The number game

avatar for luvub
Some guys probably already know this, but I had to learn the hard way over the last two years.

I never ask for strippers numbers. I've come to realize though many give their number as part of their routine and to build rapport in an attempt to get you to come back. They won't ask you to come back though because they don't want their intentions to be obvious.

It's always the same script...

"Take my number. I want to go out with you some time."
"You really don't have to. I'd rather not unless you're serious."
"I'm serious!"

They're not serious. I wish they'd keep it strictly business.

I did have success twice. I see now those two situations were different. One woman lit up like no other when I tipped her on stage. "Come talk to me when I'm done!" The other asked me to get some food with her immediately after the club closed. In the cases where I foolishly suggested a real date and was ignored, all we had was good conversation in the club. Good conversation is not enough.

I wonder what the return rate is for dancers. How many guys out of 10 when exchanging numbers turn into repeats? Seems like a lot of work playing the texting game.


last comment
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
So you're going to strip clubs to try and find a girlfriend...
avatar for luvub
6 years ago
Yeah, yeah I know big mistake. I'm not interested in escorts. I'm sure some of them were open for a business relationship.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Strip clubs are business, not a girlfriend supermarket - they are there to make $$$, not find a BF (most already have a BF or guy(s) they are fucking) - their job is to make you think they like you; your job is to pretend to believe them and enjoy it for what it is.

You will only find a real GF in the real-world; not strip club bizarro-world - if you can't find a GF outside the strip club, don't expect to find one inside the strio club - if you haven't figured that out then you are in store for some big disappointments and repeating the same mistakes.

Strippers give custies their # so the custy will spend $$$ on them, not bc they are romantically interested (with rare exceptions and 9 out of 10 guys that think they are the exception are not)
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
Remember that thread about the 80 year old guy who sat at the bar and hit on every chick? Wasn't it something like 1 in 100? But 1% is better than no percent.

In the spirit of the 1%ers everywhere, keep getting those numbers.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago

You can do whatever you want luvub. Just understand that their game, that’s what the job is. To reel you in and tell you what you want to hear and the string you the fuck along. As long as you know that. If you think you can fight against that tide (And I’m as guilty as anybody) then hell to the muthafuckin yeah for you. My experiences are I’ve been burned and I’ve reaped some massive rewards that people told me couldn’t happen.

And once your hooked they are gonna string you along and it’s gonna take divine intervention to pull you out. You won’t listen to anybody and your dick will take over. Just don’t let that happen and you should be alright. That being said there is nothing wrong with asking a girl out. I don’t hold her occupation against her. Just keep your wits about you dammit.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I was agreeing with papi but I’m with you too wallanon
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"Don't hate the player, hate the game"

And learn the game if you wanna play with the players - if you are confused/perplexed why strippers are the way they are then you shouldn't be trying to date them till you understand the SC-game better.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
luvub, given that you seem to have an emotionally unhealthy outlook, I think your policy of not taking numbers is probably for the best. You're probably avoiding really, really negative experiences, by not engaging in an area of interaction in which you might be confused and vulnerable.

I get every stripper's number, as soon as I decide I'd like to return to see her. For me, it's led to nothing but great experiences, and being able to set up appointments, groom her for OTC, get a nudie pic here and there, etc., is the cornerstone of my SC fun.
avatar for prevert
6 years ago
I see I’m going to have to get a second number. A couple of girls have tried to give me theirs but I declined saying my phone is a business paid phone.

I can’t imagine declining a phone number when she might be offering more than a dance. I’m sure there’s plenty of hustlers that just want to get me back in the club, but so what? If she’s already fucked me in the club that’s a good thing right?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
A burner app or phone is smart if you're going to do this stuff.

It's okay to genuinely like the dancer you see outside the club, but almost always mushroom-cloud catastrophic to fall in love them (or even a deep like...). I know, easier said than done. But most guys only need to learn this lesson one time.
avatar for daddyfatsack
6 years ago
Don't save her she don't want to be saved
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"I’m sure there’s plenty of hustlers that just want to get me back in the club, but so what? If she’s already fucked me in the club that’s a good thing right?"

I think one of the indications that someone is NOT emotionally equipped to handle this, is that they get insulted that the reason a stripper offered a phone number, is to get them back in the club. If you want to see her again, having her get you back in the club is good. IF she sends you flirty texts and nudies to get you all fired up to see her in the club, that's good. If you want to see her again, being able to text her and make an appointment is awesome. The only way there's any downside is if you have a really unhealthy and immature outlook that results in you feeling hurt and insulted that her offer of her phone number is to trick you into thinking she likes you or whatever. That's blaming her, for your own faults. And again, for people in that situation -- given your own unhealthy issues, it's best not to take her phone number, dealing with strippers is not necessarily a good prescription for someone already grappling with problems
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I cannot understand why anyone would want a relationship with a a sex worker, but if it makes you happy, have at it.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
===> "They're not serious. I wish they'd keep it strictly business."

Only on this site do I read supposed male customers actually saying "I want her to keep it strictly business' and "I'm not looking to get my dick sucked - I just want her to rub on my covered boner." Seriously weird.'

To her it IS business, which is to entice you to keep visiting and pending. For you this is supposed to be entertainment.

If you don't want to pursue OTC, then just don't call/text her. Simple. An exchange of numbers doesn't put you on the hook for anything. if she gave it to you after meeting you once, you can bet she has handed it out to dozens of guys. It's not really a big deal.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Just calling it the numbers "game" sounds like the thinking here isn't very clear. There's no real "game" going on -- she gives you her number, you two use it to arrange to meet again, or for her to sweet talk you into coming back... or not, whatever. The only place there's a "game" is in the PL's head, if he's confused about her intentions
avatar for chowder
6 years ago
You are playing with fire if you don't keep it what it is.......a charade. If you think it is ever something else you are going to get burned financially and emotionally.

Like Muddy said it can be the highest if highs and then bam, the lowest of lows. You just have to keep your guard up and remember it is a game and she is likely better at it than you are.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
Most likely the number is provided with only business in mind and if you are OK with that, then go with it.

I like to say "all girls need love" but be realistic with yourself.

Nothing wrong with taking a stripper out for a meal (or a date) but just be aware and look for signs to not be taken advantage of.
avatar for gawker
6 years ago
I’ve had many dancers ask for my number which they then call in front of me. She’ll then ask me to create a new contact in my phone. Some give me their stage name; some a real name. Given the fact that i’m old enough to be their grandfather, there’s no confusion regarding their intentions. They’re looking for money.
There are two dancers with whom I’ve had long term “relationships”. Both have had long lasting drug addictions and I’ve been enabling their drug use by giving them money for sex. I guess that makes me a low life scumbag, but, as my ATF has said to me when I’ve raised this issue: “If not you, it’ll be someone else”.
The other one keeps denying that she has a drug problem: “I don’t have a problem, I have an addiction. What’s the problem?”
Both started off with bbbj & bbfs itc. Then here’s my number, let’s meet otc. Easy enough
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
OP....You're not into hookers but want a stripper to fuck you for money.... Okay...

Its really like with any girl, if she really likes you she'll act on it. If she's just trying to get you back in the club, you'll know.
avatar for King_Gambrinus
6 years ago
It depends on how soon you get it. Some girls give their number out to everyone. Some only to good customers after a few club visits.
avatar for Eric2100
6 years ago
The first few times dancers gave me their number, I had the same kinda reaction in my mind like "Oh, she probably thinks I'm such a mark etc. etc." when I'm fine with just coming back to the club to see her (I didn't say anything like that tho, and girls would usually add something like "It's a real number!" or "Seriously, you can text me, I'll text back.")

But now I realize how many girls build up to OTC or at least cultivate some kind of relationship with regular customers. I think if you plan to be a regular, getting the number is a good thing. Like everybody said, if you don't want to use it, just don't use it. I've ignored a fair amount of texts and calls when I wasn't going to clubs for a minute, and the girl was no less happy to hear from me/get my $$$ when I came back.

Then again, I don't have anyone looking at my phone going "Why are 5 of your last 10 texts to random women and say things like What's a Good Hotel in the Area?"
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Prank call dem hoes. Do a 3 way call with two of them and put them together to talk to each other. Dey can sell each other lap dances
avatar for Eric2100
6 years ago
^ made me lol.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
Eric2100 said “ I've ignored a fair amount of texts and calls when I wasn't going to clubs for a minute, and the girl was no less happy to hear from me/get my $$$ when I came back.”

In my mind, that’s a good measuring stick. This is a business for these ladies. I don’t see it as a lot of work to play the texting game, as you call it, if you don’t make it a game. Exchange numbers if you feel like it. Don’t if you don’t. Text or respond to texts if you feel like it. Don’t if you don’t. Neither you nor she has an obligation to one another.
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
Five numbers in the last three years
Four numbers in the last six months
Two numbers in the last two weeks

I'm turning this franchise around!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I can only assume the OP may have been looking at this thru "civilian goggles", where he naturally thought the stripper had genuine non-business interest in him and he may not be seasoned enough yet to accurately navigate strip-club bizarro-world where up-is-down and down-is-up
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
I needed to read this thread because I’ve recently been susceptible to SS with these phone numbers. One I tried to go out and do normal shit with her on a Thursday, her period came on allegedly. Text back and forth sparingly but then she called me babe in a text and that pissed me tf off! That’s classic SS. This is a Monday and I saw her at the club later that day and I couldn’t be phony. Her dancing wasn’t too good plus she sweated, a pet peeve. I told that hoe to kick rocks in an eloquent way at the bar. It’s early so it’s only a few PLs in.

That same day got myself into some more SS. Another one that’s allegedly known as the VIP queen. She’s young, biracial and unashamed about her hustle. She fucked a mentally disabled guy in a wheelchair before. So, I get dances from her to spite the aforementioned stripper. Negotiated price and the dances were good so I show the dancer my film’s trailer on my phone and then we start conversing and the SS starts pouring in. She goes on about how f’d up her life was/is from prostituting on the corners, being beat up by pimps, etc. She’s young as in 22 years old but looks mid to late 20s, drinks beer and smokes cigarettes. Anyway, she wants to bring it to life as in a series or film. I foolishly entertained it. She offered me FS for $100 and I told her I don’t wanna do that in VIP plus paying $35 for the room but I would welcome an incall at her place for the same price since she allegedly lives up my way and offered to give her a ride home and don’t have to spend $30 for her personal driver. We was suppose to go in more detail about her story and possibly bringing it to life. This is late in the afternoon like 5 and I was going to go workout anyway. Told me she’d be ready around 10. I text her at 9 and she cancels and said another time. She gave me her Instagram account and this chick instead went and hung out on South Beach with a friend girl. This is after we shook hands, SS, and I repeatedly asked is she serious. I don’t care for the SS. Now, I didn’t care she chose to hang out, she could have mentioned that earlier in the day. I texted her later that night and told her I don’t wanna work with her and recommended a colleague that’s experienced with working with women of a similar ilk.
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago

More recently another stripper wants me to take photos of her to help build her stock up so she can get into better clubs. Cool with me. Refusal of communication and these hoes are not busy. They’re purposely ignoring me but my conversation with them be strictly business and they are still on that SS. I told her how much a photo shoot is worth and that I’m doing her a favor and if she ever cancels on me again talking about her hair didn’t get done, I’m cutting her off too unless money is involved.

Lastly, one I skipped is a stripper probably would have liked. I told her to her face she isn’t what I go for but we were talking and the conversation was good and intriguing. I tipped her and got a few dances from her. She offered VIP and respectfully declined. She was adamant about getting my number, she’s not my type at all, and telling me to make sure that I hit her up. We text every now and then but a lot for stripper standards. So, we’ve been going back and forth and then she stopped. An hour goes by and thought nothing of it until I randomly go on Instagram and she’s active on there. I instantly unfollowed her and texted that I did so and why. She replies in summary that she apologizes and didn’t know one simple thing could set me off. She’s trying to call, very unstripperlike, but I couldn’t answer because I was on a call. I told her via text, you’re not the busy and you everything on the same phone so you chose to ignore me and I don’t that in my life. I admit I tried to call back once or twice to see if she’d answer but didn’t.

Saw her this past Friday and she told me I ain’t have to be in my feelings and act like I don’t see her with hurt in her voice. I didn’t even respond. When I finally got a dance one of my faves right now, cold stares.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Dlee954 you need to stop thinking of a stripclub as a girlfreind supermarket, you're gonna get burned bad.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago

If you get upset w.r.t. strippers lying and being flakes; then you don't understand stripper-world

avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
@twentyfive where did you see me advocate I was looking for a gf? GF supermarket, I show off my current gf and exes to them to humble them. It actually works.

@papi you’re right. It was wishful thinking and I knew better. I just wanted at least one to be different but if they were then they wouldn’t be strippers. Lol
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
You were sounding butthurt over random SS, and trust me on one thing showing off your GF doesn't get a second thought from them, no need to humble working girls, especially if your just having some fun, just enjoy the show and do your thing.
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
@25 I’m butthurt because I’m ashamed that I allowed myself to even entertain SS. It isn’t them. They’re being themselves, I loss sight of the game and wasn’t being myself. Went against my better judgment. First time shame on you, second time shame on me.
avatar for BigMac34
6 years ago
I would not get numbers for otc because of a bad experience , I would only get there numbers to see if there are going to dance a certain day. I got a good scare the other day a girl ask me for my number at the strip club after I got 2 vip dances to eat dinner somewhere, like an idiot I tell her, she then texts me back later and tells me to meet somewhere. I go there and out of nowhere I see cops, and I am panicking like crazy and take off, she calls me and tells me where I'm at and is all pissed off, I tell her I don't know what she thought this was and she responds all upset. Most of my friends tell me it wasn't a LE setup but do tell me that I got very lucky the police was in that area, she probably was setting me up to jump me by some thugs and leave me for dead just to steal my money from me. So I decided from that experience I will never get a girls number from a strip club to meet outside the club. I will only get a girls number if I get a lot of dances from her and to know what days she is working at the club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
You're assuming and letting your mind play tricks on you - it's not uncommon for those thoughts to occur for those that have never done OTC; you let your nerves get the better of you and assumed the worst when it was mist-likely about nothing.

OTC fears are similar to those that are scared shitless to hit Tijuana and thus bypass having a unique experience bc they don't let themselves get past their fears; even though tons of guys do it and many do it regularly.
avatar for Bamaeight
6 years ago
Numbers are very easy to get in this age with most strippers just remember it’s very easy to tell you what they want you to know in a text. If you think you have interest or she has interest get her Snapchat or instagram account this is where the true girl comes out. Most don’t hide there real selfs there. Plus you see what she looks like in every day life. You can learn a lot from social media
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Back before everyone had a cell phone, My ATF at the time bought me an answering machine so that she could leave me messages. I don't think she was buying all of her customers answering machines because she asked a strip club friend of mine what was the best brand to buy. We lived 300 miles apart and I only saw her a couple of days every month. Looking back on it, I have to believe that it was more than just getting me back into the club to spend money on her. I think she was grooming me for sugar daddy status but it never happened.
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
@bamaeight that’s what made me cut off 2 of 3 most recent chicks with their contradictory SS. They give out their IGs just to gain a follower not knowing the app gives notifications on a lot of shit like when they go live. Are randomly scrolling, you see some shit like but she said...

This thread woke me back up and I see the Matrix again. Maybe it’s in my mind but those same hoes see me and they’ll wave. The one known as VIP queen even spoke and said “hey, friend”. Classic SS. Just said hey back and continued with my business.

I do give myself credit for being unforgiving. I’m younger than most PLs here but it doesn’t matter now.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"her Snapchat or instagram account this is where the true girl comes out. Most don’t hide there real selfs there."

Bama, I agree there's advantages to having her snapchat and/or instagram, e.g., sexy pics on her story, and the illusion of impermanence makes it more likely she'll send you nudie pics (at least if it's her real IG and not a stripper "brand" IG). But don't agree her true self comes out there; IME, it's almost always a facade constructed to make it look as if her life is more glamorous and fun than it really is; the club is where she hustles you, IG is where she hustles her party friends, FaceBook is where she hustles her family and "serious" friends 🤣. But it can be interesting and fun to go along for the ride
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
All dem hoes give me their numbers. I got so many numbers it is pathetic
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Dey throw dem numbers at me. I get rained on by numbers
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
A lot of them have 2 sets of social media. One for their work life, one for their private life.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
Whenever I receive a dancer's number I try to keep it professional and I will follow her lead.

If a stripper offers her IG/FB/SC I will take it for entertainment purposes only.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
If by "entertainment purposes only", you mean "to send her dick pics", I'm right there with you
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
Every stripper who's gave me her number was so she could let me know when she was interested in meeting up, either in the club or outside for some fun.
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
Good lord, just got another one and I didn't even have to ask for it. One of the hottest gals I've ever had the pleasure of getting dances from. Unreal.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago


I have only sent DPs once at her request.

It was a civvie and she was drunk, lonely, and horny, she started by sending bikini, then, topless, and then fully nude pics.

Then she asked to send a DP which I happily obliged.

That exchange led me going to her house and showing her sometimes the camera does not make things look bigger.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
I feel less pathetic after reading this post.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
Ok one of the three in the last three weeks has turned into an actual date. That doesnt mean it won't become a cluster fuck, see the rest of this tnread. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
FFS now I had to talk a hooter's gal out of giving me her number until next time. I told her she just met me and it's a little weird. She said she's all about weird. WTF?!

This isn't humble bragging because I honestly don't know what I'm doing different, and I could get rich if I could bottle this shit. Like I said I will keep you posted but I'm not sure how applicable it is until we figure out wtf is going on.

avatar for playfulsteve
6 years ago
For me: Stripper #'s are for scheduling ITC/OTC with her in the future.
Also a side note, if you get her contact info ahead of time (like say this forum or others). depending on the dancer, you may be able build a bit of chemistry ahead of time (at least in the vein of 'what do you like' etc. If she's worth the time, she will give you 'what you like' when you do eventually meet.....

As far as trying to date a dancer. not my style, but I have a running buddy, who seems to be the stripper whisperer... He pulls dates and relationships left and right........
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
At first, with a stripper I just met, her number is just for scheduling appointments, seeing if I can pick her up a coffee on my way into the club, etc.

But, by the time she's my CF, there's nudie pics, banter, and other things she uses to entice me back to the club. This isn't something I ask for, nor is it required, but just seems to always happen organically as we get to know each other. Many times the girls are the ones initiating, so I assume it's part of the overall YMMV treatment I get as a favored regular.

I think you guys who are keeping it to strictly business, even after you're a regular, are thinking way too small. I get it if you don't WANT to text her any more than that, and don't want pics and nudie pics from her; my fun doesn't have to be your fun . But "keep texting to all business" only applies when you're a rando customer, not a regular.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

My idea of "keeping it just business" is usually just arranging meetings while complimenting her and trying to stand out from the crowd.

At first I do not send just because messages, it's about business but I will follow her lead if she wants to talk about other things.

Also, with regards to sexy pics, I am all for it but I want her to initiate it, so I do not press or even suggest.

For example, I met two girls last week I want to see again.

One is a little more flirty, so when I texted her to arrange a meet up, she said yes and texted a few exy pictures.

The other was a on the shyer side and talked more but no pictures yet.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Yeah, I don't press or suggest sexy pics either, more fun when she just sends 'em.
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