
Comments by Subraman (page 65)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    -->"k. The first realization was that I have no one with whom I can share everything so anonymous whores had to do." I am lucky enough to have a group of friends and acquaintances (friends of friends) that I SC with, some of whom also do thinks like escorts, etc. Really nice to have that -- that and here are where I can share stories, and as we discussed, you can't share the most unbelievable stories here
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    -->"But I am a 40 plus year “real-life” monger, not some once in a while hobbiest, so I have more stories than brain cells left and most of them would never be published in Penthouse because despite being true, they are so outlandish." I am 100% with you. I do think it's like OP is a troll, but putting that aside to discuss something more interesting: knowing what to share (and building the credibility that you can share it) is a skill to develop. Hell, after years here, I recently re-shared that I've had a couple of ATFs turn into FWB (that is, uncompensated sex), to which there was the predictable response from one of our more bitchieer members "I wonder why you even bother to pay", as if it's so crazy that in several decades of SCing this is something unbelievable. And that is absolutely tame compared to other stories I can tell... this just isn't the place to share them
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    7 levels of clubbing
    Every internet SC forum I've ever been on skewed heavily towards 5 (ITC). This is the first forum where so many guys are enthusiastic about 4 (LDK). This is the first forum where there's so much discussion of 6 (OTC), also. In fact, even in a forum full of PL extras hounds, guys were surprised when I start bringing up OTC, ask all kinds of questions about whether I get kicked out, etc.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Vegas first timer
    As with everywhere else, the insiders will have things wired up in a way casual visitors don't. But my impression as a casual visitor PL to Vegas: - Vegas is my least favorite place to club -- I only do it with my buddies, as basically a "wooo! Vegas!" male bonding thing. Set your expectations very low, and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised. The hustle level at places like SR and Sapphire are insane. Even the club is hustling to an insane extent -- if you go to the ATM, expect 15% (not $15 -- 15%) surcharge on whatever you withdraw. This basically sets the tone for the entire experience, the ATM machine is going to rape you and it's the least shark-ish in the club. - That said, if money is TRULY no object, you can get OTC with an incredibly beautiful stripper for $1000 for sure. But just beware, there's a high percentage chance she's trying to hustle or otherwise rip you off -- be smart about when you pay her. - As with everywhere else, day shift will be way more mellow, with lower quality shifts, but lower hustle, lower-priced OTC available, etc. - Palomino is probably my fave club. Nudity + alcohol is a unique experience for me, and is downright intoxicating. Love it. - Spearmint Rhino and Sapphire have the hottest girls -- it is mind-numbing how hot -- but the most hustle. I haven't been to CH3 for a while, but when I last went, it was more to my taste -- a bit lower quality but concurrent lower hustle too. A good compromise if you're set on going to a club like this.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    One PL's 3 is another PL's 8. But is a 10 always a 10?
    Yep, I always wonder -- that 6 he fucked for $150 while I spent weeks chasing a 9 and spending who knows who much. Is he really enjoying fucking that 6 as much as I enjoy fucking that 9? If so, fuck him and fuck you :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    7 levels of clubbing
    #4, LDK, doesn't interest me at all and I've never done it. #7 is a bit cringy. "Long term relationship" makes it almost sound like romantic love. My #7 is arrangement... as I've said here before, once I got my first SB on SA I realized I've been treating my ATFs like SBs all along. Yes, it's long-term, but a bit more constrained. Finding a stripper who I like enough -- and who hits it out of the park consistently enough -- to reach #7 is always my goal
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    BDSM or Femdom.
    -->" I did not know that they generally do not complete the acts." That's pro dommes only. Go get your domination from a stripper, escort, FBSM girl, or SB, and they'll complete whatever act they signed up for. Waaaaaaay better.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    One PL's 3 is another PL's 8. But is a 10 always a 10?
    -->"I’m a 10 kind of guy. If the gal is fun to hang out with, has tits, has pussy, loves to fuck and suck.... 10 in my book. I’m lucky in that most women are fucking beautiful to me." One of my best buddies is like that, Nidan! I never know whether to be horrified at some of the women he's fucked, or to envy him. Maybe a little of both.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    BDSM or Femdom.
    Very easy to find domination at the SC. Most of the girls are submissive but there's dominant ones around. You probably won't be penis pumped in the club though, and let's face facts, if she wants 9 inches of monster meat from you, she's going to have to get you hard three times. But otherwise, not far fetched at all :) :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Some are More Dangerous Than Others
    -->" The ones who can sit and listen to your empty, self-centered soliloquies without yawning, pretending to be enthralled with everything you have to say no matter how arcane and to respond with intelligent comments and questions. " Ironically, this is my huge turn-off. "Good listener" is one of the most useless qualities, to me. My weakness is a stripper who is as fully involved in the conversation as me, we're swapping stories or jokes or talking shit and cracking up. Holy shit am I ever uninterested in her sitting there listening drone on about myself. Still, I understand this is just a rhetorical device for you, but it snaps me right out of fantasyland. On the other hand: -->"she had me considering becoming her Sugar Daddy. " EXACTLY what I look for in an ATF. That seals the deal
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    What is your breaking point to bail on ITC/OTC and just hire a pro?
    -->"Haven’t tried the SB/SA thing — it seems like all of the contacts that get sent to me are total bs" ld, what do you mean about "contacts" (SB profiles?) being "sent" to you? What site are you on? On SA, you just run a search and pick out who you want. SBs will message you, too, but many of those are scammers
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    What is your breaking point to bail on ITC/OTC and just hire a pro?
    Ya, totally understand. And you're making exactly the right choice -- many SBs complain like hell if all their SD wants is a cursory dinner, a quick bang, then go home. Although as I keep saying, Seeking has become a catch all for all areas of the sex industry, so very very easy to "NSA" girls on it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    What is your breaking point to bail on ITC/OTC and just hire a pro?
    -->"Personally, I love the ITC for the excitement of not knowing what is about to happen. The anticipation of a bouncer busting in" I kind of enjoyed that too, although in SF, it was always the **illusion** of the bouncer or whomever busting in. In reality, no one was going to bust in anywhere -- there's no law enforcement interest in sexual activity in non-alcohol clubs (there's no law enforcement interest in sexual activity in alcohol-serving clubs either, but there IS interest by the alcoholic beverage commission, which is worse). So, the excitement of getting busy with nothing but a thin curtain separating you from the club, I kinda like it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What are the 3 unwritten rules of strip clubbing?
    Fixed my 3 unwritten rules
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What are the 3 unwritten rules of strip clubbing?
    1. Don't be an asshole 2. Don't be a little bitch 3. If you don't tell someone, it didn't happen. Your tuscl frenemies, your buddies (as if tuscl guys have buddies), your 3-love-hole Blow-Up Barbie, your raid team on Fortnite, whatever
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What are the 3 unwritten rules of strip clubbing?
    good point localhick. Frankly, I think it's more "if you don't tell SOMEBODY about it, it didn't happen!". Somebody could be your buddies, your tuscl compadres, whoevs
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What are the 3 unwritten rules of strip clubbing?
    1. Don't be an asshole 2. Don't be a little bitch 3. Join Subraman's dick pic group
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Privacy and Photos
    I KNOW you guys are looking forward to Flaccid Fridays
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Privacy and Photos
    ->"I just joined subs group LOL" Juice is in tha group, it's a dick pic party!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Privacy and Photos
    Founder: I'm adding 25 back into my group
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Privacy and Photos
    I'd like a mechanism by which I can send dick pics, preferably one big broadcast to a whole group of people. Make sure there's a filter like "All dudes" I can check, so I can be assured of reaching my intended audience
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Privacy, Discussions and Profiles
    While they don't have a lot of traffic, the VIP and Verified areas sometimes have some really good topics. To me, anything that counterbalances the tendency of the Front Room to drive newbies away from the site (or at least, driving them away from contributing to the forums) is a good thing. For that reason, I think it's a good idea to leave the topics visible, even if everything else (author, etc) is cut out. The topics are not giving any sensitive info away are they?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    What is your breaking point to bail on ITC/OTC and just hire a pro?
    I didn't have a "breaking point" in pursuing sugaring, per se. Well, maybe a bit -- the SC scene has been on the decline here for many years, and the abject disaster that is the employee transition really brings that home (although to be fair, I started sugaring a few years before the employee transition. I suppose if the SC scene stayed like it was in 2002, or even 2010, I might never have branched out, but as things got more difficult -- hey, why not try meeting gorgeous girls some other way? Along the way, I figured out that I've had a more sugaring model for all my ATFs all these years... or perhaps that's bass ackwards, I label a stripper "ATF" if we transitioned to this OTC-based, sugar-like model
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    What is your breaking point to bail on ITC/OTC and just hire a pro?
    Rick: the sugar norms have evolved over the past few years -- it used to be "if you're not getting a monthly allowance, you're not a sugarbaby". Today, "pay per meet" is standard for nearly all arrangements, at least during the first few months; sometimes there's a transition to traditional periodic allowance, but it's very common that it stays pay per meet forever. The difference from escorting, of course, is that even with pay per meet, it's a single payment for the date, whether it lasts 2 hours or overnight, and also no separate pricing for different sexual acts. Which makes it more like OTC for me. What separates out sugar from both OTC and escorts is, IME, you're often dealing with a woman who would not otherwise be a sexworker if not for sugaring, you get young woman who would never escort or strip but who are fine with a single SD with an arrangement that includes some level of emotional intimacy
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stumbled into OTC
    Confirmed, the strippers love when I let it slip that I'm looking for a SB (I don't ever tell them I HAVE one, that doesn't do them any good). Many many strippers are either on SA, or have tried it at some point, or are thinking about it. Many of them will eventually drop off when they realize landing a rich SD takes time, patience, and work. But they love the idea of an SD