
Comments by Subraman (page 220)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A day in the life - perception versus reality
    My daughter uses those LUSH bath bombs. Makes the whole house smell like fairies and rainbows for the next couple of hours. Love it
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    7 years ago
    Favorite ruining a great p4p relationship with greed
    Ya, that absolutely is just as reasonable a possibility: if you're too generous, she loses respect and moves into "soak him for more" mode.
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    7 years ago
    Favorite ruining a great p4p relationship with greed
    Just to be clear on one thing: I absolutely agree "her time was her own", you are not her daddy and it's not up to you to tell her whether you think she's using her time wisely or not. She an adult, and a professional, and if she chooses to stay 30 minutes with me for $10 in drinks, then that's that. Abso-fucking-lutely no judgement implied, other than "congrats, you got things wired up awesome, bro!". I do think, though, that her ultimatum didn't come out of the blue, it was creeping dissatisfaction with the deal (even though it's a deal she chose) I do agree with joc, though -- it's how she handled this that would rub me the wrong way, just like it rubbed you the wrong way. Ultimatums never come off well. Hints and charm work better on me.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Using a dating site to find girls to club with
    juice, you may be overthinking things just a scooch if you're thinking in terms of "subconscious level increased your value" :) :) Juuuuust a scooooch. Anything goes on Tinder, I suppose, but I doubt you'd have much luck on sites like Match, getting girls who'll go to the SC. Most of my OTCs involve going to the strip club, and it is fun as fuck -- taking a stripper to a strip club is something every PL should experience, IMO. One of my good buddies doesn't like it, he calls it "bringing sand to the beach", but horses for courses. In addition, SA is full of strippers, ex-strippers, and generally open-minded girls who will do fun things with you for money. If you don't want to do this as an OTC, then SA is the place to look
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    7 years ago
    Might Reconsider those free buffets
    LOL Sexy!!!! I've been eating the buffets at my two fave clubs for 8 years now. I remember when I first went to those clubs, I was disgusted at the mere thought of eating anything at a strip club. I watched the girls and the staff VERY closely, and saw that they all eat at the buffet, even the cook comes out to eat, so decided there's a low chance people are getting sick or the cook is putting objectionable body fluids in it. Low chance. I hope. lol. I started eating it and it's decent for a free buffet at a strip club. One thing is would NEVER fucking eat at the free buffet is shrimp, or actually, any seafood at all, ever. If anything's going to make anyone sick, that's where I'd put my money.
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    7 years ago
    Favorite ruining a great p4p relationship with greed
    larry: to me, the explanation is simple. She think she's spending waaay too much time with him, for waaay too little money... that is, where LW thinks they're both happy with the arrangement, she's been unhappy all along and has finally decided that getting "paid" a drink for her prime working time isn't enough. I do the same thing LW does -- I use drinks (and food) to buy strippers' time, it's an amazingly great deal for me ... and, IMO, not always a particularly good deal for her, unless there's few other spending customers around. It disappoints me, but doesn't surprise me, when a stripper decides that me buying her two $5 shots isn't worth 30 minutes to her.
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    7 years ago
    Do strippers ever genuinely retire ?
    I've seen a whole bunch of paths post-retirement, but in no case is it truly retirement, it's retirement from stripping. It's not always even retirement from the sex industry; often, once they're not hot enough to be strippers anymore, I'd find their escort or massage ad, and these days, Seeking Arrangements is full of retired (and active, for that matter) strippers. Of the stories I've followed, after stripping they can get boyfriends and husbands (and very often divorce; I'm on a lot of strippers facebooks, and it's a theme). Often, but not always, blue-collar jobs. I know at least one girl who got herself a well-to-do husband and seems to be living happily ever after
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    7 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Old Guys out on Saturday
    joc13: ha, I spent years perving on the various forums. Did you follow ass-c at all?
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    7 years ago
    A day in the life - perception versus reality
    -->"No. Because every time I hear about it I wish I hadn't." Ha, that definitely describes my first ATATF. The usual was either depressing, or drug-and-alcohol fueled escapes from reality. Once in a while it was "my whole family got together for a BBQ for my nephew's birthday", and I remember being glad that at least one day this month her life wasn't a total disaster. I reckon that's the reality for a lot of them; huge difference from the party lifestyle of my current ATATF, for those of you who read the FRAT above
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    7 years ago
    Favorite ruining a great p4p relationship with greed
    K: that's a point I've pondered myself. I don't know why it irritates me more when my stripper asks for more money, than it does when my accountant, mechanic, or cleaning lady ask for my money, but it does. I definitely don't always end the relationship because of it, but it does strain things unless we reach some new equilibrium. And what makes this even more hypocritical is that, in every stripper relationship, **I** certainly ask for more and more as time goes on. I expect more and more activities to open up to me ITC and OTC; I dunno why I get irritated if she asks for more. Hell, I remember one girl, we started off doing 3-hour OTCs, and I'd only talked her OTC by agreeing we wouldn't do more than HJ; didn't take long until I was fucking her, and a couple of months after that I'm fucking her in the ass and our OTCs are now 6-8 hours long. But dammit she better not ask for more! And though that's an extreme example, the girls increase their service steadily and regularly, come to think of it.
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    7 years ago
    A day in the life - perception versus reality
    Obviously enough, this varies wildly, depending on the level of poor choices, etc. My first, original, ATATF, had a daily life filled with drama, poverty, tension with her BF and his parents, and wild partying to escape for it all. I met my current at really ATATF a few years ago, but she just started stripping 1.5 years ago, to supplement her income as a professional hot chick. She's a high-end girl at the highest-end Vegas clubs (she was my "whoa" girl on my head-turner/wave/whoa scale), and if anything, her personality outshines her looks. Does not do OTC, at least not the way we think of OTC. Her usual days when there's no day-partying planned: her day is spent with some combination of: going to lunch, getting her nails done, getting her hair done, getting a massage, going tanning, working out. Her eating, when someone is not buying her an extravagant meal, is incredibly healthy and her diet is shockingly disciplined. Her usual days when there's day-partying planned: day partying is planned, particularly during pool party season. Either she'll get called in by a host to spend time with some big spenders who bought a table and many thousands of dollars worth of bottles and who need a smokin' hot, ultra-charasmatic chick (she'll usually get paid nicely for this), or she will have met a customer at the strip club the previous night and talked him into giving her $500-$1000 to go to a pool party with him the next day. She parties all day. In 0% of the cases do the customers get sex from her, which is why I said she doesn't do OTC the way we think of it. In the old days, sometimes the host who was throwing her the business got sex, but that doesn't happen anymore either. Night: is spent partying or working. When partying, she and her girls will go out, basically with no money at all. They walk past the huuuuuuge lines at the hottest clubs, every doorman knows them and lets them straight in. They walk around until they find guys who are at least adequately attractive and who have reserved a table for the night and look like they're spending many thousands on bottles, and then invite themselves to those guys' tables. Eat, drink, and dance the night away. Or, walk the casino, find some very high rollers at a craps table, work their way into that table betting a little bit of their own money, then flirt... regularly, guys will give her $500-$1000 to just stay there and bet with them, she'll slickly pocket some of it and play with the rest; probably expensive dinner to come afterwards. Alternatively, maybe it's an extravagant night out with whatever rich guy she's seeing at the time. Or if she's not seeing anyone, a nighttime high-$ no-sex OTC partying with a customer from the SC. All of her girlfriends live exactly the same way ... to the point that this feels to me like the standard for girls who are hot enough to be high-end strippers or professional hot chicks in Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Old Guys out on Saturday
    -->"Well I was at Follies today and I still have a full head of brown hair. There were 3 other TUSCLers there today but 2 of them were youngsters. :)" How do you know who is a tuscler? Do you guys have a set table or something? Waaaaay back in the old days, before the web, we did something like that with a.s.s-c (the first national strip club discussion forum) Anyway, here's to the old guys owning Saturday afternoon. Until it hit 4:30pm and it's time for us to eat dinner
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    7 years ago
    Sometime I feel like a ghost in the strip club
    You may be giving off signals that you're unaware of, that the girls are picking up, that say "I'm cheap" "I'm unfriendly" "I'm going to be a big pain in the ass", etc. But way to overcome all that is to be seen spending money
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    7 years ago
    Favorite ruining a great p4p relationship with greed
    -->"Most of these girls can't stand us and put up we us as long as they can till they make a ridiculous request and either get a big payday or they're ready to move on" I may be over SW-ified, but I think that's right. I don't think that, in all cases, the girls are being stupid or short-sighted. I think that all along they felt like they were getting the raw end of the deal, they weren't as thrilled with it as you were (which is why you thought it was awesome, you wired yourself up an awesome gig), until finally something or other made her crack and ask for something more... as little as $20, maybe ... knowing full well that that might break the relationship, and being fine with that because they're sick of being the one with the raw end of the deal. On the other hand, maybe they're just stupid and short-sighted. I dunno. *shrug*
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippers In High School
    Very exciting thought, but none of my HS classmates ended up stripping... that I know of
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    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Ways to Piss Off a Stripper
    -->"Touch (unless you're told to) The overwhelming majority of strip clubs strictly forbid touching… except when it comes to the bouncer, who might touch your face with his knuckles if you try to cop a feel. Let the stripper tell you exactly what you can or can't do. And then follow the rules, perv. " Could be worse I guess. The above is probably the most ridiculous. I love when guys who clearly have little idea of what goes on in strip clubs, lecture me about what might or might not get the bouncer to touch my face with his knuckles LOL. And the "vast majority" of strip clubs don't allow touching??? Let the stripper tell you what you can and can't do??? sheesh, it's amateur hour at Thrillist
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    5 Criteria Necessary for the Ultimate Strip Club Experience
    rh: My IDEAL club would have both nudity and alcohol, but you can still have great clubs without one or the other, for sure. I think it's easy to underestimate 7-up clubs... while it's definitely true that "it only takes one" to have an amazing time, I find that when the pulchritude factor reaches a critical point -- like at MBOT in 2000 or a good Spearmint Rhino LV shift today -- there's a kid-in-a-candy-store euphoria that takes place, almost a PL version of a runner's high, that really increases my enjoyment of the club. At least for me...
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    7 years ago
    5 Criteria Necessary for the Ultimate Strip Club Experience
    s275 obviously forgot that his 6th criteria for the wonderland he's creating is price :)
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    7 years ago
    5 Criteria Necessary for the Ultimate Strip Club Experience
    ^^^ and that is why you guys hear me wax nostalgic like a 90-year-old remembering duble-ya duble-ya two, I continue to think MBOT during that period is the best American strip club that's ever existed... if you were in tech or similarly had the scratch to pay the prices
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    7 years ago
    5 Criteria Necessary for the Ultimate Strip Club Experience
    ***** To those who are saying this is unrealistic ***** Such a club did exist for a time, MINUS the alcohol: Mitchell Brothers in SF from 1996 to 2007. Fully nude, high mileage, extras (from '96 to '98 extras were hit or miss), 7-up. And not just 7-up, beauty-wise, it was easily the match of the high-end low-contact clubs ... in fact, that stretch from '96 to about '02 was about the only time in my PL history that the flow of hotties was FROM Vegas TO SF (or anywhere else), insanely beautiful dayshifts, with Spearmint Rhino Vegas type dancers (both in hotness and in look, few to no tats, etc) Just don't ask me what the prices were that drew in all these hotties :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bitch Part 2
    Anyway, I didn't take a guess, since you often surprise us on these stories, but as I said, that's what I would have done. Not because I'm all butthurt at her or whatever, or to get some secret revenge, but because once I'm (justifiably) a bit irritated, that overrules the little head, almost every time.
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bitch Part 2
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Stripper to Hobbyist: Fun(?), TLDR story
    --> "to one of my ATATFs recently" ^^^ That there's a line only a hobbyist can pen. ;-). " Ha, I pen that with pride! lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Good story JS If it were me, I tend to be a little less little-head-driven than you. Once I"m annoyed, I'm annoyed, the magic spell is broken, and it's not easy for me to reverse course on the spot, much less because "her tits were out". So, pretty unlikely I could have flipped a bitch (as it were) and taken her up on that $500 offer right then. Plus, BBBJCIM isn't as awesome to me as it is to you. Between all of that, very easy for me to take a pass, especially since she's a girl you don't have any other ties to.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Stripper to Hobbyist: Fun(?), TLDR story
    In another forum, the usual response to very long posts without a TL;DR is FRAT. Stands for Fuck Reading All That. Always loved that term