
It's okay you don't have to Hustle me.

Avatar for speedlimt39

How do you tell a stripper they don't have to hustle to get you in to the SC? Lately I get the text (come see me tonight) I tell her I'm busy but I'll come in tomorrow. I get a response I might be moving tomorrow and you may not see me again. Come say goodbye. I think to myself bicth your not going any were. To me that is coming off thirsty for money and I really feel hustled. It's been a few days now and she has not moved and I have not been to the club yet.

I don't quite know what to say to her. We have never done anything OTC . I have hung out with her at the club up to 6 hours at a time and drop 500 to 600 on drinks and dances. Two or three days in a row. So I feel that she knows me well enough she don't need an excuse to get me to come in when the club is dead and she is not making money. She doesn't have to pretend she likes I'm not looking for a girlfriend. I rather her be honest and tell me the club is slow I'm broke and Bill's are due. But how do I tell her she can be up front with me without coming off I a complete ass? Or bet yet how do I tell me self that I'm a dumb ass for even worrying about it an move on?


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Avatar for HungryGiraffe

A lot of people, including us PLs, have a hard time being transparent. It’s always great to deal with people who are straightforward.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Most of the time if u ignore the text they'll stop texting; most of the time it's just a feeler and they text from time to time especially if $$$ is tight - treat it like a telemarketing call and don't engage else they'll ratchet-up the sales-pitch

Avatar for speedlimt39

That's the thing I don't like is the sales pitch. That's what I'm getting at she don't need a sale pitch with me.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Let her know who’s in charge sometimes you just need to discipline her, she’ll appreciate you if your firm with her,

Avatar for Daddillac

Go in the club and get dances with another girl.... when she asks whats up, tell her you thought things were different between the two of you but she pointed out by hustling you that it really is a business relationship and you think it is prudent to shop around..... fucking fake ass cunt

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Don't expect all strippets to act logically - if most were logical good chance they wouldn't be strippers to begin with for us to enjoy - i.e. you gotta know how to let some shit slide when dealing with strippers just like one lets shit slide when dealing with civilian women - you're kinda making a mountain out of a molehill

Avatar for Subraman

I don't think there's any reason to be personally insulted by poorly-constructed hustle. I haven't gotten text hustle that's that transparent in years, mostly because I think the girls save that kind of hustle for customers that aren't regulars. But in any case, instead of responding with various levels of butt hurtery, I'd be responding with teasing her. A little teasing and she'll change her approach, if that's what's bothering you. It's still hustle, but it'll sound more genuine :)

Avatar for doctorevil

I agree with Papi. What's the big deal? I get those texts sometimes. Either ignore them, or just reply with "sorry, maybe next time."

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Send her a dick-pic as a reply - nothing says I care like a nice dick-pic

Avatar for speedlimt39

LoL. Your right. It is no big deal. I guess for the first time in a long time I felt like a sucker.

Avatar for prevert

I think stopping after your “tomorrow” text would have been the right thing to do.

But I don’t think there’s any way to get a hustler to stop hustling. That’s how sales works.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Dancers texting custies is for the same reasons some custies text dancers and get upset when they don't respond - both want/need something now, not next week or in a month.

If a custy texts a dancer it's usually bc he wants to see her ASAP not sometime in the coming month - similarly when a dancer texts a custy it's bc she needs $$$/business now not a month from now.

Seems you're seeing this only thru your lenses and don't see she may be in a predicament/need-of-$$$ - not that that is your problem (her needing $$$) but that that may be her reality/present-need and why she may be doing what she's doing.

Avatar for Spillthebeans

It is just business, so treat it that way. Ask if there are any specials that would make you change plans to visit her. Then be firm if she gets to not fulfill a commitment.

Remember you have something she wants, so get what you want or keep shopping around.

Avatar for Subraman

Out of curiosity, speedlimt39, how was she in the club? Also super hustle-y? Did you just do the standard "talk for one song, then do a dance", or did you hang out with her for a while? I'd be surprised that a super hustley texter isn't super hustley in the club also. It occurs to me that another reason I might not ever get hustley texts, is because the girls who put up with me for 3 hours straight every single shift I'm there, are self-selecting for not being super hustlers.

Avatar for speedlimt39

We hang out for hours at a time. Basically her whole shift. I like to make fun of the newer girls that hustle on the younger guys just to make a drink.

I have been texting and hanging out with this girl for almost three months now. Out of nowhere she called me just now ( never called before always text ) I just straight up asked WTF got into you Friday night? Her answer was I was buzzed and freaked out. When your here it's almost guaranteed money. Its was 10 PM and there was only four guys in the club and 14 girls. She said that last night well made up for the one slow night. So she offered to meet me today for lunch her treat to make up for such a dick move. I told her it's not lunch it her protecting her investment. We both laughed. Never done OTC with her before not sure were this is going but what the hell. what do I have to lose. I'll keep you posted.

Avatar for Lovelyeast

So you decided to rant on here instead of just telling her that.....

You: hey just be honest if you need me to come in. I’m busy on other things so how bout I let you know when I came. Pushy isn’t sexy babe.

🙄 y’all men and y’all fantasy predictions about strippers

                                        - A Stripper 🙃
Avatar for Lovelyeast

(Typo) word should be “can”


I think the OP has a point. If I find a dancer especially hot I will adopt her into my rotation and treat her well. If she appreciates that and doesn't push for more then I want give great. If she treats me like I'm still a stranger she's going to hustle she's not in my rotation anymore. At least in NJ there's lots of tits and ass available. I don't put up with BS.

Avatar for speedlimt39

Bharlem81 iv told her before I can't make it in on my regular night that I would make it up next time. I usually just get the ☹️ not some bull shit story.

As far as guys and predictions with strippers.....have you ever tried to think with to head? LoL

Avatar for Subraman

-->"I have been texting and hanging out with this girl for almost three months now. Out of nowhere she called me just now ( never called before always text ) I just straight up asked WTF got into you Friday night? Her answer was I was buzzed and freaked out. When your here it's almost guaranteed money. Its was 10 PM and there was only four guys in the club and 14 girls. She said that last night well made up for the one slow night. So she offered to meet me today for lunch her treat to make up for such a dick move. I told her it's not lunch it her protecting her investment."

Well, happy ending at least. I think it's worth working on the ability to handle these situations without the teenagery angst. She was a little hustley, tease her about it, let her work it through. BTW, now you have good intel -- you're one of her good customers, and sometimes the club is super slow. At this point, I'm usually offering her "text me when the club is super slow, that's when I most want to hang out, without the pressure of 100 other customers waiting for you", and make sure she rewards you appropriately for it. A good stripper can show a LOT of appreciation for her slow-day guy; make it clear you know youre her slow day guy.

Avatar for K

"So you decided to rant on here instead of just telling her that....."

half the posts would disappear if guys just told her instead of ranting here.

"Bharlem81 iv told her before I can't make it in on my regular night that I would make it up next time. I usually just get the ☹️ not some bull shit story."

you told her you can't make it tonight. did you tell her to stop with the BS, it isn't necessary and may reduce the chance she will get your business?

Avatar for Icey

@Speedlimt39 you kinda let her do it by not setting boundaries with her. If you listen to the advice in this thread you'll just end up being taken for a sucker by her.... I don't know what you want with her, but at this rate, at most she'll appreciate what you do for her...that's about it. You're enabling her to hustle you....

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"... not sure were this is going ..."

Huh? It's crystal clear - she's addicted to your constant $$$ and will freak out if something hapoens to the goose - where this is going is her being more dependent on your $$$ - she's basically set up shop in your wallet and she's gonna want and need that $ecurity-blanket - her having a custy make her night ($$$) guaranteed w/o her having her to work custy after custy for the night and compete against all the other dancers, is gold.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Some SCers will see her actions as an opportunity, and some will see it as annoying

Avatar for Subraman

--> -->"... not sure were this is going ..."

-->"Huh? It's crystal clear - she's addicted to your constant $$$ and will freak out if something hapoens to the goose - where this is going is her being more dependent on your $$$"

Good catch Papi. Yeah, sometimes statements like that can mean there's more being fantasized about. I agree with Papi, speed.

I will tell you where this would be going with me. I have some insight she values me as a customer (aka she values my wallet, and grudgingly accepts that I am the mobile wallet transportation system that brings my wallet to her), I have some insight that she might panic a bit on slow days. I'd be looking to take advantage, by getting an even better deal with her ITC, and leveraging it for OTC. I would look to make this win-win, without making her feel pressured directly; I tell her "when you're having a slow shift I want to know, I'll come in if there's any way possible" (be her slow shift savior and reap the rewards of YMMV for my efforts), and if you're having a slow week, let me know and we can go OTC.

You shouldn't be getting angsty, you should be getting more action

Avatar for twentyfive

You shouldn't be getting angsty, you should be getting more action<

That’s the long and short of it,!

Avatar for Nidan111

Lol. I had one tell me last week that she is moving to NC and Sunday is her last day. I told her to be safe and that if I ever find myself in NC, I will come get a dance with her. She then told me that she is quitting the dance profession. I said, “ well in that case, just be safe and good luck to you in whatever you do!” End of story. I don’t fall for dancers beyond the profession of Fantasy Fun. When I walk out that SC door, that’s it until the next time I walk into that SC door.

Avatar for jwalker21

It's tough to know how to respond. In most clubs, no matter how much rapport you build up, they will still treat you superficially like an atm. Even worse, because they will try to extract as much money that night as possible, instead of playing the long game. I have met dancers in vegas that are real, in that they were themselves and we became friends, even OTC, but almost everywhere else, they decided to never let it become anything other than transactional, and I've never been able to crack it. Bottom line, if he behavior patterns are unappealing, find someone else, because she has probably already gone into transaction mode.

Avatar for prevert

I’ve only met one stripper lately who doesn’t try to hustle me (the one who showed me this board) but I think she’s probably just playing a longer game. lol

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Dancers are in sales thus there's some inherent hustling else they may not close the # of sales they need to - I just think too many SCers don't fully understand the difference when dealing with a dancer and wanna treat her as they would a civilian and expect her to act, respond, think, feel, like a civilian, where her motives and need$ are quite different.

Avatar for Dolfan

^^ "when you're having a slow shift I want to know, I'll come in if there's any way possible"

This. You be honest with her, chances are must better she'll be honest with you. No need to get all butthurt about the hustle, but let her know she can be straightforward. Maybe she's not gonna text "hey its slow and I need money, please come in and give it to me" but you probably don't really want that text anyway. Maybe you'll get "hey its slow, if you've got time to come in we can hang out and have a little fun" or something along those lines. It's possible for the arrangement to work for both of you.

I've had similar conversations many times. When I'm there and it's busy or I can tell sitting with me has a high opportunity cost for her, I'll let her know she can go mingle and I'll catch her another day. I'll also take the opportunity to tell her she can let me know if its slow & if I'm free I'll come hang. She increases her income on slow days, I get a better value. It doesn't always work out, sometimes I'm not available at a slow shift and sometimes she's not slow when I'm free.

Avatar for Subraman

Dolf: yeah, it's been such a great win-win strategy for me over the years, I always shake my head at the "she texted me to come in to see her, but she's just pretending to miss me and it's really STRIPPER SHIT waaaaa" responses. I'll be her designated slow shift guy any time she wants! Even more valuable under the employment structure -- she gets 2 or 3 VIPs with me, over a multi-hour period when no other girl got a VIP, and a few didn't even get lap dances? She's gonna be happy I'm there, and make me happy I'm there.

Avatar for BBBC

I am always hussling

Avatar for rickdugan

You felt like you had something special with her, right until she made you feel not so special by treating you like any other chump who she hustles for $$$. Got it. 😉

The reality is that no customer is special to any of these girls. We are sources of income, nothing more. She has a life with people she actually cares about and you're not one of them. You got the reality splashed in your face like a bucket of cold water because she didn't gauge you well enough to avoid running a hamfisted hustle, but there it is.

So as others here said, understand what this is and don't take it personally. Also, if you don't like her anymore after running that hustle then so be it - just move on to the next gal.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

@Subraman Amen brother. In my experience, nothing beats being with a fave/ATF on a slow day and having a few hours to spend at the club. The mileage and dick attention on those days are always the highest and cost the least.

At the cost of buying her one drink, if at all, my ATF DS will always sit with me and tease my dick during slow times. LOL she loves the massages. Sometimes it is for over an hour when it is slow. Yesterday was such a day. I went to the club when she arrived just after lunch. I watched her onstage for her first set of the day, and then for an entire hour I sat spoon with her and gave her a massage as she constantly teased my hard dick. When she wasn't messing around on her phone we small talked and she showed me some nude pics and videos that she was sharing on Snapchat. Then after an hour she went on stage again and I watched her alone so again I got all the attention. When she was done there still weren't many customers so she sat with me with a huge boner between her ass cheeks for another 20 minutes. And I bought her a drink. We had a toast and then I got two dances with the usual LDK finish. LOL because of all that pre-dance dick teasing time I'm always so aroused going into the dances so two dances is usually enough.

Total cost for almost two hours of constant dick teasing and attention w/LDK finish = $80.

And no hustle whatsoever.

Avatar for speedlimt39

Okay we ended up meeting up for late lunch early dinner. I felt good to feel comfortable enough to sit and order what I want and eat like a pig. No pressure at all. She actually order a meal. I hate when girls a salad because they feel fat. I usually go to the club Monday, Thursday and Friday. Halfway through lunch she said I hope you don't try and come see me Monday because I wont be there. I quit after my shift Saturday.
A little history on her. She is 28 divorced for two years no kids and lives with her mom. Struggling to make ends meet cutting hair after her divorce she moved in with mom and started stripping.
She told me she was sick of the drama and some of the other shit like drugs that goes along with some of the girls. Started telling me I was the only guy that ever treated her a person not a whore. We had talked there for more the an hour and half. The restaurant was dead. I felt bad for the young kid that was our waiter. Our meal was just over 50 and l give the kid a 25 tip. She said let's make his day she also give him 25.
On the way to the car I'm thinking dam this it. I have to find a new girl to hang with the at the club and we be trading in VIP rooms for hair cuts with her. After a long kiss in the parking lot. She said I dont want to go home let's do something fun that doesn't have to do with drinking. We went indoor gocarts. Wow I thought VIP rooms were high. Ended up back at my house and she did not leave until 1:30 this morning. I was not supposed the see her again until Wednesday. I was impressed that I know how to cook and was coming over for me to cook her dinner. Today I get a call she us all excited that she has a job interview tomorrow. So now she coming over and stopping to get us her favorite Chinese food eat then go to a movie. She knows that I'm not looking for a girlfriend or to be a sugar daddy. She explain to me she just likes to hang out and that she has her on money that she has been saving.
I caught myself wondering today. I've always been told sometimes you find what you're looking for when you're not even looking. So do do I have fuck Buddy? Or a new girlfriend that used to be a stripper?

Avatar for daddyfatsack

Don't save her she don't want to be saved

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Bottom line is that custies have their needs, and dancers have theirs; and as a custy (which is what we are, not a love-interest) we need to be aware of this.

We need them for their looks and their bodies and their availability, they need us to pay the bills and get the rhings they want - it's that type of "relationship", not a "boy likes girl, girl likes boy" thing.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

RickDugan pretty-much put it like it is w/o any sugar on top.

Doesn't mean one can't enjoy it for what it is, but accept what it is - pretty-much a rental - when all is said and done her primary if not sole reason for her interaction with a custy is bc of her financial gain/need with rare exceptions and inexperienced SCers IMO misread things more often than not

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Reality is most of these girls have circumstances where they can't afford to put the PL's "feelings" ahead of their income - and many PLs seem to not want it to feel that way - as we say around here "a strip club is not a girlfriend supermarket"

Avatar for Icey

You have whatever you choose to make of it at this point.... sounds like a good thing though! Congrats!

Avatar for Skin4Win

You have an acquaintance that is a dancer, not “used to be”. They take breaks is all. She is taking a break and figures the guy that could drop 500-600 three times a week at the club would certainly be willing to drop that for some one on one time with a possibility to hook up. Enjoy it, get what YOU want out of it but don’t let your big head go down that road of using the GF word. She is priming you to be a means of otc money whether that’s for sex, times of need or whatever. She doesn’t have her own money. She has your money and the other guys she does this withs money. Spend what you can afford and get what you want out of it but don’t be fooled into thinking a) she likes you or b) you’re special or the only one she does this with.

Avatar for speedlimt39

I went down that road a long time a go with a stripper. Her car needs fixed she hangs out for a few days. Then you dont see her again until she needs something. I'm told old for that shit now. Not sure what she is after. If anything. She knows what I do for a living and seen that i live in a new house. I am far from Rich. But I do well. I don't mine paying for dinner and tonight I'll pay for the movies. If she gets the new job now way in hell am I going clothes shopping.

Avatar for speedlimt39

Also she has a newer car. So dont have no worries of her asking for a new one. I had a girl tell me on time that I needed to buy her a car so she could come see me. I handed her 2.00 for bus fare. That ended the OTC relationship. Right now I'm havinfun and I'm not in to deep. I'll just let ride for now.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"... Also she has a newer car. So dont have no worries of her asking for a new one ..."

Great news - now all you have to worry about is the series of illnesses many dancers inevitably come down with when they have a regular to where unfortunately she'll likely not be able to make her monthly payment and it'll be a shame if she loses her car wouldn't it; you can't let that happen.

"... she said I hope you don't try and come see me Monday because I wont be there. I quit after my shift Saturday ..."

Awesome - but where is she gonna get her $$$ from now?

"... I usually go to the club Monday, Thursday and Friday ..."

Oh - never-mind - I think I see where she plans to get her $$$

Many dancers go to the club as a last resort - i.e. not uncommon for them "to stop dancing" when they have a regular that is taking care of them (or they are planning on this).

Not really a problem if you feel you're getting your money's worth.

Avatar for Icey

If you're gonna come into thinking she's out to use you, then just move on. Anything is about risks, but if you lack a basic sense of trust, there's nothing there.

Avatar for nicespice

—>”How do you tell a stripper they don't have to hustle to get you in to the SC?”

Would you rather she didn’t care whether or not you ever showed up at the club ever again?

Judging by the follow up posts, I doubt that.

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