
Short Turnaround

In the past few months, I've had a handful of first-time club visits. So far, I've had fairly good luck in finding dancers that I like with very little effort on my part. They are the ones who are approaching me shortly after I arrive, and they just happen to be my type. On one visit, it was maybe 15 minutes after my arrival that I was taking a dancer to the VIP.

I normally would try to buy some time and tell her to stop by later, but from what I had seen already, she was the only one I saw that was appealing to me. I can see it both ways. By having her come back later, I have time to see if there is anyone else that is my desired type. But, by telling her to stop by later, I'm also taking a chance that she might not actually stop by later.

I would assume such a short turnaround is common in clubs where one has a CF/ATF, or regularly visits and knows most of the dancers. But, aside from those situations, what is the shortest time you have spent in a club before taking a dancer to the VIP?


  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    For me, a short turnaround is an indication that I haven't made the most of my money. 90% of the time I spend the same amount of money at the club regardless of how long I'm there, so a 15 minute turnaround means I spent an hour on the road each way, didn't bother enjoying the stage shows (at minimum) after that, and then spent an entire afternoon's worth of $ in 15 minutes -- something I consider a huge failure. Not right or wrong, obviously, I just have a different take and am looking for something different than you are. With that said, I've probably had 45 minute or 1 hour turnarounds on days I failed to be smart about spending my money...
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    Less than a minute. That's not typical but it's happened. Sometimes there's just something available I'm not inclined to pass up.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Definitely under 30 minutes. There have been times where I'm the opposite of Subraman's visits where I want to go in, get my rocks off and get out to I can go to my hotel and get some rest.

    Certain clubs I go in, probably 85+ percent of the girls do extras so I just have to feel her out for a minute, then head back to VIP!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    If by VIP you mean extras - I don't do extras on most of my visits as I like VHM dances w/ multiple dancers vs spending all/most my mula on just one-girl via extras - if I do get extras they are often toward the end, or at least middle, of my visit.

    If you mean just dances - probably as soon as I've sat down on some visits but I usually like to sit back for at least 15-minutes b/f my first dance(s).

    Strip-clubs being a crapshoot sometimes one spends their funds w/ one of the first girls that approach you and then you see really hot-dancers later-on when you may have already spent your $$$ - but sometimes the first chick that approaches you may be the best-one in the club (per your tastes).

    I normally prefer to wait and check things out but these days if I'm feeling her I may often get w/ her when I see her even if soon after I got there
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Generally I, too, will get started with time with a dancer if she's the type I'm looking for. If she's good enough in the first 15 minutes then she is good enough. No point in waiting around for an hour or longer just to come to the same decision I should have earlier.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    i can think of 3 times off the top of my head I was doing lap dances within 10-15 minutes. both times I was one of a handful of customers so very little competition for attention and no whales/regulars locking down the hoes.

    I was in Reno nv at fantasy girls maybe. I was only one beer in and the only considerable dancer in sight was shooting the shit with her stripper friend at the bar and the friend left after a few minutes and I went to bar and told ole girl lets get to it. less than 1 minute of "conversation" and we were headed for the lap dance room.

    at industrial strip in Hammond, IN I was peeping this fine ass pawg for a few minutes and then they did one of those things where all the dancers get on stage and parade around and then circulate the crowd. she comes my way and asks if I wanna dance. hell yes. did 8 songs and we were doing doing ld's in less than 15 minutes. I think I spent more time doing lap dances than not as I left right after.

    I think I was in cafe risqué or club risqué or something in Florida. I was there maybe 5 minutes before this curvy Pyt came up to me. 5 minute chat and then lap dances.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I have 2 fav clubs.

    One is for eating, drinking, partying, talking to the girls, getting some dances, enjoying a leisurely evening out. On one of these nights, I'd rather get 20-30 dances than spend 200-300 on one girl in VIP.

    The other isn't that much fun to hang out in. It's dark, loud, cramped, it's often hard to get drinks or a place to sit. But, girls walk up to you, stick a hand in your pants, and ask "are you ready for your blow job yet?". So, lately, I take the shailynn approach from above. Hope I get the right offer from the right girl ASAP, get my freak on, and get on out.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Discovered a Houston club with readily available ITC. Was there less that 5 mins when I was approached by a cutie. We quickly headed to VIP, then decided to do OTC since it was end of her shift. First same day OTC that worked out well! Others same day OTCs have been terrible.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Quickest time was fifteen minutes or under with a regular

    If no regular I wait until I've seen the full rotation to begin the process of making a selection or selections lol

    Back in the day I would open and close a club but no longer unless I drive four hours to follies then I will bring enough for a full day shift visit

    Local these days I roll in around midnight or a little past and leave an hour or thirty minutes before closing so I spend two hours ish on local visits now and it's usually with purpose to angle shoot OTC and try some girl's out in the champagne
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I also do agree it also depends on the club and what it offers

    Some clubs are perfect for an in and out quick visit

    Others have more of a social and hang vibe
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    If you don't want sloppy seconds and want one of Follies best looking dancers while they are still fresh, get there early and don't dilly dally. I've been in and out in 45 minutes including the 30 minute VIP. If I'm planning to meet guys there and/or stay for several hours, I usually just stick to table dances but lots of them.
  • Jackmd
    7 years ago
    My fastest time was 17 minutes (without a favorite) in and out with the old in and out. See my reviews of the Jewell Box.
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