
Comments by Subraman (page 219)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Booze recommendation for afternoon OTC
    Deuce, I think the #1 thing is to ask her. When I don't get an answer, I always bring a couple of choices. I'm partial to liquor, so a good bottle of tequila and a good bottle of vodka and you are covered 99.9% of the time. She'll want one or the other. I bring my own shot glasses, and no mixers. If you must bring a mixer, bring soda water: vodka soda is the standard bearer for basic bitches everywhere. If she's a tequila girl, she'll drink that straight. If you want to spice things up, while you're at the liquor store pick up a couple of those little airline-sized trial bottles of Jack Daniels Tennessee Fire whiskey, she'll get a kick out of doing those. Guaranteed she already loves Fireball, she's a stripper, and Tennessee Fire is the same kind of thing, only better. Get good tequila, since you'll be drinking it straight. Once, I brought in a bottle of champagne, in a little cooler in my bag. I broke it out after the sex, and it felt pretty decadent, sitting around with two (!!!) naked strippers post coitus sipping bubbly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do you guys take strippers on trips?
    -->"So with the right woman, I totally understand the allure of going on a *short* trip together." Not technically a trip, but I visit my ATATF (who has moved away) probably 8 times a year, for 2-3 days at a time. I find that's about all I can take. Not because of her, she's awesome, I can't get enough of her. But it's 2-3 days of heavy nighttime partying and drinking until 2am (if I can get her to turn in early) up to 4am, after which my body still wakes me up at 7am in the morning, expensive breakfast/lunch/dinner, possibly tickets to a show or a movie at one of those luxury theaters, massages at the spa, and hey we might pass by sephora and she needs some makeup which I'm going to buy, and then back to party again that night (possibly with a hot friend of hers, but I'm paying for all of them). Physically, I can't function at all after 3 nights of that, and that's pushing it; and financially, even though I don't pay her anything directly, the cost of partying, entertainment, and meals is a killer. So ya, agreeing, 2-3 days is about right.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hobby Phone Recommendations
    I, too, am not worried about being tracked. That said, if you were a VERY careful husband with a very careful wife, among the things you might worry about is a pop-up notification about somewhere you've been... right now, on my android phone, whenever I go to a restaurant, I get a pop-up on my phone asking me to rate it (that is, my phone knows where I am). I know where this comes from and how to turn it off, but a good number of the apps on your phone may be keeping track of where you are, and in some you can go into the app and see the points where you've been, in others you get those notifications that might ask you about Arco gas station in Poughkeepsie (and when your wife sees that, she wonders why you were there when you were supposed to be working in Bridgeport that day. In any case, I still think most people are way over-paranoid about this, but there are interesting implications.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do you guys take strippers on trips?
    Estaf, You know the answer, obviously, it doesn't take much thinking to know that someone who takes their stripper on a trip -- which means being with them 24 hours a day for X days -- is enjoying more than the fucking, does it? I understand some guys like to just fuck their stripper and then leave, even though that doesn't interest me. I don't think it's hard to understand why it's fun to hang out with a gorgeous, fun, crazy partygirl for a few days... and, aside from it being fun to hang out with her, she's getting you hornier and hornier all day so the fucking is crazy hot at night. Definitely not for everyone, totally understand why some guys have no patience to talk to strippers for more than 10 minutes. But the ones I pick out for my ATFs, are fun as fuck to talk to, even if it's not always the most intellectual conversation
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    This is why we get along
    -->"I wouldn't say I pay them to pretend to like me. Usually they give me dances, cuddle up with me and remark how I'm not talkative" Well, if you're not talkative, it's no wonder you get along!! :) lol ... Okay, stripper says: "this is why we get along". My response: "You shouldn't try to talk with your mouth full"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    This is why we get along
    I have to admit, I don't understand why guys pay strippers to pretend to like them, and then get irritated when the stripper pretends to like them. We PLs are so complex :) No, I'm not insulted when the stripper says something like that, and am not tempted to respond with snark. Jokes, maybe, but not snark
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How many of you take dancer-faves on trips w/ you ?
    For whatever reason, it's only worked out for me a few times. It's certainly the kind of thing that appeals to me -- even now I happily spend overnights with my strippers OTC when they'll do so, and the idea of vacationing with a beautiful young woman (albeit a bit of a high maintenance one) is very appealing. But I haven't done it with very many girls, just bad luck and timing. The times I did do it, trips to SF, Napa, and Vegas, it lived up to all jr high school fantasies of vacationing with a stripper. Incredibly fun
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hobby Phone Recommendations
    ^^^Ah! Well that kills it for this use... can everyone see your actual #? I haven't used it in soooo long I don't know how it works anymore
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF off night clubs?
    sjg, up through 2007, when the best American strip club that ever existed was right here in SF, I was an ITC extras guy. After MBOT imploded in 2007, I switched to alcohol no-extras clubs. I DO go for "back room mileage" at these clubs, but often, getting a finger in her pussy is basically mind-blowing mileage. I do regularly go for "front room mileage" also, but again, there's no kissing or making out on the floor at these clubs, so some surreptitious pussy or asshole fingering is as much as you can hope for. I would go for ITC extras again, if there were a decent extras club in the area. Since there's not, drinking w/ the girls ITC and sex OTC is the best option
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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Your dark strip club mishaps ?
    Not sure anyone is going to beat "did the two-step with my own reflection" :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF off night clubs?
    New Century is a den of ROBs ... and, according to local PL reports, staff is in on it. Just plain avoid. Of the "big 4" alcohol clubs -- Gold Club, Hustler, Penthouse, Condor -- Condor is by far the lowest pressure and best dances, IMO. I dislike nightshift in general, but if I have to go to a nightshift, Condor is a good option. Hustler is the next best option, at least before 10 when the hustle factor heats up. I should mention, I say that Condor's lineup is weaker than Gold Club's, but it's still at least as good, if not better, than Crazy Horse's, most of the time. But unlike CH, it's no extras
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Short Turnaround
    For me, a short turnaround is an indication that I haven't made the most of my money. 90% of the time I spend the same amount of money at the club regardless of how long I'm there, so a 15 minute turnaround means I spent an hour on the road each way, didn't bother enjoying the stage shows (at minimum) after that, and then spent an entire afternoon's worth of $ in 15 minutes -- something I consider a huge failure. Not right or wrong, obviously, I just have a different take and am looking for something different than you are. With that said, I've probably had 45 minute or 1 hour turnarounds on days I failed to be smart about spending my money...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF off night clubs?
    While I don't go often on nightshifts, much less off-nightshifts, the two places I would definitely look at, in order: 1. Condor Club. Alcohol club, with a much lower hustle and more mileage than Gold Club, but the girls are not as beautiful as GC, and lots are suicide girl-ish. Still, #1 alcohol club for combination of value and good-enough looks. 2. Hustler Club. Hustler Club is like Gold Club, only less so -- that is, same types of girls, only slightly less pretty; a bit more laid back hustle, a bit more mileage. Both are alcohol-serving no-extras clubs. Since these clubs are very close to each other, you can walk from one to the other. Crazy Horse hasn't been good?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bitch, Part 3
    -->"It's not a relationship. She's a who're, you're a John. So I don't see why your previous experience should matter. That's like avoiding a McDonald's because they messed up your order once." LM, agree that overall that's a right way to look at it. But, the fact is, the previous experience does matter: regardless of claims to the contrary, especially with strippers, past performance IS the best predictor of future behavior. Tigers don't change their spots, strippers don't change their g-strings (okay, I'll work on coming up with a better metaphor). At some point, a stripper who is annoying is a stripper who is annoying. In addition, I find sexual attraction an odd thing. As I said in my earlier reply, once she annoys me enough, the magic spell is broken, and even if she's hot, it's easy for me to move on. Of course, that's me... JS's little head is a bit more forgiving than mine (sorry, I'll work on a new metaphor for that, too). It's not a matter of grudges, it's one of her desirability bubble being broken.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hobby Phone Recommendations
    Many young people use either Kik or especially WhatsApp. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption so a pretty nice app in general. You can hide specific chats in WhatsApp, so even someone casually looking through your WhatsApp won't see chats from strippers, or as I said above, you can use an applocker app to lock WhatsApp entirely
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hobby Phone Recommendations
    Yeah, agree with both of those, and that's what I did in the old days, before smartphones, when I did have both a whore phone and a wife, I did both of those things: a general environment of "respect each others' phones", and a clear reasonable explanation as to why I might have a 2nd phone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hobby Phone Recommendations
    Agree that if you need close to complete anonymity, plus the ability not to be tracked down at all, a Tracfone (or similar) is the better answer, although best to not use it at your house,since there will be a record of where it's turned on, and your location can eventually be triangulated. For me, that's not what I"m going for, I'm just going for the stripper or SB or massage girl not being able to map my phone number to my real name; that is, I only need anonymity from sex providers, I don't need complete and total anonymity otherwise. Still, it's worth doing a double-check on the risks here. Which is the greater risk and more likely to happen: 1. Your SO finds your whore phone. 2. You end up on a "person of interest" list because your 2nd line phone number was in the contact list of a stripper who got herself in some type of trouble In all the years I've been doing this, the number of times I've heard of case #2 happening is exactly zero (although I have a friend who is a very senior LEO and he assures me that it DOES happen, so I don't blame joc or FTS for considering it), it's a super rare thing. Whereas #1 happens all the time, and even if the whore phone is locked and the wife can't get in, it invariably sets up a poisonous environment of distrust; assuming you don't actually leave it on and it RINGS. The mere fact you have a whore phone is a serious risk in and of itself. In short, do consider what your real risks are, there's no universally right answer. If you have incredibly good phone discipline to keep your whore phone hidden and turned off, AND your pattern is that your wife has access to your main phone, go with a whore phone. Otherwise, a 2nd line (possibly hidden and locked by another app) on your main phone may well be the best option, even if there's a one-in-a-zillion chance LEO could find you through it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Customers that give the rest of us a bad name.
    Yet another white knight fights off the dragon but still walks away without the fair maiden :) :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hobby Phone Recommendations
    What type of discretion do you need, exactly? I was happy with Line2, but eventually left it because it cost $10/month, and you couldn't get images, and I need to see pics from my girls Switched to sideline, really like it, I can get pics, and its free. The catch is, if you don't use your sideline number to send or receive a text at least once a month, the "reap" your number and take it back, and you have to request a new one. Not a problem for me, as I use it constantly. You can also pay a small monthly fee to reserve your number permanently. The other catch is, since Sideline works through your main carrier, someone calling on your sideline number does get forwarded onto your main voicemail. If that's not an issue for you (that is, you don't say your real name on your voicemail), then no problem. Haven't used TextMe
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hobby Phone Recommendations
    I use a second line on my main phone. I think it's crazy to have a 2nd phone around that can be found (read my recent thread about a stripper-turned-sugar-baby whose boyfriend almost found her hobby phone). I use Sideline's free plan, but used to use Line2 ($10/month). I know other guys that use either TextMe or google voice, both free I believe. If you're foolish enough to let your girlfriend or wife paw through your phone, then you can use an app that hides and password protects Sideline or whatever app you use.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Plus size stripper
    You're in the right place -- Papi, Chessmaster, LDK, and Larryfisherman ONLY have stories about plus-size strippers **** zing **** :) :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A day in the life - perception versus reality
    -->"but the overwhelming vibe is entitlement, not gratitude" LM, absolutely agree... entitlement, or showboating. But to be fair, I don't think that's a stripper thing, it's how ALL young people tend to use their social accounts, IME, at least those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Still tip a single at the stage?
    $3 per song, minimum, IMO
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Eating pussy at a clean club
    While my general rule -- sometimes broken, like all rules -- is not to eat stripper pussy (I don't care whether it's an extras or no-extras club), in no-extras clubs, I do sometimes kiss her pussy over her bikini bottom. As an aside, I think using terms like "clean club" or "clean girl" is playing right into stripperweb's hands, to paint extras clubs & girls as dirty & disgusting. I know others disagree, but this is an occasional reminder to think about not SW-izing your terms... vocabulary DOES effect how people think.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    the scruffy look.
    The scruffy look, like skinny jeans and spiked hair, tends to look better on younger men, and terrible on older men. And it doesn't look good on younger men, either.