Privacy, Discussions and Profiles
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
I've been mulling over hiding profiles and discussion topics (VIP, Verified, Dancers) from non-members and googlebot search spider. I had all the code ready to go, but did not implement it with this new version of the site.
Tell me your thoughts.
Tell me your thoughts.
Always leave 'em wanting more!
I will touch up the discussion boards later today
LACK OF PRIVACY.....Sorry, but one thing I don't like is that anyone can click on my nickname and see my photos and view my club "review history" even if they can't see the whole review. People that know me, that I would RATHER NOT KNOW I am active on this site, could easily attach me to my alias / nickname. Based on this lack of anonymity I may be deleting my account and just pay for VIP access with a new nickname.
ALSO..... if I click on my alias and "reviews" and click on one of my reviews WITHOUT logging in.... the first time it shows me the whole review..... if I back up and click on another one it says I need to be a VIP. Sigh...
oh, can we increase the file size limit for avatars to say.... 3 or 5Mb.....😜😜
Knock(ers) yourself out.
Also, I like having the specific club discussions on the main page as it gives me a chance to get a viewpoint on clubs I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed. The only downside is the unmoderated forum suddenly shedding light on those dumbasses posting dancer names, menus and rating blowjobs.
The verified board provides a place where verified dancers and customers can mingle with a fair degree of confidence that the others are real and not simply multi-account trolls or even LE. It may not be very active now, but it hasn't been that long either and founder just made additional changes to the site to further encourage dancers to market themselves here. It will need time to grow organically.
As it does grow, I suspect he will eventually need tighten up the verification standards, so you might want to get in while it's easy to do so.
Thanks founder for added privacy since I would have voted 'yes' to OP.
Likely I am just blind or lazy, but where does one go to message a TUSCler or see if they have responded to a message? I assume "Conversations(0)" will uptick if a new message comes in.
TUSCL has change so much in my nearly 20 years here, I can't even remember how it was in the beginning. Each change just takes time getting used to it. This one was quite drastic. Will take more time, but will work my way around it. I really like the separation of "powers".
Also, for club reviews, is it possible to list them like the discussion section, instead of having to click each review to read. It is much easier to scroll through back to back reviews for a club than ahving to click each and every review for the club.