
Comments by Subraman (page 83)

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    5 years ago
    It's okay you don't have to Hustle me.
    -->"I have been texting and hanging out with this girl for almost three months now. Out of nowhere she called me just now ( never called before always text ) I just straight up asked WTF got into you Friday night? Her answer was I was buzzed and freaked out. When your here it's almost guaranteed money. Its was 10 PM and there was only four guys in the club and 14 girls. She said that last night well made up for the one slow night. So she offered to meet me today for lunch her treat to make up for such a dick move. I told her it's not lunch it her protecting her investment." Well, happy ending at least. I think it's worth working on the ability to handle these situations without the teenagery angst. She was a little hustley, tease her about it, let her work it through. BTW, now you have good intel -- you're one of her good customers, and sometimes the club is super slow. At this point, I'm usually offering her "text me when the club is super slow, that's when I most want to hang out, without the pressure of 100 other customers waiting for you", and make sure she rewards you appropriately for it. A good stripper can show a LOT of appreciation for her slow-day guy; make it clear you know youre her slow day guy.
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    5 years ago
    It's okay you don't have to Hustle me.
    Out of curiosity, speedlimt39, how was she in the club? Also super hustle-y? Did you just do the standard "talk for one song, then do a dance", or did you hang out with her for a while? I'd be surprised that a super hustley texter isn't super hustley in the club also. It occurs to me that another reason I might not ever get hustley texts, is because the girls who put up with me for 3 hours straight every single shift I'm there, are self-selecting for not being super hustlers.
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    5 years ago
    It's okay you don't have to Hustle me.
    I don't think there's any reason to be personally insulted by poorly-constructed hustle. I haven't gotten text hustle that's that transparent in years, mostly because I think the girls save that kind of hustle for customers that aren't regulars. But in any case, instead of responding with various levels of butt hurtery, I'd be responding with teasing her. A little teasing and she'll change her approach, if that's what's bothering you. It's still hustle, but it'll sound more genuine :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cashless Society - Should we mongers be concerned ?
    There is too much demand for anonymous payments for something not to rise; maybe some crypto everyone moves to eventually. Although for many of us, the anonymity requirement is not "law enforcement can never track me down, even with a warrant", but more "the stripper/escort/SB can't track me down", which is already achievable w/ cashapp
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    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Clarifying my LEO Extras post - i'm not paranoid I just have a lot to lose
    -->"Dont AMPs offer FBSM? I feel like separating the 2 is like separating McDonalds and fast food. I might misunderstand and if I do I apologize, it's not my intent." No worries. There is a huge practical difference -- although from what I understand, FBSM varies greatly by city. In my city, the two are night and day. In other cities, maybe not so much. The practical difference is: AMP = Asian Massage Parlour. Storefront massage parlour run by a madam, very often (at least in this area) ultimately run by criminal gangs. Asian girls who may or may not be trafficked. Generally low skill on the massage part, plus happy ending, or even BJ or FS, all for a price at low-end escort range. This is straight low-priced utilitarian sex. FBSM = Full Body Sensual Massage. In this area, independent girls all renting out space from whichever girl owns the apartment, or a female-headed group. They're usually in apartments. Girls can be any race, by mostly white, latinas, and Asian American women. Within the limits of what's affordable, the apartments have at least an attempt to emulate a spa atmosphere, the massage is often skilled (a good number of the girls are CMTs), many offer sensual additions such as showering before or after, bodyslides, nuru, domination, roleplay, and while usually limited to a HJ, the HJ is often very skilled and sensual. It costs much more to get a HJ at an FBSM provider, than FS at an AMP. So, in this area, in prostitution terms: AMP is like a street prostitute or low end escort. FBSM is like a courtesan. If you're a bottom trawler, like many on tuscl are, AMP's the right way to go. If you're interested in a high quality sensual massage, it's worth trying FBSM
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is a fair OTC price anyways?
    Morale won't improve until he gets better drugs
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is a fair OTC price anyways?
    Get them hooked on drugs, abuse them emotionally, and give them an occasional beating, and you'll be Icey Jr.! lol
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Clarifying my LEO Extras post - i'm not paranoid I just have a lot to lose
    AMPs are shitholes, man. Check out the local FBSM scene, if there's a good one in your area
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The number game
    If by "entertainment purposes only", you mean "to send her dick pics", I'm right there with you
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is a fair OTC price anyways?
    BTW, this whole thing with how easy-breezy strippers are with adding on dinner at a fancy place: https://www.delish.com/food-news/a28185917/study-says-33-percent-women-foodie-call/ Women who foodie call are more likely to score high in the "dark triad" of machiavellianism - narcissism - psychopathy. Describe anyone you know? All I know is, all my ATFs and most of my CFs were always thrilled to accept an unpaid lunch & drinks before their shift, or dinner & drinks after... science!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is a fair OTC price anyways?
    Papi, I have no about people who are using non Subra methodologies, but you're absolutely right about my M.O. I'm already a regular or at least seen her a few times and she knows I'm a regular at the club, I hit the dead slow dayshifts where even my modest remuneration gets her triple what her colleagues earn over that timeperiod, etc.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is a fair OTC price anyways?
    Wildman, my view and experiences are fundamentally different than yours. IME, when it comes to strippers, whether it's just a hotel sexing for an hour, or she spends all night, there's often little difference in price. Hell, sometimes the "hotel sexing for an hour" girl quotes the highest prices -- those types of girls are high volume professionals who sometimes charge a lot. By contrast, the unprofessional occasional-OTC girl who parties with me first and even crashes, doesn't even think in terms of by-the-hour or ala carte pricing. That is literally one of the biggest advantages of OTCing, IMO. Perhaps we're having different experiences because you accept the "just sex costs more than date night" right from the beginning, and explicitly approach the proposal and negotiation with that in mind? I never do. "Will you see me OTC? Yes? Awesome! $300? Oh, $350? Deal. ... Oh, let's hit dinner in Hayes Valley and do some barhopping first, cool? Cool!" Any stripper who is not a high volume escort-like girl, just wants her price. I don't ask her to charge me more because we're going to dinner and drinks first, I just throw that in after we're done. We'll drink, go back to the room, have sex, and if she's too drunk to go home she'll crash all night; that's still the $350 we agreed upon. I'll probably tip her for extraordinary service.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Brandi Love
    -->"Lastly, no woman should be worth more than $150 but a lot of y’all are fucking up the game." Hey, we get it, bottom trawlers need love too!
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    5 years ago
    Brandi Love
    I tend not to get too attached to many porn stars, but I realize that once you develop that infatuation it can be crazy. However, I just looked up Brandi Love and the notion of paying $1800 for that seems beyond insane. Even if I were infatuated, it's hard to imagine paying $1800 and not leaving disappointed in some way. She looks good for a 46-year-old, at least with professional makeup and photography, but I can't believe even your infatuation will hold up for $1800
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    CDB oil without THC
    shadow: consider the stuff with THC. My buddy says it works better, and does not get him high
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    CDB oil without THC
    I spoke to my buddy. He says the CBD oil, even without THC, makes a clear noticeable different in his sciatica. The CBD oil with THC works a bit better. I forgot to ask him, but I think the CBD oil w/o THC might have been a pill (does this make sense?) and the CBD oil with THC is topical (I am sure of this last part -- it's CBD oil with THC, topical, does not get him high). Obviously, this could all be the placebo effect, I haven't done any research and have no opinion on whether it really works physiologically or not. Just know it's helping my buddy
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fake Tits
    -->"don't really bother to nitpick the finer details about a stripper like whether or not she has fake tits." SirLap, I think it's more than that... it's not just that they're not nitpicking, I think they prefer giant tits, fake or not. A regular guy who goes to the SC on his one boys night out per year, in "titties woooo!" mode, is often particularly looking to indulge in big fake tits
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    5 years ago
    Fake Tits
    It's funny, on every strip club forum I've ever been on, starting in the days of usenet, most guys swear they dislike fake boobs. And meanwhile, all strippers say fake boobs increase their $$$. So either we're all lying, or more likely, this is another area where guys who participate on strip club forums aren't representative of SCers overall. I don't care a huge amount about tits either way. I prefer slim bodies and in-proportion tits, which means fake tits almost always make a girl a little less attractive to me, as they almost always take a slim body out of proportion. But really don't care that much regardless; nice ass, nice face, nice legs, nice midriff, fun personality, sign me up regardless of whether she's an a-cup or clown boobs
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Ever Been Approached By a Newbie as a Newbie?
    -->"but I get that type of question fairly often." We all get that type of question often. My sense is it's partially just obvious smalltalk -- we're two people separated by decades in age, the club is one of the few things we have in common. And, it's partially sales qualification -- just like PLs can use the fact that a stripper is new to try to manipulate her, strippers use the fact that a PL is new to target her hustle towards him. I typically just tell the truth, even when I'm new to a place. I'm a pretty hardened PL who knows what he wants out of my SC trip, and isn't going to get manipulated by lines or newbie hustle, and in addition I've always done my research on a new club so I know what dances cost, so I'm not scared of getting newbie lines or quoted dances at a higher price -- if she does that, it lets me know to dismiss her immediately before I have to put in more time. Hell, first time in a club, I ALWAYS take the stripper up on an offer for a club tour. I realize, of course, that this is a manipulation and sales tactic on the stripper's part. But this isn't my first rodeo, I don't get pressure-hustled into buying anything... and the tour of where all the booths are and their costs is appreciated. And if she turns out to be a cool chick, I'll invite her to sit and have some drinks, and might end up getting dances with her later on
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Local Hick
    Drunk Dancers, Good & Bad Experiences
    I've had some pretty horrible times with very drunk dancers. Whatever poor judgement guys imagine strippers will have when they're drunk, well, a drunk dancer IMO is more likely to be belligerent, short-fused, dramatic, and may well tighten her limits. Buzzed dancers, on the other hand, are more fun, outgoing, and if they were already inclined to give you YMMV, your mileage may well increase vs a sober dancer. Always fun to get them in this zone.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    Forget saying no to your favorite stripper. Some of you should be saying no to your Post Your Comment button 🤣🤣🤣
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Ever Been Approached By a Newbie as a Newbie?
    "Stripper shit" translation: I am paying a stripper to pretend to be attracted to me while she touches me, and get my feelings hurt whenever I realize she's just pretending to be attracted to me. Which I'm paying for.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Ever Been Approached By a Newbie as a Newbie?
    -->"Have you tried yelling at her that you don’t need to go to a strip club and you can get laid anytime you want?" He's not trying to make her fall in love and ask to become his girlfriend. Because that's what this tactic can lead to