
Comments by Subraman (page 79)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    Justin: in short, SA girls who are actually trying to be SBs are looking for an arrangement, not a single transaction, and unless it's discussed otherwise, the more naive girls assume that male profiles on the site are doing the same thing. Perhaps another way to say this: If Warrior stated up front that he's not at all interested in being an SD or in an arrangement, it's likely some or all of the girls would have passed. AMP, stripper ITC, stripper OTC, and escorts are not under any assumption that they're about to enter an arrangement. There's no hierarchy or whores -- just different business models and expectations. That doesn't release the women of their ultimate responsibility to protect themselves and vet their SDs. But it does mean he's taken advantage of the assumptions of a naive young woman, to pump & dump them -- an act that does leave them with bad feelings. None of the things the women did -- messaging him first, checking FWB on the interest list -- indicate an interest in being P&Ded, just that they want a particular type of arrangement.
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    5 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    Cellphoneless Date
    To me, the cell phone is an indispensable safety tool, and I'm not going to be without it. But, just like I've brought my entire wallet to the strip club, for decades, and never went full retard and spent more than I intended... on a date, my phone stays in my pocket until my date or I go to the bathroom, then a surreptitious check
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    I'm blessed, or cursed, with still enjoying my time with younger strippers and SBs. I prefer the maturity of the 23-30 set, but have no trouble having a fun time with a 21-year-old.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    I don't personally think there's any ethical superiority in seeing escorts vs stripper OTC vs an arrangement. Just different ways to have sex with young women, all of whom are expecting to interact in completely different ways. "Mentoring" isn't the main point of arrangements, it's a little side benefit if it happens at all
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    To give my view of the ethics, as shakey and hypocritical as they are :) Every woman on SA is over 18, an adult, and in the end, responsible for her actions. But in many cases, we're talking about a 19-year-old girl, who has never been part of the sex industry, doesn't come from a background where she's ever dealt with manipulative people, is hurting for $, has a vision in her head that everyone on the site is looking for an arrangement (minus the obvious scammers), and is already intimidated by much older, successful men. It is not hard to manipulate or exploit them. For a PL who can get what he wants from hardened strippers, exploiting SA is candy from a baby. The majority of actual girls are looking for an ongoing arrangement, even if the dynamics are more NSA or FWB. In general, but particularly if they are younger or newer, they think "we're all looking for an arrangement" is the context. They are adults, and it is their responsibility to properly vet the prospective "SDs" on the site as to whether it's really the case he is after an arrangement vs a one-nighter; unfortunately, many don't realize that, and some who do realize it are a bit intimidated. But when a guy comes in and exploits this belief, all you need to do is read an arrangement forum to know that the girls frequently discuss "pump and dump", and it can be pretty hurtful. But as Random says, some 20-year-old college girl probably is not super eager to get fucked in the ass by some guy a few decades older, who doesn't necessarily have any intention of starting an arrangement with her. Anyway, the girls should be vetting their potential SDs better, and they ARE adults. But if I wanted to go pump&dump a bunch of them, it's not difficult to fool them into thinking I'm really after an arrangement -- I just think it's wrong and I don't do it, **if** you're being deceitful about it. If a guy is being up front that he has no interest in being an SD, and just playing the field, then that's great if he finds women that are down. Anyway, that's where I am. Also, denial is a river in Egypt
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    -->"When you go on an OTC date with a stripper, there is a certain detachment that stripper has. Sure she acts like your girlfriend when she is with you. But after the deed, the professional stripper completely forgets about you once you part ways. Sugar babes are wired differently. They all seem to want to develop a relationship. They want a long term arrangement." Yeah, that's exactly why I came to the conclusion that I've really been treating my ATFs as SBs all along. I tend to do my OTCs with a single ATF, and basically it always ends up more arrangement-y -- I've never had a detached, "go our separate ways and not talk to each other until next time" OTC relationship with my ATFs. When I started on SA and started doing arrangements -- well, arrangements were pretty much what I was doing with my ATFs already.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    -->"How do we know they are true SBs and not hoes that used to advertise on Backpage?" There's lots of escorts on SA. The answer is, if you follow Warrior's process (or what I'm guessing his process is), you don't know. Although I don't think someone who is using SA that way should care -- Warrior (like a number of others) is basically using SA as a backpage replacement for quick scores. And arguably, for the ones who are "true SBs", taking advantage of the fact that they're hoping he's a "True SD". If what you want is an arrangement, rather than backpage replacement, then you'd follow a different process than what Warrior is likely doing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Might as well post in discussions
    heh, that's funny Cristobal! txgolfer, you have 54 reviews, so probably a bunch of interesting views on some of the fascinating topics Cristobal brought up. I'm definitely up for another round of "which reviews to approve" :) Or if you come up with a new topic, I will personally send $1 to your gofundme
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Forum sure has been nice to read for the past week....
    Is SJG gone also?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Stripclubs are an ineficient wast of time
    Troll Olympics judge from Iceland scores this a 3.2
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    -->"I'd say $500 is a good deal on the condition that you'll be paying less for the same thing the next time it happens." In all honesty, this is a thought I had as well. Even in the most expensive area in the country, I'm not paying $500 for OTCs. But that's because I don't negotiate overnights or even time -- initial negotiation is just for a vague OTC, we get to a number we're happy with (say $350), and then I spring dinner and drinks on her... and if she decides to spend overnight with me, hey, that's great. But once we have our number, that's the price If you're negotiating for a loooong date plus overnight from the beginning, $500 is totally reasonable. My only concern is, now $500 is the price, in her mind. If the next OTC is 5 hours, will she still expect $500?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    PL’s with SO’s how do you keep it on the DL...
    -->"My phone has fewer security settings set on it than my much less tech-savvy SO. I have a ton of work contacts such that dancers' names just kind of fade into the din. I work with people from all over; different area codes don't trip anyone's trigger. And so on." I did the same for contacts. They all got names I could recognize -- I "civilianized" their first names and gave a last name that meant something for me. E.g., Porsche from Gold Club might become Paula d'Oro. In my mixed business-and-personal contact list, several hundred people long, this contact became buried. I also had with my ex- the general protocol that we both had security on our phones, and generally didn't touch each others' phones without permission. The security made sense -- we both had financial apps on our phones. And not touching each others' phones without permission is a basic respect thing for me; similarly to how I don't go messing with her purse without permission
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    georgemicrodong update
    sorry for your loss gmd, glad to see you're back (maybe)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    18 hours for a first OTC? You've got moxie, son! $500 is completely reasonable if there's sex. I'd pay $0 if there's no sex.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    PL’s with SO’s how do you keep it on the DL...
    Decline: I use Enpass on my phone, as my password vault. There's a mode where it automatically fills in passwords for websites or apps, but you have to re-authenticate with Enpass using your fingerprint each time. So, if you use this: - Since the browser is in incognito, no one can see tuscl in your history - Since the password is stored in Enpass, no one can tell there's an auto login for tuscl... - ... unless they happen to type tuscl.net into your browser, in which case a little enpass window will pop up, and if you touch the fingerprint sensor, it will fill out the login information. Since SO doesn't have your fingerprint, she won't be able to see if the credentials work. Hell, there's a 99% chance she has no idea that the little Enpass window means there's autofill information available I think the risk of doing it this way is extra low. No one's SO knows about, or is going to randomly type, tuscl.net into the browser. Paul's Samsung secure folder mode is probably the single best solution. On my google Pixel (though I think it may be a standard android option) I think adding another user and doing all your sexy browsing there is a fine idea. Most SOs won't even know a second account is possible to set up on your phone, much less know how to switch over to it
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    PL’s with SO’s how do you keep it on the DL...
    Yep, google voice for texting, with notifications turned off. I haven't done it, but there are "app locker" apps, that force you to use your fingerprint to unlock certain apps. alternatively, On android phones, there are multiple users, and you presumably you could transition to the other user to go on your browser.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Strippers aren't sex workers?
    1. It's sex work, whether or not she touches your genitals. Phone sex operators and camgirls are sex workers, too. These are uncontroversial statements outside a few strippers in heavy denial. 2. Geez, what kind of conversations are some of you guys having with these girls? First the guy demanding to know where his stripper's vanilla job is (trying to catch her in a lie), then a topic like this that's bound to annoy her? You guys need better stripper conversations, meng!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stage Names
    Mitchell Brothers strippers always have first and last names. My fave name ever: Robyn Banks
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Do you CARE about strippers who DO NOT TRUST YOU?
    -->"The members here obviously like to consider their responses for a while before just jumping in with posts." I for one am shocked that a bunch of retards who can't ID a troll post, would make ill-considered responses
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is it possible........
    If they ran Hillary again she would likely crush Trump, now that people see what a Trump presidency is like. Similarly, as long as too much goofiness doesn't come out about Biden, he at least beats Trump. If the democrats put up a progressive, they might lose, though. And it's looking like there's a fair chance they'll do so
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stage Names
    I had a CF for a while who went by Gogo. She was awesome, but I felt ridiculous calling her by that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stage Names
    I very strongly prefer mainstream names. I visit mid-level and mainstream clubs Names do have an effect, even if subconsciously, on how you view someone. As my best SC wingman points out, I tend to prefer strippers who come off a bit more princessy (vs ghetto, or ho-ish, or hustle-y, or GPSy, or nymph-y), and the whole effect is a little tougher if I'm calling her Bambi
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Aesthetically, what type of girl do you go for?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    To the Owners of the HiLiter in Phoenix.....
    -->"Does anyone know what they do with the data they collect? I'm curious, like does it get deleted eventually or do they record it forever?" Anything they tell you will be a lie, so we have no way of knowing for sure, just guessing. I'd guess it eventually gets deleted (except any image that's moved to the banned table), since it's a strip club, they're not going to spend a ton on infrastructure
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Aesthetically, what type of girl do you go for?
    -->"One more thing if you have older white customers and you have the ability to pick music to dance too. Go classic rock." I dunno Muddy, I find classic rock hard to dance to in a super sexy way. A young woman should be dancing to something hip, not dancing to music from the 70s, at least for me