
Comments by Subraman (page 66)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    Waffle, across a few SD forums I've read, SDs have a very negative view of strippers as SBs -- tales of emotional rollercoasters, epic level flakiness, and most especially feeling like they're getting hustled constantly (vs the SB experience). This is exactly what PLs say also, but PLs are equipped to deal with both the ups and downs of stereotypical strippers, but SDs absolutely won't tolerate it. I definitely wouldn't lie -- nothing good will come of that when you're eventually caught. But don't advertise it, and don't admit it super soon. Of course those are SDs who write on sugar forums; they might be as different from your average SD, as tuscl PLs are from your random SC customer
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Acknowledging Founder
    If founder were sitting in front of me, I'd definitely give him a reacharound to thank him for his hard work.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    One PL's 3 is another PL's 8. But is a 10 always a 10?
    Science, bitches!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    One PL's 3 is another PL's 8. But is a 10 always a 10?
    The internet has proven via science that you, as an individual, are stupid, but that the crowd is brilliant. That's why I think you need to go with a crowdsourced beauty scale... which requires that you be OTC to see the crowd's reactions to her, but that's okay, if she won't go OTC with you, what good is she anyway? Ratings: Don't care: roughly anything under a 7 Head turner: She **consistently** turns heads. Probably 7.5-8.5ish Wave of head turns: if you take her into a crowded bar, you can see a wave of head turns, men re-orienting their bodies to look at her, as she walks through. Probably 8.5-9.4ish (right up to the Dushku limit) Whoa!!!: She's so hot that you consistently see guys grabbing their buddies to turn them towards her, you can hear them mumble "whoa!!", guys stop and say things to you as you walk by with her. This is Dushku limit level chick -- 9.5 and up. Impossibly hot. As the Dushku Limit implies, not clear to me that it's meaningful to talk about relative hotness in this range
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Top Clubs for PLs VS. Top Clubs for Dancers / Is there a correlation ?
    I think there might be occasional "exception that proves the rule" clubs, but for the most part, I'd expect the two lists to be mutually exclusive. Strippers tend to like low to medium contact clubs with high prices. The majority of PLs(at least those motivated enough to be on a strip club forum) want extras, which right off the bat most strippers (at least those motivated enough to be on a strip club forum) hate. I definitely can think of some crossovers (Paul, do Mons and Baby Dolls have extras available?), my favorite club of all time would have solidly made both lists, but mostly separate.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Ways of Getting Busted by SO
    -->"2009. Stupid fucking Nextel that somehow called the last number dialed if you pressed a button on the top of the closed flip phone, which is exactly what accidentally happened while fishing singles out of my pocket." I vaguely remember from the early 00s for about 10 years or so, phones were designed so it was incredibly easy to accidentally call out or answer an incoming call -- would have been a disaster for me. For some reason, this only ever happened at the strip club -- maybe the fact that the phone was in my jacket pocket, and often my jacket was getting moved around, it made it more likely? After a couple of accidental "pocket dials" and pocket-call-pickups (that did not get me in trouble), I started turning my phone off completely at the club. Then one day I look at my phone after I get out of the club, and it was on! The phones were designed so you could hit that power button easily, and of course from there, easily accidentally hit the button to answer when someone was calling in. I took even more drastic action after that.
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    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Ways of Getting Busted by SO
    Crazy to get caught via perfume. I always brought a change of clothes, and usually tried to stop off at the gym to shower before changing, or even just head to a restroom and soap up my arms and neck. Worst case, I had some wet-wipes to wipe myself down. Typically the change of clothes gets rid of most of the smell -- fabric can hold onto perfume for days or weeks -- and a shower with soap or just soaping up arms and neck gets rid of the rest. I never got caught any other way either, but I also managed the finances completely and she never looked so wouldn't see any patterns anyway.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    gawker: yeah, par for the course. To really be clear: SA is a fucking mess. Go read any of the forums, and you'll find an boatload of complaints about scammers, manipulators, catfishers, escorts, women that are way heavier than their pics, that makes the occasional complaint on tuscl about dance miscounting or ROB behavior seem rare by comparison. I mean, the talk is non-stop about how SA is horrible but still better than all the other sugar sites, how miserable everyone is on it, etc. PLs have to deal with constant hustle and other nonsense, but my sense is, PLs tend to shuck this off easier. It's possible to find a great arrangement with an awesome smoking hot chick -- if it weren't, I wouldn't be spending time on it. You just have to slog through a lot of shit. I think it's a bit easier if you're using SA like bottom-rung backpage, lots and lots of escorts, they're easy to find, but you'll get bait-and-switched, and have safety concerns, more often
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    20%? That's positive thinking! lol ... totally agree, but it's more like 90/10. It takes some patience. The SBs have some real horror stories, but it can work out to be really fun
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    Duh, just checked your pics, you're slim. Carry on.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    -->"Looking through my phone... All of my pictures are of me at work or professional photoshoots to promote a club or MFC. 😂😂😂 Fuck. " Time to start a "You Know You're A Stripper When..." thread in The Dressing Room 😂 Dressed, but at least one or two with form-fitting clothes that show your shape. Get a good read on your bodytype by SA standards -- many SDs filter out Curvy and above, because curvy on SA usually means chubby, and it gets worse from there. So lots of women who are curvy in the real world, are more like average or athletic on SA. IF you can honestly pick slim, athletic, or average, the number of SDs interested will go up by an order of magnitude
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    lol... don't expect miracles, the scammers and johns are still there. But right now, with your half-finished profile, one pic, and still being now, you are ONLY getting scammers and johns. There are some things that scare off experienced SDs, that a new SB sometimes accidentally indicates; a profile review with people you trust can completely change your results. The flashy toys and financial bragging should set off at least small alarm bells -- many times they're used by guys trying to get you so starry-eyed that you fuck them for free, other times by guys who are insanely insecure. I used to expect that a stripper, who lives and breathes in the world of hustle, would see through that shit instantly, but I've been surprised how many times strippers go on SA and get the living fuck hustled out of them by some SD-hustler type putting up a facade.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Healthy hobby versus addiction?
    I've been doing this for decades, and nearly all of the time, it's been a hobby. It arguably moved to addiction during the couple of years immediately following my separation from my now ex-wife. I was more fucked up about it than I realized at the time, and strippers were the bandaid on that wound. Given that I'm currently spending more time on SA than at SCs, it's definitely pleasurable hobby
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    -->"The site should be called "Seeking a Cheap Hookup" because all of the Salt Daddies on there aren't looking for an actual arrangement, just weekly hookups. So far, not a fan of SA. I haven't replied to a single message yet, and not sure if I even want to bother." Waffles, SA takes effort. A low-effort toe-in-the-water is not going to yield what you want. As you have noticed, and we've seen mentioned by many tuscl members, if what you're looking for is cheap hookups, or to run your escort business on SA, that is actually pretty easy. But finding an arrangement is not easy. As Paul correctly pointed out, your first few weeks you will be inundated with scammers and bottom-feeding johns. While that will die down a bit in 2-3 weeks, it never goes away In the meantime, you have virtually no chance of getting an actual arrangement with just one photo (unless it is fucking amazing) or a 60% complete profile. On top of that, if you are even accidentally giving off any stripper-type hustle vibes, you're not going to get actual SDs messaging you. This isn't a place where you can be successful with low effort, unless you basically hit the lottery on luck. My advice is, either put in some real effort if you're actually interested in an arrangement, or the site is probably not a good use of your time, toe-dipping doesn't work. There are gorgeous amazing SBs on the site, who are experienced and know exactly what SDs want, and even THEY say it takes weeks to find a good arrangement.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Worth driving to Sacramento from SF?
    With the caveat that I don't know much about Sac clubs (I'll go check Gold Club Sac reviews after I post), if it's high mileage you're looking for, I believe Crazy Horse in SF will beat anything in Sac, and Centerfolds in SF might also. Both of those clubs come with their own downsides worth educating yourself on. But as herbtcat pointed out, you are looking at a 3.5-7 hour roundtrip drive to Sac depending on traffic -- that's just the drive. For myself, it's not something I'd even remotely consider. If I were dead set on very high mileage dances, I'd go to Crazy Horse, with Centerfolds as backup plan. If I'd be content to see great eye candy with low mileage, I'd go to Gold Club in SF. If I were wanting a little more liberty than Gold Club, I'd head to Condor, sacrificing some lineup beauty for a lower-pressure experience. This is all assuming night shift.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How much should a LD truely cost
    DTS--->"Ancillary revenue thingy = Extras" Believe it or not, a common hustle suggested by stripperweb is "$20 per lapdance.... $30 if you want to touch". Evidently, there are so many moron customers that, at least for more touristy clubs I suppose, this can work out. I don't imagine this could ever work for regulars, or dayshifts (which are more regular heavy). But girls on nightshift at a more touristy or boys-night-out oriented club?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How much should a LD truely cost
    He said dancers only guys. As a dancer myself, I feel $5 is fair. I have been elected to speak on behalf of all dancers everywhere, so please close the thread, founder
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How much to tip a stripper if ?
    Taking notes for ideas for sjg's organization. "Surprise pegging". Check and check.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Secret Benefets Boston area?
    All comments are that the site is terrible
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop picking on people
    -->"I'm only in if I get paid in Four Lokos (do they still make that stuff???) and meth... " Juiceman, good news!!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop picking on people
    -->"Political comments are OK outside the Politics Room if in a topic about something else?" I'd love to see a Chinese wall -- maybe we should call it a "VIP Curtain" here -- between any political discussion/comments and the rest of the site. But I'm so thrilled that founder created a political forum and plans to enforce it, that I don't want to press my luck :) Would be good to understand the rule though
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop picking on people
    -->"Juice can pay for it all with his poker winnings." You think the strippers would be okay getting paid in Four Lokos and meth?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop picking on people
    founder trolling his own forum. Interdasting!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I feel a certain way about stripper but not sure I stack up
    -->"Muddy I bet your mommas friends are all trying to introduce you to their daughters. Shit I think Rick wants to meet you 😂" Let's not get too carried away. Muddy's foin, but he ain't scoring no rick :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I feel a certain way about stripper but not sure I stack up
    Muddy, I bet they feel like complete fools once you tell them that. I'm almost embarrassed for them.