Hey guys I’m in a little bind right now. My favorite stripper thinks I drive an Aston Martin, this is what I told her. It’s not true at all. I just want to be transparent and forthcoming especially if we are gonna know each other really well. The truth is my mom has got me in a little bus program that drops me off all over the city. But especially the strip club. I don’t have a car.
I’m really embarrassed to tell her all this. So far I’ve been really good at hiding it, I even drop my Bob the Builder lunch box off at the front desk of the club before I go in. Should I keep this fabrication going or get down on my knees and just come clean? I really don’t know what to do.
Tell her you gave it to a Vegas stripper hoe from a top Vegas club. She'll be so impressed, she'll drop on your dick right there. Let her know you'll be getting another Aston Martin, obviously, but you need to save up a bit first
last commenthttps://www.amazon.com/Origina…
^^^Just get one of these and you are not lying. You will have to go vroom vroom to make the engine noises yourself though