
Strippers aren't sex workers?

If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
Monday, July 22, 2019 3:13 PM
One of the dancers doesn't think she's a sex worker and then asked if I want to give her money while she rubs her half naked body along my crotch. SMH


  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I would say the link depends on your personal definition AND what exactly does that stripper do. There are some strippers that simply dance on stage, no touching and no personal dances. I'm thinking I would not describe her as a sex worker. Now that girl is not going to make much money, but ..........
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    There is fortune for her to be made in the organization I am building ... but yeah, stripper doesn’t automatically make one a sex worker IMO. If money is exchanged for any direct contact with the genitalia then she’s a sex worker.
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    I am glad she has a job! I agree with JAp!
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    Under JAPrufrock's definition, my CF is a sex worker and I am a pathetic loser. And I don't mind either label.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    1. It used to be most dancers rejected that label. The concensus seems to embrace it now, even for the non extras dancers. And camgirls. But there a few exceptions. 2. Not all dancers hang out online and get caught up in those terms or have even thought about what they mean. 3. Are you *sure* she was rejecting the label...or just rejecting the idea of you trying to push the floor dances to a ridiculous level? Which if she did end up allowing you to do, then you would have rewarded her by posting a link to her social media so you can brag like a jackass. 4. What is the purpose of having a conversation like that anyways? It’s a freaking strip club, and meant to be a fun environment. So talk about fun things. (Alternatively...purchase a champagne room so at least you’re not wasting her time when you’re trying to talk her ear off and pontificating irrelevant shit)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    It's not sex work it's slut work 😄
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Who cares? Hell, I go to 1. Have drinks and FUN banter 2. Relax while watching my favorite visual stimuli... pretty women .... naked. 3. Enjoy any and all EXTRA service provided 4. Enjoy the atmosphere even if no extras are provided. Call it Sex Work, Artistic Expression Work, Customer Service, Exotic Entertainer, Marketing Executive or whatever you want. But whatever they call it, just make sure you have FUN DOING IT.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    1. It's sex work, whether or not she touches your genitals. Phone sex operators and camgirls are sex workers, too. These are uncontroversial statements outside a few strippers in heavy denial. 2. Geez, what kind of conversations are some of you guys having with these girls? First the guy demanding to know where his stripper's vanilla job is (trying to catch her in a lie), then a topic like this that's bound to annoy her? You guys need better stripper conversations, meng!
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    >"2. Geez, what kind of conversations are some of you guys having with these girls?" If we knew how to talk to girls, we wouldn't have to go to strip clubs.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    Liwet, Get with the program! We are living in the 21st century now! Cripples are “mobility challenged.” Fat women are “plus sized.” Retards are “special needs” citizens. Sex workers are “desploogination service professionals.” What’s wrong with you?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I agree with the folks that wonder what the hell kinds of conversations are you having that something like this would come up SMH
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    I feel like an amateur. You guys are asking deep philosophical questions and I’m still in “can I fuck you in the ass” mode.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    —>“I feel like an amateur. You guys are asking deep philosophical questions and I’m still in “can I fuck you in the ass” mode.” It’s all good, prevert. There is nothing deep and philosophical being discussed. Liwet is acting as if he is just being intelligent and socially awkward. When in fact he is going out of his way to be antagonistic to dancers. He even got banned from the palomino for this behavior. If you were to start expounding about your anal sex fantasies, it would improve the quality of this thread greatly.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    —>@spicy: “It’s a freaking strip club, and meant to be a fun environment. So talk about fun things.” Exactly. Clubs are fun. Debating labels in a club is un-fun. Don’t make your dancer mad, make her laugh.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    @Decline 😁
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    Well nicespice it’s not exactly a fantasy. I found a young lady a week or so ago who actually likes butt stuff. Or she’s a great actress. I’m usually attracted to the younger big boobed bimbo type and this one is older, with small boobs, but in good shape for two kids. The fact that she actually likes a good hard rogering makes up for a lot though. lol
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    For the most part, I'd refer to them as sex workers. Particularly in the "dirtier" cities. I'd never talk about this with a dancer.
  • 623
    5 years ago
    First off, trying to catch them in a lie is as easy as getting them to talk. They are the only group I know that lies more than the current president. I take that back, they are probably tied for the title. Second, anyone who works in the sex industry is, by definition, a sex worker. Regardless of their opinion or claim that they are not. And there is no doubt that strip clubs are squarely in the sex industry.
  • Cowboy12
    5 years ago
    My CF considers dancing to be sex work, she actually brought up the subject and we had an interesting discussion about how society has such a ridiculous taboo attitude about strip clubs. For example, around my local club there is no advertising for any of the clubs. But, in south FL you see billboards all over advertising the clubs.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    I just posted this story in LDK's thread, but I would bet this guy throwing the money down that got ignored was Liwet... Example, I was at a club not too long ago and I sat at a stage where there was a good looking dancer and one other guy at the rail. The guy was dressed in a suit and tie and looked like a 30's business man. The dancer was over talking with him and I noticed he had two $20 bills on the tip rail. I thought she would probably not come over and talk to me but to my surprise she did. Up close I realized she was even better looking, easily a 9+ and the hottest dancer in the club at that time. She was very sweet to me and kept talking to me even past when she was supposed to exit the stage. Every time she was on stage I would go see her and Mr Suit would show up also and throw down another $40. I would throw down $2 and she would come talk to me first for almost an entire song while talking shit to me about him, as well as other things. Then she wold go take his $40 and talk to him for about 20 or 30 seconds then come back over and talk to me. She told me he kept telling her how much money she would make if she just talked to him only. I guess some guys are not worth it to deal with at any price.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Attitude means a lot. For both dancers and customers.
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