
Comments by Subraman (page 82)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Embarrassed to tell stripper something
    Tell her you gave it to a Vegas stripper hoe from a top Vegas club. She'll be so impressed, she'll drop on your dick right there. Let her know you'll be getting another Aston Martin, obviously, but you need to save up a bit first
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Got the holy grail of main bitches... A Vegas stripper hoe from a top Vegas club
    Piker! I got SEVENTEEN stripper hoes from a top Vegas club. Only three were trannies. Fucked them all anyway. Try to keep up icey. I'm starting to wonder if you're cut out for the Winning Team
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    ^^^^^^ A-town Miserable Socially Isolated Troll Locos representing!
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    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    If being cringey were an olympic event, we'd have a gold medal post right here! lol
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    "Its in your best interest to take control of her drug use from the start. Make sure she does the minimum to get fucked up." "Never ask her to do shit. Tell her to do it." "Its about control." "Don’t be afraid to discipline her. Eventually you’ll have to. Be manipulative with her feelings." "She’s not happy with herself and never satisfied, she’s always looking for a quick fix and fast satisfaction."   "The number one thing you need to do to fulfill her needs is to make her dependent on you for as much as possible. You basically have to manage her life. Its what these bitches crave" "If she fucks with your main bitch keys your car gets violent with you, then slap the shit out of her. " You'd be angry too if you'd spent so much time and energy advocating physically and emotionally abusing women! Imagine how tired he'd be if he actually did any of these things
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    East coast vs west coast, beef back on! Tupac!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Did I make a faux pas?
    Paps, I can certainly believe the entitlement and hustle level can be so high that you start getting into douche mode. I am perhaps lucky that I don't go to such clubs and don't have to deal with that... although it's not all luck, of course, I specifically seek out slow clubs and shifts, and tend to not return to clubs that have a high pressure hustler vibe or the balance of power has tilted too far towards strippers. And I"ve also never had to deal with Cuban strippers, so I might have an entirely different view. I still HOPE I'd never go to the point where I just wave a stripper away before she even gets to me. But even if I did, I would realize that I'm being an asshole, and that there's a chance of a lecture from a stripper with hurt feelings.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    25: you have no sense of humor -- advocating beating women, getting them hooked on drugs, and emotionally abusing them is hysterical!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    This is some good stuff, I was confused as to whether backhand or forehand is best. I could also use my pointers on my drug game -- what drugs should I get my stripper addicted to, what's the best way to manipulate her once I've achieved that outcome --, if anyone can help a PL out
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    -->"I was once kinda in your shoes. If I told her That I wanted to see what a dance from the new girl was like I got the evil eye. It got to were no other girls would even ask me for a dance or to buy them a drink. I felt like a walking ATM at times. I knew that if her pissed her off it may ruin the only club that I go to. I know the that I screwed up and got feeling for a stripper, But I know that she only had feeling for my wallet. I use to get the text form her telling me that I miss you so much and I want to see you. Finally I grew some balls and text her back asking why do you only miss me when your at work and not on your days off ? Beside I spent to much money in there last night. ( I lied. I did not go in the night be for ) She ask who all I got dances from and I told her I don't kiss and tell. " Speed, just to keep pounding the point home, it's great that you finally broke your chains. But the better path is to not let her put those chains on you in the first place. You don't magically get to a place where she can control you through via stink eye, or feels entitled to ask you any questions she wants. The process of a 20-year-old in her underwear, completely dominating you, is progressive. It's a pattern you might not have noticed, but she took more and more control and as you submitted to each act, she escalated -- and then next thing you know, your only way out is to send cringy texts like "why do you only miss me when your at work". Take control of the customer/stripper relationship from the start, don't let her cross your boundaries, don't submit to her acts of domination, ensure she understands that things should be win-win here, don't be the type of little bitch who considers any sort of fantasy hustle on her part as "stripper shit". I would imagine most of us, when we started strip clubbing, ended up in the situation you seem to keep ending up in, so it's not like it's uncommon. Hell, when I made my transition from variety guy to ATFer, I think it took me a few years to understand and break the pattern (slow learner, I guess!), and it was watching another regular who also had CFs but had somehow wired things up so that he was completely free to get dances however he wanted, that made me realize I was doing things wrong.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Did I make a faux pas?
    -->"I am going to go out on a limb and say you are probably doing something wrong. You have posted before that you got kicked out and banned from a club. Then another time you were thinking about posting a dancers personal instagram on a club review. Then another time you were complaining that a ton of dancers avoid you... If you're pissing people off over and over and over then you're probably doing something wrong." If you run into an asshole in the morning, well, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole Paul does have a point, Liwet!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The number game
    Yeah, I don't press or suggest sexy pics either, more fun when she just sends 'em.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Did I make a faux pas?
    Neither of these are faux pas. You just got two girls who were frustrated already, and you triggered them. I think asking her age is a bit of a basic bitch question, especially super early, but she's a stripper and guys are going to ask questions. She is a professional fantasy maker, she should have a number ready even if it's not the real one (which many of the girls lie about their age). Getting upset about that, of all things, is pretty chickenshit. Your second example is rude if you did that "wave her away with your hand" as she walks up -- that's rude with anyone. But if you let her introduce herself and then nicely turned her away, then not a faux pas, you were doing her a favor not wasting her time, and she should STFU about it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are strippers RIDICULING customers on stripper websites?
    They dingbatting away at the troll thread !
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    Ya, being always miserable, and then putting "lulz" on the end, is not some sort of social isolation camouflage
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The number game
    At first, with a stripper I just met, her number is just for scheduling appointments, seeing if I can pick her up a coffee on my way into the club, etc. But, by the time she's my CF, there's nudie pics, banter, and other things she uses to entice me back to the club. This isn't something I ask for, nor is it required, but just seems to always happen organically as we get to know each other. Many times the girls are the ones initiating, so I assume it's part of the overall YMMV treatment I get as a favored regular. I think you guys who are keeping it to strictly business, even after you're a regular, are thinking way too small. I get it if you don't WANT to text her any more than that, and don't want pics and nudie pics from her; my fun doesn't have to be your fun . But "keep texting to all business" only applies when you're a rando customer, not a regular.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Do you find out if a stripper has CHILDREN before ASKING HER OUT?
    Trusted by juice lol
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    -->"For me personally, I think she's most definitely a female due to her writing style and her disdain for older men who go to strip clubs." We've had this debate before ... maybe it's just fun to create theories. Obviously, the loony left SJW anti-sex-industry female persona fits with what you wrote above. But, it's still difficult for me to believe that if that's the real person behind the troll, they would even consider writing the "pimping women is good, I advocate beating them, controlling their drugs, and emotionally abusing them" part of the persona (which came first). And a young person, even a young woman, would better at writing that pimp persona; the current one has such a tin ear for the pimp persona that it makes us all cringe. Why is why I think it's a middle aged guy who basically fits the socially isolated, miserable troll profile. His main intention is to disrupt the group. He created the pimp persona, which is hard to do and he's not good at it, and then created the opposite, a loony left SJW persona, which IMO is much easier to write. He disrupts every thread by choosing one or the other persona, and monotonously, predictably always just takes the opposite view of what the majority is, even if the topic has nothing to do with SCs. Regarding the miserable part, I've never seen someone so humorless. You guys hate SJG so much you probably don't notice, but he's funny sometimes (and he's likely on the spectrum). Icey is never anything but miserable and angry
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    It's okay you don't have to Hustle me.
    Dolf: yeah, it's been such a great win-win strategy for me over the years, I always shake my head at the "she texted me to come in to see her, but she's just pretending to miss me and it's really STRIPPER SHIT waaaaa" responses. I'll be her designated slow shift guy any time she wants! Even more valuable under the employment structure -- she gets 2 or 3 VIPs with me, over a multi-hour period when no other girl got a VIP, and a few didn't even get lap dances? She's gonna be happy I'm there, and make me happy I'm there.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    -->"I understand your logic. But I can’t imagine an adult mind engaging in such a frivolous and pointless charade. " I know, it's unbelievable. There have been a number of studies on internet trolls. The results are always the same; they are socially isolated, truly miserable people. Trolling is the one thing that gives them joy. If this was the highlight of your life, you'd put in a lot of effort too lol... There have been a lot of other theories too, maybe it's a dancer, under the assumption that the troll really believes the looney left SJW stuff, but I don't think that type of person would write the pimp "strippers are hoes, you should hit them, emotionally abuse them, and control their drugs" aspect. Besides, the loony left types are easy to emulate, which is why the persona is more convincing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    25: yes, the argument techniques are identical. I was trying to make the argument, without saying Lord Valdemort's name out loud
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Knowing Shit From Shinola
    rev, I'll tell you why I think that's preposterous: no 18 year old has such a tin ear to street talk. Literally, every time icey goes street, I cringe; sometimes I get douche chills from it. This language has absolutely crossed over for young people. My teenage son and his friends, who grew up in a privileged neighborhood in silicon valley, can do it much more authentically and effortlessly. 0% chance some 18 year old is so incapable. No, I think what we're seeing is a middle aged troll who has invented a troll persona and is trying too hard -- doing internet research on popular songs and dress style, and then making OT threads about them.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Best Club Towns
    Everything I've heard about Portland aligns with what JS said, around mileage, no extras, etc. It sounds very meh
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    It's okay you don't have to Hustle me.
    --> -->"... not sure were this is going ..." -->"Huh? It's crystal clear - she's addicted to your constant $$$ and will freak out if something hapoens to the goose - where this is going is her being more dependent on your $$$" Good catch Papi. Yeah, sometimes statements like that can mean there's more being fantasized about. I agree with Papi, speed. I will tell you where this would be going with me. I have some insight she values me as a customer (aka she values my wallet, and grudgingly accepts that I am the mobile wallet transportation system that brings my wallet to her), I have some insight that she might panic a bit on slow days. I'd be looking to take advantage, by getting an even better deal with her ITC, and leveraging it for OTC. I would look to make this win-win, without making her feel pressured directly; I tell her "when you're having a slow shift I want to know, I'll come in if there's any way possible" (be her slow shift savior and reap the rewards of YMMV for my efforts), and if you're having a slow week, let me know and we can go OTC. You shouldn't be getting angsty, you should be getting more action
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is a fair OTC price anyways?
    wildman: that's fair. I guess my statement is more of an addendum: if you're an SCer who hasn't done this before, my strong suggestion is to not get caught up in tiered alacarte services and timeframes. The girls who introduce these things -- 2 hours costs $X, 3 hours costs $Y -- are high volume pros who don't operate like strippers, and you're losing some of the best parts of OTC if you buy into this. Instead, negotiate for OTC, get a price, then casually discuss dinner and drinks beforehand, leave the amount of time open, etc.