend too much already. There are no jobs available for the educated. Hand em a broom, send home an illegal and create workfare benefits.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @skibum: There's no jobs for journalism majors! Why kids major in BS stuff shows how stupid they and their parents are. My son got an undergrad engineering degree and 80% of engineers from his Big 10 school had jobs BEFORE graduation. Why? Because they are in demand! The only people who can't find a job have no skills. Even strippers have a skill.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Rockstar: Yea, well, tell that to the IT crowd that is competing for American jobs at American companies in America with Eastern Indians - and facebook/MS is calling for more of them! We invented the fucking thing and now pushed aside?!?! Immigration and guest workers are - you guessed it - starting to harm the average american's pocket! And I think this election is part of that. (Though I am not holding my breath with republicans.)
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I’ve been a lifelong Republican but I think we need a more moderate Republicanism per se. I don’t think the “trickle down” economic model works well for the avg joe – seems to work great for those at the top; but seems very little trickles down to the middle and lower class and those classes (the majority of Americans) seem to end up fighting w/ all their might just for scraps. I recall the last time the Republicans were in charge during the George W years and they got drunk on their own Koolaid and were running amuck with characters such as Jack Abramoff and that other character from Sugarland, TX that I think got also convicted (or at lest removed) but I can’t remember his name I agree with the Republicans POV of smaller gov; but don’t agree much with the way they have implemented their views post-2000.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Well I'm finally paid enough to be a Republican, actually no I'm not missing one or two zeroes. But I'll never get behind them, they don't understand you are only as good as your human resource period. All of you who own a company know it's all welfare pretty much. A monkey can do most of these jobs, you probably would fire 1/3 of the work force because they are just showing up to collect a fckn check. What we need to create is a work fare system that enables people to contribute to the well being of the community (beautification programs, sports, boy scouts etc) so that we have a better class of populous. It's crazy we have so many on welfare and the crime rate is what it is. People are not looking to be given anything but an opportunity to be proud of themselves.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Yes, I am a believer in workfare. I'm sure it will be bastardized, but for the beginning I am OK with it.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Prim0, it'd be great if we could get another party into power, but as long as the electoral college exists, that isn't going to happen. The electoral voters are chosen by the two dominant parties; this keeps everything in their houses and prevents any new ideas and philosophies from reaching the Hill. Our national politics have sort of become incestuous, given this lack of new blood. When the founding fathers created the electoral college, it made sense, due to the poor education and communications of their time; they needed what was essentially (as I see it anyway) proxy votes for the masses. Today, communications and tabulating the votes is virtually instantaneous. Our biggest problem now is a lack of vested interest in the process. And who can really blame these folks when they say that their vote doesn't count? At the national level, it really doesn't, resulting in a trickle-down effect of apathy at all levels. We need to get rid of the electoral college. We need OUR voices heard.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I go along with @GACAclub. Very well put. The whole thing is just a scam, a means of social control. I want there to be a revolution, coming up from the bottom. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Republicans seem to already be cumming in their pants w/ the excitement of taking over Congress – Mitch Mcconnell is already talking about Obama waving a red flag in front of a bull and the Republican chairman was already talking smack about Obama just one day after the elections. I’m a Republican – but many of these Republican politicians just seem to be on a power trip and mainly concerned with *their* agenda rather than doing what’s best for the country even if Democrats happen to agree w/ it – i.e. it seems if Democrats are for something; then Republicans are automatically against it even if the measure has merit.
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